Placing grid tables in R - r

I want to use grid.table() in an existing plot in R. However I can't locate this table on the right side of my chart. So the thing is:
First of all, I make an histogram of my data:
main=paste("Weibull fitting",names(vels[counts])))
After that, I have implemented a function that plots in an existing chart the Weibull curve giving both parameters A and K:
And finally I want to place a data.frame using the grid.table() because it shows the cells in a very pretty form, and you can use italic and bold text in cells.
The problem is that this table appears in the center of the device in front of the histogram and the curve, and I want it to be in the right side.
After all, I would like to know a tool that clicking on the graph, I would receive the area under my Weibull curve.

The hist function is base graphics and the grid.table function is grid graphics. The 2 graphics systems do not play nicely together without extra effort (as you have noticed).
The easiest fix is to use the addtable2plot function from the plotrix package rather than grid.table. It may not look the same but it would be simple.
Another option is to use a grid graphics function to create the histogram, such as something from the lattice or ggplot2 packages (both can do histograms), then create a specific viewport using grid graphics functions and use grid.table to put the table into that viewport.
Last, if you really want to mix them then see the gridBase package for ways to mix grid and base graphics.


How to avoid collision of text in basic R?

text() puts text at specified coordinates. But some texts may overlap each other. How to wiggle the position of the text automatically so that they don't overlap?
The solution must be in basic R instead of using another R package as I will need to combine this with other basic R drawing commands to customize my drawing. Or the solution should provide a way to compute the wiggled coordinates. It should not directly draw the texts so that I can not combine it with my other drawing code in basic R.

How to easily make labels for stacked area charts in R like in D3plus

D3plus automatically shrinks and arranges labels for stacked area plots. Is it possible to do the same in R?
I understand that there is a D3Plus package for R but before I walk through their code, I want to be sure that no one has already created a helper function to do this natively. Here is a link to the D3plus code and below are two examples.

multi paneled graphs: box plot and spagetti plot

I'm trying to create multiple graphs on one panel. I'm hoping for a box plot on both sides of a spaghetti plot.
This is an example of my code:
ylab="Incidence 1 (percent)",
ylab="Incidence (percent)",
ylab="Incidence 2 (percent)",
When I plot my first box plot things look ok (there is still empty space ready to be filled), but once the spaghetti plot is added in, the whole graph is the spaghetti plot (the box plot is erased).
Is there a way to do multiple but different types of graphs on one panel?
As #DWin and #mnel point out, you are having trouble because you are trying to mix base graphics (boxplot()) and grid-based graphics (xyplot()). To get two boxplots and a spaghetti plot in a single figure, you have three main options. The first two will be much easier than the third:
Use just base graphics (here boxplot() and plot( , type="b")), arranging them in a single figure with par(mfrow=c(1,3).
Use just grid-based graphics (here the lattice functions bwplot() and xyplot( , type="b")), arranging them in a single figure with grid.arrange() from the gridExtra package.
Use a mixture of base and grid-based graphics (like you're trying to do now), combining them in a single figure with functions from the gridBase package.
The only thing to be said for option 3 is that pursuing it will teach you a lot about the low-level implementation of both the base and grid graphical systems!

quantmod barChart (or chartSeries) formatting options

I have just started playing with the quantmod package. The documentation is however, quite sparse (perhaps understandably, since it is OSS).
I am currently using barChart() which is a nice wrapper around chartSeries() and does most of what I want, but the default chart it produces are not quite what I want. To be specific, I want to tweak the charts produced by barChart() to suit my needs - however, since I am a newbie, I don't know whether my "tweaks" can be provided as options to the wrapper barChart(), or if I need to call chartSeries() directly, with specific arguments.
I have been tearing my hair out trying to do the following:
replace the horrible {start date}/{end date} text in the top right hand of the chart produced by barChart() with text of my own choosing
specify the formating to be used on the X axis (for example, show only the last two digits of the century. i.e. '98, '99, '00, '01 etc)
'Force' both top chart and the bottom chart to have their Y values printed on the left hand side of the chart
Add an aditional series to the bottom chart
Use different up/down colors for the bottom chart (defaults the using the same up/down colors for both top and bottom charts)
Plot just the top chart (no bottom chart)
Specify X axis, Y axis grid line spacings for top chart, for bottom chart
Write the image to an alternative output (e.g. png image or pdf document) instead of the graphics device
Can anyone help with any (or all) of the above?.
This functionality isn't available (patches welcome).
This functionality isn't available (patches welcome).
This functionality isn't available (patches welcome).
See the sparse documentation for ?addTA, specifically the on argument.
Plot the bottom chart as two separate up/down series, using two different colors, or perhaps chartTheme.
Not sure what you mean; just don't plot the bottom chart...
See the sparse documentation for the major.ticks argument to chartSeries. I don't think you can change the y axis grid line spacings, and the x axis spacing will be the same for the top and bottom chart.
See ?png and ?pdf.
To change or remove the bottom chart,
check the TA argument of chartSeries function
(there is an example in the manual);
to change the colours,
check the theme argument
(there is an example in the manual);
to write to a png or pdf file,
use the png or pdf functions,
as with other plotting functions.
To fine-tune the axes and labels, it is probably easier to bypass
chartSeries altogether and plot the data yourself, with base graphics,
lattice or ggplot2.

Repeat plot command with minor changes in R

I made a plot in R and I want to repeat all the commands (like plot(), legend() or line()) that were carried out for this plot, with some minor changes. For example I want to set the axes to logarithmic scale and change the title of the plot.
In gnuplot I would use the replot command.
plot ...
set title "The same plot with logarithmic axes"
set logscale
Is something like this possible in R. The only thing that comes to my mind of doing this (besides changing the values manually and re-run the lines of codes) would be setting up a function, that asks for all parameters that might be changed by the user.
Thanks for your help,
R uses a pen and paper graphics model - once the plot has been drawn on the device that is it. If you want to change some aspect of the plot, you need to replay the graphics function calls that produce the plot with the changes made to the code.
Depending on what you are really doing there are two options:
If this is just for you, write code in a text editor / IDE that knows R and can send chunks of code at a time to R. That way the code to produce the figure is recorded in a separate script which you can paste into/send to R making the changes you need each time to the script.
If you are going to be doing this often, then write yourself a wrapper plotting function that encapsulates the plot code you want but allows you to pass in arguments to alter the aspects you want.
Lattice and ggplot2 are a little different as they are based on grid graphics and create objects that when printed produce a plot on the device. One can manipulate that object to alter what is drawn, and with grid one can push and pop things on to / off a viewport.
