Qt connect slot with signal from boost::shared_ptr - qt

I have a mainwindow app, when shortcut is triggered, a dialog will popup to show some information, the user may do some configuration in this dialog, then a signal is sent back to the mainwindow, the mainwindow will do some further work. the pseudo code looks like this:
void MainWindow::actionConfigure_triggered()
configureDialog = boost::shared_ptr<configure>(new configure(this));
connect(configureDialog.get(), SIGNAL(reload()), this, SLOT(clean_reload()));
but when I triggered this function several times, segmentation fault happens. I use debugger to trace the execution, SIGSEGV received when executing boost::checked_delete function.
Any help will be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I just want the configure dialog to be created and deleted dynamically, or there are other better ways to implement this?

According to your backtrace the bug seems somewhere in destructor of configure and has little to do with the shared_ptr (except that it is the shared_ptr that calls the destructor)
Check if there are double deletes of your object, if yes there is probably some other reference to it which is not a shared_ptr deleteing the object.


Send signal data from QMainwindow to QDialog

I am going to send data collected in the QMainWindow to an object of QDialog via signal-slot connections. Here is the relevant code fragment to do this in mainwindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::on_dialogA_clicked()
if(dialogA==NULL) dialogA =new MyDialog();
//'this' refers to MainWindow
connect(this,SIGNAL(sendData(QVector<bool>)), dialogA, SLOT(getData(QVector<bool>)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
However when working with dialogA, it seems that the data are not updated properly and the dialog interface becomes Not responding after while. I wonder if the signal-slot connection above is right or not, or that is the way to have data communication with a QDiaglog.
Two things...first, switch to the modern method of creating signal/slot connections:
connect (this, &MainWindow::sendData, dialogA, &MyDialog::getData, Qt::QueuedConnection);
If there's something wrong with the definition, using this format allows the compiler to catch it rather than a run-time warning. Assuming the parameters are defined correctly, there's nothing wrong with the "connect" statement except that it's in the wrong place, which is the second issue.
Every time the user clicks, an additional connection is being made between your main window and the dialog. Qt doesn't automatically ensure that only one connection is made between a given signal and slot. It'll create as many as you ask it for. The "connect" call should be part of the "if" block:
if (! dialogA)
dialogA =new MyDialog();
Depending on how much data is in that vector and what the dialog does with it, if you click enough times, it may be that you're just processing the data so many times that everything slows down tremendously.

confused by clicked() and clicked(bool) in qt 4 signal and slot

I am using qt 4.8.6 and visual studio 2008 to develop a project and confused by clicked() and clicked(bool). While building a connection for an object which will emit a signal:
connect(sender, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), receiver, SLOT(myslot()));
will trigger myslot(); and
connect(sender, SIGNAL(clicked()), receiver, SLOT(myslot()));
will not trigger it. However, I find other many examples about connect which all use clicked() not clicked(bool). Why cannot I use clicked()?
I look through Qt Assistant about:
void QAbstractButton::clicked ( bool checked = false ) [signal]
This signal is emitted when the button is activated (i.e. pressed down then released while the mouse cursor is inside the button), when the shortcut key is typed, or when click() or animateClick() is called. Notably, this signal is not emitted if you call setDown(), setChecked() or toggle().
If the button is checkable, checked is true if the button is checked,
or false if the button is unchecked.
I cannot find its reason. At the same time, what are the differences of the "checked" and "unchecked"?
By the way, I build a connect by pressing the left mouse button and drag the cursor. Another way is to rightclick the object, then the context menu will applear "go to slot", but my Qt Designer(4.8.6) will not. How to deal with it?
3 quesions hope to get help. Many thanks in advance.
I'm not sure I really understand the question(s), but the reason you can't connect to a clicked() signal is because there is no such thing... the function profile is clearly clicked(bool) (see docs).
Qt will only show a runtime error when it can't connect signal/slot (qWarning to stderr), it is not obvious at compile-time. Try examining the program output for warnings.
Edit: removed misleading information.
I encountered the same phenomenon too.
I think clicked(bool) and clicked(bool = false) is different.
The signal has different events.
I guess your "myslot()" may trigger the second event.

