Min-height hack with floats - css

I'm trying to do something like the min-height hack, but I have two floats that seem to be conflicting with it:
My "innercontainer" div is very short, I would like it take up as much as as possible (or at least, more space) without setting the height in pixels because my page content changes from page to page...

set overflow:auto instead of visible, so that .innercontainer expands to accommodate its contents.
demo at http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/vqFVU/2/
If you want a sticky footer as well look at http://www.cssstickyfooter.com/

javascript is the easiest way. You cant do that with pure CSS since every client can have a different size window.


Float divs horzontally

I am trying to float divs horizontally, however its falling into a new line.
It works only if I set width of the #holder higher than its content.
Is there a way to do this without setting the fixed width on #holder?
Thank you!
Not really with pure CSS.
You can use a static width (which you don't want to do), you can use floats + whitespace (which is unreliable), or you can dynamically calculate the necessary width with javascript and set the style's width to that number.
According to this tutorial: http://css-tricks.com/how-to-create-a-horizontally-scrolling-site/
I spent some time playing with the float property and the white-space
property to see if I could find a way to fight browser auto-wrapping,
but I didn't have much luck. Page elements which are floated but do
not have a width exhibit a property where they expand to the width of
the content inside them. I thought perhaps if I put a bunch of float
elements inside of that, it might just keep expanding beyond the width
of the browser window. No dice. There is also a white-space: nowrap;
property in CSS which I thought might be able to be exploited to fight
the auto-wrapping, but it only works for text elements, not blocks or
just any old thing you set to inline. Oh well.
So, he basically is saying, no its not possible with just css.
But he goes on to say that you can do some javascript magic to achieve it:
JavaScript clearly has the ability to manipulate page elements and do
calculations on-the-fly.

Fixed topbar vs named anchors

I have a topbar with position:fixed which also contains anchor links (jdjd).
The problem is that the target is placed in the top of the viewport (behind the fixed topbar).
how can I fix so the the browser scrolls so that the target is shown just below the topbar?
As far as i know there is no clean soloution. If you use inline scrollbar it can be achieved, but it needs a fixed height then.
2 soloutions found using CSS: http://css-tricks.com/hash-tag-links-padding/
Else you could pretty easy use JQUERY to measure the users height, put it into a container div, and have scrolling on that.
See: http://jsfiddle.net/jpGdu/
Another soloution could be giving the element ur linking to a padding top (if it's h1 or whatever) :)
Not sure why you're being downvoted, it seems like an honest a good question.
I'd put a margin-top on the viewport, equal to the height of the fixed topbar.
http://jsfiddle.net/justiceerolin/KfMLJ/ as an example

Hiding an element completly that has had some overflow hidden

Basically I have a parent div with height and width and overflow:hidden and then within that some more divs with it.
We are dealing with fluid content and some of the divs go over the corners so get hidden.
But one is half and half.
Is there a way to make that completely hidden?
CSS would be best.
I don't think you can know if a child from an overflow:hidden parent is in the hidden or visible section without using Javascript (I might be wrong here).
What I suggest is that you set all the child divs to a fixed dimension d and set the parent div to a multiple of d so every child is either completely visible of not.
This solution won't work if you fill your divs with different-length content
If I understand your post, you have a wrapping div that has overflow:hidden and you want to make any child element hidden unless it can be completely displayed within the wrapping div.
There may be a better way to do it, but I would use a CSS media query. If you're unsure of how they work this is a good place to start:
Using this method, you could determine how many blocks of each type should be displayed on any given set of resolutions. I'd be interested in seeing how it goes, or if you end up using a different approach. Best of luck!

Simple CSS height problem

I am trying to just create a basic layout, but i am having trouble to get it to auto-adjust the height.
Something is wrong with the DIV-container since it's not adding the padding correctly to the top and bottom elements. It should be the size of the highest block, right now its the menu block.
Any ideas?
in the container that holds your divs (the one whose height is not adjusting), use a css clear fix. Your container div will adjust once you use this method.
Add overflow: hidden; to the CSS for that particular <div>.
Inspect your HTML by using Google Chrome or Firefox with the firebug addon. Is so easy to see where and where not there is correct padding, margins etc... Additional ye see all css for a selected element as well...
Btw. When you are using padding, are you sure the rows above and below are cleared ?
Tried using margins instead?

How do I prevent my div layers from overlapping when the browser is resized?

I've just spent the last few weeks learning how to properly design a layout. I basically thought I had everything perfect with my website layout and was ready to go about transferring the coding to Wordpress... and then I accidentally resized my web browser and discovered that all of my div layers were overlapping each other.
Here's what it looks like:
Basically it looks as though it's mainly my center content div that is being squeezed out, as well as my header image and navigation witch are in the same top div. My footer is also squeezed down as well. I've searched the internet for a solution to this problem and can't seem to find a thing.
How do I fix it so that my divs stay in place when the browser is resized?
as Walter said your CSS would be helpful. But, the main problem is that the content in the div is overflowing to other divs because the the content's div cannot contain all the content.
In your css, try setting the div's overflow property to either auto (shows scrolls bars) or hidden (to just hide the content if it goes outside's the div)
Express your widths and font-sizes in ems.
Here's a good calculator:
Percentages will work, too.
Check the css in stackoverflow, and try resizing the zoom level in your browser here - you'll see everything resizes nicely at any zoom level.
I figured it out. Turns out that the width of my center content margin was dictated by margins instead of just a direct width (ie. 500px). So whenever the page was resized, the margins on the sides of the browser tried to stay as they were, thus making the entire column smaller. I just had to get rid of the margins and specify where I wanted the column to sit on the page and just justify a width for it.
you can also try the min-width. i am assuming the center div is fluid and sidebars are fixed-width.
Can you post some of your CSS?
The simplest way is to give all of your columns relatively sane width settings so that the size of the browser window doesn't affect the size of your layout. Getting fluid-width column(s) to behave is more complex and depends more on the specifics of your layout.
Check out the min-width property. Another option is applying another stylesheet when the viewport width is below x pixels with CSS3 Media Queries like so:
#media all and (max-width: 30em) {
/* Alternative narrow styles */
or so:
<link media="all and (max-width: 30em)"
rel="stylesheet" href="narrow.css" />
CSS3 Media Queries are still not widely supported, so you might want to look into a solution that applies the "narrow" style sheet with JavaScript through the window.onresize event. I'd recommend jQuery for such a solution.
I Had the same problem if you have a width and height in your DIV Container it wont change except the width unless you put a min-width. The problem I had was when I would make the browser window the divs would like go to the next line
so what I did was in the container I set a height and width. Before I didn't set a height I let the divs determine the heights.
