Entity to Model and foreign key objects - asp.net

I have an EF object called SportDivision. For simplicity's sake, I won't include every field, just the ones that are relevant:
[Table("SportDivision", Schema = "dbo")]
public class SportDivision: BaseReferenceEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SportId { get; set; }
public virtual Sport Sport { get; set; }
So it has a SportId and it's a foreign key that points to the table Sport.
Now, I can't just use an EF object in my views, so I have a model class that's mapped to SportDivision called SportDivisionModel:
public class SportDivisionModel: BaseReferenceModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SportId { get; set; }
//Read only fields
public string Sport { get; set; }
I use automapper to transfer data from SportDivision to SportDivisionModel and vice versa. The mapping looks like this:
Mapper.CreateMap<SportDivision, SportDivisionModel>()
.ForMember(x => x.Sport, c => c.MapFrom(e => e.Sport.Name));
Mapper.CreateMap<SportDivisionModel, SportDivision>();
And I have a genericized service that CRUDs and translates data from entity to model or model to entity. Everything works fine except on Create, of which the function is shown below:
public TModel Create<TModel, TEntity>(TModel entry)
where TModel : BaseReferenceModel
where TEntity : BaseReferenceEntity
var dm = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ICrudService<TEntity>>();
var raw = Mapper.Map<TModel, TEntity>(entry);
var created = dm.CreateOrUpdate(raw);
return Mapper.Map<TEntity, TModel>(dm.FindById(created.Id));
In the very last line, where you see dm.FindById(created.Id), it returns a SportDivisionModel object with no Sport name. A null reference exception is found in .ForMember(x => x.Sport, c => c.MapFrom(e => e.Sport.Name));. It didn't load Sport after the entry was just created in the database.
I've debugged the code, and I see that the entry with a valid SportId is entered into the SportDivision table of my database, but when I try and bring it over to my MVC application, it doesn't get all the information.
This only is an issue on create. If I simply get data from the database without creating it beforehand, or if I edit the information, then the Sport field in my model object does get populated. I don't know why this is happening, and I can't use the .Include in my generic service call (because not all BaseReferenceEntity classes have a foreign key pointing to Sport).
Please advise. Thanks in advance.

