Two sets of rollovers working together - css
The jsFiddle shows (I hope, it is my first time using it) where I've got to so far . . . I'm trying to use an image-based menu and a text-based rollover menu working together.
I wasn't able to show this in the jsFiddle but I am using images that are twice the height of the divisions where they are displayed and shift the position on hover to show the alternate version of the image - in the jsfiddle what I have done is simply colour the backgrounds of the divs to show their positioning. They are positioned very particularly to give a desired visual effect with continuity of one to the next. (The overlapping of the page title text and the first image block in the jsFiddle isn't an issue.)
My aim is to have hovering on an image turn on the thick underlining of the associated text menu item (I've used bottom border setting) as well as having the image shift to show the alternate image in the image menu itself . . . AND I want to have hovering over an item in text menu to turn on the underlining of the menu item text itself AND make the associated image in the image menu to switch to the alternate image.
I thought I was nearly there with getting the hovering on an image turning on the underlining but it seems that the div by div positioning I worked out only displays correctly using Firefox (as you can see the alignment hasn't worked in jsFiddle).
I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have - even if you are going to tell me that in your opinion my approach is all wrong. I'm at the limit of my CSS and HTML here. I don't really know any JavaScript (other than I have used it and jQuery for a slideshow I found at Dynamicdrive).

I got there in the end with help from the site I linked to in the comment . . . perhaps it is a bit image-heavy? I've published it at - I am, though, still puzzling about the links seeming to extend way below the menu.
I'd appreciate any comments about the solution and how I might have done it more efficiently.


Z-index issue in mozila firefox, in a css only page

I know this has been asked many times, and I have been searching for the answer in a lot of places but I can't seem to fix my code. Thank you for reading this because I'm going crazy here! First I had a different z-index problem with safari, than another with explorer, but now the z-index problem I'm having with mozila I can't fix in any way. I code in chrome, where it seems to work perfectly (for me it seems at least!)
I believe now it works more or less fine in most browsers but not on mozila. The idea of the page is to make (only with CSS because that's the only language supported by the website) a flipping book of several pages. I see some examples around of CSS only flipping cards (only one page), but not a book of more than one page. So I essentially overlap several "cards", in order to give this effect. You can see the demo from codepen here: pkrein/pen/qBOewem
Btw I do know this code is not as clean as it could be, but that's the way I figured to make a fuction like that works only with CSS, and I hope it will make sense for you.
Ok, so the matter is, the content inside the book pages is not "scrollable" on firefox. I guess this is indeed a z-index problem, because when I move any page outside the book, that is, from behind the rest of the content, it scrolls fine.
Let me know if I can give any more info that could help you understand my issue!
I figured a possible solution for this. It's not quite the solution for the problem itself but it's something that can make what I want to do work.
The problem was: (what I had to remove in order to make it work):
(1) The div #content-holder holding all the text inside the flap
(2) The div .preparation-text inside the .preparation (that's the text I want to scroll). That was a scrolling div (.preparation) inside a non-scrolling div (.preparation-text). I always add a scrolling div inside a non-scrolling div in order to hide the scrollbar, by adding a high padding-right to the inside div. I know I can use code to hide the scrollbar but it do not work in all browsers.
How I fixed:
(1) I just removed the #content-holedr divs, since it was not strictly necessary.
(2) I removed the .preparation-text and transformed .preparation into a scrolling div. Then I just covered the scrollbar with an image of the same size and colors as the background (a print of the layout).

opera browser displays margin differently

I'm going nuts on this, I can't figure out what causes the margins of the right sidebar gallery images to be rendered differently on opera browser. More specifically the bottom margin of the images seems to be doubled in every other common browser, its set to 2px and only opera displays it as 2 px.
This is the url - See screenshots here.
Please help me out with this, I don't care too much about the fact that its displayed differently but it exposes a bit of the following gallery images which are supposed to remain hidden so thats what bothers me. If there is another way to hide the following images (which are placed by widget) that'd be fine too. Maybe setting the margin conditionally for opera?
I've had a quick look at the page in Dragonfly as well as Chrome's inspector for comparison and no particular style, including inherited ones, strikes me as "causing" this issue. Maybe someone else can find something, but at a glance, I'd say Opera seems to be "doing the right thing".
You might have more control over the spacing if you put each anchor tag along with its respective image inside its own container and tried to style those (e.g. a div containing the anchor containing the image for each item, and float them left within the parent container div).
Is there a particular reason you have more images than you want to display? I don't see any controls to scroll the images on that page, so I'm not sure why you need to have more than the six images you're showing already. Surely if you have code somewhere that randomises the order, you can change it so that it only displays the first six images.
Also, have you tried breaking the problem down to a smaller use case that can be tested/tweaked in a jsfiddle? That may help to get to the bottom of your issue if you can't solve it using the above suggestion.

