Migrate from DataSets to EntityFramework - asp.net

I'm currently looking into possible ways we can refactor our codebase, to make it easier to work with.
The application is fairly large Asp.Net Webforms app, with all data setting / retrieval happening through Web Services. Currently, these WebServices return DataSets, containing 1 or more tables returned from Stored Procedures. The codebase is quite tightly connected, with the ASP code-behind calling the WebServices in multiple places, and most of the business logic happening either in the code-behind or in the Stored Procedures.
For a while now, we have been looking at possible ways to update the application, and modernize the code-base. We can't (and don't want to) re-write the whole app, but it would be great if we could start moving it, bit by bit, towards a newer architecture. I have looked into the MVP architecture, which seems like it would be a nice match to our current architecture - it won't involve too much re-writing, but should still result in more testable code (another goal - we currently have no automated testing).
I'd like to know, though, if any one has some tips / information / articles on moving from DataSets to EntityFramework. I feel that this would result in the biggest advantage for us, since it would allow us to model our data and test it much easier. Unfortunately, I haven't yet been able to find anything online regarding this kind of migration. Our database design is pretty good (thankfully), but we would have to work with both DataSets and EntityFramework for a while until we got rid of DataSets - there's no way we could do it all at once.
Any one able to give advice on this?

It sounds like you need to solve two separate problems.
How do you make use of EntityFramework inside the web service(s).
Second, how do you pass those results to and from the web services.
For #1, we can only guess about relevant details of your current implementation. However, it is likely a common change that you could search and find help for.
For #2, you probably want to define a series of business objects that go back and forth. The web service could translate between them and the EntityFramework objects. (You could presumably pass the EF objects directly, but there could be issues there depending upon your scenario.)


