Replacing for-loops with apply to improve perfomance (with weighted.mean) - r

I am a R newbie so hopefully this is a solvable problem for some of you.
I have a dataframe containing more than a million data-points. My goal is to compute a weighted mean with an altering starting point.
To illustrate consider this frame ( data.frame(matrix(c(1,2,3,2,2,1),3,2)) )
X1 X2
1 1 2
2 2 2
3 3 1
where X1 is the data and X2 is the sampling weight.
I want to compute the weighted mean for X1 from starting point 1 to 3, from 2:3 and from 3:3.
With a loop I simply wrote:
B <- rep(NA,3) #empty result vector
for(i in 1:3){
B[i] <- weighted.mean(x=A$X1[i:3],w=A$X2[i:3]) #shifting the starting point of the data and weights further to the end
With my real data this is impossible to compute because for each iteration the data.frame is altered and the computing takes hours with no result.
Is there a way to implement a varrying starting point with an apply command, so that the perfomance increases?

Building upon #joran's answer to produce the correct result:
with(A, rev(cumsum(rev(X1*X2)) / cumsum(rev(X2))))
# [1] 1.800000 2.333333 3.000000
Also note that this is much faster than the sapply/lapply approach.

You can use lapply to create your subsets, and sapply to loop over these, but I'd wager there would be a quicker way.
sapply(lapply(1:3,":",3),function(x) with(dat[x,],weighted.mean(X1,X2)))
[1] 1.800000 2.333333 3.000000


R Matching function between two matrices

Sorry if this has been posted before. I looked for the answer both on Google and Stackoverflow and couldn't find a solution.
Right now I have two matrices of data in R. I am trying to loop through each row in the matrix, and find the row in the other matrix that is most similar by some distance metric (for now least squared). I figured out one method but it is O(n^2) which is prohibitive for my data.
I think this might be similar to some dictionary learning techniques but I couldn't find anything.
Both matrices are just 30 by n matrices with a number at each entry.,mat2){
for (i in 1:nrow(mat1)){
if (all([i,]))==FALSE){
for (j in 1:nrow(mat2)){
match[i]=which(min(dist) %in% dist)
A better strategy would be to compute the distance matrix all at once first, then extract the mins. Here's an example using simualted data
mat1<-matrix(runif(2*25), ncol=2)
mat2<-matrix(runif(2*25), ncol=2)
and here's a helper function that can calculate the distances between values in one matrix to another. It uses the built in dist function but it does do unnecessary within-group comparisons that we eventually have to filter out, still it may be better performing overall.
distab<-function(m1, m2) {
m<-as.matrix(dist(rbind(m1, m2)))[1:nrow(m1), -(1:nrow(m1))]
mydist<-distab(mat1, mat2)
now that we have the between-group distances, we just need to minimize the matches.
best <- apply(mydist, 2, which.min)
rr <- cbind(, best.m2.row = best)
head(rr) #just print a few
# m1.row best.m2.row
# [1,] 1 1
# [2,] 2 14
# [3,] 3 7
# [4,] 4 3
# [5,] 5 23
# [6,] 6 15
note that with a strategy like this (we well as with your original implementation) it is possible for multiple rows from mat1 to match to the same row in mat2 and some rows in mat2 to be unmatched to mat1.

