DIV - Force height 100%=/= page height? - css

I am in a big of an issue here with a design I am trying to set up. Here is the website for a reference;
The problem is that I set the body to height: 100%; in the stylesheet and on the #wrapper div as well. The height goes off the current page height and does not take into account that there are other divs that could cause overflow.
I would like, a blank page to be the size of the browser even if the vertical size of the browser is changed, the content/wrapper div will shrink to accommodate.
Can this be done?
Okay so clearly my original question was extremely confusing. Here is a picture;
So, in pic 1 (the left) is the issue. With height 100%; on the wrapper and content divs, it is creating that bad boy. I want it to look like picture, where the white/gray area grows/shrinks depending on the size of the browser...

The easiest way is simply using CSS:
height: 100vh;
Where 'vh' stands as vertical height of the browser window.
Responsive to resizing of brower and mobile devices.

Give body,HTML & main DIV height 100%. write like this:
margin:0 auto;
Check this http://jsfiddle.net/3VUGt/

The answer from #sandeep is correct. The best way of controlling the most basic container of display in the browser is to control html/body.
Normally, I need the same structure as you design:
1. the content should stay inside the container without overflow scroll, and
2. the container should resize as 100% while the browser is resizing.
So the basic way of doing it is:
html, body {
height: 100%;
And I always set the basic container fit both height and width:
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
NOTE: there could a margin/padding issue for some browser (as user agent stylesheet):
which add a style for some of basic component like body in default (e.g. Chrome 70.0.3538.102):
body {
display: block;
margin: 8px;
Check within the developer mode, if that happens, add margin override, this also works for padding:
html, body {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
And if your page base component looks like:
<div id="div1">
my html content ...
You could just do:
html, body {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#div1 {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
This always work for me. Hope it helps. And down here is what I guessed that the target you want to reach.
html, body {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#div1 {
position: relative;
width: 60%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgb(255,125,125);
float: left;
#div2 {
position: relative;
width: 40%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgb(125,255,125);
float: left;
<div id="div1"> layer 1 </div>
<div id="div2"> layer 2 </div>

Add overflow:auto to the wrapper element.

There is no complete CSS solution for this problem. This CSS "issue" has been known for many years. Since CSS has grown in functionality over the years, I thought there may be a complete CSS solution by now. But alas, there is not. I have tried many things and have searched high and low, and the issue remains the same.
To my knowledge, there are only 3 solutions that do not require 3rd party libraries: absolute positioning, faux colums (two-tone repeating background) and JS.
The only two solutions that appeal to me are: faux columns and JS. I prefer the JS solution, since it makes more use of CSS. With JS you don't have to re-work the background image if you want to change the column width or color later on. It is a more adaptable and re-useable solution. The only advantage I can see for creating faux columns is that your layout doesn't break if the client disables JS.
JS solution (wrapper not required): https://jsfiddle.net/Kain52/uec9cLe4/
var side1 = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0];
var side2 = document.getElementById('mainMenu');
var side1Height = side1.clientHeight;
var side2Height = side2.clientHeight;
if(side2Height < side1Height) { side2.style.height = side1Height + "px"; }
else { side1.style.height = side2Height + "px"; }
JS solution (wrapper required): https://jsfiddle.net/Kain52/7udh55zq/
var wrapperHeight = document.getElementById('innerWrapper').clientHeight;
document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0].style.height = wrapperHeight + "px";
document.getElementById('mainMenu').style.height = wrapperHeight + "px";
Explanation: If you use a div wrapper then you can assign it to the height of the wrapper. If you don't use a wrapper, then you can just set the height of the shortest side to the height of the longest side. If you know that your side menu bar will always be shorter than your content, then you only need two lines of code:
var contentHeight = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0].clientHeight;
document.getElementById('mainMenu').style.height = contentHeight + "px";

If you are okay with having some JavaScript run every millisecond on your page, and the content above the white area in question will always be the same pixel height, you could try something along the lines of this...
bodyLeadingFill = // put the size taken up by everything above the white div,
// including margin, padding, border, etc
function resizeElement(){
document.getElementById(/* name of white element here */).style.height = (window.innerHeight - bodyLeadingFill) * (/* put the % size you need here */ / 100) + "%";
window.setTimeout(resizeElement, 0);
This is, of course, assuming that the content above the white box will always be the same size no matter the font or operating system or size of the window.
I didn't actually test this myself, but the concept should work. Look out for the comments that say where to put some info.


