How to resolve the Pageload more than one time using kendoui -

I have develop a small Kendoui app in in this i have dynamially bind the values for listview a href,it is working fine now.But my issue is
When click the listview a href link that goes to next page but it reload more than one time
how can i prevent this page load issue.
Please help me..

PageLoad may be fired twice for many reasons (and it depends on page content/set-up), you can find more details (and an answer) here:


On Updatepanel update, everything outside the updatepanel disappears

Apologies for such a broad, sweeping question, but I can't really give specific code examples because as far as I can tell from research this problem is unique to the particular page I'm working on and if I knew what to do to replicate it then I'd most likely be able to fix it.
I have an vb (v3.5 using the ajaxcontroltoolkit v4) page essentially binding some straight forward SQL database data to a gridview.
The gridview's in an update panel and whenever I do anything that causes a postback inside the update panel, everything outside the update panel vanishes. The update panel IS updating correclty.
There's no conditional updating, just an 'out of the box' update panel.
All other ajax functionality is working correctly, such as filtered textbox extenders and validation with callout extenders, so I don't think it's a basic script reference error.
I'm making use of javascript and jquery to modify controls on the fly that are within the updatepanel.
It was a standalone page for development but for testing this problem I put it into a contentplaceholder on a masterpage. Now on updating, everything else in the contentplaceholder disappears, leaving the masterpages header etc present.
If you haven't come across this particular problem before, can you think of how I could go about debugging it?
If you have any ideas at all, it might be enough to set me down the right path.
Many thanks.
Thanks for taking the time to make suggestions Mt. Schneiders.
In the end...haha wow, embarrassing... I've been doing this for the best part of 6 years now and I was closing my updatepanel before closing a div that started above the panel.
Simple fix. Yay! Thanks again.

RadComboBoxItem hide() on client-side not persisting

What are you doing?
Using a RadComboBox, I'm hiding items from the user view under certain conditions.
What's the problem?
The combo items hide perfectly, however, when I click the combo box and then click anywhere else on the page (in other words, loose focus after focusing on the combobox) all the items I have hidden become visible again.
What else have you tried?
Thinking maybe I am not using the Telerik RadCombo Client Side API correctly, I decided to check whether deleted or disabled items would also magically re-appear when focusing and unfocusing from the RadComboBox.
The result; this issue only happens when hiding items, not when deleting or disabling RadComboBox items.
Demo of problem
For clarity and convenience, I've setup a page which very simply demonstrates the problem.
Download and extract TestRadComboItemHide.aspx.
Place this ASPX into a website/webapp project and run ensuring you have telerik dll in the bin or Telerik installed on your dev computer.
Additional info
I've requsted assistance on Telerik support forums. (24 hours ago,
nothing helpful response as yet)
Using RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2010: 2010.1.415.40
The work around to the problem is posted on the telerik forums. The solution was provided by another forum member, not Telerik.

Preserve selected option with back button, using jquery mobile & & ajax

I thought this would be a trivial feature, but I have lost a fair bit of hair trying to figure it out. I have a jquery mobile web page with a select menu. Users click an item in the drop down list, then later click on a link and navigate to another page. Users then click the back button. The desired result is that the selected item remains selected. Right now, the selection is lost, and it defaults to the first element in the list again.
Things I've tried:
1) Use an dropdownlist with autopostback. This preserves the selected option, but then I get a page flicker because the entire page is posted back.
2) Wrap above dropdownlist in an updatepanel. This preserves, doesn't flicker, but it wipes out the jquery mobile styling. Also tried some suggested workarounds with firing a jquery create event, but couldn't get anything working.
3) Write cookies on the select change event in javascript, and read them in the asp page_load event. However, page_load is not called when the back button is clicked, so this had no effect.
4) Tried creating a jquery ajax request to a web page method, but the method must be static and therefore I can't get it to modify the page.
Any other ideas? Is it just me or should this indeed be a problem that's been solved a million times?
As an FYI, I am a newbie at web programming, so please spell it out if you have an answer :) (come from a c++/database background).
Turns out even the date scroller could not survive a back button in some cases. For example if the user navigates to another site, and then uses the back button to come back to my jquery mobile site, all my javascript dom manipulations are lost. The solution is non-trivial. I store everything I need to maintain state of a page using html 5 local storage. On the jqm show page event, I detect if all my global variables have been wiped clean, and if so, reload state from local storage. Works perfectly, but it is quite an implementation task. And of course, if local storage is not supported by underlying browser, it all falls to pieces.

ASP.Net 4.0 , Update Panel.. causing flicker of whole webpage

I have made a web site, a chatting application,... On a webpage independent of Master page, i added a Ajax Update Panel, In the update panel i added a timer , a memo, and a hidden field,..
Its working but causing the whole webpage to flicker, that has made my approach ugly..
Please any programmer help me..
Thanks in advance
Can you post the related code segments? Without that, it is difficult to guess what the problem is.
Page flicker could be:
Page load firing twice in update
Timer firing when not intended
The list goes on...
If you are unable to post the code, I would troubleshoot by removing everything but the core functionality until you can get the flicker to stop then add pieces back in. That is really all I can offer you without the code.

updating data in a grid or something like that when someone inputs new data !(WITHOUT ANY POSTBACKS)

imagine that i have a web page in my application for inputing data and there is a grid at the bottom of them (showing inputing data)...
i want to force this web page acts like a windows application (mean i do not want any postback after enter and that grid should be updated after inputing data without postback)...
imagine that i opened this page in my pc and my friend has opened this page too / i want when i input data in ajax mode , that grid updated for my friend without any postback / like windows application ...
is timer a good idea for doing this ?
or is there a better way for doing that?
thanks in advance
best regards
You're definitely going to have to go AJAX for this - the simplest (but definitely not the most efficient) method would be to add the AJAX Control Toolkit to your project, wrap your GridView in an UpdatePanel, and have a timer on the page to check the database to see if there's anything newer than last time you checked. If there has been a change, you can either re-databind the grid or just render that new content manually (and update the UpdatePanel).