Strange gap off screen that's adding bottom scroll bar

This is very strange and I'm pretty sure it's to do with some sort of width issue in CSS, but as you start to re-size the browser, it adds this strange gap to the right (Which is off screen).
Here is the page in question
I've tried looking through the CSS and I can't exactly find anything, I keep going over and over it but it's not sticking out to me.
The website is WordPress driven, so most of the CSS is in theme.css and lessframework.css. The Sidebar is a fixed width at 202px and the Content is next to it, which has different width sizes based on what screen size. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with that but I just need a second opinion/set of eyes!
Can anybody help?
I hope im not bringing an old question back to life, but i find Firefox's developer tools have been invaluable in ascertaining, on-the-fly, what elements are actually displaying.
The easiest way is to right click on the area in question, and choose the last option 'Inspect Element'. This will open up the source and CSS console and displays the elements current id/class and style.
To go one better, once the console is open, click on the 3D box icon on the right of the console bar to make Firefox render the page in 3D, which will allow you to spin and zoom in on the affected area.

CSS layout with max heights not working that well

So, for a website I've been trying to get a specific layout to work across the IE browsers (FF + Chrome are a plus if they work, but usually they do).
Below you can see the layout I'm trying to achieve;
alt text
As you can see, this is just a slight variation of a multi-column layout that you can see around the internet. Just with some added extra's.
- no div should ever exceed the page height, if they do, they should just overflow (but normally that will only happen for the middle part)
- the "toggle" link should toggle the div below visible/invisible (got the jquery code and all, no issues there), but that toggle should offcourse expand/decrease the width of the middle div.
I'm at the end of my possibility's here, and tried changing to a full table layout, but that had the problem of always expanding when content got too much...
If any of you CSS heroes out there know how to make this layout, I'll be very grateful!!
What I forgot to add is that certain parts of this design should be fixed width/height. The top part should be 60px height, right and left side should be 200px width. And the small bar (+ toggle bar) should be 30px high.
Of course I'll try to work from the example posted below, but I thought I'd add this edit just in case someone finds it challenging to make (I know I find it challenging, yet I'm not so good yet in CSS for now)
this is a mock up of what you are trying to do I believe. As it indicated by the other posters you may want to use hide() to handle the menu effect. If there is anything wrong with this mockup let me know, I do not have IE6 installed but it works on 8.

css issue for alignment of divs

I am working on this site and I am having a difficulty in figuring out this css issue.
When I on mouse over on "Main categories" that appears on the right side, it shows a drop down with links in it.
Two things happens,
1) in IE(7) - the drop down hides behind another div
2) in both ie and ff, it pushes other div below that to go down and on mouse out, it looks fine.
I am not sure which css property can fix this.
please help me out
Next time, please make your URL clickable:
In Firefox, I also see a tiny bit of the background showing through the menu, as you can see. Mousing over this thing triggers a mouseout event, closing the menu. In IE 7, I don't see the push-down effect, only the hiding of the menu under the Flash panel and everything below it.
To prevent the menu pushing down other elements on your page, you should use position: absolute on #downmenu and probably incorporate it into the div containing "Main Categories" to position it in the right place. Use an appropiate z-index will likely prevent the drop down menu from popping under another div in IE (untested, as I don't have a debugging tool for IE at the university where I'm typing this message now).
Furthermore, I think you shouldn't use two menus containing exactly the same content, that can be confusing to visitors of your site (actually, I didn't read your post well enough and moused over the left instance). Also, you shouldn't put text in images without providing alternate texts, screen readers and the like can't "see" it this way (preferably use a suitable image replacement technique). And all those s in the lis are totally unnecessary and not according to rules for semantic HTML; just use padding on them or something. By the way, you should make the rounded cursors of 'Main categories' transparent (now two little white corners are shown). Just my $ 0.02...