How can I prevent the page shifting when scrollbar is disabled [duplicate]

I have a website with center-aligned DIV. Now, some pages need scrolling, some don't. When I move from one type to another, the appearance of a scrollbar moves the page a few pixels to the side. Is there any way to avoid this without explicitly showing the scrollbars on each page?
overflow-y:scroll is correct, but you should use it with the html tag, not body or else you get a double scrollbar in IE 7
So the correct css would be:
html {
overflow-y: scroll;
Wrap the content of your scrollable element into a div and apply padding-left: calc(100vw - 100%);.
<div style="padding-left: calc(100vw - 100%);">
Some Content that is higher than the user's screen
The trick is that 100vw represents 100% of the viewport including the scrollbar. If you subtract 100%, which is the available space without the scrollbar, you end up with the width of the scrollbar or 0 if it is not present. Creating a padding of that width on the left will simulate a second scrollbar, shifting centered content back to the right.
Please note that this will only work if the scrollable element uses the page's entire width, but this should be no problem most of the time because there are only few other cases where you have centered scrollable content.
html {
overflow-x: hidden;
margin-right: calc(-1 * (100vw - 100%));
Example. Click "change min-height" button.
With calc(100vw - 100%) we can calculate the width of the scrollbar (and if it is not displayed, it will be 0). Idea: using negative margin-right, we can increase the width of <html> to this width. You will see a horizontal scroll bar — it should be hidden using overflow-x: hidden.
I think not. But styling body with overflow: scroll should do. You seem to know that, though.
With scroll always being shown, maybe be not good for layout.
Try to limit body width with css3
body {
width: calc(100vw - 34px);
vw is the width of the viewport (see this link for some explanation)
calc calculate in css3
34px stands for double scrollbar width (see this for fixed or this to calculate if you don't trust fixed sizes)
If changing size or after loading some data it is adding the scroll bar then you can try following, create class and apply this class.
.auto-scroll {
overflow-y: overlay;
overflow-x: overlay;
I don't know if this is an old post, but i had the same problem and if you want to scroll vertically only you should try overflow-y:scroll
body {
scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;
New css spec that will help with scrollbar repositioning is on its way:
I see three ways - each with their own quirks:
scrollbar-gutter as mentioned by Markus T.
overflow: overlay as mentioned by kunalkamble
Add spacing with calc(100vw - 100%) as mentioned Rapti
Here is a StackBlitz demo
Press the "Toggle height" to see the content shift.
This has limited support but with a #support media query we can use a combination of this and overflow-y: scroll:
html {
overflow-y: scroll;
#supports (scrollbar-gutter: stable) {
html {
overflow-y: auto;
scrollbar-gutter: stable;
In this way content will never shift.
The "problem" with this solution is that there is always a fixed space for the scrollbar.
overflow: overlay
Limited support and it obviously hides anything it overlays. Special care is needed to make sure nothing vital is hidden (also on zoom and text size changes).
Can be combined with scrollbar-gutter:
html {
overflow-y: scroll;
#supports (scrollbar-gutter: stable) {
html {
overflow-y: auto;
scrollbar-gutter: stable;
#supports (overflow-y: overlay) {
html {
overflow-y: overlay;
scrollbar-gutter: auto;
It is possible to do some negative margin and overflow-x: hidden but this has a risk of hiding vital content under certain situations. Small screen, custom font/zoom size, browser extensions, etc.
calc(100vw - 100%)
This can be done with RTL support like this:
html[dir='ltr'] main {
padding-left: calc(100vw - 100%);
html[dir='rtl'] main {
padding-right: calc(100vw - 100%);
Where <main> in this case would be the container for the centered content.
Content here will not shift as long as the centered container is smaller than <main>. But as soon as it is 100% of the container a padding will be introduced. See the StackBlitz demo and click "Toggle width".
The "problem" with this solution is that you need media queries to prevent padding on "small screens" and that even on small screens - when the scrollbar should be visible - some shifting will occur because there is no room for 100% content and a scrollbar.
Use scrollbar-gutter perhaps combined with overlay. If you absolutely don't want empty spacing, try the calc solution with media queries.
Simply setting the width of your container element like this will do the trick
width: 100vw;
This will make that element ignore the scrollbar and it works with background color or images.
