Foursquare samples -

I'm pretty new with JSON and i'm a little confused...
What I'm trying to do is to use the userless access for foursquare api, to get the venues of a location. Can you please show me a similar example in .net?

you may have more luck using one of the community contributed .net libraries. See for details.


Facebook Application using ASP.NET

I want to develop a Facebook application (it is a simple quiz with 3 questions) using ASP.NET, but this is the first time that I've even tried doing it. I have found lots of confusing information on the internet and I wanted to ask what is the best and most correct way to do it (an API or something) and if there is a simple tutorial to get me started. Thanks in advance.
The way I've previously done this is to create a standard ASP.NET MVC application and use the .NET API:

SDL Tridion TOM.NET documentation

SDL Tridion's TOM.NET API replaced the deprecated TOM (Tridion Object Model) starting in, I believe, version R5.3.
Aside from asking Stack Overflow (Exchange) questions, which documentation should we refer to when working with and learning the TOM.NET API?
So far, I've found (logins required):
SDL Live Content
TridionWorld Download (select latest version, currently 2011 SP1 to download the "SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 TOM.NET API" chm)
I see these (plus questions on the forum), but can't tell which is better. What do you use most when working with TOM.NET?
Good Question and Probably most of the Tridion new developers might be wondering the same when to to use which. I would say both the documents has a different purpose and go side-by-side. API Documentation does provide information on methods and usage, SDL Live Content docs provide information is more of understanding what to use for your scenario. We do get these kind of questions when we are on boarding any new developer "Which document provides me the most information".
I refer to these simple examples to explain the differences on when to use which documentation.
what variables are available in package (vs) What API method to use when reading variables from package ?
Referring Live Docs for the first and API doc for second
How do I loop through the embedded fields (vs) what method I use to loop through embedded value fields ?
Referring Live Docs for the first and API doc for second.
I see this question with different variation keep popping up almost every month.
I know I used simple use cases, but sometimes keeping it simple is better.
Hope this information helps.
Also according to this page in the documentation the TOM.NET API should be only used in Templating and Event Handlers. For third party applications you should use the Core Service API.
I use the API documentation, and when I really want to know more use Reflector. But that's not really advisable(?).

How to create an xml feed from an application?

I am building a web application in which i will be using another websites services.
That website is asking me to provide it with "the URL of the XML feed". I am unable to understand, what is the URL of the XML feed and how to create a XML feed, as I am new to this.
Any code walkthroughs or articles will be helpfull.
Please help !
It sounds like what is being asked for is an Atom Feed. Building an atom feed in ASP.NET is pretty easy to do yourself, but existing libraries like Atom.NET will make it much easier to get going and will also help you follow the standard as closely as possible.

What search tools are available for ASP.NET site?

Is there any good search tools for I can buy to carry out search indexes easily on data I have in my database?
What I require is something that would carry out a general site search of articles but also faceted search as well. Faceted search is quite important feature.
You can implement facets with Lucene.NET, Solr, Sphinx, FAST, Endeca, probably also Xapian.
None of these will be trivial to integrate though, since they use very different data structures from relational databases. Usually you have to denormalize your data to feed it to a full-text search engine.
SolrNet includes a sample ASP.NET MVC application that shows how to implement facets with Solr.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of SolrNet.
I agree with Mauricio Scheffer, using Solr.NET will help achieve what you want. I implemented a basic ASP.NET web form example around a year back. I found this link to be very useful to get me started:
Using the example (above), I managed to create this (DISCLAIMER: personal site):!-Created-My-Own-eBay-Style-Search-Using-Solrnet.aspx
Lucene .net great
Its a .net port of the very popular Java search library Lucene.
Now, I prefer having a stand along search engine to remove the strain from my site. I use Solr which is Java, but you can use SolrSharp or SolrNet to intergrate with solr.

microsoft facebook sdk

Microsoft recently announced their Facebook SDK.
Has anyone tried using it with ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC ?
Would like your opinion. Any gotchas that developers need to be aware of ?
This is version 3.0 of the SDK. I've been using an earlier version and am in the process of upgrading to this new version.
Your question is very vague. What kind of gotchas are you expecting? There are so many pieces of the Facebook API that it's hard to speak to what your experience will be. What's stopping you from giving it a try yourself? You'd probably learn more from a few hours of building your own app with the SDK than anything anyone would be able to tell you here. If you get stuck or something doesn't work, then post your code and/or specific question and we'll do what we can to help you.
I am working on an ASP.NET MVC app using this library.
I have not used a whole lot of the functionality of the library since there are only two MVC specific class. An Controller Extension for getting a facebook api object, and an Action decorator attribute.
I have run into quite a bit of trouble with the methods in the Facebook.Rest.Data namespace.
Namely getting and setting Cookies.
Not sure what the deal is with this but it has been frustrating. And if it was not required by the client I would probably try and find a different library.