Need a more efficient threshold matching with function for R

Not sure how best to ask this question, so feel free to edit the question title if there is a more standard vocabulary to use here.
I have two 2-column data tables in R, the first is a list of unique 2-variable values (u), so much shorter than the second, which is a raw list of similar values (d). I need a function that will, for every 2-variable set of values in u, find all the 2-variable sets of values in d for which both variables are within a given threshold.
Here's a minimal example. Actual data is much larger (see below, as this is the problem) and (obviously) not created randomly as in the example. In the actual data, u would have about 600,000 to 1,000,000 values (rows) and d would have upwards of 10,000,000 rows.
# First create the table of unique variable pairs (no 2-column duplicates)
u <- data.frame(PC1=c(-1.10,-1.01,-1.13,-1.18,-1.12,-0.82),
# Now, create the set of raw 2-variable pairs, which may include duplicates
d <- data.frame(PC1=sample(u$PC1,100,replace=T)*sample(90:100,100,replace=T)/100,
# Set the threshold that defined a 'close-enough' match between u and d values
b <- 0.1
So, my first attempt to do this was with a for loop for all values of u. This works nicely, but is computationally intensive and takes quite a while to process the actual data.
# Make a list to output the list of within-threshold rows
m <- list()
# Loop to find all values of d within a threshold b of each value of u
# The output list will have as many items as values of u
# For each list item, there may be up to several thousand matching rows in d
# Note that there's a timing command (system.time) in here to keep track of performance
for(i in 1:nrow(u)){
m <- c(m, list(which(abs(d$PC1-u$PC1[i])<b & abs(d$PC2-u$PC2[i])<b)))
That works. But I thought using a function with apply() would be more efficient. Which it is...
# Make the user-defined function for the threshold matching
match <- function(x,...){
which(abs(d$PC1-x[1])<b & abs(d$PC2-x[2])<b)
# Run the function with the apply() command.
m <- apply(u,1,match)
Again, this apply function works and is slightly faster than the for loop, but only marginally. This may simply be a big data problem for which I need a bit more computing power (or more time!). But I thought others might have thoughts on a sneaky command or function syntax that would dramatically speed this up. Outside the box approaches to finding these matching rows also welcome.
Somewhat sneaky:
ur <- with(u*100L, IRanges(PC2, PC1))
dr <- with(d*100L, IRanges(PC2, PC1))
hits <- findOverlaps(ur, dr + b*100L)
Should be fast once the number of rows is sufficiently large. We multiply by 100 to get into integer space. Reversing the order of the arguments to findOverlaps could improve performance.
Alas, this seems only slightly faster than the for loop
unlist(Map(function(x,y) {
which(abs(d$PC1-x)<b & abs(d$PC2-y)<b)
}, u$PC1, u$PC2))
but at least it's something.
I have a cunning plan :-) . How about just doing calculations:
> set.seed(10)
> bar<-matrix(runif(10),nc=2)
> bar
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.50747820 0.2254366
[2,] 0.30676851 0.2745305
[3,] 0.42690767 0.2723051
[4,] 0.69310208 0.6158293
[5,] 0.08513597 0.4296715
> foo<-c(.3,.7)
> thresh<-foo-bar
> sign(thresh)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -1 1
[2,] 1 1
[3,] -1 1
[4,] 1 -1
[5,] 1 1
Now all you have to do is select the rows of that last matrix which are c(-1,1) , using which , and you can easily extract the desired rows from your bar matrix. Repeat for each row in foo.

How to calculate a pooled standard deviation in R?

