YetAnotherForum Customization - what ascx page being used for displaying forum topic? - yetanotherforum

YetAnotherForum 1.9.55 Customization , WindowsXpSp2
When user clicks on particular topic from the Last Forum Topic page or other page, he/she will be directed to details of topic(as below). I could not understand what ascx page being used for this page, I want to set Anonymous instead of User Name on this page(Topic details page).
I did post this query on YAF's customization forum but did not get any response so far.

The ascx page your looking for is DisplayPost.ascx, and it's in the controls folder, and in order to modify i guess that you have to change the code in the page source and not the code behind, and to give you a hint cause i have done a lot of customization, your best option in locating any page you want to to view the page source or use the "Inspect Element" option and try to locate a control id or a css class and search for it in the entire solution until you find what you want.


Hiding some Sharepoint elements from ribbon only for Read Only (non admins) with custom css

I am trying to make some page corrections only for some groups of site ins Sharepoint. I can check admin user in master page with SPSecurityTrimmedControl, but how can I insert custom css into master page only for let's say Read Only users? If I am trying like this:
<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl PermissionsString="ViewPages" runat="server">
Css adds up not only for Read Only users but for Admin user as well. Is there any chances to split .css by groups? Thank you
This requirement might best be handled using audience targeting.
You can put the CSS into a Script Editor (or even an old Content Editor) web part and add it to the page. Then click the "Edit Web Part" option in the corner of the web part to make the web part properties panel appear. At the bottom of that panel, in the "Advanced" section, there's a field where you can enter "Target Audiences."
In the Target Audiences field, enter the names of any groups for whom you want the CSS to appear.
That web part will only be visible to members of the specified groups, regardless of their permissions on the site.
Note: The only real downside to this approach is that it only applies to specific pages where you add the web part and apply the audience targeting; it won't apply to all pages as if added to the masterpage of the site.

Umbraco Partial Views with meta-tags

Let's suppose I have a page with ten products. When I click a button on one of the products it opens a pop-up (partial view) which has some share buttons. When I click 'Share on Facebook' it needs to have the correct meta-tags (title of the product, description of the product and image of the product).
Is this possible and if so, how?
I ended up doing a view and a page from umbraco on which it renders the view from the controller. It adds the correct meta-tags, dynamically.
The user clicks share and that's it, I just serve facebook's crawler a product page which the user won't see. Then when someone clicks the shared url from facebook it will get a redirect to my desired URL.
Previously tried with javascript and ajax, or even alter the master template tags from the controller and even checking if facebook's crawler gets on the website, only the last one worked partially but yuck...

Manually assigning page META tags to dynamic pages

I just first want to say, thanks for taking the time to read this!
I have an e-commerce website running the content management system DotNetNuke, which I believe is built on the platform in a windows server environment. The specific module that powers my e-commerce store dynamically generates pages for each of the store categories, as a user browses through the products available. As you may be aware, modules such as these must be placed on a specific page, and all the dynamic content generated by the module must reside on that "parent page".
The problem is that while the module does allow me to add HTML text for H1's and H2's on these dynamic pages, it does not support adding page meta tags such as "title" and "description". As a result, all of the dynamic pages generated by the module pull their meta tags from the parent page, making it difficult for Google to understand what I'm trying to show the user. This also causes google to show all these generated pages as having "duplicate title tags" in my analytics.
The temporary fix:
I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
Now for the question:
Is there any kind of solution available which would allow me to manually assign meta tags to a page I specify in my hosting environment? As I stated earlier, I am able to add body HTML code to pages. Is there any way to force a page title tag from code placed in the body? Is there a better way to do this? You can view my problem in action at
Thanks for your time and patience!
The temporary fix: I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
No, not particularly wise. The page title is important.
The first route you should take is speaking to the module developer. They should know about replacing page meta information on a per-product basis.
You can get (limited) results by varying the page title/description using javascript when the page loads. Just keep the js simple and use the DOM information already on the page (ie, read the product name).
I posted a blog about this recently :
The javascript fix will probably work if you set it up correct. But you really need to convince the module developer to change the way the module works, as bdukes has posted.
Don't bother with the Meta Tags - none of the search engines really read/use them because they are so easily spoofed. Just concentrate on the title and description of the page.
Ideally, your store module should be setting the page title and other meta information. In DotNetNuke, you can access the Title, MetaDescription, and MetaKeywords of the page by casting Page the DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault type. If the store module doesn't provide this, you should ask the developer to add the functionality.

show previous data when switching between content pages

I have a site with a master page and a number of content pages. I do a search for data in one page and then in another. Often the selected result from the first page should populate some of the search criteria in another. How can I switch back to the previous page and retain the search results?
I have the site working when the user controls are all applied to the one default.aspx page, but the page is just getting too big.
I use a Telerik RadTab with RadPageview in the single page and an asp ContentPlaceHolder in the master/content page.
I understand your problem. Having everything on one page means the search is remembered but your performance suffers. You want to change it to separate pages but still retain the search.
I've written a Navigation framework that will help you,
In the documentation I build a sample web project that has a search page with a Hyperlink from each search result going to a details page. Then there is a link on the details page that goes back to the search page and retains all the searching (and paging) information and restores the search results exactly as before.
Let me know if you're interested and want any help with it. webform design

I can't figure out a good design for this.
I have an edit product page. It allows you to change basic product details, product name etc.
Then I have a function to upload images of the product.
I also have a small page for adding different prices based on date ranges for the product.
What I can't figure out, is how to have these on the same page so as not to have a billion tiny pointless pages when I would much rather have them all on one page. webforms seems to only allow 1 form per page!
ASP.NET Webforms allows only one form per page, but you can create interesting UIs without hitch.
Here is an Open Source Codeplex Project ShoppingCart.NET, download it and check the Product Catalog CMS section. That will help you to learn the trick...
All the best
You don't need more than one form. You just hook up a button_click event for the different buttons on the page, such that only the relevant code is executed when the user clicks one of the buttons.