Designing an Asp.Net MVC application

As a novice to this realm, I am planning on building an mvc application. I had originally started a web forms application but decided the scalability and testability will benefit more with an mvc application. I chose to switch with the added benefit of being easier to add more features later on (instead of having code baked into web forms pages).
Now a little about my application, it is an application to stimulate an RPG class builder and moveset. In all simplicity, users can register for a class, and depending on other skills they can register for, they can see a custom move set based on these categories. The way I am envisioning it is I will be able to go back and add more classes and skills later in the database and have users register for this new content immediately once it has been added to the project.
Everything lives in normalized tables, so many joint tables do exist. For each new skill or class I add will mean a handful of tables will be added to the database. This speaks to the way the data will be stored, everything and all information about classes, user data, skills, etc will be stored in the database.
I have designed all the initial database tables I will need to have at the start, and functionality I need (a home page, view skills page, view move sets page, etc.). I am stuck at the next step; where do I go? Should I make my controllers first? Models? Views? Design my page layouts? I am asking for advice from people who have taken a similar organic approach to an mvc project. I am facing analysis paralysis on what to start on, knowing I have a lot of work ahead of me.
Thank you for taking your time to answer.
I've taken everyone's advise and am putting together a website to learn MVC: http://learnaspnetmvc.azurewebsites.net
The most important advice I can give you: just start. A big project can seem overwhelming, especially when you're looking at it like a big project. Instead, break it into small achievable tasks. Find something you can do right now, the ever-so-smallest subset of functionality, and do it. Then do the next one. And the next.
That said, I'll tell you my personal process. When I start on a new application or piece of an application, I first like to create my models. That way I can play with the interactions between them, flesh out the relationships, and think about the needs of my application in a somewhat low-pressure, easily disposable way. I also use code-first, whereas you've gone an created your database tables already. Some people prefer to do it that way. Personally, I find starting with my classes and letting those translate into an underlying data store much more organic. In a sense, it relegates the database to almost a non-existent layer. I don't have to think about what datatype things need to be, what should be indexed and what shouldn't, how querying will work, what kind of stored procedures I need, etc. Those questions have their time and place -- the nascent development stage is not that time and place. You want to give your brain a place to play with ideas, and classes are a cheap and low-friction medium. If an idea doesn't work out, throw the class away and create a new one.
Once I have my models, I like to hit my controllers next. This lets me start to see my models in action. I can play around with the actual flow of my application and see how my classes actually work. I can then make changes to my models where necessary, add additional functionality, etc. I can also start playing around with view models, and figuring out what data should or should not be passed to the view, how it will need to be displayed (will I need a drop down list for that? etc.), and such. This, then, naturally leads me into my views. Again, I'm testing my thinking. With each new layer, I'm hardening the previous by getting a better and better look at how it's working.
Each stage of this process is very liquid. Once I start working on my controllers, I will make changes to my models. Once I hit the views, the controllers will need to be adjusted and perhaps the models as well. You have to give yourself the freedom to screw up. Inevitably, you'll forget something, or design something in a bone-headed way, that you'll only see once you get deeper in. Again, that's the beauty of code-first. Up to this point, I don't even have a database, so any change I make is no big deal. I could completely destroy everything I have and go in a totally different way and I don't have to worry about altering tables, migrating data, etc.
Now, by this point my models are pretty static, and that's when I do my database creation and initial migration. Although, even now, really, only because it's required before I can actually fire this up in a browser to see my views in action. You can always do a migration later, but once you're working with something concrete, the friction starts to increase.
I'll tend to do some tweaking to my controllers and obviously my views, now that I'm seeing them live. Once I'm happy with everything, then I start looking at optimization and refactoring -- How can I make the code more effective? More readable? More efficient? I'll use a tool like Glimpse to look at my queries, render time, etc., and then make decisions about things like stored procedures and such.
Then, it's just a lot of rinse and repeat. Notice that it's all very piecemeal. I'm not building an application; I'm building a class, and then another class, and then some HTML, etc. You focus on just that next piece, that small chunk you need to move on to the next thing, and it's much less overwhelming. So, just as I began, I'll close the same: just start. Writers have a saying that the hardest thing is the first sentence. It's not because the first sentence is really that difficult; it's because once you get that, then you write the second sentence, and the third, and before you know it, you've got pages of writing. The hardest part is in the starting. Everything flows from there.
The other answers here have great advice and important nuggets of information, but I think they do you a disservice at this stage. I'm the first to advocate best practice, proper layering of your applications, etc. But, ultimately, a complete app that follows none of this is more valuable than an incomplete app that incorporates it all. Thankfully, we're working with a malleable medium -- digital text -- and not stone. You can always change things, improve things later. You can go back and separate your app out into the proper layers, create the repositories and services and other abstractions, add in the inversion of control and dependency injection, etc. Those of us who have been doing this awhile do that stuff from the start, but that's because we've been doing this awhile. We know how to do that stuff -- a lot of times we already have classes and libraries we drop in for that stuff. For someone just starting off, or for an app in its earliest nascent stage, it can be crippling, though. Instead of just developing your app, you end up spending days or weeks pouring through recommendations, practices, libraries, etc. trying to get a handle on it all, and by the end you have nothing really to show for it. Don't worry about doing things right and do something. Then, refactor until it's right.
As a first step in planning a MVC framework application, We should start with a strong Model (typical C# props). This process is going to take most of our time, based on the fact that we need to understand the business first and then the relationships between different workflows and entities. So times business models evolve as time passes. So spend qualitative time on building this layer, but not too much.
Once domain (Business) Models are ready, before we actually start coding for Repository classes, we should define our Repository Contracts which are typically Interfaces. Contracts help all parties(other components) to interact with each other in the exact same way. Then we implement contracts on the Repository component, which is just going to act like PUSH and PULL data from your persistent medium (say database). Remember repository component never going to have any idea on business logic.
Once backend has been established, We can concentrate on my actual business process implementation. We can define one more level of Contract which defines all business operations which are to be done using Model classes. This interface has been implemented by BusinessLogic Component which does the core business activity (specific methods for every business operation). This particular component will use Repository component to delegate business data to persistence medium.
With above step completed, We can easily go and build Controllers. We should be calling business logic component methods in controllers and get work done. Once controllers are done, we can define our views and other UI elements like partial views etc.
Pictorial representation of the flow is as follows -
A simple architecture (from high to low level)
Presentation Layer
Domain Logic Layer
Data Access Layer
Presentation layer is MVC project containing Views, Controllers and optional View-Models.
Domain Logic Layer is Class Library project which Presentation layer will access (via DLL or Service reference). This layer contains business logic and rules for the application.
Data Access Layer may contain two sub-layers-
Repository. User repository is best practice for any long term application.
Entity Framework Model.
This will communicate with database.
Database you already have.
I would suggest reading through a book by Scott Millet, called Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns.
ISBN : 0-470292-78-4
Scott walks through what a good ASP.NET site should look like from an architectural standpoint - i.e. DataAccess layers, Business Logic layers, Presentation Layers, Domain events etc.
By following on from industry standards, you will gain a better knowledge of how to correctly put together an MVC web-site.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest you to make your MVC application around a ASP.NET Web API , since it will help, in case you go for a mobile application later.
Since you are a MVC newbie, you should download some open source projects on MVC shared by seniors in the community. Study two or three projects, and analyze a solution which will the best for you.
A quick googling will get you to some good projects.
Making a simple application , Prodinner
After that you should also go through MSDN tutorial on MVC 5 app with SSO , to enable social logins.