I want to calculate the pooled (actually weighted) standard deviation for all the unique sites in my data frame.
The values for these sites are values for single species forest stands and I want to pool the mean and the sd so that I can compare broadleaved stands with conifer stands.
This is the data frame (df) with values for the broadleaved stands:
keybl n mean sd
Vest02DenmDesp 3 58.16 6.16
Vest02DenmDesp 5 54.45 7.85
Vest02DenmDesp 3 51.34 1.71
Vest02DenmDesp 3 59.57 5.11
Vest02DenmDesp 5 62.89 10.26
Vest02DenmDesp 3 77.33 2.14
Mato10GermDesp 4 41.89 12.6
Mato10GermDesp 4 11.92 1.8
Wawa07ChinDesp 18 0.097 0.004
Chen12ChinDesp 3 41.93 1.12
Hans11SwedDesp 2 1406.2 679.46
Hans11SwedDesp 2 1156.2 464.07
Hans11SwedDesp 2 4945.3 364.58
Keybl is the code for the site. The formula for the pooled SD is:
(Sorry I can't post pictures and did not find a link that would directly go to the formula)
Where 2 is the number of groups and therefore will change depending on site. I know this is used for t-test and two groups one wants to compare. In this case I'm not planning to compare these groups. My professor suggested me to use this formula to get a weighted sd. I didn't find a R function that incorporates this formula in the way I need it, therefore I tried to build my own. I am, however, new to R and not very good at making functions and loops, therefore I hope for your help.
This is what I got so far:
sd=function (data) {
sc1=data[z, "sc"]
nc2=data[z+1, "nc"]
sc2=data[z+1, "sc"]
sd1=(nc1-1)*sc1^2 + (nc2-1)*sc2^2
splitdf=split(df, with(df, df$keybl), drop = TRUE)
for (c in 1:length(splitdf)) {
for (i in 1:length(splitdf[[i]])) {
a = (splitdf[[i]])
b =sd(a)
1) The function itself is not correct as it gives slightly lower values than it should and I don't understand why. Could it be that it does not stop when z+1 has reached the last row? If so, how can that be corrected?
2) The loop is totally wrong but it is what I could come up with after several hours of no success.
Can anybody help me?
What you're trying to do would benefit from a more general formula which will make it easier. If you didn't need to break it into pieces by the keybl variable you'd be done.
dd <- df #df is not a good name for a data.frame variable since df has a meaning in statistics
dd$df <- dd$n-1
pooledSD <- sqrt( sum(dd$sd^2 * dd$df) / sum(dd$df) )
# note, in this case I only pre-calculated df because I'll need it more than once. The sum of squares, variance, etc. are only used once.
An important general principle in R is that you use vector math as much as possible. In this trivial case it won't matter much but in order to see how to do this on large data.frame objects where compute speed is more important read on.
# First use R's vector facilities to define the variables you need for pooling.
dd$df <- dd$n-1
dd$s2 <- dd$sd^2 # sd isn't a good name for standard deviation variable even in a data.frame just because it's a bad habit to have... it's already a function and standard deviations have a standard name
dd$ss <- dd$s2 * dd$df
And now just use convenience functions for splitting and calculating the necessary sums. Note only one function is executed here in each implicit loop (*apply, aggregate, etc. are all implicit loops executing functions many times).
ds <- aggregate(ss ~ keybl, data = dd, sum)
ds$df <- tapply(dd$df, dd$keybl, sum) #two different built in methods for split apply, we could use aggregate for both if we wanted
# divide your ss by your df and voila
ds$s2 <- ds$ss / ds$df
# and also you can easly get your sd
ds$s <- sqrt(ds$s2)
And the correct answer is:
keybl ss df s2 s
1 Chen12ChinDesp 2.508800e+00 2 1.254400e+00 1.120000
2 Hans11SwedDesp 8.099454e+05 3 2.699818e+05 519.597740
3 Mato10GermDesp 4.860000e+02 6 8.100000e+01 9.000000
4 Vest02DenmDesp 8.106832e+02 16 5.066770e+01 7.118125
5 Wawa07ChinDesp 2.720000e-04 17 1.600000e-05 0.004000
This looks much less concise than other methods (like 42-'s answer) but if you unroll those in terms of how many R commands are actually being executed this is much more concise. For a short problem like this either way is fine but I thought I'd show you the method that uses the most vector math. It also highlights why those convenient implicit loop functions are available, for expressiveness. If you used for loops to accomplish the same then the temptation would be stronger to put everything in the loop. This can be a bad idea in R.
The pooled SD under the assumption of independence (so the covariance terms can be assumed to be zero) will be: sqrt( sum_over_groups[ (var)/sum(n)-N_groups)] )
lapply( split(dat, dat$keybl),
function(dd) sqrt( sum( dd$sd^2 * (dd$n-1) )/(sum(dd$n-1)-nrow(dd)) ) )
[1] 1.583919
[1] Inf
[1] 11.0227
[1] 9.003795
[1] 0.004123106

