css elements not showing up in chrome and IE9 - css

I have a small wordpress & css related problem regarding some elements that are not showing up properly or at all in IE9 and Chrome (latest version). However, in Firefox they appear ok.
On this page: http://next.lab501.ro/foto/sony-nex-3/3 in the sidebar (lower right) I have two elements (boxes), one is called lab501.ro (it's an RSS widget) that is not listing the items (their should be 10 items listed in that box) an below this one another box called Syndication that is not showing up at all.
This problem appears only on pages where I have a Gallery (standard wordpress not a plugin). If I remove the gallery the page renders correctly.
What am I missing?

I'd suggest checking (and fixing) the HTML is valid before doing anything else: the w3c validator is a good place to start. There seem to be quite a few issues, including two opening <body> tags. The first one is followed by some lines with // at the start - maybe some PHP has been incorrectly commented?

Your html ends abruptly right after the syndication box (there are no closing tags for the divs and body/html). This means you have a PHP error, which should be be debugged on a testing environment with php errors enabled.


Why is Fancybox 3 adding style="display:none" to my elements?

I am upgrading from Fancybox-2 to Fancybox-3. My site uses fancybox to display blocks of HTML as an overlay on page. For instance, if you click on my Terms and Conditions, fancybox uses a file fb/tandc.php that has all the HTML of the box to be displayed.
Some of the boxes use data from my database and use php programming to generate the HTML - for instance I have a list of participants retrieved from the database.
When planning the upgrade, I added a switch on my site that allows me to decide if I want to run version 2 or 3 of fancybox. In testing, many of the boxes display the same whether I use version 2 or 3 - in other words I have not changed the source code, only the way I call fancybox.
My problem is that for some reason, some boxes do not display the full content. When I have checked the page source, everything is there but I have noticed that some elements have style="display:none" defined. This is not coming from my code, so I assume fancybox is adding it.
My question, therefore, is how can I stop this?
I have tried to find answers but not successful. I did find a post that disabling AdBlocker in Chrome may help but this had no impact.
I get the same behaviour in Chrome and FF
I have included screenshots that show how the elements contain the style; the code used to call fancybox; the options I am using.
page debug elements
call to fancybox
options used
Just added this screenshot of code to be displayed. I tried adding a style that I hoped would override what fancybox is doing, but did not work either.
code to be displayed in fancybox
This is how the content looks in v2 fancybox
content in version 2
and if I have exactly the same content, but use v3 fancybox:
exactly same content in version 3
Using ajax to load fancybox with content from a file seems to create elements where it inserts style="display:none" - I have no idea why. However, I figured a work around where instead I created inline content on the page that is hidden and then simply used data-src="#hiddenContent" as in the docs.
It's made my page huge though when I have a lot of surveys, with a lot of participants on each!

Chrome "Unloading" Stylesheets on Middle Click

We've been having an odd issue that I'm not sure how to tackle, and I think this may be related to a recent Google Chrome update, but I'd like some way of sanity checking myself before I open an issue on the bug tracker.
We have an internal web application that our users use Google Chrome to access. Starting sometime early last week, we've noticed that when users middle click links, one or more of our stylesheets gets unapplied to the page.
Weirdly enough, zooming in / out or opening Chrome's Devtools re-applies these stylesheets to the page. If you open the sources tab in the Devtools and watch the stylesheets that are loaded, when the layout is working, we're seeing the full list of stylesheets. When a user middle clicks on a link, the stylesheets area flashes and the CSS file is missing from the list. Zooming in / out re-adds the missing CSS file to that sources list and renders the page correctly.
Before Middle Click
After Middle Click
Thinking this was some JavaScript function doing this, I watched the elements to make sure there weren't any changes to the DOM (thinking we may be adding a class to our wrapper elements on accident). No DOM changes that I can see, and I'm not seeing inline styles applied to HTML elements.
Figuring that the previous step wasn't enough, I removed all the JavaScript on the page trying to narrow down what file is doing this. After removing all JS from the page, we're still seeing the same thing. Someone middle clicks a link, then the page's styles go crazy.
I double checked it in Incognito mode, figuring it was one of my extensions. It still happens in Incognito mode.
Thinking our Stylus compiler was going nuts, I double checked the stylesheets for any invalid CSS and couldn't find any. I removed the source maps from all our stylesheets thinking it may be related to that, but it didn't fix the issue either.
I've also checked for the stylesheet being affected having a disabled attribute set on it, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
All in all, I'm not sure what's causing this outside of a browser bug. This is something that had popped up late last week which coincides with the last upgrade of Google Chrome, which hints to me that this probably relates to that update.
That being said I've not seen this issue affect other websites, which also points to the website being the issue so I'm not sure.
Is there any other way I can narrow this down to being a Chrome issue? I've not had this happen on any other browsers I've tested. (Working on putting together a MVP of the issue that's happening now.)
Your problem sounds similar to this.
Chrome Bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=647151
Should be fixed shortly.