#kashesandr's solution worked for me but to hide horizontal scrollbar I added one more style for body. here is complete solution:
/* prevent layout shifting and hide horizontal scroll */
html {
width: 100vw;
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
* For multiple modals.
* Enables scrolling of 1st modal when 2nd modal is closed.
$('.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (event) {
if ($('.modal:visible').length) {
JS Only Solution (when 2nd modal opened from 1st modal):
* For multiple modals.
* Enables scrolling of 1st modal when 2nd modal is closed.
$('.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (event) {
if ($('.modal:visible').length) {
$('body').css('padding-right', 17);
I've solved the issue on one of my websites by explicitly setting the width of the body in javascript by the viewport size minus the width of the scrollbar. I use a jQuery based function documented here to determine the width of the scrollbar.
<body id="bodyid>
var bodyid = document.getElementById('bodyid');
bodyid.style.width = window.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth() + "px";
Extending off of Rapti's answer, this should work just as well, but it adds more margin to the right side of the body and hides it with negative html margin, instead of adding extra padding that could potentially affect the page's layout. This way, nothing is changed on the actual page (in most cases), and the code is still functional.
html {
margin-right: calc(100% - 100vw);
body {
margin-right: calc(100vw - 100%);
Expanding on the answer using this:
body {
width: calc(100vw - 17px);
One commentor suggested adding left-padding as well to maintain the centering:
body {
padding-left: 17px;
width: calc(100vw - 17px);
But then things don't look correct if your content is wider than the viewport. To fix that, you can use media queries, like this:
#media screen and (min-width: 1058px) {
body {
padding-left: 17px;
width: calc(100vw - 17px);
Where the 1058px = content width + 17 * 2
This lets a horizontal scrollbar handle the x overflow and keeps the centered content centered when the viewport is wide enough to contain your fixed-width content
If the width of the table won't change, you can set the width of the element (such as tbody) that contains the scrollbar > 100% (allowing extra space for the scrollbar) and set overflow-y to "overlay" (so that the scrollbar stays fixed, and won't shift the table left when it appears). Also set a fixed height for the element with the scrollbar, so the scrollbar will appear once the height is exceeded. Like so:
tbody {
height: 100px;
overflow-y: overlay;
width: 105%
Note: you will have to manually adjust the width % as the % of space the scrollbar takes up will be relative to your table width (ie: smaller width of table, more % required to fit the scrollbar, as it's size in pixels is constant)
A dynamic table example:
function addRow(tableID)
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
var colCount = table.rows[0].cells.length;
for(var i=0; i<colCount; i++)
var newRow = row.insertCell(i);
newRow.innerHTML = table.rows[0].cells[i].innerHTML;
newRow.childNodes[0].value = "";
function deleteRow(row)
var table = document.getElementById("data");
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
var rowIndex = row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
.scroll-table {
border-collapse: collapse;
.scroll-table tbody {
width: 105%
.scroll-table tbody td {
color: #333;
padding: 10px;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff;
.scroll-table thead tr {
.scroll-table td {
border-top: thin solid;
border-bottom: thin solid;
.scroll-table td:first-child {
border-left: thin solid;
.scroll-table td:last-child {
border-right: thin solid;
.scroll-table tr:first-child {
display: none;
.delete_button {
background-color: red;
color: white;
.container {
display: inline-block;
body {
text-align: center;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="test_table.css">
<h1>Dynamic Table</h1>
<div class="container">
<table id="data" class="scroll-table">
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="button" class="delete_button" value="X" onclick="deleteRow(this)"></td>
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addRow('data')" />
<script src="test_table.js"></script>
I tried to fix likely the same issue which caused by twitter bootstrap .modal-open class applied to body. The solution html {overflow-y: scroll} doesn't help. One possible solution I found is to add {width: 100%; width: 100vw} to the html element.
I use to have that problem, but the simples way to fix it is this (this works for me):
on the CSS file type:
as that simple! :)
The solutions posted using calc(100vw - 100%) are on the right track, but there is a problem with this: You'll forever have a margin to the left the size of the scrollbar, even if you resize the window so that the content fills up the entire viewport.
