Select Row in WEBGRID -

How can a select a Row of a WEBGRID after binding it so that row
will get highlighted(by mouse click on any row or cell of any row without the
use of check-box or option button as column)
1.)After selecting any row can I get the data value for that row?
2.) Can I move selection up and down by keyboard (up and down keyboard
3.) And after changing the index of selecting row(by mouse or by keyboard
up-down button) is rowselectedindexchaged or rowselectingindexchanging event
can be fired/handled
Thank you

There's a lot to this question, and there are lots of ways to implement it. Here's a rough sketch of how you could do this. I'm going to assume you're using JQuery as that will make this a lot easier.
To highlight a row or cell on click, attach click events to each:
$("tr").click(function() { $(this).css('background', 'yellow'); });
$("td").click(function() { $(this).css('background', 'lightblue'); });
Of course, you'll also need to un-highlight them, but we'll come to that in a moment.
To get data for a row (I assume you mean on the server, not the client), you'll have to do an AJAX call. It will be easiest to get the id of the row rather than passing the whole row back. Something like this inside the click events:
var row_id = $(this).closest("tr").find("input[type=hidden]").attr("value");
$.get("?row_id=" + row_id);
This assumes that you have added a hidden input to each row in your Webgrid with its row ID value.
In case you need to access the selected first row cell you can use this inside the click function:
var cellOne = this.cells[0].innerHTML ;
I also recommend that your click function should only be linked to a certain table (otherwise the selection will be enabled on all tr elements) and use a css class that is added and removed when selection changes.
$('#MainTable tr').click(function () {
$('#MainTable tr').not(this).removeClass('select');
To move up and down, you can add a "keyup" event listener to the window and handle up/down. See here for more details: jQuery kepress detection on left, right arrows and space bar. You'll have to use Javascript to keep track of which row is currently selected so as to highlight/unhighlight as needed.
Finally, for the last question, you can trigger an AJAX call (or Javascript call) when the user clicks or arrow-keys to a different row. You'll already be keeping track of which row number has been selected, so you can just send that along with the event:
$.get("?event=row_selection_changed&row_id=" + row_id);

You can try this code:
<div id="AjaxWebGrid">
htmlAttributes: new { id = "MainTable" },
tableStyle: "webGrid",
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
selectedRowStyle: "select",
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("SendedInDateTime", "SendDate", null, style: "SendDateTimeStyle"),
grid.Column("", header:"حذف", format:
#Ajax.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete",
new { id = "", DelID = item.Id }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "AjaxWebGrid" },
new { #class = "button" })
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#MainTable tr').click(function () {
$('#MainTable tr').not(this).removeClass('select');

#grid.GetHtml(htmlAttributes: new { id="MainTable" }, .....);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function ()
var tr = $('#MainTable').find('tr');
tr.bind('click', function (event)
$("tr").click(function () { $(this).css('background', 'yellow'); });


Having issue with deleting row (using button in column) in dojogrid

I am using dojo EnhancedGrid to display some data and handling "onRowClick" event to allow the user to click on a row in the grid to view more details about this row like below.
dojo.connect(grid, "onRowClick", grid, dojo.partial(displayDetailsForSelectedElement, type) );
Now, I want to allow the user to delete an item from the grid by providing a delete button in separate column for each of the row in the grid. The code for the button is provided below.
function buttonFormatterRemove(col, rowIndex){
var w = new dijit.form.Button({
label: "Delete", //label: '<img src="images/del.png" />',
iconClass: "dijitIconDelete", //"dijitEditorIcon dijitIconCut",
showLabel: false,
onClick: function() {
//if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the assertion?")){
alert("Do I come here for delete...");
//var item = grid.selection.getSelected();
//var work_id =[0], "work_id");
var item = this.grid.getItem(rowIndex);
var id = item['id'];
alert("delete row with id = " + id);
//Send POST request to delete
require(["dojo/request"], function(request){
request.del(contextPath + "/rest/items/" + id)
console.log("The server returned: ", text);
return w;
The issue I am having is that when I click on the delete button for a row, though it does come inside onClick(), the code after alert("Do I come here for delete..."); doesn't get invoked. After, it executed first alert(), it calls displayDetailsForSelectedElement() to handle 'onRowClick'.
I am not sure if this issue is due to the fact that 2 events are fired when I click on delete button and if there is a solution to fix this? Any help and advice would be much appreciated.
You may call dojo.stopEvent(e) firstly to stop the event propagation in your delete method.

how to hide rows in a grid view?

