Kerberos authenticated MVC App inside an anonmyous access Site -

I am trying to deploy an MVC3 application that requires Windows Authentication (specifically Kerberos) as an Application within an older Anonymous Authentication Website.
In IIS 7.5 Express on my box it works perfect, obviously. When I deploy it to IIS 7.5 as its own site I get challenged for domain credentials, though none are accepted. When I deploy it as an application I get the custom error page back from the hosting site. To confirm - Kerbtray shows no ticket in either scenario.
Both the Site and the new child Apps run on the same application pool, and the application pool runs as AppPoolIdentity. That built-in IIS app pool account (IIS AppPool\MyAppPoolName) has full Read/Execute permissions down both the Site's and the App's folder trees. No impersonation is used.
Is there anything special I need to do to get NTLM and Kerberos working on an App inside an anonymous auth Site?
If not, any advice on things/places to look would be great - the ApplicationHost.config and the app's web.config files look fine.
EDIT: For clarification, this is all on a corporate network that uses Kerberos extensively for other purposes. "Site" refers to an IIS Website and is distinguished from an "Application" that must be hosted within an IIS Site.

After working on this a bit more, I found the answer:
Nothing special is needed to host a Windows (Kerberos) authenticated IIS App within an Anonymous authenticated IIS Site on IIS 7.5 so long as:
a. Kernel Mode Authentication is On - No SPNs required.
b. The application uses the same App Pool Identity as the hosting parent. Different App Pools and their identities can be used, but this does require further NTFS permissions and is beyond the scope of this particular issue.
The issue with my error was something much more simple yet elusive... the parent Site had a custom set of error pages defined in <HttpErrors> including pages for 401 and 403.
This was the error page returned when the user requested a page from the nested Application because Kerberos sends a 401 first, to challenge the user for credentials and ask/him her to get and provide a Kerberos ticket... but because the parent Site returned a 200 response (the custom error page) the user never got a Kerberos ticket.
With these off, the user is now appropriately getting a Kerberos ticket and falls back to NTLM as by default.


IIS Requests Login Credentials on Windows Authentication

I have decided to transfer several of my web applications from one virtual server ot another. The way everything works on my current server is pretty bad - everyone has rights for reading and accessing the content of my "applications" folder on the machine, and so does the IIS. I want to organize stuff on the new server, so only IIS can access this folder.
I have installed IIS and the ASP.NET addons on the new server, and forced my test website to Windows Authentication, as all of my websites are configured on the current server. Then, after doing some reading regarding the permissions, I have given full control to the folder that contains my website to the next users: IIS_IUSRS & TestAppPool (which is the Application Pool I have created for my 'Test' application).
For some reason when I try to access the website from another user within the domain, through the browser, it promts for Login Credentials. I would like to understand why my application wont retrieve the permissions I have granted the IIS users upon accessing the website.
not sure if this would help, but can you try changing the app pool's identity to Network Service?

IIS 7.5 web site containing web services where one of the web services returns a 401 error

BACKGROUND : I have an IIS 7.5 site containing thirteen different web applications where each application is simply hosting different web services. Nothing fancy. Here is a graphical view of the site.
Each of the web applications are running under their own application pool, all running .NET 4.0 Integrated Pipeline under the ApplicationPoolIdentity.
At the site level I have set the Authentication to be the following
When I try to access the web services within one web application I get 401 errors. All other web services in the other web applications can be accessed without errors.
Here is a snippet of the IIS log when the error occurs. The errors are the same when using a web service proxy class or when accessing the web service url via the browser.
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+MS+Web+Services+Client+Protocol+4.0.30319.269) 401 2 5 17721
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+MS+Web+Services+Client+Protocol+4.0.30319.269) 401 1 2148074254 15
If I access the Url directly from the browser I am prompted for my credentials. If I enter my domain credentials I still get the 401.1 error. :(
This error is repeatable on all devices in our domain, so it is not isolated to my machine.
I have verified the folder structure containing the web services in question has the same permission as the other folder structures of the twelve web services that work.
The Site is running in Kernel-mode authentication which is the default.
QUESTION: I'm a developer with limited knowledge of IIS. Anything else I could look at?
The answer to my problem was rebooting my server. Still never got a definitive why the issue was occurring.

