Prevent Subwindow Resize - qt

I'm a Qt beginner and I have some problems.
Generally, all the languages and tools that have an GUI builder have for the window the "Resizeable" property.
Very well, I need to do the same in Qt:
No window resize, no resize pointer in hover the window's border, maximize button (in the window's title) disabled.
I'm tried to find something but unsuccessfully.
If someone help me, I'll be grateful.
Sorry for my english. I'm brazilian. :)

In Qt Creator, I think you can create a non-resizable window by giving it the same minimum and maximum size.
Or you can do it by code using setFixedSize. In that case, just add this line in your window's constructor:

Use void QWidget::setWindowFlags ( Qt::WindowFlags type ). see enum Qt::WindowType for the list of flags you can play with.
For instance, setting Qt::Dialog | Qt::FramelessWindowHint should produce a windows without resize frame and no max/min button.


How to make qt window can't change size without setFixedSize?

I need setup a window with QVBoxLayout,and I don't know it's real size.So when I tried setFixedSize(this->size()) after all widgets been added,it dosen't work.
Is there a windowFlag which can make Qt window not resizable?
layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize).That's work,thanks#Ngoc Minh Nguyen

QQuickwidget grab image outside window area

This is a sequel to another question here in which I was not precise while describing my goal.
As mentioned in the linked question, I wish to save a QML which is embedded in a QQuickWidget and it is larger than the window size. The QQuickWindow grabWindow() method captures only the window area and hence I tried the following code after I visually displayed it:
QQuickWidget* content..
QPixmap *pm = content->grab(QRect(QPoint(0,0),QSize(-1,-1));
pm->save("someFilename.png", 0, 100);
So, it is definitely not the issue of saving image after rendering. The used QML code is just a plain Rectangle. The proposed solutions in the previous question only grabs content falling within the window.
Any suggestions? Thanks! :)
I have tried the following but didn't work:
QImage paintdev(largeWidth, largeHeight, QImage:Format_RBG32);
content->render(paintdev, QPoint(0,0), QRegion(QRect(0,0,largeWidth, largeHeight), QWidget::DrawChildren);, 0, 100);
This should by logic solve the issue of window size since there is no window. Any comments?
Ok, so I solved it by manually shifting the QML by the window height and saving all the images from the window captures and collate it to form the original image.
Not too much work though, but I am still mystified by the QWidget render() method which did not work.
Thanks for all the replies!
If your QML content is larger than the window size, the part that is out of screen is not drawn. Hence, there is no way to capture something out of screen, unless you use 2 monitors and extend view. This last approach would work.

make a borderless app without a controlbox on Qt

Is it possible to make a borderless window on Qt? I know its possible in Visual Studio you just change the value in the properties window. Qt doesnt have a formborderstyle property.
Also is it possible not to display icon on taskbar
I think it is not possible to suppress the taksbar entry. Each top level window without a parent will get one.
It surely is possible to create a frameless window. I once used a plain QWidget for a similar purpose and add something like the following:
Setting the window flags using setWindowFlags() on your top level widget with
Qt::FramelessWindowHint - Draw without window frame
See the full doco at and
As for hiding the taskbar look at this stack overflow example Qt Hide Taskbar Item (just sets the windowFlags to include Qt::Dialog you could do what your looking for with
MyWindowWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent, Qt::Dialog|Qt::FramelessWindowHint)

Window flags not helping in mdiarea in Qt

I am using Qt and creating a GUI with multiple sub windows. I am using MDI Area for the same. I want to hide the top toolbar of mdi subwindow but using window flags is not helping.
I have tried writing the code as follows. First I tried for mdiarea and then for subwindow but neither worked.
I have also tried using Qt::CustomizedWindowHint but even that is not helping. Please help me with this.
Thank You.
Try this:
mdiArea->addSubWindow(new QLabel("Qt::FramelessWindowHint"), Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
You don't want to set the MDI area itself as a frameless window, because it's a widget you likely have embedded in another window... it most likely already doesn't have a frame.
Your setting the 'subwindow' should work... but addSubWindow(myWidget) actually wraps the widget passed in in the real subwindow, so that's what was going wrong. Qt lets you pass in window flags as the second parameter of addSubWindow() and those flags go to the real subwindow.
Note that with a frameless window, you can't drag the window around to move it, or grab the edges to resize it, because there's nothing for you to grab onto!
If you just want the minimize and maximize buttons gone (but still want the close button), try passing Qt::Dialog instead.
Try also experimenting with these:
addSubWindow(new QLabel("Qt::Tool"), Qt::Tool);
addSubWindow(new QLabel("Qt::Tool|Qt::CustomizeWindowHint"), Qt::Tool|Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
addSubWindow(new QLabel("Qt::Dialog"), Qt::Dialog);
I think Qt::Tool|Qt::CustomizeWindowHint is probably the best option (no buttons, but still movable and resizable - if you don't want it resizable, give it a fixed size (setFixedSize()).
Edit: Also try: Qt::CustomizeWindowHint|Qt::WindowTitleHint

Can't embed OpenGL window into QWidget with XReparentWindow

I'm trying to add better UI for an OpenGL-based program with Qt. Since I can modify that program it's not hard to get the window ID. So I think embedding it into a QWidget would be a good idea. However, it doesn't work like I expected:
After XReparentWindow is called, the OpenGL window lose its decoration, but the position didn't change.
If I use XConfigureWindow to move it to position (0, 0) relative to parent it goes to the top-left corner of the screen, but not the QWidget.
After reparenting, a third window can cover the QWidget, but nothing can cover the OpenGL window.
X11 reported no errors during the whole operation.
It seems the parent of the OpenGL window has been set to the root window instead of my QWidget. What should I do to make it work correctly?
You can replace your current OpenGL window with a QGLWidget which provides an OpenGL context and can be placed into a Qt window directly.
I'm not sure Qt supports XReparentWindow calls like that. The docs don't seem to say it does, so it's probably a bad idea to use it. You could try QWidget::create() instead.
