Two links for one menu item in wordpress? - wordpress

I am making a site for a client and they would like a navigation item that has two words linking to two different places. The item is the last one, "twitter/facebook", to the right. Any ideas?

You can simply add the links to your template and style as required. They're not page of your site anyway so a simple link in the template should suffice.
Login to your admin panel and go to:
Appearance > Editor
and open up the Header.php file.
You'll see something like:
<ul id="menu">
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
Which you can simply add to for your needs:
<ul id="menu">
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>


adding a custom link to a wordpress site

I have a wordpress menu plugin that comes with a theme, unfortunately the theme was limited in that, it did only provide on menu, I wanted to add another menu to it. I have found where I wanted to add my link in the theme. I found that one menu provided by the theme
</i> <?php _e('gallery', 'thematic'); ?>
And duplicated that twice, but the problem if the link takes me to a page
Is there anyway I can modify this link so it takes me to a page found ?
Can you change the href attribute of the link?
<i class="icon-suitcase5"></i> <?php _e('gallery', 'thematic'); ?>

Creating Drop-Down Menu For Custom Wordpress Theme

I'm trying to build a Wordpress theme from scratch. The drop down menu isn't appearing, although I added the list pages tag. Here is the code I'm using for the wp_nav_menu function.
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<div class="nav">
<div class="container">
<ul class="pull-left">
<li class="cursive">Mu Alpha Theta</li>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Menu' )); ?>
The pages appear on the site's menu; however, they aren't merging into a drop-down. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the CSS. As in, do I have to create a structure for how it would look? Or, I'm thinking that I'm misusing th wordpress function.
Thank you for reading my questions. I would love to hear any advice.
If it's placing, but not as you want (in a drop down) it would seem to be a css issue. There are many arguments you can parse to the function outlined here in the codex. From there it's just using the id's/classes and css to get the display you're looking for.
Also, from that codex page:
Note: As of 3.5, if there are no menu items, no HTML markup will be
So ensure there is some items in your menu as well, even for testing.
Depending on how fancy you want to be, you may need a custom Walker. Caveat emptor: they are not for the faint of heart.

How to make work Wordpress wp_nav_menu with Jquery Ui Tabs

How to make work Jquery UI tabs in Wordpress, I added how look's my basic HTML doc and WordPress menu atm. Where do I need to include those ID's '#tabs-1'
<ul class="menu-nav">
<li>Your Title</li>
<li>About Us</li>
<li>Another Title</li>
Wp index.php file
<ul class="menu-nav">
<?php wp_nav_menu(); ?>
I suggest to write an own navwalker class. As an example you can take this here: Bootstrap Navwalker for Wordpress. Don't forget to require it once in your functions.php.

Custom topbar in Elgg

I've tried to google and read everywhere including here but no comprehensive tutorial can be found about this.
I want to totally change my topbar to something like this
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
I can basically 'hard-code' this in topbar.php but i'm afraid I may not get the links right. Any best practices suggestions out there for this noob?
Elgg is designed to be plugin-centric, so by default it's expected that a lot of plugins may want to tap to main menu. There are three paths to follow:
Use tool in admin panel: Configure -> Appearance -> Menu Items
Unregister unnecessary menu items with elgg_unregister_menu_item and than rearrange them through plugin hook.
Downside of that is that adding new plugins may add unexpected menu items, but pro is that you may easily redistribute your code without worrying about synchronizing settings set via admin panel.
If you want to take control over whole menu rendering process, you'll want to override view navigation/menu/site and use any markup you desire. Links should be absolute. Use elgg_get_site_url() as the base.

Wordpress 3 plugin to control widget visibility

Coming from a Joomla background one of the fist things I realised is that Wordpress 3 doesn't have native support for controlling the visibility of widgets (modules in Joomla).
I've tried:
Dynamic widgets - but it seems to break the admin menus.
Also tried Widget context - but it doesn't display correctly and doesn't allow granularity on the page visibility level.
Can anybody recommend a solution?
Try Widget Logic --
Hope this helps!
You can use Display Widgets. It adds checkboxes to each widget to either show or hide it on every site page:
Make sure to disable other similar plugins to avoid conflict.
Example from sidebar.php:
<div class="sidebar-box border-radius-6px">
<h2>Dream Categories</h2>
<?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>
</div><!-- Sidebar Box End -->
Lets say you want to display this only on a page called "about-us". use is_page() function provided by wordpress.
<?php if(is_page('about-us')) { ?>
<div class="sidebar-box border-radius-6px">
<h2>Dream Categories</h2>
<?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>
</div><!-- Sidebar Box End -->
<?php } ?>
And as for the user level:
<?php if(current_user_can('level_10')) { // Level 10 = Administrator ?>
<div class="sidebar-box border-radius-6px">
<h2>Dream Categories</h2>
<?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>
</div><!-- Sidebar Box End -->
<?php } ?>
Please see Wordpress User Levels
PS: I saw the plugin provided by aendrew and I had a look at it.
Try this:
Make a backup of widget_login.php file then open it, search for line 75 and replace it with update_option("widget_logic", "is_page('" . $wl_options . "')"); This should easy up the stuff a little, when you limit a widget you have to add is_page('bla-bla') in that input that line should only require bla-bla (If the page is called Bla Bla) [not tested, but you can give it a try.]
Try this:
Really user friendly, hope it helps
For anyone still looking for a plugin for this purpose, check out my plugin Widget Visibility.
It's user friendly (uses checkboxes) and works inside the WordPress customizer too.