I must play Sherlock Holmes and try to derive what could be the content of CreateOrUpdate and FindById from the indications in your question:
You say that you don't use Include because of the generic service. I assume that you also don't use explicit loading (Load) because you would face the same problem that you cannot really make it generic.
Conclusion: Because the Sport navigation property in the SportDivision gets loaded in certain scenarios (Edit) this can only happen due to lazy loading. The conclusion is backed by the fact that the Sport property is marked as virtual.
Lazy loading relies on proxies. If your SportDivision entity is a proxy then
either loading the Sport entity works
or you get an exception telling you that the context is already disposed (if you have disposed the context)
Number 2 is not the case -> Conclusion: Number 1 must be the case if the pre-condition is fulfilled
But Number 1 also isn't the case (loading Sport does not work)
Conclusion: The pre-condition that your SportDivision entity is a proxy is not true.
So: SportDivision is not a proxy. Could this mean that you have lazy loading in the context disabled? No: Because you are saying that editing works it means that when you load entities from the database they are loaded as proxies and support lazy loading.
Editing works, lazy loading isn't disabled but creating a new entity does not work in the way that the Sport entity is loaded when you proceed to use the newly created entity.
Conclusion: Your newly created entity (returned from CreateOrUpdate) is not a proxy and CreateOrUpdate looks similar to this:
public TEntity CreateOrUpdate(TEntity raw) where TEntity : class
if (blabla)
; //update
return raw;
and FindById is just:
public TEntity FindById(int id)
return context.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
Since you are passing raw directly into the Add method of the DbSet<T> the question raises where does raw come from and how is it created.
Obviously AutoMapper creates the entity after this line: var raw = Mapper.Map<TModel, TEntity>(entry);
How does Automapper create an entity? Probably by calling new TEntity or by using some reflection code like Activator.CreateInstance or...
It doesn't really matter how, but for sure AutoMapper doesn't instantiate an Entity Framework proxy which had to be created by:
var entity = context.Set<TEntity>().Create();
If all this is true, I feel totally screwed by AutoMapper and generic excesses. If all this wouldn't be generic we could solve the problem by:
context.Entry(raw).Reference(r => r.Sport).Load();
Instead we must try some ugly tricks now:
context.Entry(raw).State = EntityState.Detached;
// We hope that raw is now really out of the context
raw = context.Set<TEntity>().Find(raw.Id);
// raw must be materialized as a new object -> Hurray! We have a proxy!
return raw;
(I'm really not sure if the Detached trick above does work. Aside from that you are forced to reload an entity from the database you just have created and saved which is stupid somehow.)
Potential trick number 2 (without reloading from DB but for the price of being a further step more ugly):
context.Entry(raw).State = EntityState.Detached;
// We hope that raw is now really out of the context
var anotherRaw = context.Set<TEntity>().Create(); // Proxy!
anotherRaw.Id = raw.Id;
context.Entry(anotherRaw).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
return anotherRaw; // Proxy! Lazy loading will work!
Does AutoMapper have a feature of a "custom allocator or instantiator" and can custom user data (a context) be supplied? Then there would be a chance to let AutoMapper call context.Set<TEntity>().Create();. Or is it possible to instantiate the object by hand, pass it to AutoMapper and AutoMapper just updates the object's properties?
BTW: The line...
...is kind of EF's built-in "AutoMapper". The parameter of SetValues is a general System.Object (could be your ...Model object) and the method maps property values from the supplied object to properties of attached entities by identical property names. Maybe you can leverage this feature somehow instead of using the mapping from model to entity done by AutoMapper.


