Drupal: Creating a view that retrieves related nodes based on terms - drupal

I'm trying to wrap my head around getting nodes that share the same taxonomy terms, but I have some questions.
Essentially, I want to display a view at the bottom of my event node that shows related events. I have tags for each event and will be using those to create the match.
In views, when I create a taxonomy argument and add multiple "tags" it searches for nodes with all the specified arguments. What I want is not to search just for nodes that contain all of the arguments, but nodes that contain either or. So far I haven't figured any solutions.
Would it be easier to create a simple block module that queries the database for nodes that contain the terms?

I am using a Taxonomy Term ID as argument and then I selected the checkbox that allows Multiple Terms per argument. Notice the help text that says, "If selected, users can enter multiple arguments in the form of 1+2+3 (for OR) or 1,2,3 (for AND)." By using the + sign you will OR the arguments together, but if you use the , then they will be AND together thus forcing nodes to have all terms. For this specific view I am providing the default argument via php and I am using the plus sign to wrap the term ID arguments together. This will give me all the nodes that are tagged with any of the terms supplied as arguments.
edit: I might want to also add that I have the checkbox selected for "Let Multiple arguments work together." That may or may not be needed for your use case, but I needed it for mine.


calling of one taxonomy from another taxonomy, so both of them have used in the same content type

Can we call one taxonomy term from another as a parent and child relation for example I need to click on product category and that show me product series page and when I click on product each series that will lead me to actual product detail means node, so I have two taxonomies category and series I am about to click on category to carry me to series page and then to click on series page to carry me to product detail page on the concern series”
no codebase problem
i am expecting that these two taxonomies may be used as i have mentioned in the question summary but, i can't do it so i hope some help in resolving this issue
Let's look at this answer, I hope it will help you.
Taxonomy terms from the same vocabulary filtered and referenced on multiple content types
To do this you’ll need to have the Entity Reference module installed. So get that out of the way quickly with drush dl entity reference -y and drush en entityreference -y if you haven't already.
First up, we need the taxonomy set up.
Let's demonstrate with the help of an image.
You’ll notice that these terms could be more or less grouped into two categories: Transport and Sleeping. One term (couchette) kinda fits both criteria and is there to exemplify the reason for not using 2 different vocabularies to handle the issue. Now we need to technically make the distinction between these terms as well and since they are entities, we can use a field for that.
So we can now go ahead and add a new field to this vocabulary of the type List (text) with whatever widget you’d like (and let’s call the field Type). You should make the allowed number of values unlimited and put the following in the allowed values list:
Edit each term and select the appropriate type. As expected, for the term couchette, you should select both options.
Now that we have our taxonomy squared away, it’s time to create a View that will handle the filtering of these terms. Because if we now add the Tags taxonomy term reference field to our content types in the normal fashion (as it is already present in the Article content type) we’ll be able to select all the terms in the vocabulary for all the content types. And that's not what we want now.
So create a drupal 7/8 View that shows taxonomy terms of the Tags vocabulary - let’s call it Tags Filter. Add 2 displays of the type Entity Reference and a filter of the field we added to our terms earlier. So for instance the first display can show the terms which have Sleeping selected and the other one can show terms which have Transport. Save the View and you can close it.
Now finally we can edit our content types and add to each a new field of the type Entity Reference with a select list widget. For the target type select Taxonomy term and under Entity Selection choose the following: for Mode, go with Views: filter by entity reference view and then select the View in question - one of the two displays which we created earlier. In the picture below, I named one of the displays

Drupal 7 Views Expose Filter Price Range as Checkboxes

I am using Drupal 7 to build a product reviews site. The product reviews search page is built with Views 3 and Better Exposed Filters. I need an exposed filter for a price field that consists of price ranges as checkboxes. I have set up a grouped exposed filter for price with the proper ranges, made the filter allow multiple selections and then implemented hook_form_alter to set the filter to be themed with BEF checkboxes. The only problem now is the filter's where clause is searching for the ranges with an AND clause instead of an OR. So, I would like the user to select multiple price ranges and the results include products within either price range but instead the search is looking for product that are in both ranges, resulting in no products.
I have attempted to use hook_views_query_alter, but can not output so much as a dsm('test'). I think this may be because the view uses autosubmit.
Does anyone know how I can get this filter to work properly?
As the Advanced documentation of the Filter section says:
When using grouped filters with the option: 'Enable to allow users to select multiple items' checked, you probably may want to to place the filter in a separated group and define the operator of the group as 'OR'. This may be neccesary because in order to use multiple times the same filter, all options have to be applied using the OR operator, if not, probably you will get nothing listed since usually items in a group are mutually exclusive.
Therefore, you may want to create a new group (going to the 'reorder tab') and set the operator to OR. Then, just move the exposed filter inside that group.