JQuery Plugin (Hover-Caption) Adding Offset to Images In Internet Explorer (all versions)

I have a Wordpress site that uses a JQuery plugin called Hover-Caption ( https://github.com/coryschires/hover-caption ).
The main page of site: (http://brighidfitzsimons.com) looks good.
However in Internet Explorer 9, a similar page based on Category adds a 282px top offset to the post thumbnail image. (http://brighidfitzsimons.com/category/lifestyle/)
I am new web developer so I am struggling to figure out how to isolate problem. Based on this stackoverflow entry ( How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS? ) my current train of thought is to add a IE specific CSS sheet to 'reverse' the offset but I can't seem to get at the offending element. Also I'm confused why works on main page but not on category page. If you watch page loading carefully, it initially loads correctly then at the very end the images are moved down. Perhaps this is a clue.
First stackoverflow entry so I hope I have followed correct ettiquete. Please advise if you need me to provide any more information.
Thanks for taking time to read problem.
Regards Simon
It has something to do with the substitutions of the content inside the title, probably some quirk about ie9 which someone else would have more of an idea for me
just so you can take my word for it: http://jsfiddle.net/BXjK3/
the first two i have removed all the greater, lesser and quotes and it works, but I would say the browser does the substitutions before Javascript can see it, and it all goes down-hill
edit: worth mentioning the reason it looks like that is because the text is no longer properly contained, and so the display none is not taking effect on it, pushing all the images down and making it a jumble, due to the way the content is loaded the ie inspection cannot show me how the text is after the javascript, only what was loaded on page load, so i can't give you more help than that

IE7 cross-domain iFrame Select issue

I have an iframe which contains a few select drop-down lists for data entry. I recently began noticing that mouse-clicking the select element in the iframe, the drop-down list doesn't expand. The user can click on the drop-down to set focus on it, and then scroll through the contents using up/down arrow on the keyboard, but clicking the arrow button beside the list doesn't cause it to expand & show its contents.
The parent page this frame is embedded on resides on a different domain. Initially I thought this might have something to do with javascript onfocus events within the iframe. I stripped out all of the scripting, got rid of all of the css and pared it down to a simple static html parent with a simple iframe page of static html containing just a select element. When run on the same server, the dropdown behaves normally, but when the parent page resides on one domain, and the iframe content on another, the select list cannot be expanded.
This problem only seems to occur in IE7. I've tested in IE8 & IE9 without any problems, as well in Safari, Chrome & Firefox. I found a couple of blog posts (links below) that cropped up within the last week that seem to be running in to the same problem, but no resolution.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
We put in place a workaround for this issue by swapping out the standard drop down menus with JQuery drop downs for IE7 users only. We developed a script and dropped it between some IE conditional tags.
We couldn't wait for MS to issue another patch!
Apparently this bug is due to a security update that was just released (2586448):

DIVs repeating in IE8

Here is the source:
All good in FF and Mac browsers.
In IE8 developer mode, the 3 divs immediately below div id="footerIn" are shown being recreated a second time, resulting in a repeating footer.
This is with Compatibility Mode off.
When it is on, the repeating problem is gone, but the header logo is missing.
This page is a port of a WordPress site as home page to a Network Solutions e-commerce site. As you probably know, NS auto-generates a container and table around the header, body, and footer content, interfering with any of your own containers that you may have used in another CMS. I suspect this is most of my problem, as I've had to develop workarounds to display parts of the page properly to match the original WP site. But no matter how I rearrange the footer code, I can't get IE8 to stop doubling it.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Without going through all your markup, I can say I've seen this kind of problem before on IE and it's typically caused by: a tag that wasn't closed, tags that weren't nested propertly, or an extraneous closing tag somewhere. That's where I would start first.
It was the fact that there was a search form in the footer tag - Network Solutions creates a form, container, and table to put the whole page in, so the search form that was part of the page I imported from WordPress wouldn't work (you can't have a form within a form). That is what IE objected to. The nested form caused all the footer tags to go haywire in DW, but DW didn't highlight the form as being a problem at all, just all the divs around it...
Thanks kinakuta for your help.