Cannot Update Entity Using EF 6 - ObjectStateManager Error

I'm trying to update an entity using Entity Framework version 6.
I'm selecting the entity from the database like so...
public T Find<T>(object id) where T : class
return this._dbContext.Set<T>().Find(id);
And updating the entity like so..
public T Update<T>(T entity) where T : class
// get the primary key of the entity
object id = this.GetPrimaryKeyValue(entity);
// get the original entry
T original = this._dbContext.Set<T>().Find(id);
if (original != null)
// do some automatic stuff here (taken out for example)
// overwrite original property values with new values
this._dbContext.Entry(original).State = EntityState.Modified;
// commit changes to database
// return entity with new property values
return entity;
return default(T);
The GetPrimaryKeyValue function is as so...
private object GetPrimaryKeyValue<T>(T entity) where T : class
var objectStateEntry = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this._dbContext).ObjectContext
return objectStateEntry.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value;
Just for clarity. I'm selecting the original entry out as I need to perform some concurrency logic (that Ive taken out). I'm not posting that data with the entity and need to select it manually out of the DB again to perform the checks.
I know the GetPrimaryKeyValue function is not ideal if there's more than one primary key on the entity. I just want it to work for now.
When updating, entity framework coughs up the error below when trying to execute the GetPrimaryKeyValue function.
The ObjectStateManager does not contain an ObjectStateEntry with a reference to an object of type 'NAME_OF_ENTITY_IT_CANNOT_FIND'
I've written many repositories before and I've never had this issue, I cannot seem to find why its not working (hence the post).
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys!
It seems like you are having issues getting the PK from the entity being passed in. Instead of trying to go through EF to get this data you could either use their Key attribute or create your own and just use reflection to collect what the key names are. This will also allow you to retrieve multiple keys if it is needed. Below is an example I created inside of LinqPad, you should be able to set it to "Program" mode and paste this in and see it work. Hack the code up and use what you may. I implemented an IEntity but it is not required, and you can change the attribute to anything really.
Here are the results:
Keys found:
Here is the code:
// this is just a usage demo
void Main()
// create your object from wherever
var car = new Car(){ CustomIdentifier= 1, LookASecondKey="SecretKey", Doors=4, Make="Nissan", Model="Altima" };
// pass the object in
var keys = GetPrimaryKeys<Car>(car);
// you have the list of keys now so work with them however
Console.WriteLine("Keys found: ");
foreach(var k in keys)
// you probably want to use this method, add whatever custom logic or checking you want, maybe put
private IEnumerable<string> GetPrimaryKeys<T>(T entity) where T : class, IEntity
// place to store keys
var keys = new List<string>();
// loop through each propery on the entity
foreach(var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
// check for the custom attribute you created, replace "EntityKey" with your own
if(prop.CustomAttributes.Any(p => p.AttributeType.Equals(typeof(EntityKey))))
// check for key and throw if not found (up to you)
throw new Exception("No EntityKey attribute was found, please make sure the entity includes this attribute on at least on property.");
// return all the keys
return keys;
// example of the custom attribute you could use
public class EntityKey : Attribute
// this interface is not NEEDED but I like to restrict dal to interface
public interface IEntity { }
// example of your model
public class Car : IEntity
[EntityKey] // add the attribure to property
public int CustomIdentifier {get;set;}
[EntityKey] // i am demonstrating multiple keys but you can have just one
public string LookASecondKey {get;set;}
public int Doors {get;set;}
public string Make {get;set;}
public string Model {get;set;}

