svn checkout prompt for store user name and password after and before the svn checkout? - svn-checkout

svn checkout prompt for store user name and password
after and before the svn checkout?
how to provide yes in the same command,
then for next time this should not be prompt for the same.

I am npt remember ing the exact file name may be dblock in your repository and change the value of
anonymous -user


How can I find out the name of a particular permission?

I'm trying to give permission to a role on my Drupal site by using the Drush command.
The permission to "Article: create new content" should be given to the test-role role.
drush role-add-perm 'test-role' '#####'
I'm not able to figure out what to write in the #### field.
How do I write "Article: create new content" in the Drush command?
You can use Devel to get the machine name of the permission you want. Enable "Display machine names of permissions and modules" in Devel settings and the permission machine name will show when you hover on it in the permissions page. Each content type has a different permission so you will need to get the specific one you want.
One way to find out the name of the permission is inspecting the page markup on the permissions page. There you'll see something like <tr data-drupal-selector="edit-permissions-create-article-content" class="odd">. create-article-content translates to create article content.
drush role:perm:add test-role 'create article content'
Seems you are still on an older Drush version there it might be drush rap test-role 'create article content'. Better update your Drush.

Crontab won't run for user

I'm trying to run crontab as a user, but any of the scripts won't execute. How I can fix this? Consider that:
I tried with BOTH crontab -e and sudo crontab -u username -e;
Scripts are correctly written, since they are executed if I run them
with root crontab;
In cron.allow there are both root and user.
Crontab Permissions:
There are two files that control the permissions for crontab: /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny.
If there is a cron.allow file, then the user or users that need to use cron will need to be listed in the file. You can use cron.deny to explicitly disallow certain users from using cron.
If neither files exist, then only the super user is allowed to run cron. Well, that depends on the system specific configuration to be exact. Most configuration do not allow any users to run jobs, while some systems allow all users to run jobs by default.
So, the first step is to create a file named cron.allow in the /etc/ folder. Add the user name to this file in order to allow the user to run jobs.
Once the proper permissions has been set, the user should be able to modify and run jobs using the crontab command.

How to enter AX 2012 pretending to be other user?

I need to enter in AX 2012 from my windows user with admin privileges and the same time in the current session I need enter as another user without admin privileges. For example, User GLOBAL\jbravetti.
One way to do this is to hold the Shift key and right-click the AX executable, then select "Run as different user" and enter the username and password.
After much research I found the answer.
I create a file with .bat extension, edit the file and put this:
runas /savedcred /user:DOMAIN\User "AX executable path -regconfig=path of .axc file"
runas /savedcred /user:GLOBAL\jbravetti "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe -regconfig=C:\AXShortcuts\DEV_CUS.axc"
Execute the .bat file, put the password to current user in file and then you access in AX by this user.
I hope it helps.

Autoit runas access denied

I need to copy a file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder using a non-admin user.
I done a script using autoit and runas function but I receive "access denied"
How can I copy a file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc using a non-admin user account?
First check that file you copy can be copied with basic batch script. Sometime overwrite is not possible due ownership rights.
Try that rights elevation code:
If Not IsAdmin() Then ;if not admin become admin
ShellExecute(#AutoItExe, $CmdLineRaw, #WorkingDir , "runas", #SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; "runas" - require admin privileges. i don't now how it works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ magic...
Else ;normal execution if already admin

Why do apache owned files get created by wordpress?

I get this problem now and then, where I use an FTP account given to me by the host and use them in Wordpress FTP. But for some reason when updating themes for example, the new theme gets created under apache/apache and not user/psacln user name/group. So at that point I can't delete or do anything with those files as I am under psacln group.
I would like to find out more about why this may happen to avoid this problem - any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks in advance.
When you upload files via the wordpess admin page (like themes) the httpd process running as the apache user is actually creating them on your system--hence why they are owned by the apache user. I suggest this options to work around this:
Add yourself and apache to a new group called 'wordpress'
Use to change group ownership of your wordpress to the new group
Use set the sgid permission bit and the group write permission to all directories in the wordpress docroot.
The setting of the sgid bit will make all files added to a directory be the same group owner.
Assuming you've added yourself and apache to the same group, here's the linux commands to setup the directories to ensure files get created writable to all in the wordpress group:
chown -R :wordpress /path/to/wordpress/docroot/
chmod -R g+w /path/to/wordpress/docroot/
find /path/to/wordpress/docroot/ -type d -print | while read i; do SAVEIFS=$IFS; IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b");chmod g+s $i; IFS=$SAVEIFS; done
Additional thing that may be needed:
If you see apache creating files with group permissions without write, you may need to change the default umask for the apache user for creation of new files. By default it should be owner and group write allowed, but I know some accounts (like root user) have the default umask set to be group read only.
because apache's worker children run under apache's userid, and a "common user" on a unix system cannot make files be owned by some OTHER user. Only the root account can "give away" ownership.
Why? It'd be trivial for a normal user to make a file owned by root, or owned by another user. If a given system was running with user quotas, this would allow a user to completely subvert the quotas, or deny someone else access by "giving" them a bunch of huge files and exceeding that user's quota.
If you need access to those files, regardless of the unix ownership, you could look into using POSIX acls, which exist above/beyond the unix permissions.
