Could TCP be used with lower level protocols like for eg Ethernet or SONET - tcp

Out of curiosity can we implement a TCP stack directly over Ethernet and use that for reliability and flow control on a LAN network.

TCP in tightly integrated on IP. One example is its use of a pseudoheader which incorporates specific parts of the IP header for purposes of checksum calculation. Also, I doubt if any TCP implementations exist which don't contain pervasive assumptions of 32-bit (for IPv4) or 128-bit (for IPv6) addresses.
Why would you want to skip IP and run TCP directly over a lower layer? Just to save 20 bytes of header?


Why is UDP required at all when some protocols ride directly over IP?

As I understand it TCP is required for congestion control and error recovery or reliable delivery of information from one node to another and its not the fastest of protocols for delivering information.
Some routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF ride directly on top of IP. Even ICMP rides directly over IP.
Why is UDP even required at all? Is it only required so that developers/programmers can identify what application the inbound packet should be sent to based on the destination port number contained within the packet?
If that is the case then how is information gathered from protocols that ride directly on top of IP sent to the appropriate process when there is no port number information present?
Why are voice and video sent over UDP? Why not directly over IP?
(Note that I do understand thoroughly the use case for TCP. I am not asking why use UDP over TCP or vice versa. I am asking why use UDP at all and how can some protocols use directly the IP layer. Whats the added advantage or purpose of UDP over IP?)
Your question makes more sense in terms of why is UDP useful (than why is UDP required).
UDP is a recognized protocol by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. UDP can be useful if you want to write a network protocol that's datagram based and you want to play more nicely with Internet devices.
Routers can have rules to do things like drop any packet that doesn't make sense. So if you try and send packets using say an unassigned IP protocol number between hosts separated by one or more routers, the packets may well never get delivered as you've intended. The same could happen with packets from an unrecognized UDP protocol but that's at least one less door to worry about whether your packet can make it through.
Internet endpoints (like hosts) may do similar filtering too. If you want to write your own datagram based protocol and use a typical host operating system, you're more likely to need to write your software as a privileged process if not as a kernel extension if you're trying to ride it as its own IP protocol (than if you'll be using UDP).
Hope this answer is useful!
First of all, IP and UDP are protocols on the different layers, IP by definition is Internet layer when UDP is transport layer. Layers were introduced to simplify network protocols architecture and to separate concerns. Application layer protocols are supposed to be based on transport layer (with some exceptions).
Most popular transport protocols (in IP network) are UDP and TCP. While TCP is feature rich but with many tradeoffs UDP is very simple but gives a lot of freedom and so typically is a base for other protocols.
The main feature of UDP is multiplexing: ports that allow multiple protocol instances (aka sockets) to coexist on the same node. This means that implementing your own protocol over IP instead of UDP either you won't be able to have multiple instances of your protocol on the same machine or you'll have to implement multiplexing yourself.
There're other features like segmentation and checksum. These features are not mandatory.
And as was mentioned in another answer there're lots of middleware like routers, NATs and firewalls that can ruin the idea of a custom "right over IP" protocol, but it's more like a collateral damage than a feature of UDP.

what is the real difference between the version field on the ip header and the type field in the ethernet header?

the version field in the IP header contains the version of the IP protocol used (IPv4/IPv6).
the type field in the Ethernet header contains which layer 3 protocol to forward the De-encapsulated packet to (IPv4, IPv6).
Why is it so important that the IP header have a field called "Version", what is it used for?
Networking protocols are designed in layered manner to reduce complexities and improve generalities. The IP layer is designed in such a way that each of system can have a suitable IP layer software to process the packets without worrying about how the packets are transferred. This way IP packets can be transported by ethernet layer or any other layer (e.g. FC or ATM) independent of the knowledge of layer below it. The IP processing software needs to know the version of IP and hence IP packets have that version.
The same layering concept applies to ethernet layer which can help in transporting not only IP packets but other type of packets (e.g. IPX) without knowing details about protocol that it is transporting. But the ethernet layer processing at each end should know what type of packets they are carrying, so that they can hand-over the packet to appropriate layer for further processing.
Because IP can be encapsulated in another (non-Ethernet) layer 2 protocol. The IP protocol does not mandate a specific lower layer protocol so it can not make assumption on information that is available at this layer (e.g. the upper layer protocol version number). So if the layer 2 protocol only specifies 'IP' as the next layer, you need the IP protocol version from the IP header to correctly process it.

Why is it possible to use the same port on TCP and UDP at the same time?