Add view filter to retrieve content associated with one or more Taxonomy Term IDs

I have created a Drupal 6 view which has two "Taxonomy: Term" (Term ID) filters, for two different taxonomy terms. I need to create a feed that pulls content that is associated with a OR b, or that is associated with a AND b. Currently, nothing is displayed because it seems that the logic of two filters is AND, not OR.
How do you pull content that has the logic OR with Drupal views?
It does work if there is only one filter, but as soon as I add a second filter, zero records are found.
The OR filter is not built in to Views2. For ways to get around this, see http://groups.drupal.org/node/16173. And this old post might help as well OR operator in Drupal View Filters

Drupal6 views: output "taxonomy:all terms" field with two terms as two links

Briefly: I'm making a custom view, I want a field listing the two taxonomy terms associated with an NID to output as two distinct links which return arguments for the view (term1 to view/term1, term2 to view/term2. Rather, it outputs as one aggregated link (both term1 and term2 output view/term1%0Aterm2.
Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible?
I am constructing a view of products (with the page output at http://example.com/products) in an drupal ubercart site because the built-in ubercart catalog psuedo-view isn't doing it for me. Some of these products belong to more than one taxonomy term (within the same vocabulary) - for instance, product_example1 belongs to terms blue and glowinthedark, product_example2 red and glowinthedark, product-example3 just blue.
I've created an argument which limits the view based on terms like so: products/red, products/glowinthedark etc returns this nice view I made but only with products which are associated with taxonomy terms red, glowinthedark, etc - so works as it should. Views is awesome!
Now, I want each product shown in this view to link to the generated product/[term] page(s). Outputting the field "taxonomy:all terms" as a link with replacement argument products/[tid] works for one term (product_example3's field works for its one term: /products/blue (views is awesome!) , but, AND HERE'S THE PROBLEM, it DOESN'T FOR TWO TERMS (or I assume more than two terms). This is true whether the field is output as a list or using a simple seperator. So, for product_example one, the field lists both terms blue and glowinthedark (correctly separated as list items or with the chosen "," simple separator), but both terms output the relative link products/blue%0Aglowinthedark.
Is that clear? I haven't been able to google anyone with a similar situation, strangely, although I can't imagine I'm the first to run into this. I may just give up since it's not all that important and I can think of several less-satisfactory but still doable workarounds, but I thought you all might have some insight. The only thing that gives me hope is that when the "Link this field to its term page" check box is selected, views successfully outputs two separate line items with links to the two separate terms' pages.
I'm also posting this question on Drupal.org. Thanks for your time!
Hmmm... strange. I read your question carefully. However I am getting the results that you desire!
I have a taxonomy vocabulary that is multiple select (lets call it "Sector")
I have a taxonomy vocabulary that is single select (lets call it "Location")
In my fields section, I add Taxonomy: All Terms
In the settings for Taxonomy: All Terms I select "Output this field as a link". In there, I set the "Link Path" to product/[tid]
I make sure "Link this field to its term page" is NOT checked
I use a simple comma separator
"Limit terms to a specific vocabulary" checkbox does not matter. It would depend on your business requirements.
As required by you I get products/abc, products/xyz etc. one after another on a single line. This works even if a particular node has multiple terms from the same taxonomy vocabulary. I don't get any %0A stuff.
This works out of the box for me. I tried with both views 2.11 and views 3.0-alpha3
Try upgrading to the latest version of views and see if you have better luck?

Views 1: Filter by custom table/field (or using Argument Hand. Code)

I have a page which should list nodes. The views is called from a locality page (a taxonomy term page). What I need is almost the same as using the Taxonomy: tid in arguments and passing the tid.
I can't use the term_node table, as (for other reasons) we have a custom table term_node_hierarchy (with nid and tid only). The table term_node_hierarchy is like term_node but also saves the tid of the parents (from an "external" code)
I've been looking for options but still no joy.
Currently I'm building an array of the nid's that should be displayed on the current page, and passing them like print views_build_view('embed', $view, $matching_nids); but the Argument Node: ID states This argument is a single Node ID. As said, only the first node is displayed when printing the views. It would be great if it could filter on more than one nid.
I'm open to any kind of suggestions on how to do this.
You could create your own module for this. You could populate the $page_content variable with the results of your own custom query where you allow the user to sort against multiple nids. You could do this a number of different ways. You could display a list of the existing nids with corresponding checkboxes, so that, when the user clicks submit, all the nids that match the selected checkboxes get used in the query. Then you just display the result of that query. That's the easiest way I can think of to offer that degree of flexibility.