If you try to get around this with a media query you'll have an awkward snapping moment because the margin won't progressively get smaller as you resize the window.
Here's a solution that gets around that and AFAIK has no drawbacks:
Instead of using margin: auto to center your content, use this:
body {
margin-left: calc(50vw - 500px);
Replace 500px with half the max-width of your content (so in this example the content max-width is 1000px). The content will now stay centered and the margin will progressively decrease all the way until the content fills the viewport.
In order to stop the margin from going negative when the viewport is smaller than the max-width just add a media query like so:
#media screen and (max-width:1000px) {
body {
margin-left: 0;
Et voilà!
After trying most of the above CSS or JS-based solutions that haven't worked in my case, just wanted to add up to it.
My solution worked for the case where the scrollbar had to disappear on an event (e.g. a button click, cause you've just opened a full-screen menu that should block the page from being scrollable).
This should work when the below styles are applied to the element that turns overflow-y to hidden (in my case it's the body tag):
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
width: 100vw;
margin-right: calc(100vw - 100%);
Explanation: The width of your body tag is 100vw (so it includes the scrollbar's width).
By setting the margin-right, the margin only gets applied if your vertical scrollbar is visible (so your page content isn't actually under the scrollbar), meaning the page content will not reposition once overflow-y has changed.
Note: this solution only works for the pages that are not horizontally-scrollable.
Tested on Chrome 89.0, Firefox 87.0, Safari 14.0.3
Update: unfortunately it only works with centered container that doesn't take 100% width - otherwise the scrollbar overlays the piece of content on the right.
My approach is to make the track transparent. The scroll bar thumb color is #C1C1C1 to match the default scrollbar thumb color. You can make it anything you prefer :)
Try this:
html {
overflow-y: scroll;
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0.7em;
background-color: transparent;
body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: #C1C1C1;
I know the question is very old, but there is a new better method.
scrollbar-gutter: stable;
I tried overflow scroll but it didn't work for my case. the scroll bar still adds some kind of (white) padding. what works is changing the width from 100vw to 100%, but for the height it is ok to use 100vh. so this:
const Wrapper = styled.div`
min-height: 100vh
const Parent = styled.div`
width: 100%
const Children = styled.div`
width: 100%
I've set the width twice because the parent component held a sidebar, and the children. Depending on your use case, you can set it once.
Since I haven't found my solution here I would like to add it:
I did not want a permanent scrollbar (accepted solution) and I also decided to not use negative margins. They didn't (instantly) work for me in chrome and I also did not want to have content possibly disappearing below the scrollbar.
So this is a padding solution.
My web page consists of three parts:
Header (content is left aligned)
MainContent (content is centered)
Footer (content is left and right aligned)
Since the header would look bad with a left padding and since the logo should stay in the corner of the page, I kept it unchanged since the appearing of a scrollbar does not affect it in most cases (except when window width is very small).
Since an even padding is acceptable for both the MainContent and the footer I used only for those both containers the following css:
.main-content, .footer {
* Set the padding to the maximum scrollbar width minus the actual scrollbar width.
* Maximum scrollbar width is 17px according to: https://codepen.io/sambible/post/browser-scrollbar-widths
padding-right: calc(17px - (100vw - 100%));
padding-left: 17px;
This will keep the MainContent in the exact center and also work for all scrollbar width up to 17px. One could add a media query removing these paddings for mobile devices that have an overlay scrollbar.
This solution is similar to only adding the left padding and setting the width to "width: calc(100vw - 17px);". I cannot say if it would behave equally in all cases though.
I used some jquery to solve this
'overflow-y': 'hidden'
$(window).load(function() {
'overflow-y': ''
#media screen and (min-width: 1024px){
body {
min-height: 700px
Contrary to the accepted answer which suggests a permanent scroll bar on the browser window even if the content doesn't overflow the screen, I would prefer using:
This is because the appearance of scroll bar makes more sense if the content actually overflows.
This makes more sense than this.