Data Transfer Object, Business Object, Domain Object or something else?

In database I have table: Notes and table Comments. In my solution I have 3 projects: DAL, BLL and Web.
I need to show a user notes with comments which aren't set as spam so I have created in DAL project that class:
public class NotesWithComments
public Notes Note { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Comments> Comments { get; set; }
I use above class in each project: DAL, BLL and Web. Is this class Data Transfer Object, Business Object, Domain Object or what?
In a repository class I have that query:
public class NotesRepository
DatabaseContext context;
public NotesRepository(DatabaseContext context)
this.context = context;
public IQueryable<NotesWithComments> GetNotesWithNoSpamComments()
IQueryable<NotesWithComments> notesWithNoSpamComments = context.Notes.Include(x => x.Comments).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDate)
.Select(x => new NotesWithComments
Note = x,
Comments = x.Comments.Where(y => y.IsSpam == false).OrderBy(y => y.CreateDate)
return notesWithNoSpamComments;
In BLL project I use the method from the repository class:
public class NotesService
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public NotesService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public IEnumerable<NotesWithComments> GetNotesWithComments()
IQueryable<NotesWithComments> result = _unitOfWork.NotesRepository.GetNotesWithNoSpamComments();
return result;
And in Web project I use the method form the service class:
public ActionResult Index()
List<NotesWithComments> result = _notesService.GetNotesWithComments();
return View(result);
Since it neither exposes any behavior (properties or getters/setters don't qualify) nor encapsulates its structure (again, properties or getters/setters that do nothing but expose the underlying data don't qualify) it is no object at all.
No matter if the language you use calls it an object or not. It is just a data structure (which is perfectly fine if you only want to move data from one place, like a database, to another, like a UI.)
Or, to quote Dan North:
Data Transfer Object is an oxymoron
Is this class Data Transfer Object, Business Object, Domain Object or
A DTO is typically a class that is mainly used for transferring data between layers or some type of boundaries..typically just an object with no behavior.
I have always referred to Domain Objects as something that maps directly to a database table. So In your example, your domain models would be Notes, and Comments.
I would consider your NotesWithComments object a dto, or possibly a view model (as you're using it as your asp.net mvc model for the view).
The practice I would normally use here is use your NotesWithComments as a dto (transfer data, no behavior, easily serializable, very clean ect), and create another class to act as your view model.
In the beginning these classes would probably be very similar, possibly the same..but if you make changes over time, or your view needs to display different things, you would just change your view model, and populate it from other dtos, or tranform your data however you need to. You could also then get rid of the properties on your view model that your view doesn't need.. (unless your view magically maps directly to every property on your current dto). It's a bit more work up front but if you're working on a big long living project I think you'd be happy you did it later on.
So you would populate your domain models using EF in your data layer, you would then use your dto and transfer that data to the Biz layer, do w/e you need there, then use your dto (could be the same one) to transfer your data to your presentation layer (mvc), and populate your view model from the dtos you receive.
Anyway that's my take on it.