There r things to hide a column in a grid view but are there any methods by which the rows of a grid can be hidden and un hidden on a particular action. Say when a button is clicked the 1st and the 2nd row must be hidden and on another click the hidden rows must be un hidden.
To hide rows
$(document).ready(function () {
$("tr").filter(function () {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length
}).click(function () {

show different item on selectionchange on a grid

i have a grid and a form, i need to show different items on the form each time we select a row on that grid
i ve been looking on how to do this, and found
Ext.getCmp('myform').hide() // or .show()
listeners: { selectionchange: function () {...}
now i dont know which row is selected so i can specify which item to show
You get the selected rows as second parameter in the selectionchange event handler:
listeners: {
selectionchange: function (view, selections, options) {
console.log(view, selections, options);
So the first selected row is the first element in the selections array:
record = selections[0]
This is described in the Ext JS 4 API documentation for the selectionchange event.
Try to following code in your grid.
itemclick:function(view, record, item, index, e ) {
var v = record.get('firstName');
firstName will be your dataindex of colums in your grid.
You can get value of any field like this.

jqGrid Toolbar CustomButton OnClick: How can I get the parent grid row id?

I am using the jqGrid for ASP.NET MVC, and have a grid with a subgrid. In that subgrid, I have added a button to the toolbar like so:
ToolBarSettings = new ToolBarSettings()
ShowRefreshButton = true,
CustomButtons = new List<JQGridToolBarButton>()
new JQGridToolBarButton()
Text = "Custom",
Position = ToolBarButtonPosition.Last,
OnClick="CustomClick" }
The CustomClick is a javascript callback, and it fires without any problems, but I am having trouble getting the parent grid row id in the CustomClick callback.
How can I get the parent row id in the CustomClick function?
Thanks, Dennis
The child Grid id itself contains the parentKey. when ever a child grid is created the id of the child grid is ParentGridName_ParentKey_ChildGridName. So you can get the Parent key
Below is the code for custom button :
<Trirand:JQGridToolBarButton ToolTip="Custom button" OnClick="GetParentKey" />
Then inside GetParentKey function you can get the parentKeyID as follows :
function GetParentKey()
var GridId ='_');
var parentKey = GridId[1];
Inside of CustomClick function you has as this the DOM element of the table from which navigator the custom button are clicked. There are no "parent row", but you can get the id of the currently selected row (if any exist) per
var rowid = $(this).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
see example from the following answer oder search for another examples to the navButtonAdd method.

jQuery nested filter

I'd like to have the first 6 columns of a GridView perform an action, but I need to highlight the entire row when it is clicked. The entire row highlighting is working, but I can't quite get the capturing of the first 6 columns. How do I capture the first 6 columns click in the following where the testing variable is located?:
$("#<%= JobStreamSelectedDealsGridView.ClientID %> tr").filter(function() {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length
.bind('click', function(e) {
if (_activeRow) _activeRow.removeClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
_activeRow = $(this).addClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
var testing = $('td:lt(6)', this);
You can do it like this:
var _activeRow;
$("#<%= JobStreamSelectedDealsGridView.ClientID %> tr")
.delegate('td:not(:has(table)):lt(6)', 'click', function(e) {
if (_activeRow) _activeRow.removeClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
_activeRow = $(this).closest('tr').addClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
You can try it out here. I'm not sure about your parent-row-with-child-table exclusion, but I've replicated it here since I'm sure you had a reason :)
This uses .delegate() to reduce the number of event handlers, it attaches an event handler to each row, and when a <td> that's :lt(6) (less than 6th index, 0-based) gets clicked we go up to the nearest <tr> using .closest() and do the class manipulation there.
Try this. You are binding the click even to only the first 6 TD's.
$("#<%= JobStreamSelectedDealsGridView.ClientID %> tr").filter(function() {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length
find("td:eq(0), td:eq(1), td:eq(2), td:eq(3), td:eq(4), td:eq(5)").bind('click', function(e) {
if (_activeRow) _activeRow.removeClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
_activeRow = $(this).addClass('gridviewrow-highlighted');
var testing = $(this);
