start a new R session in knitr - r

How can I start a new R session in knitr? I would rather start a new session rather than use something like rm(list=ls()) because it is not equivalent.
#some R code
#start a new R session
#more R code

Okay, now I have something more substantial for you, inspired by an answer on the R-help list by Georg Ruß. He suggest three things to get R back to how it was at start up, I've written this six step manual for you.
First, you save a string of the packages you have running at start up (this should be done before anything else, before you run any other code),
foo <- .packages()
Second, when you want to reset R, as you also mention, you run
to remove all objects. Then, third, you run,
bar <- .packages()
to get a string of current packages. Followed by,
foobar <- setdiff(bar, foo)
Fifth, you remove the difference with this work-around loop,
toRemove <- paste("package:", foobar, sep='')
#or paste0("package:", foobar) in R-2.15.0 or higher
for(i in seq_along(foobar)) {
detach(toRemove[i], character.only=TRUE)
Sixth, depending on your setup, you source your .Rprofile
This should put R into the state it was in when you started it. I could have overlooked something.

Instead of starting a new R session in knitr, I would recommend you just to start a new R session in your terminal (or command window) like this:
R -e "library(knitr); knit('your_input.Rnw')"
If you are under Windows, you have to put the bin directory of R into your environment variable PATH (I'm very tired of describing how to do this, so google it by yourself if you are in the Windows world, or see the LyX Sweave manual).
However, most editors do start a new R session when calling Sweave or knitr, e.g. LyX and RStudio, etc. You can find more possible editors in I do not really see the need to call R -e ... in the terminal.


Run multiple R scripts with exiting/restarting in between on Linux

I have a series of R scripts for doing the multiple steps of data
analysis that I require. Some of these take a very long time and create really
large objects. I've noticed that if I just source all of them in a row (via a main.R script), the
processing for later steps takes much longer than if I source one script, save
what I need, and restart R for the next step (loading the data I need).
I was wondering if there was a
way, via Rscript or a Bash script perhaps, that I could carry this out.
There would need to be objects that persist for the first 2 scripts (which load
my external data and create the objects that will be used for all further
steps). I suppose I could also just save those and load them in further scripts.
(I would also like to pass a number of named arguments to this script, which I think I can find on other SO posts and can use something like optparse.)
So, the script would look something like this, I think:
#! /bin/bash
Rscript 01_load.R # Objects would persist, ideally
Rscript 02_create_graphs.R # Objects would persist, ideally
Rscript 03_random_graphs.R # contains code to save objects
#exit R
Rscript 04_permutation_analysis.R # would have to contain code to load data
And so on. Is there a solution to this? I'm using R 3.2.2 on 64-bit CentOS 6. Thanks.
it sounds you should do some manual housekeeping between (or within) your steps by using gc() and maybe also rm(). For more details see help(gc) and help(rm).
So instead of exit R and restart it again you could do:
rm(list = ls())
But please note: rm(list = ls()) would throw away all your objects. Better you create a suitable list of objects you really want to throw away and pass this list to rm().

Restart R within Rstudio

I'm trying to call a simple python script from within R using system2(). I've read some information I found vague that said if 'too much' memory is used, it won't work.
If I load a large dataset and use some information in it to use as arguments to pass into system2(), it will only work if I manually click "Restart R" in call Rstudio.
What I want:
df <- read.csv('some_large_file.csv')
###extracting some info called 'args_vec'
for(arg in args_vec){
system2('python', args)
This won't work as is. The for loop is simply passed over.
What I need:
df <- read.csv('some_large_file.csv')
###extracting some info called 'args_vec'
###something that 'restarts' R
for(arg in args_vec){
system2('python', args)
This answer doesn't quite get what I want. Namely, it doesn't work for me within Rstudio and it calls "system" (which presents the same problem as "system2" in this case). In fact, when I put the answer referenced above in my file, it just immediately closed rstudio:
I tried the suggestion as a normal function (rather than using "makeActiveBinding", and it didn't quite work.
##restart R in r session -- doesn't work
makeActiveBinding("refresh", function() { system("R --save"); q("no") }, .GlobalEnv)
##nor did this:
refresh <- function() { system("R --save"); q("no") }
I tried a number of variations of these two options above, but this is getting long for what feels like a simple question. There's a lot I don't yet understand about the startup process and "makeActiveBinding" is a bit mysterious. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In Rstudio, you can restart the R session by:
command/ctrl + shift + F10
You can also use:
RStudio has this undocumented rs.restartR() which is supposed to do just that: restarting R.
However, it does not unload the packages that were loaded, nor does it clean the environment, so that I have some doubts about if it restarts R at all.
If you use RStudio, use the menu item Session > Restart R or the associated keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F10 (Windows and Linux) or Command+Shift+F10 (Mac OS). Additional keyboard shortcuts make it easy to restart development where you left off, i.e. to say “re-run all the code up to HERE”:
In an R script, use Ctrl+Alt+B (Windows and Linux) or Command+Option+B (Mac OS)
In R markdown, use Ctrl+Alt+P (Windows and Linux) or Command+Option+P (Mac OS)
If you run R from the shell, use Ctrl+D or q() to quit, then restart R.
Have you tried embedding the function call within the apply function, rather than a for loop?
I've had some pieces of code that ran the system out of memory in a for loop run perfectly with apply. It might help?
For those not limited to a command that want something that actually resets the system (no prior state, no loaded packages, no variables, etc.) you can select Terminate R from the Session menu.
It is a bit awkward (asks you if you are sure). If anyone knows something like clear all or really clear classes in MATLAB let me know!