Windows & Forms Authentication in Integrated Pipeline mode

I had a site hosted in IIS 7.5 with the Classic pipeline. I had set the authentication for that site so that Windows and Forms authentication were enabled, but anonymous was not. This caused the user to be prompted the first time they came to the site for the Windows authentication. Then it would bring them to the site as normal. This was set up for a review site for our client to be able to exclusively access that site without anyone accidentally stumbling upon it.
I just updated that site and moved it over to the Integrated pipeline. Now, when you first go to the site, it still prompts for the Windows authentication, but then it brings you to the loginUrl specified in the web.config for the forms authentication, which is not what I want.
From what I understand about the 2 pipelines' affects on authentication, I believe it is the issue. Is there any way I can replicate the behavior I was originally getting in Classic mode now that I've switched to Integrated mode?

Trying to set up an application in IIS gives me error: Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration

I created a web application by going to IIS right-clicking on Default Web Site and selecting Add Application. Then I give the Alias name, select DefaultAppPool and point it to Physical path.
When I try to browse to http://localhost/mywebapp I get 'Access is denied' with following details:
Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server
configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory
or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication
methods enabled on the Web server. Contact the Web server's
administrator for additional assistance.
Anonymous Authentication is enabled on the IIS Website.
The web application is ASP.NET MVC5 application.
The web application is running under its default identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity
Here are the settings for DefaultAppPool
Make sure your application is not on a network share or in the windows user (magic) directory. (It can be in the Visual Studio default magic user directory if you follow my instructions below)
If you're on Win7, create a new MVC 3 application, ^F5 to run. Then in solution explorer, right click the project and select properties. In the left pane, select the Web tab. The default is Cassini ( Use Visual Studio Development Server). Select the next radio, Use Local IIS Web server. Now ^F5 and it will launch your app from IIS. You can also find your application in IIS manager and in the right pane, select browse 80. Now that it's working, compare the differences in your two application.
Your approach should also work. You might try creating a new MVC application and use your approach to test on IIS. The most common mistake is creating a vDir, not an application
The error message is pretty good. To set ACLS on the application pool identity, follow the instructions under Securing Resources at
Also see Understanding Built-In User and Group Accounts in IIS 7
IF the new MVC app should fail, repeat, but create a Web Forms app.
Make sure IUSR has permission to the directory that webapp is sitting in.
Also, if your application is accessing permissioned resources(File IO, MSMQ...etc), you will have to change the Identity of the app pool or make sure ISUR has permission.
Make sure that the NETWORK SERVICE account (or whatever system account IIS is using) has permissions to the application folder.
To check the system account that's being used, go to the application pool settings, and the system account will be listed under the Identity tab:
Make sure that the application is using the correct application pool. Also, if you haven't already specified a default document, that could be your problem. You can test this by including a page name in the URL, e.g. http://localhost/mywebapp/default.aspx

ASP.NET Windows Authentication

Can you please post a small explanation of the prerequisites of using Windows Authentication?
I know that you have to turn Windows Authentication on from web.config or IIS and define domain.
Does the web server have to be connected to the Active Directory server or not, and how to get user info from Active Directory like name and description?
You don't have to be on a domain. The local server user accounts can be used with windows authentication. If the machine is on a domain, then either AD users OR local users can be used with windows authentication.
The minimum that has to be in place to use windows authentication in is that IIS has to have Windows Authentication enabled for the web site. IIS can still have other authentications enabled for the site too, even anonymous authentication can be used in conjunction with windows auth... as long as windows authentication is enabled also can use it.
Otherwise, your question is too broad for a good answer here. Authentication in is a very big topic; and when you add AD to the mix it gets bigger. I recommend checking out the MSDN documentation, reading through it, experimenting with it, then coming back here with more specific questions.