Find minimum deviation from vector from a matrix of possible vectors

I have the following data
Candidates <- matrix(1:25 + rnorm(25), ncol=5,
dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("x", 1:5)))
I want to subtract each row of my Data from each row of the Candidate matrix
And return the minimal absolute difference
So for row one I want to find out the smallest amount of error possible
In this case it's 38.15826. At the moment I'm not actually interested in finding out which Candidate row results in the smallest absolute deviation, I just want to know the smallest absolute deviation for each Data row.
I would then like to end up with a new dataset which has my original Data and the smallest deviation, e.g. row one would like this:
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 MinDev
1 2 3 4 5 38.15826
My real Candidate Matrix is relatively small but my real Data is quite large,
so at the moment I'm just building a loop that
Err[i,]<- min(rbinds(
but I'm sure there's a better, more automated way to do this so that it can accomodate large Data matrices and Candidate matrices of different sizes.
Any ideas?
You can use sweep, rowSums, and apply to automate this
sum(abs(Data[1,]-Candidates[1,])) ## 38.15826
Testing on the first row of Data:
## subtract row 1 of Data from each row of Candidates
## 38.15826
For convenience/readability, encapsulate this in a function:
getMinDev <- function(x) {
Now apply to each row of Data:
There may be methods that are marginally faster than sweep (e.g. the matrix computations given in #e4e5f4's answer), but this should be a good baseline. I like sweep because it is descriptive and doesn't depend on knowing that R uses column-major matrix ordering.
You can use apply with some matrix operations:
CalcMinDev <- function(x)
m <- t(matrix(rep(x, nrow(Candidates)), nrow=nrow(Candidates)))
min(rowSums(abs(m - Candidates)))
cbind(Data, MinDev=apply(Data, 1, CalcMinDev))
Following #BenBolker's suggestion to turn my comment (using dist function with method="manhattan") to an answer:
The idea: The trick is that if you supply a matrix to dist, it'll return the distance of all combinations back as a lower triangular matrix.
dist(rbind(Candidates, Data), method="manhattan")
# 1 2 3 4 5 6
# 2 8.786827
# 3 11.039044 3.718396
# 4 16.120267 7.333440 6.041076
# 5 21.465682 12.678855 10.426638 5.345415
# 6 38.158256 45.763021 48.015238 53.096461 58.441876
# 7 35.158256 40.763021 44.048344 48.096461 53.441876 5.000000
Here, 6th row and the 7th row (from index 1 to 5) are the distances you're interested in. So, basically, you'll just have to calculate indices to extract the elements you're interested.
The final code would look like:
idx1 <- seq_len(nrow(Data)) + nrow(Candidates)
idx2 <- seq_len(ncol(Candidates))
tt <- dist(rbind(Candidates, Data), method="manhattan")
transform(Data, minDev = apply(as.matrix(tt)[idx1, idx2], 1, min))
# x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 minDev
# 6 1 2 3 4 5 38.15826
# 7 2 3 4 5 6 35.15826

R: a for statement wanted that allows for the use of values from each row

I'm pretty new to R..
I'm reading in a file that looks like this:
1 2 1
1 4 2
1 6 4
and storing it in a matrix:
matrix <- read.delim("filename",...)
Does anyone know how to make a for statement that adds up the first and last numbers of one row per iteration ?
So the output would be:
Many thanks!
Edit: My bad, I should have made this more clear...
I'm actually more interested in an actual for-loop where I can use multiple values from any column on that specific row in each iteration. The adding up numbers was just an example. I'm actually planning on doing much more with those values (for more than 2 columns), and there are many rows.
So something in the lines of:
for (i in matrix_i) #where i means each row
#do something with column j and column x from row i, for example add them up
If you want to get a vector out of this, it is simpler (and marginally computationally faster) to use apply rather than a for statement. In this case,
sums = apply(m, 1, function(x) x[1] + x[3])
Also, you shouldn't call your variables "matrix" since that is the name of a built in function.
ETA: There is an even easier and computationally faster way. R lets you pull out columns and add them together (since they are vectors, they will get added elementwise):
sums = m[, 1] + m[, 3]
m[, 1] means the first column of the data.
Something along these lines should work rather efficiently (i.e. this is a vectorised approach):
m <- matrix(c(1,1,1,2,4,6,1,2,4), 3, 3)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 2 1
# [2,] 1 4 2
# [3,] 1 6 4
v <- m[,1] + m[,3]
# [1] 2 3 5
You probably can use an apply function or a vectorized approach --- and if you can you really should, but you ask for how to do it in a for loop, so here's how to do that. (Let's call your matrix m.)
results <- numeric(nrow(m))
for (row in nrow(m)) {
results[row] <- m[row, 1] + m[row, 3]
This is probably one of those 100 ways to skin a cat questions. You are perhaps looking for the rowSums function, although you might also find many answers using the apply function.