ViewModel type architecture from Controller to View

I have a fairly complex class of Policies, of which I display a checkbox list of them, the user checks which one they want, and returns back to the server via ajax. The class is fairly complex:
public class Policy {
public int PolicyId { get; set; }
public string PolicyName { get; set; }
... another 15 properties ...
To display the list of checkboxes I really only need the Id and Name, so I've created a lightweight class PolicyViewModel that is simply:
public class PolicyViewModel {
public int PolicyId { get; set; }
public string PolicyName { get; set; }
So I then pass a List to the View and get a List back containing the selected Policies.
Another developer on my team said that he doesn't necessarily want to translate from the ViewModel to the Policy class on the Ajax call to save the selected policies, but I'm resistant to send a List of policies due to how heavy they are to send to the view, retrieving all the properties, etc.
EDIT: For clarification, on the Ajax save method, to persist to the DB, the call needs a list of the full Policy class.
What is the best way to display this list and get back the values? Is there a better way than I am proposing?
Usually, you wouldn't need a separate model when serializing to json. Simply pluck out what you need from the domain object into an anonymous object.
return policies.Select(x => new { PolicyId = x.PolicyId, Name = x.PolicyName});
on the return trip, you shouldn't have to send anything more than the Ids of the policies that the user selected. Those can be easily mapped back to your policy objects.
public Whatever PostPolicyChoices(IEnumerable<int> ids)
var checked = _context.Policies.Where(x => returnIds.Contains(x.PolicyId));
// snip
boom. done.
I will recommend you not to work with Domain objects in your mvc application . You must work just with ViewModels, I think this is best practice for mvc projects. Take a look at Automapper and use it in your project, this will simplify your work, so this should look something like this :
in your [HttpGet] method you will have :
var model =Mapper.Map<IList<Policy>,IList<VmSysPolicy>>(yourlist)
And in your [HttpPost] method you will have :
var domainList=Mapper.Map<IList<VmSysPolicy>,IList<Policy>>(modelList);
And in your mapping configuration you will do :
.ForMemeber()//Your mapping here
.ForMemeber//mapping here

ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework - Entity Update - Overwriting Database Values with Null Values

I am currently looking for a design pattern or rather a best practice in implementing Repository<Entity>.Update() method for a ASP.NET MVC 4 application which uses Entity Framework 5 with Code First approach.
The problem I encountered is that when an entity is queried from the database and shown on a view it may not have all the attributes populated. As a result when the repository.Update(entity) method is invoked, the entity passed to the Update() method may have un-bound properties having null values. However they may have some values in the database. As an example Customer.Misc in below code.
So the problem comes here. According to this approach all the properties which were not bound on the view are set to Null in the database after the first Update() method call.
class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Misc { get; set; }
public ActionResult Update(int id)
Repository<Customer> repo = new Repository<Customer>();
return View(repo.GetById(id)); // View only binds Customer.Name
public ActionResult Update(Customer customer)
Repository<Customer> repo = new Repository<Customer>();
repo.Update(customer); // Customer.Misc is null
public void Update(TEntity entity)
var entry = DbContext.Entry<TEntity>(entity);
if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
ObjectContext.ApplyCurrentValues(EntitySetName, entity);
Solutions I could think:
Bind all entity attributes on the view:
I think this is not feasible and at the same time it may lead to performance issues since all attributes get populated.
Implement a custom method to copy property values to avoid null values being copied.
EntityHelper.CopyNotNullValues(source, target) and ignore null values in the source entity. If we do this we might not be able to set any of the values to null if required.
Implement View Models and transform data back and forth with the Domain Model.
This is the best approach I could think of so far. All the attributes bound to the View Model will get populated always, on the Update POST, copy all View Model values to the Domain Model.
Really appreciate your thoughts on this.
In Entity Framework, using ChangeObjectState or ApplyCurrentValues will cause data loss. The only way to work around this issue in this case is attaching the input entity and mark the properties to be updated. See below example:
public void Update(TEntity entity, string[] updatedProperties)
var entry = DbContext.Entry<TEntity>(entity);
for (int i = 0; i < updatedProperties.Length; i++)
public ActionResult Update(Customer customer)
Repository<Customer> repo = new Repository<Customer>();
repo.Update(customer, new string[]{ "Name" }); // Only update name
It's the best solution I can think of. You wanna have least code and good performance. It's as difficult as finding an easy and well paid job.