Creating Data Access Layer for Small website

I am creating my application in asp.net 3.5. I have to make my Data Access layer, in which I am doing the traditional method of fetching/updating the data. Which is SqlConnection than SQLCommand, than SQLadapter.
Will there be any other way I can create my DAL layer easily.
My website is small. Approx 7-10
Database has around 80
What I know:
Linq to SQL - I don't want to use it
because I am not fully aware about
the LINQ statement and I need to
develop the application really fast.
[3 days :-( ]. Also, there are 100%
chances that the table structure
will be altered in future.
Enterprise Library: It will take too
much time for me to integrate to my
Any other suggestion to create my data layer, quick ... fast ... and "NOT" dirty.
Thanks in advance.
How about using Codesmith (free version 2.6) to generate a simple set of data access objects off your database? Given the small number of DB objects that you need to model I think this would be a quick and easy way of achieving your goal given the time constraints.
I would have recommended using LINQ to SQL. But, since that is a no from you, only other option I would suggest is Strongly Typed Datasets and Table Adapters generated by Visual Studio. They are old but decent enough to work in any modern application.
They are fast to create. They provide type safety. They are quite flexible for configuration and customization. Since they are generated by Visual Studio, any changes made to database can be easily reflected quickly.
Being a LINQ beginner myself, I would recommend taking the plunge and going with linq-to-sql or entity framework. I cant say for certain without knowing your requirements but theres a good chance taking the time to learn basic linq for this project would speed up development overall.
You may also want to consider SubSonic. It's relatively easy to implement and is fairly intuitive to use. Used it for the first time recently on a small project, and despite some initial configuration problems getting it to work with MySQL, it handled data access pretty well.

Why should I use an N-Tier Approach When using an SqlDatasource is A LOT EASIER?

When it comes to web development I have always tried to work SMART not HARD. So for along time My Aproach to interacting with databases in my AspNet projects has been this :
1) Create my stored procedures
2) Drag an SQLDatasource control on my aspx page
3) Bind a DataList Control to my SQLDatasource
4) Insert, Update & Delete by using my Datalist or programmatically using built in SQLDatasource methods e.g
MySqlDataSource.InsertParameters["author"].DefaultValue = TextBox1.Text;
Recently however I got a relatively easy web project. So I decided to employ a 3-tier Model...But I got exhausted halfway and just didnt seem worth it ! It seemed like I was working too HARD for a project that could have been easily accomplished by a couple of SqlDataSource Controls.
So Why Is the N-Tier Model better than my Approach? Has it anything to do with performance? What are the advantages of the ObjectDataSource control over the SqlDataSource Control?
You approached things backwards. The SQLDataSource approach is for small lightweight projects. As soon as you get bigger you'll want to reuse structures and queries between a lot of different pages.
With your approach that means applying the copy/paste design pattern from one page to another just so you can use the same query. Now think what happens when something changes (the DB structure for example) and you have to replicate those changes between 50 pages that all have SQL literals embedded in them - you're in a world of hurt.
Here comes the n-tier model to the rescue - the data access logic should be isolated in its own tier and there should be only one piece of code responsible for a certain business/data logic and if changes need to be done there would be only one piece of code that needs to be changed. The problem with this approach is that it requires more effort up front and the payback is only visible on reasonably big projects.
Here are a couple of reasons for n-tier:
n-tier means better scalability. You can add middle tier servers to scale if the database server can't keep up.
n-tier allows you to add security outside the database (e.g., enterprise directory servers).
n-tier gives you an intermediary that can check for SQL injection, validating and binding variables from the UI.
n-tier can mean looser coupling. SqlDataSourceControl means the UI knows all about the database schema. (This one is shaky - if you add a new field, the effect will ripple through the UI no matter what you do.)
A middle tier makes it possible for another UI to re-use functionality.
If you're just writing a CRUD web app, with no chance to share and good scalability, your approach might be fine.
There is not really any problem with using the SqlDataSource control if you want to. That being said, there are plenty of valid reasons to use an N-tier system.
it tightly couples your presentation
layer to your data layer
you duplicate a ton of work
SqlDataSource queries are often
If you're not building medium or large-sized projects, you've discovered the secret here.
n-tier only helps for bigger applications; below those, it's a practice exercise at best, and a remarkable timesuck regardless.
I have found that when you first begin to prototype your application it is much faster to use the SQLDataSource object. You can move through as a significant amount of rapid web application design using this method first. As your application begins to grow and reflects the need to move to using a web service for database n-tier connectivity, you can then make your decision at that point. Some of the benefits are producing a functional web app to demonstrate to the clients. Once they agree to the design and approach you can make a decision to perhaps convert the queries into a web service.
This is not very difficult as you have already created the queries within the SQLBuilder and you only have to now establish/move these same queries from within a web service, and then call the appropriate web service queries from the UI layer.
This will take time but the prototype web app has already proven the approach is acceptable and has avoided considerable delays messing around we a web service before it is, or perhaps not needed.