React - Component Full Screen (with height 100%)

I'm stuck with displaying a React component named "home" that take 100% of the height of my screen.
Whatever I use CSS or React inline style it doesn't work.
In the example below, html, body and #app are set to height: 100% in CSS. For .home I used inline style (but whatever I used CSS or inline style is the same):
The issue seems to come from <div data-reactroot data-reactid='1'> that is not set with height: 100%.
If I hacked it with Chrome developer tool, it's work:
So what is the proper way to display a full height component in React ?
Any help is welcome :)
html, body, #app, #app>div {
height: 100%
This will ensure all the chain to be height: 100%
You could also do:
body > #root > div {
height: 100vh;
try <div style = {{height:"100vh"}}> </div>
It annoys me for days. And finally I make use of the CSS property selector to solve it.
{height: 100% !important; }
Despite using of React here - elements layout is completely html/css feature.
The root cause of the issue is in how height property in css works. When you are using relative values for height (in %) - this means that height will be set in relation to its parent.
So if you have a structure like html > body > div#root > div.app - to make div.app 100% height all its ancestors should have 100% height. You may play with next example:
html {
height: 100%;
body {
height: 100%;
div#root {
height: 100%; /* remove this line to see div.app is no more 100% height */
background-color: indigo;
padding: 0 30px;
div.app {
height: 100%;
background-color: cornsilk;
<div id="root">
<div class="app"> I will be 100% height if my parents are </div>
Few arguments:
Usage of !important - despite some time this feature is useful in ~95% of cases, it indicates a poor structure of html/css. Also, this is not a solution to the current problem.
Why not position: absolute. Property positon is designed to change how the element will be rendered in relation to (own position - relative, viewport - fixed, nearest parent whos position is not static - absolute). Ans despite position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; will result in the same look - it also pushes you to change parents position to something not static - so you need to maintain 2 elements. That also causes parent div be collapsed in a line (0-height), and inner - full screen. That makes confusion in element inspector.
I managed this with a css class in my app.css
.fill-window {
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
Apply it to your root element in your render() method
render() {
return ( <div className="fill-window">{content}</div> );
Or inline
render() {
return (
<div style={{ height: '100%', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden'}}>
#app {
height: 100%;
min-height: 100vh;
Always full height of view min
While this may not be the ideal answer but try this:
style={{top:'0', bottom:'0', left:'0', right:'0', position: 'absolute'}}
It keeps the size attached to borders which is not what you want but gives you somewhat same effect.
#app div{
this works for me..
<div style={{ height: "100vh", background: "#2d405f" }}>
<Component 1 />
<Component 2 />
Create a div with full screen with background color #2d405f
I had the same issue displaying my side navigation panel height to 100%.
My steps to fix it was to:
In the index.css file ------
.html {
height: 100%;
.body {
In the sidePanel.css (this was giving me issues):
.side-panel {
height: 100%;
position: fixed; <--- this is what made the difference and scaled to 100% correctly
Other attributes were taken out for clarity, but I think the issue lies with scaling the height to 100% in nested containers like how you are trying to scale height in your nested containers. The parent classes height will need to be applied the 100%. - What i'm curious about is why fixed: position corrects the scale and fails without it; this is something i'll learn eventually with some more practice.
I've been working with react for a week now and i'm a novice to web developing, but I wanted to share a fix that I discovered with scaling height to 100%; I hope this helps you or anyone who has a similar issue. Good luck!
For a project using CRNA i use this
in index.css
html, body, #root {
height: 100%;
and then in my App.css i use this
.App {
height: 100%;
and also set height to 100% for a div within App if there is one eg-
.MainGridContainer {
display: grid;
width: 100%;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr;
grid-template-rows: 50px auto;
Try it to solve your problem
<div style = {{height:"100vh"}}> </div>
Adding this in the index.html head worked for me:
html, body, #app, #app>div { position: absolute; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; }
I had trouble until i used the inspector and realized react puts everything inside a div with id='root' granting that 100% height along with body and html worked for me.
CRA has a #root div to which we render our react app, so it should also be considered a parent div and give appropriate height according to your need. This answer is based on my experience with a similar situation and giving 100% height to #root helped me fix the height issue with one of it's child element.
This depends on the layout of your app, in my case the child was not able to takeup the given height because #root(parent) div had no specified height
Funny how this works since I thought html was the one with not full height, turns out it was the body.
Just add the below css in index.css:
height: 100%;
There is an existing body tag? Add it in there!
I'm currently trouble shooting in NextJS 13 & Tailwind to achieve this.
There's an additional layer of < div>'s that I'm unable to locate generated from Next's new AppDir.
One way to trouble shoot that nobody mentioned, which is easy to overlook is:
Open your Web Dev Tools and modify each ancestor to height:100% or in Tailwind 'h-full' and you'll save time to see if height full is the appropriate solution for your use case. I was quickly able to find out my footer component overlaps my div with this method instead of wasting time.
Edit: Reason for Next 13 user https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/42345
try using !important in height. It is probably because of some other style affecting your html body.
{ height : 100% !important; }
also you can give values in VP which will set height to viee port pixel you mention likeheight : 700vp; but this wont be portable.