ASP.NET MVC - Posting a form with custom fields of different data types

In my ASP.NET MVC 2 web application, I allow users to create custom input fields of different data types to extend our basic input form. While tricky, building the input form from a collection of custom fields is straight-forward enough.
However, I'm now to the point where I want to handle the posting of this form and I'm not certain what the best way to handle this would be. Normally, we'd use strongly-typed input models that get bound from the various statically-typed inputs available on the form. However, I'm at a loss for how to do this with a variable number of input fields that represent different data types.
A representative input form might look something like:
My date field: [ date time input
control ]
My text field: [ text input
field ]
My file field: [ file upload
control ]
My number field: [ numerical input control ]
My text field 2: [text input field ]
Ideas I've thought about are:
Sending everything as strings (except for the file inputs, which would need to be handled specially).
Using a model with an "object" property and attempting to bind to that (if this is even possible).
Sending a json request to my controller with the data encoded properly and attempting to parse that.
Manually processing the form collection in my controller post action - certainly an option, but I'd love to avoid this.
Has anyone tackled an issue like this before? If so, how did you solve it?
My "base" form is handled on another input area all together, so a solution doesn't need to account for any sort of inheritence magic for this. I'm just interested in handling the custom fields on this interface, not my "base" ones.
Update 2:
Thank you to ARM and smartcaveman; both of you provided good guidance for how this could be done. I will update this question with my final solution once its been implemented.
This is how I would begin to approach the issue. A custom model binder would be pretty easy to build based on the FormKey property (which could be determined by the index and/or label, depending).
public class CustomFormModel
public string FormId { get; set; }
public string Label { get; set; }
public CustomFieldModel[] Fields { get; set; }
public class CustomFieldModel
public DataType DateType { get; set; } // System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
public string FormKey { get; set; }
public string Label { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public class CustomFieldModel<T> : CustomFieldModel
public new T Value { get; set; }
Also, I noticed one of the comments below had a filtered model binder system. Jimmy Bogard from Automapper made a really helpful post about this method at http://www.lostechies.com/blogs/jimmy_bogard/archive/2009/03/17/a-better-model-binder.aspx , and later revised in, http://www.lostechies.com/blogs/jimmy_bogard/archive/2009/11/19/a-better-model-binder-addendum.aspx . It has been very helpful for me in building custom model binders.
I realized that I misinterpreted the question, and that he was specifically asking how to handle posting of the form "with a variable number of input fields that represent different data types". I think the best way to do this is to use a structure similar to above but leverage the Composite Pattern. Basically, you will need to create an interface like IFormComponent and implement it for each datatype that would be represented. I wrote and commented an example interface to help explain how this would be accomplished:
public interface IFormComponent
// the id on the html form field. In the case of a composite Id, that doesn't have a corresponding
// field you should still use something consistent, since it will be helpful for model binding
// (For example, a CompositeDateField appearing as the third field in the form should have an id
// something like "frmId_3_date" and its child fields would be "frmId_3_date_day", "frmId_3_date_month",
// and "frmId_3_date_year".
string FieldId { get; }
// the human readable field label
string Label { get; }
// some functionality may require knowledge of the
// Parent component. For example, a DayField with a value of "30"
// would need to ask its Parent, a CompositeDateField
// for its MonthField's value in order to validate
// that the month is not "February"
IFormComponent Parent { get; }
// Gets any child components or null if the
// component is a leaf component (has no children).
IList<IFormComponent> GetChildren();
// For leaf components, this method should accept the AttemptedValue from the value provider
// during Model Binding, and create the appropriate value.
// For composites, the input should be delimited in someway, and this method should parse the
// string to create the child components.
void BindTo(string value);
// This method should parse the Children or Underlying value to the
// default used by your business models. (e.g. a CompositeDateField would
// return a DateTime. You can get type safety by creating a FormComponent<TValue>
// which would help to avoid issues in binding.
object GetValue();
// This method would render the field to the http response stream.
// This makes it easy to render the forms simply by looping through
// the array. Implementations could extend this for using an injected
// formatting
void Render(TextWriter writer);
I am assuming that the custom forms can be accessed via some sort of id which can be contained as a form parameter. With that assumption, the model binder and provider could look something like this.
public interface IForm : IFormComponent
Guid FormId { get; }
void Add(IFormComponent component);
public interface IFormRepository
IForm GetForm(Guid id);
public class CustomFormModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly IFormRepository _repository;
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
ValueProviderResult result;
if(bindingContext.ValueProvider.TryGetValue("_customFormId", out result))
var form = _repository.GetForm(new Guid(result.AttemptedValue));
var fields = form.GetChildren();
// loop through the fields and bind their values
return form;
throw new Exception("Form ID not found.");
Obviously, all the code here is just to get the point across, and would need to be completed and cleaned up for actual use. Also, even if completed this would only bind to an implementation of the IForm interface, not a strongly typed business object. (It wouldn't be a huge step to convert it to a dictionary and build a strongly typed proxy using the Castle DictionaryAdapter, but since your users are dynamically creating the forms on the site, there is probably no strongly typed model in your solution and this is irrelevant). Hope this helps more.
Take a peek at what I did here: MVC2 Action to handle multiple models and see if can get you on the right track.
If you use a FormCollection as one of your parameters to your action, you can then go thru that form collection looking for bits of data here or there in order to bind those values to whatever an then save the data. You are most likely going to need to take advantage of both strategy and command patterns to get this to work.
Best of luck, feel free to ask follow-up questions.
Your method which does the work should look something like this:
private/public void SaveCustomFields(var formId, FormCollection collection) //var as I don't know what type you are using to Id the form.
var binders = this.binders.select(b => b.CanHandle(collection)); //I used IOC to get my list of IBinder objects
// Method 1:
binders.ForEach(b => b.Save(formId, collection)); //This is the execution implementation.
// Method 2:
var commands = binders.Select(b => b.Command(formId, collection));
commands.ForEach(c => c.Execute());
public DateBinder : IBinder //Example binder
public bool CanHandle(FormCollection collection)
return (null != collection["MyDateField"]); //Whatever the name of this field is.
//Method 1
public void Save(var formId, FormCollection collection)
var value = DateTime.Parse(collection["MyDateField"]);
this.someLogic.Save(formId, value); //Save the value with the formId, or however you wish to save it.
//Method 2
public Command Command(var formId, FormCollection collection)
//I haven't done command pattern before so I'm not sure exactly what to do here.
//Sorry that I can't help further than that.
I would think one of the best options is to create a custom model binder, which makes it possible to have custom logic behind the scenes and still very customizable code behind.
Maybe these articles can help you:
More specifically I would probably take as the controller argument a custom class with all "base" properties included. The class could then for example include a dictionary linking the name of each field to either just an object or an interface which you implement once for each data-type making it simple to process the data later.