I've seen while searching that it is possible to use two different programs on the same computer communicating over the network using the same port and same network interface provided one use UDP and the other TCP. However I didn't get a good explanation, how does it actually work and why this is possible?
Is it also possible for multiple programs to use the same UDP port since UDP does not establish a real connection between the peers, but just sends the packets to an address? I understand it's not possible with TCP as it creates a synchronized connection between the server and the client, but what about UDP?
Please explain in details if possible, or link a good article on the topic.
The other answers are correct but somewhat incomplete.
An IP (aka "INET") socket "connection" (i.e. communication between two processes, possibly on different machines) is defined by a 5-tuple: protocol, source address, source port, destination address, destination port. You can see that this is not limited to a stateful connection such as TCP.
This means that you can bind different processes to any unique instance of that 5-tuple. Because the "protocol" (e.g. TCP and UDP) is part of the differentiating factor, each can have a different process.
Theoretically, you could bind different services to the same TCP port if they bind to different interfaces (network cards, loopback, etc.) though I've never tried it.
It is standard practice, however, to always use the same service on the same port number. If both UDP and TCP are supported, they're just different ways of communicating with that same service. DNS, for example, uses UDP on port 53 for lookup because they are small requests and it's faster than creating a TCP connection but DNS also uses TCP on port 53 for "transfers" which are infrequent and can have large amounts of data.
Lastly, in complete accuracy, it isn't necessarily a 5-tuple. IP uses the "protocol" to pass to the next layer such as TCP and UDP though there are others. TCP and UDP each seperately differentiate connections based on the remaining 4 items. It's possible to create other protocols on top of IP that use completely different (perhaps port-less) differentiation mechanisms.
And then there are different socket "domains", such as the "unix" socket domain, which is completely distinct from "inet" and uses the filesystem for addressing.
The destination isn't identified by IP Addr:Port alone. There is another thing - IP header has a field called Protocol which differentiates the TCP and UDP endpoint. As such it becomes possible for two process to bind to same IP:Port as long as communication protocol is different.
The endpoint of a connection is for UDP and TCP defined by IP, protocol (TCP or UDP) and port. This means as long as you use a different protocol the endpoint of the communication is different too.
Because they are not the only component of the means of address. It's the same as why you can have two houses with the same number on different streets, or why you know John Whorfin is not the same Red Lectroid as John Bigbooté.
Each IP packet contains a field that says which transport-layer protocol is to be used, and within the domain of that protocol is a set of ports that can be the same as in any other protocol because they are actually a completely separate set.
As for the second question, there are answers elsewhere.

why there is separate checksum in TCP and IP headers?

What is the need for having checksum at various layers ? For eg, there is a checksum in TCP layer and again in IP layer and also Ethernet layer has it.
Is not it sufficient to have checksum at one layer ?
All three layers are needed, for multiple reasons:
IP does not always run over ethernet (imagine IP over RS-232 serial, something every Cisco and Unix box can do)
IP does not checksum the data
TCP packets can be reassembled incorrectly from IP packets and fragments that each have perfect checksums
Even if reassembled correctly, software or other errors could be introduced in the layers between IP and TCP
Even if all software functions correctly, and TCP/IP is over ethernet, the limited size of the checksums can be accidently correct (and will be at some point, given enough packets) in the face of persistent errors, so having more than one checksum is helpful.
Every time a new header is introduced there is more to checksum, and the new layer can't see the header bits of the layer below.
Ethernet checksum is a hop to hop checksum - meaning that it is recomputed everytime the Ethernet header fields change. TCP/UDP checksum is a end-to-end checksum meaning it is computed by the sender and verified by the receiver. TCP/UDP checksums cover the entire segment. IP checksum covers only the header. Ethernet CRC covers the entire frame.
The designers of IPv6 decided it's not necessary at all those layers and removed it in favor of checksums at other layers (such as those you mentioned).

What is the Significance of Pseudo Header used in UDP/TCP

Why is the Pseudo header prepended to the UDP datagram for the computation of the UDP checksum? What's the rational behind this?
The nearest you will get to an answer "straight from the horse's mouth", is from David P. Reed at the following link.
The short version of the answer is, "the pseudo header exists for historical reasons".
Originally, TCP/IP was a single monolithic protocol (called just TCP). When they decided to split it up into TCP and IP (and others), they didn't separate the two all that cleanly: the IP addresses were still thought of as part of TCP, but they were just "inherited" from the IP layer rather than repeated in the TCP header. The reason why the TCP checksum operates over parts of the IP header (including the IP addresses) is because they intended to use cryptography to encrypt and authenticate the TCP payload, and they wanted the IP addresses and other TCP parameters in the pseudo header to be protected by the authentication code. That would make it infeasible for a man in the middle to tamper with the IP source and destination addresses: intermediate routers wouldn't notice the tampering, but the TCP end-point would when it attempted to verify the signature.
For various reasons, none of that grand cryptographic plan came to pass, but the TCP checksum which took its place still operates over the pseudo header as though it were a useful thing to do. Yes, it gives you a teensy bit of extra protection against random errors, but that's not why it exists. Frankly, we'd be better off without it: the coupling between TCP and IP means that you have to redefine TCP when you change IP. Thus, the definition of IPv6 includes a new definition for the TCP and UDP pseudo header (see RFC 2460, s8.1). Why the IPv6 designers chose to perpetuate this coupling rather than take the chance to abolish it is beyond me.
From the TCP or UDP point of view, the packet does not contain IP addresses. (IP being the layer beneath them.)
Thus, to do a proper checksum, a "pseudo header" is included. It's "pseudo", because it is not actaully part of the UDP datagram. It contains the most important parts of the IP header, that is, source and destination address, protocol number and data length.
This is to ensure that the UDP checksum takes into account these fields.
When these protocols were being designed, a serious concern of theirs was a host receiving a packet thinking it was theirs when it was not. If a few bits were flipped in the IP header during transit and a packet changed course (but the IP checksum was still correct), the TCP/UDP stack of the redirected receiver can still know to reject the packet.
Though the pseudo-header broke the separation of layers idiom, it was deemed acceptable for the increased reliability.
"The purpose of using a pseudo-header is to verify that the UDP
datagram has reached its correct destination. The key to
understanding the pseudo-header lies in realizing that the correct
destination consists of a specific machine and a specific protocol
port within that machine. The UDP header itself specifies only the
protocol port number. Thus, to verify the destination, UDP on the
sending machine computes a checksum that covers the destination IP
address as well as the UDP datagram. The pseudo-header is not
transmitted with the UDP datagram, nor is it included in the length."
E. Comer - Internetworking with TCP/IP 4th edition.
Pseudo IP header contains the source IP, destination IP, protocol and Total length fields. Now, by including these fields in TCP checksum, we are verifying the checksum for these fields both at Network layer and Transport layer, thus doing a double check to ensure that the data is delivered to the correct host.