ASP.NET DataSet vs Business Objects / ORM

I'm thinking through data access for an ASP.NET application. Coming from a company that uses a lot of Windows applications with Client Data sets there is a natural dendancy towards a DataSet approach for dealing with data.
I'm more keen on a Business Object approach and I don't like the idea of caching a DataSet in the session then applying an update.
Does anyone have any experience / help to pass on about the pros and cons of both approaches?
You are smart to be thinking of designing a Data Layer in your app. In an ASP.NET application this will help you standardize and pretty dramatically simplify your data access. You will need to learn how to create and use ObjectDataSources but this is quite straightforward.
The other advantage of a data access layer (built using a separate project/DLL) is that it makes Unit testing much simpler. I'd also encourage you to build a Business Layer to do much of the processing of data (the business layer, for example, would be responsible for pulling ObjectDataSources from the DAL to hand to the UI code). Not only does this let you encapsulate your business logic, it improves the testability of the code as well.
You do not want to be caching DataSets (or DAL objects, for that matter) in the session! You will build a Web app so that record modifications work through a Unique ID (or other primary key spec) and feed changes directly to the DAL as they are made. If you were to cache everything you would dramatically reduce the scalability of your app.
Update: Others on this thread are promoting the idea of using ORMs. I would be careful about adopting a full-blown ORM for reasons that I have previously outlined here and here. I do agree, though, that it would be wise to avoid DataSets. In my own work, I make extensive use of DataReaders to fill my ObjectDataSources (which is trivial due to the design of my DAL) and find it to be very efficient.
DataSets can be incredibly inefficient compared even to other ADO.NET objects like DataReaders. I would suggest going towards the BO/ORM route based off what you are saying.
If you're going to follow Microsoft's direction, then the trend is definitely towards LINQ (ORM) vs. DataSets. When DataSets came into being (ASP.NET 1.0), LINQ wasn't even possible. With LINQ you get type-safety and build-in functions to Create / Update / Delete from the database.
Microsoft has even tried to make the transition easier through LINQ to DataSet.
We're about to do a big update to an existing asp app that used DataSet objects heavily; although I am not looking forward to the pain, I am going to insist on going down the BO route. Just the thought of trying to make datasets work now causes me to break out in a sweat.
I think we are going to go down the LINQ route and use lightweight entity objects.
The company where I work makes heavy use of DataSets as well while there is a business layer as well. BL mainly loads datasets from the DB.
I personally dislike this approach. There is also a practice of direct modifying the datasets after load/before save to meet some immediate needs here and there. To me it really violates the idea of business objects but it's how it is done.
ORM frameworks can really save you a great deal of time, especially in enterprise applications with lots of views with similar buttons and operations.
But it's also easy to lose control. Since that point it will slowly be turning into a mess.
Both options are good when used in right cases. Just don't mix them. Decide to do it one way and follow it.
Mark Brittingham's answer is accurate for two tier applications. But what if I want to use a service tier. DataSets are serializable. Typed DataSets save time over hand coding your own objects. Typed DataSets are extendable. Linq to Entities has performace issues, Linq to SQL is now dead. Linq to DataSet will always be an option.
I will use Typed DataSets and a multi-layered architecture to save time and organize code. I've tried hand coded BOs and the extra time and maintenance time is not worth it.

ASP.NET Model View Presenter project structure

I am just starting a new ASP.NET project and using the MVP pattern. I did consider the MS MVC but it is not released yet and would be a big learning curve for some people on the team, so I opted for MVP now and possibly future projects MVC.
Anyway, it seems I will have a single Controller/Presenter class for every webform I have it the project. This is a lot of extra classes, essentially doubling the number of files in the web project. Is this how other people structure MVP or what are the alternatives?
This seems to be a common misconception -> "More files/classes == more complex"
The reason we chose to follow a UI separation pattern is to help separate concerns, make code easier and cheaper to change and maintain and (big, important and) we can unit test the complex parts and still keep the UI layer slim.
I'm going with the beta ASP MVC. The reason being, that while it is still only a beta (PDC very soon, that may have an impact on release and we've had 5 preview releases) it has a better framework to support this style than I could write in a reasonable time frame.
You could of course go with another framework, like castle monorail.
I think a lot of it depends but in most cases that is really the way it ends up going.
I personally use a n-tier architecture with data, business, presentation code. (Who knows what actual format I follow). I do get a lot more files than if I did everything in the aspx, but the code is much easier to manage.
To your question - I have seen many different takes on MVP and seen nothing that reduces the number of files, and I can't think of a way to reduce the number of files.
In my experience, I have reused view interfaces and even code behinds where the view structure is identical, but presenting different data. And you could also think of reusing the controllers where applicable.
I think it is worthwhile to note that having more files will be a natural consequence of moving to a more agile and test-drive development and developers will find it more and more natural as they go. (Just like some of us find it very natural having lots of methods inside a single file...)
