Timestamp, WS-Security issue on client - asp.net

I'm receiving an error when I'm attempting to consume a web service:
Cannot read the token from the 'Timestamp' element with the 'http://docs.oasis- open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd' namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a '' ValueType.
Not quite sure
The client is an asp.net web application, making a call. From Wireshark, one can see the post going in, and the response coming back, but then it errors out like this.
To give some background, this is a WCF calling on a java served web service.

You may need to add a security timestamp soap header to the message. Look at this SO question where they had the opposite problem but it may be helpful to look at their configuration. Also, you may save yourself some grief if you can use one of the WCF Interop Express bindings for accessing a java service implementing WS-Security.


IIS ASP.NET WebApi Deadlock when requesting the same server

We've been experiencing some deadlocks when working with interconnected ASP.NET WebApis on the same IIS server. We'd like to know if this is somehow an expected behavior, due to hosting all APIs on the same server and same Application Pool, since we have managed to avoid the issue by moving either WebApi to a different pool; or if there's something wrong with our code.
For production, we will probably host the APIs on different server or pools, but still we'd like to understand why this is happening. Our main concern is that, if it's our faulty code, the issue may be reproduced on a larger scale, even if the hosting setup is correct.
We have created a little solution to reproduce the deadlock, hosted in GitHub.
The reproduction steps are as follow:
WebClient executes multiple HTTP request in parallel WebApi1.
WebApi1 executes an HTTP request to WebApi2.
WebApi2 executes an HTTP request to WebApi3.
WebApi3 simply returns a string.
The expected behavior would be that all requests are eventually resolved.
The actual behavior is that, certain requests gets completed, while some others will fail, due to a TaskCancelledException which seems to be due to the requests timing out.
The only article that I was able to find that seems to mention the same issue is from 2014: "Do Not Send ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP Requests to the Same Server", I believe that this is the issue we are experiencing, how can we confirm this?
We've been assigned the task to create a centralized authentication server for multiple internal APIs of the company we work at.
We are using IdentityServer3 with reference tokens, so when some API requests a second API using reference tokens, the second API will request the authentication server for token validation which reproduces the issue.
I have added the IdentityServer tag, since this could be a common issue when doing multiple APIs communication and using reference tokens. Sample on GitHub.
Just one observation: you are using HttpClient as a static member for every Controller and according to this HttpClient is not guaranteed to be thread-safe

Can an HTTP connection be passed from IIS/ASP.NET to another application or service?

I'm looking into building an ASP.NET MVC application that exposes (other than the usual HTML pages) JSON and XML REST services, as well as Web Sockets.
In a perfect world, I would be able to use the same URLs for the Web Sockets interface as I do for the other services (and determine which data to return by what the user agent requests) but, knowing that IIS wasn't built for persistent connections, I need to know if there's a way that I can accept (and possibly even handshake) the Web Sockets connection and then pass the connection off to another service running on the server.
I do have a workaround in mind if this isn't possible that basically involves using ASP.NET to check for the Web Sockets connection upgrade headers, and responding with a HTTP/1.1 302 Found that points to a different host that has my Web Sockets service configured to directly listen to the appopriate endpoint(s).
If I completely understand your goal, I believe you can use the IIS7/7.5 Application Request Routing module to accomplish this.
Here's a quick reference: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/489/using-the-application-request-routing-module/
Rather than 302 responses you could use ISAPI_rewrite to direct to an appropriate endpoint (and manipulate the HTTP header to get it there)
Otherwise no, IIS cannot natively pass off an HTTP connection. The current MSFT method is to use a 302 or something else that is intercepting the raw socket and performing header manipulation prior to sending to IIS (or whatever other application)
It strikes me that this would be a better question to ask Microsoft than to ask us. Web Sockets is new technology, and rather than looking for a hack, you might want to ask Microsoft how they plan to support it. IIS is their software. Poke around on http://iis.net (maybe in http://forums.iis.net) and see what you learn.
The way to do this is to use a unique Session ID that is associated with the Http Session. From the description, it seems like you might want to scope this to a single HttpApplication instance, but this is not necessary (you may also persist a session across many application instances). Anyway, this session ID needs to be attached somehow to each Http Request (either with a cookie, querystring, static variable with the HttpApplication instance, form data). Then you persist the identifying information about the Http session somewhere with the ID.
This identifying information may vary depending on your needs but could entail the entire http request or just some stripped down representation that serves your particular purpose.
Using this SessionID somewhere in the Http request allows you to restore whatever information you need to call and interact with the appropriate services. The instances of the services may also need to be scoped to the session as well.
Basically, what I am suggesting is that you NOT directly pass the Http connection to an external process, but instead pass the necessary data to the external process, and allow create a mechanism for sending callback data. I think looking into the mediator pattern may be helpful for you in understanding what I mean here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediator_pattern . I hope this helps.

