Table with width: 100% inside position: absolute on IE7 - css

Please look at this fiddle:
On IE7, if I put width: 100% on a table, inside a div with position:absolute and width unspecified, the table takes over the entire screen.
All more recent browsers, it does not.
Can someone please explain?
And what's the best way to fix this? Do I just need to specify width on all absolute positioned elements? Or is there a better fix with some kind of wrapper element?

If you want to position absolute, it must be relative to the first parent that is positioned. It seems that IE7 doesn't know which parent that is, because you did not specify one.
Do position: relative on one of the parents to fix this. Or position the table relative.
I think specifying width on absolute positioned elements is always a good thing, since absolute positioned elements are taken out of the regular low of the page.
jsFiddle Demo


CSS position:absolute destroys layout after element

I got a DIV in my HTML-Markup, which is positioned relative. The DIVs inside this container are absolute.
this destroys the complete layout, because the following HTML-Elements are now positioned wrong, the (above) DIV which is relative, overflows them...
but why? How can I fix it?
Once you position a container with :relative, everything inside it will be positioned in relation to that. The position:absolute pulls the child elements out of the flow of the page an positions them at the top of the container with position:relative.
Thus, once you have elements with position:relative, you will want to also add rules to move and position the child elements. Consider using left: and top: or right: and bottom to position your :absolute child elements.
Alternatively, you might try to position the child elements with :relative as well, if you don't want them pulled out of the flow of the page.
Do you have code to look at, or a jsfiddle? Otherwise it's difficult to know what's going on and to suggest a fix.
If your relatively-positioned element only contains absolutely-positioned elements, you need to give it a height setting, otherwise it will have zero height (the absolutely-positioned elements won't be counted for auto height), and therefore probably cause some overlapping with subsequent elements.

Div not expanding to 100% (default behaviour)

I have a strange problem....
Div should expand to 100% of available space by default, but its not the case.
I don't understand what's going on, even if I put display:block it's behaving as automatic width (relative to content).
I appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.
The effect I need to achieve is let the box with green border absoluted or fixed to top of its container, so you can scroll keywords but title will remain there.
When you absolutely position something (that's using position: absolute or position: fixed) width: auto no longer expands it to the container's width. The rules from which the width is actually determined are complicated*. That's why many people consider it a good practice to set a specific width on those elements (absolutely positioned ones, that is).
*you can find out about those rules at
As has been said, once you absolutely position an element, it loses the parent's tag association in a sense. So you could do something like this maybe.

IE6 and IE7 Z-INDEX bug

After a few lost days, I have given up trying to solve this.
So, here is the situation and I'll be really thankful if someone could tell me what I should do:
I have a vertical menu, and the second level of the menu is absolute positioned.
The inner <ul> is styled position: absolute; and has a set z-index. The problem is
ie6 and ie7-specific, which does not recognize the z-index in an absolute positioned block.
If the element was a relatively positioned, there are no problems but I need the
element to be positioned absolute.
Are there any suggestions? Thanks a lot to everyone who's going to give their advice or opinion.
Try this if it helps.
Inside absolute div, add a relative div and put your code inside it.
IE6 and IE7 have a z-index bug where each absolutely positioned element creates a new context for the stacking order. It's difficult to tell without seeing the html in question, but try adding position: relative; and z-index: 100 (or something above the z-index of your sub-menus) to the container (parent) of all the elements with position: absolute.

Why the div is not aligned if i give absolute position?

I have a fiddle here. I set float left & width(20%, 80%) for the li's. It looks good now.
For some reason(actually, its an another story!) i want the set position: absolute for div.content.
If i do, the moreContent div comes to the left like this.
I don't understand why its happening like this because, i set the parent of content div's
position as relative. So, it should be inside the li.
I just want to keep the same layout with the div.content positioned as absolute.
How to do it.
The problem is that when you position div.content as absolute, it then has no influence of the position of the other elements. I'd suggest setting a margin, this will then mimic what div.content would do if it wasn't absolute:
Absolute position is outside the normal page flow - ie nothing to do with the position of other items on the page.
Once you set an element to be 'absolute', it's basically removed from the page's DOM for positioning calculations. Making .content be absolute means that .moreContent now has nothing "left" of it to float against, so it moves right up to the parent container's bordre.

Force a floated or absolutely position element to stay "in the flow" with CSS

I'm looking for a way to force floated or absolutely positioned elements to stay in the flow in css. I'm pretty much thinking css is stupid for not having something like flow:on flow:off to keep it in the flow or take it out.
The issue is that I want to have a div element with a variable height, I have a floated image on the left in the div, and I want the div to be at least the height of the picture. I also want it to be at least big enough to hold all the text that IS in the flow (this obviously isn't a problem).
I need the picture to be able to vary in size. I am currently using a jQuery solution, but its acting up. Since I don't feel like debugging, and I feel like there should be some kind of CSS solution, i'm asking.
Anyone know how I can do this?
I usually go with overflow: hidden or overflow: auto.
Instead of using a new element to clear the div at the end, you can add this onto the absolute div css;
overflow: auto;
Obviously IE likes to play differently so you need to supply a width to it too. I am assuming the absolute div has a set width... so you can just set it to that width.
.abs-div {
position: absolute;
overflow: auto;
width: 160px; /* Replace with your width */
A hack that may work in your situation is to add another element inside your div after the rest of the content that has the CSS clear property set to "both" (or left, since your image is on the left). eg:
<br style="clear: both" />
This will force the element below the floated elements, which will stretch the containing div.