CSS Horizontal Rule to be full width & adjust to screen size

I am truly stuck with this, basically I am using wordpress, and want a horizontal line to go across the page (breaking out of the inside container). This line should adjust to the screen size, so if you zoom out the line should keep getting longer, basically an infinate line.
So far the what i've managed to do is the following code:
.horizontalrule1 {
background: #f1f2f2;
margin-left: -100%;
This technically looks fine but the issue is it's causing a scroller to appear at the bottom of the page because the width is set at 600%
If I set the width to 100% it doesnt make the line full width and stops it at the inside container which is about 990px.
All I want is an infinate line that will adjust itself to the screen size, so if you have a screen width of 1900px the line should be 1900px etc.
Hope this makes sense.
My html is:
<div class="horizontalrule1"></div>
To give everyone a better idea of what i want, check out onlywire.com, they have thick grey horizontal rules that stretch accross the site. This is exactly what I'm looking to do.
You want it to go OUTSIDE the DOM element?
.elementContainingYourHorizontalRule {
overflow: auto; /* or whatever, just don't set it to hidden. */
position: relative;
.horizontalrule1 {
position: absolute;
width: 600%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -300%;
height: 2px; /* or whatever. */
I don't know if this is the best way to do things -- if I were you, I'd make your containing element go the full width of the page and let your custom HR do it's own thing automatically. I understand that may not work with your design/layout though.
At any rate, your horizontal rule will never be able to know your page width if you don't give the container the full width as well. So you're stuck with an ugly 600% hardcode until you get your container full-width.
Try this which should force it outside the surrounding container using negative horizontal margins:
hr {
margin: 20px -10000px;
And to avoid horizontal scrollbar add this to body:
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
If you only want to apply it to specific horizontal rulers, add it as a class.
<hr class="full">
In Style Sheet:
hr.full {
margin: 20px -10000px;
You should set your body's padding and margin to 0 :
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

setting div height to full display height

this is all over the stackoverflow,but it doesn't work for me.
using twitter bootstrap 3, i need to set the jumbotron class div to full display height.
this is my test site:
i read i shall include
html {
height: 100%;
body {
min-height: 100%;
padding-top: 50px;
but it still doesn't work. maybe i got some syntax error somewhere?
In order to apply 100% height property to inner divisions you need to mention the same property to all the parent divs. So add
body{height: 100%;min-height:100%;padding-top:50px;}
to your body as well as to jumbortron class
The height of your html / body will always only be the height of your content - those tags behave slightly different to standard div / block tags. To get something to be truly 100% high your best bet is to remove it from the standard flow of the page using position: absolute / fixed, then set your div to be 100% high. Something like this:
.fullheight {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: 2;
I think it's always worth setting a z-index on anything I position outside the normal page flow, allows you to control which parts appear on top of others.

Detecting screen resolution

I came across the website http://www.swiftkey.net.
On my widescreen I see the gray background on the sides of the content area..On my regular(1024x768) the grey bars are not there.
How do they acheive this effect?
Using firebug, I was able to decipher what I think MIGHT be doing this:
.w1 {
float: left;
width: 1600px;
position: relative;
left: 50%;
.w2 {
float: left;
width: 1600px;
position: relative;
I do have experince with CSS and HTML, but the above code is a little bit cryptic to me, especially considering w2 is inside w1.
I'm answering this under the assumption that the grey bars you're talking about are the ones shown in the second sample image:
The simple answer is that the page uses a wrapper with a static maximum width that is horizontally centered:
#wrapper {
max-width: 1000px;
margin: 0 auto; //centers a block element
The grey bars are created by having a background color on the <body> or <html> elements:
body {
background-color: #888;
I haven't checked the source to see where these styles are specifically set, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
This has to accomplished with javascript screen object
var scr=window.screen;
var availwidth=scr.availWidth;
var width=scr.width;
var availh=scr.availHeight;
var height=scr.height;
availWidth and availHeight gives actual available width and height, considering taskbars and scrollbars etc.
width and height give the actual screen resolution. Then access the variables and decide the type of layout.
However adjusting anything to center is easy
the javascript screen width tracing is for more control options