Starting R and calling a script from a batch file

I have an R-based GUI that allows some non-technical users access to a stats model. As it stands, the users have to first load R and then type loadGui() at the command line.
While this isn't overly challenging, I don't like having to make non-technical people type anything at a command line. I had the idea of writing a .bat file (users are all running Windows, though multi-platform solutions also appreciated) that starts R GUI, then autoruns that command.
My first problem is opening RGui from the command line. While I can provide an explicit path, such as
it will need updating each time R is upgraded. It would be better to retrieve the location of RGui from the %path% environment variable, but I don't know an easy way to parse that.
The second, larger problem is how to call commands for R on startup from the command line. My first thought is that I could take a copy of ~/.Rprofile, append the extra command, and then replace the original copy of the file once R is loaded. This is awfully messy though, so I'd like an alternative.
Running R in batch mode isn't an option, firstly since I can't persuade GUIs to display themselves, and secondly because I would like the R console available, even if the users shouldn't need to use it.
If you want a toy GUI to test your ideas, try this:
loadGui <- function()
win <- gwindow("test")
rad <- gradio(letters[1:3], cont = win)
Problem 1: I simply do not ever install in the suggested default directory on Windows, but rather group R and a few related things in, say, c:/opt/ where I install R itself in, say,c:/opt/R-current so that the path c:/opt/R-current/bin will remain constant. On upgrade, I first renamed to R-previous and then install into a new R-current.
Problem 2: I think I solved that many moons ago with scripts. You can now use Rscript.exe to launch these, and there are tcltk examples for waiting for a prompt.
I have done similar a couple of times. In my cases the client was using windows so I just installed R on their computer and created a shortcut on their desktop to run R. Then I right click on the shortcut and choose properties to get the propertiest dialog. I then changed the "Start in" folder to the one where I wanted it to run from (which had the .Rdata file with the correct data and either a .First function in the .Rdata file or .Rprofile in the folder). There is also a "Run:" option that has a "Minimized" option to run the main R window minimized.
I had created the functions that I wanted to run (usually a specialized gui using tcltk) and any needed data and saved them in the .Rdata file and also either created .First or .Rprofile to run the comnand that showed the gui. The user double clicks on the icon on the desktop and up pops my GUI that they can work with while ignoring the other parts.
Take a look at the ProjectTemplate library. It does what you want to do. It loads used libraries from a batch file an run R files automatically after loading as well as a lot of other usefull stuff as well...
Using the answer from and a comment from Richie Cotton above I have arrived at the following solution to keeping a script alive until a window is closed by checking if the pointer to the window is valid.
For a RGtk2 window created and shown using:
mainWindow <- gtkWindow("toplevel", show = TRUE)
Create a function which checks if the pointer to it exists:
isnull <- function(pointer){
a <- attributes(pointer)
attributes(pointer) <- NULL
out <- identical(pointer, new("externalptr"))
attributes(pointer) <- a
and at the end of your script:
while(!isnull(mainWindow)) Sys.sleep(1)

`objects()` in R vs. Splus

I would like to write a script main.r that returns the workspace to the state it was in before being run (i.e., at the end of the script, remove all and only the objects that had been added to the workspace). Running the following:
initial.objects <- objects()
tmp1 <- 1
remove(list = setdiff(objects(), initial.objects)
via source('main.r') from the R console works as desired. HOWEVER, this does NOT work in Splus with tmp1 being left in the working directory (it does work when I run each line individually rather than sourcing the entire file). Investigating a little further, I found that in R objects() keeps track of the objects entering the workspace even in the MIDDLE of a call to source(). In Splus, objects() doesn't seem to "know" about the objects that have been added to the workspace until the END of a source() call.
Q: What's going on? What can I do to get something similar to main.r working in Splus?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but the best way to reload an environment is to save it and reload it.
## Your script goes here
rm(list=ls()) ## clean the environment
## Reload the original environ at end of your script

Calling R from S-Plus?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to call R from S-Plus? Ideally I would like to just pass code to R and get data back without having to write anything too elaborate to integrate them.
I should add that I'm familiar with the RinS package on Omegahat, but I haven't used it. I was under the impression that Insightful had made an effort to integrate the environments before Tibco took over.
Edit: It turns out that RinS doesn't work on Windows. I found that the easiest solution was to just use Rscript. I can call this from S-Plus with the system() command. For example, here's a simple script:
#! Rscript --vanilla --default-packages=utils
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
res <- "hello world"
class(res) <- "try-error"
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) q(status=1) else q()
And calling it from S-Plus:
system("rscript c://test.rscript 'some text'")
Then I just store the results into a text file and import it into S-Plus after the script is run.
RSPlus is the only option i'm aware of. I used it almost daily for about a year, but haven't used it since R 2.7. From your Q, it seems like you just want to run R inside SPlus, which RSPlus can certainly do (R is a separate interpreter accessible via an interface comprised of a few SPlus functions, the most-often used is '.R()', e.g., .R("fivenum", 1:10).
I think we are talking about the same thing though, because 'RinS' is one of two modules (SpinR being the other) that together comprise RSPlus (i.e., there's only a single interface, regardless of the direction you want to go--R to SPlus, or SPllus to R). Although it wasn't obvious to me at the time, i had to install both modules to get RinS to work.