Do you do client-side logging?

How do you capture errors that happen on client side when building RIA apps using Flex and Silverlight? What are the common practices? I have seen some asynch js calls to a web service implemented but would like to know how the community is dealing with it.
First, I use client side logging all of the times.
the way I handle it depends on the entire application.
if I use an AMF gateway then there's a call for an application error, with every error that occurs the server is notified, in the server side a bug is open in BugZilla (this is what we use, you can use any other hook you want).
If I use a web-service based application then there's a web-service call for a client error.
one would say you shouldn't sample the server with every error, I disagree with this comment because an error in the client side is rare, it goes thorough QA before being released to the client so I want to know immediately on every error the client is experiencing.
In Silverlight I like to use a WebClient to log back to a web service somewhere -- you can do this directly in the Silverlight application without calling out to JavaScript.
To catch exceptions that are fired when your code isn't on the stack, you can use the Application.UnhandledException event.
I've used the same approach as Avi Tzurel - you need to know on the server side when an error appeared in the Flex client. If you want to collect more data (all the log messages, warnings) I would use an internal buffer and I will flush it asynchronously.
Anyway, you need to take into consideration if your customers are ok with this approach..maybe you need their agreement before sending the error message to the server.
I basically percolate all errors to the top, and capture them in the unhandled exception. I display a friendly message to the user. However, throughout my application I implement an ILogger interface. This interface can be initialized with various levels and handles any messaging. You can set it up so the user can add an init param to determine whether or not to transmit the errors to a service, and I typically have the logger write the messages with Debug.WriteLine if the debugger is attached to make it very easy to trace issues in debug mode.
In Silverlight you may want to consider the Logging and Exception Handling Application Blocks from the Silverlight Integration Pack for Enterprise Library.

Is that a RESTFUL MVC Web Service?

I am aware of Web Services and WCF but I have generic question with services.
I have a ASP.NET MVC Application which does some basic functionality. I just have a controller in which I am passing it the records and serializing the information to XML using XML Serializer. Then I return this information to the browser and it displays me the XML i got from the Controller Action. So I get the XML representation of my Class(Database Object) in XML and I am to give the URL of this application to the client and access and pull the information.
Is this a Service then?
I mean in the end all the Clients need is the Xml representation through services also right? I am not that experienced and probably being very silly but please help me out...if I provide xml this way to the client is that a Service? Or is there something I need to understand here?
Don't let all the buzz about "web services" fool you; the basic idea behind a web service is very, very simple. It is simply a matter of providing data in response to a request over standard web transport protocols (i.e., HTTP/HTTPS). Everything else (XML, SOAP, WSDL, etc.) is just layered technology to augment the basic functionality of a service. REST-based services are very basically the simplest services that you can build--they are built on the core HTTP/S transport protocol and not much else.
The main differentiator between a service and traditional web site is that a service is data-focussed rather than presentation-focussed; that is, services typically are not concerned with how data is formatted and displayed (that is up to the client), but rather what data is returned. So...you are delivering XML data over HTTP? Check. You have a service. Congratulations!
Yes, it is a service, returning an XML resource. Also it seems that it is accessible throught standard HTTP verbs such as GET, so one might assume it is RESTful. The difference with a standard SOAP XML service is that you don't have a WSDL that describes it, so you might need to provide a good documentation to clients wishing to consume your service.

Can I check if a SOAP web service supports a certain WebMethod?

Our web services are distributed across different servers for various reasons (such as decreasing latency to the client), and they're not always all up-to-date. Rather than throwing an exception when a method doesn't exist because the particular web service is too old, it would be nicer if we could have the client check if the service responds to a given method before calling it, and otherwise disable the feature (or work around it).
Is there a way to do that?
Get the WSDL (append ?wsdl to the URL) - you can parse that any way you like.
Unit test the web service to ensure its signatures don't break. When you write code that breaks the method signature, you'll know and can adjust the other applications accordingly.
Or just don't break the web services and publish them in a way that enable syou to version them. As in http://services.domain.com/MyService/V1.1/Service.asmx (for .NET) so that way your applications that use v1.1 won't break when you publish v1.2 and make breaking changes.
I would also check out using an internal UDDI server if it's really that big of a hasle to manage your web services. Using the Green Pages of UDDI will tell you what you want to know about the service.
When you are making a SOAP request you are just sending an HTTP request to a server. If the server understands it, it will respond with an HTTP 200 and some XML back, if it doesn't it will send you some error HTTP code (404, 500, ...)
There is no general way to ask for the existance of a "method" exposed by a web service. Try to use the WSDL exposed if it is automatic, or just try to use the "method" and check for an error in the response (you don't have to send an exception to the user...)
Also, I don't know if I understood you well, but you are thinking of quering the server twice, once to check if the method exists, and second to make the actual call it if it does? I would just check for the error if it doesn't, and proceed normally if it does.