Function connected to the button is called twice after one click

I have a problem with slots and signals. I created buttons and connected them to the clicked() slot. Then i decided to connect signals and slots manually and since then when I click the button it calls its function twice.
connect(ui->okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_okButton_clicked()));
void settingswindow::on_okButton_clicked()
qDebug() << "ok clicked";
I was looking for the answer on google, but all i found was this: Where is the generated code of qt signals slots editor but my *.ui file looks like this: pastebin to the code. As you can see there's only one line with and nothing more. I can't find where the information about signals and slots is saved. Rebuild and clean options won't help.
This is not a bug in Qt. If you look at the generated code for your ui_*.h file, you'll notice that the last statement executed in the setupUi() function is a call to QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName().
Since your slot already conforms to the naming convention that this function is looking for, your slot is automatically connected to the signal.
By manually connecting the signal to the slot, in your settingswindow class, you effectively duplicate the connection.
As #Devopia mentioned, this is a documented feature.

QMainWindow stops receiving QEvent::UpdateRequest when user opens menu or resizes window

MyWindow which inherits from QMainWindow. MyWindow contains a QGLWidget that displays an animation.
The problem is that the animation pauses whenever I open a menu or resize the window.
The animation is implemented by calling QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::UpdateRequest)) periodically, then calling redrawing each time the window receives the QEvent::UpdateRequest, like this:
bool MyWindow::event(QEvent *event)
qDebug() << event;
switch (event->type())
case QEvent::UpdateRequest:
return true;
return QMainWindow::event(event);
As seen from qDebug(), while a menu is open or the window is being resized, the window stops receiving update request events.
Is there a setting on QMainWindow/QWidget to make it continue to receive update request events? Or is there some better way to implement the animation?
Edit: I'm on Mac OS X.
This may be a Qt bug. I'll investigate.
Alas, you're way overcomplicating your code.
The postEvent should be simply replaced by this->update(). Behind the scenes it posts the event for you.
One can simply connect a QTimer instance's signal to widget, SLOT(update()). If you want to save on a QObject instance, use QBasicTimer and reimplement timerEvent as follows: void MyWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* ev) { if (ev.timerId() == m_timer.timerId()) update(); }
There's no need to deal with event() reimplementation. Simply reimplement paintEvent() - that's what it's for.
Qt GUI updates are performing on MainThread. So slow gui response is reasonable, if you have many gui functionality does at same time. So generally, do not overload MaiThread with so many heavey function calls.
Probable solution to speed up your GUI response.
If PostEvent is called by your MainThread( if you are using timer from main gui thread ), instead move those to backend functionality in
a worker thread and postEvent once it has been done.
you call QCoreApplication::processEvents(), after your render(); function in MainThread.
This will help system to process all the other events that are in the event-loop before to continue
Please check, following link How to improve GUI response
Note: When creating and triggering the timer it will run within your thread by default, it wont start another thread.
Since I haven't heard any more from Kuba Ober about the possibility of this being a Qt bug, I went ahead and filed a bug report: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-33382
I was able to partially work around the problem by calling the render() function more directly — that is, instead of sending an event, receiving the event, and having the event handler call the function. I accomplished this with a dispatch queue (but not the main dispatch queue, since that's tied to the default run loop so it has the same problem). However, working with the QGLWidget on multiple threads was difficult. After trying for a while to use the moveToThread() function to make this work, and considering other factors involved in the project, I decided to use something other than Qt to display this window.

Can anyone give me same someting to keep in mind while using signals and slots in Qt?

I am learning to program using Qt framework. When I writes some code have signals and slots involved, the events didn't seem to fire and the signals and slots didn't seem to work. It really me make me annoyed. Can you give me some cautions and warnnings about signals and slots in Qt?
slot declarations:
private slots:
void onFtpCmdFinish(int cmdId, bool error);
void onRealtimeFtpCmdsDone(bool error);
connection code:
ftpHandle = new QFtp( this );
connect(ftpHandle, SIGNAL(commandFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(onFtpCmdFinish(int, bool)));
connect(ftpHandle, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(onRealtimeFtpCmdsDone(bool)));
Thank you in advance!
In the future, if you ever happen to run into problems with your Qt signals and slots again, the contents of the following blog entry can turn out to be a real life-saver (or at least a very good starting point for your investigations):
It meticulously lists 20 ways to debug/troubleshoot your signals and slots; follow this list and chances are high that you will eventually find out what's wrong.
I hope that helps.
You can only detect failed connect() at runtime.
A couple of tips:
defining QT-FATAL-WARNINGS=1 will cause Qt to assert and quit whenever it gets a connect that doesn't match.
Or wrapping each connect in:
bool ok = connect(……); QASSERT( ok);
Always check the return type, if its true then CONNECT successful else some thing wrong..
Don't forget about the fifth argument Qt::ConnectionType if you will write multithreaded applications
