Visual Sorting array of images in Javascript using CSS3 - css

Check out this demo by FaTaL. It is explained in his blog that he has used CSS3 :target and transitions to achieve this "visual sorting" of images. The target positions have been hard coded in pres.css
The problem is that my array of images is generated at real time. Here is a demo. I want to "visually sort" these images (on button click) alphabetically by file name. How can I achieve such functionality with CSS3 without hard coding the positions ? A JSON object of filename and other parameters will be available at runtime for the sorting.

I could not think of any CSS solution. So, here is my pure Javascript solution. Live at
It sorts based on the value set on each a tag's sortelm attribute.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for
Hope it also helps some of you out there.


Use mouse cursor as image on a website

I wonder if its possible to use the browsers cursor as an image.
So for example that I could use somewhere on the page the resize image of the cursor.
I tried to find some answer to this, all I could find is how to use an image as a cursor.
And interesting enough,
Microsoft uses images to show the cursors:
Mozilla also uses images:
Which makes sense, since one might have complete different set of cursors (maybe even a broken set - not having all variants) defined in the Operating System. And so it wouldn't show what they actually wanted to show. So my hopes are still up that there is some way.
I suppose what I want is not possible, but I thought lets ask.
Maybe its very simple and I am really overlooking something I hope.
It is simply not possible to use the image which is used by the browser.

What is the simplest way of creating semi-transparent images

I'm trying to create a game that uses buttons (and text areas) that are semi-transparent (Alpha of about 60%). I can do almost everything I want in XHTML and CSS, except for these semi-transparent items. So I'm looking for the easiest way of creating semi-transparent images on my web pages.
Ideas so far:
Create PNGs with semi-transparent pixels. This is supposed to be possible, and there are well-defined interfaces for defining an Alpha channel using PHP and the GD package. Problem: I tried this, but the images were opaque in all the browsers I tried (Chrome, IE8, FF).
Do it in Flash. I know how to use Flash(*) from some work I did before I retired. Problem: Flash is priced for the professional developer, not the hobbyist.
(*) Well, Flash 8. But as I understand it, even with newer versions I can continue to create movie clips the old way, they just get translated into a bunch of AS. And it's supposedly possible to continue using AS2, although you can't mix AS2 and AS3.
Do it in Flex. Problem: interfaces best described as arcane. Even using suggestions from experienced Flex developers, trying to include code from another mxml file (other than as a class) was a PITA.
Use SVG. This looked promising. The SVG syntax is basically XML, the element tags are reasonably obvious, and the interaction of attributes only slightly arcane, and there are plenty of examples in the tutorial. But... about half of current browsers will not support using SVG in an <img> tag. You have to use <embed> That means you can't put it inside an <a> or <button>. Even using embed, I got what look like "broken image" icons in IE8.
As I'm writing this, I notice several items under "similar questions" that look promising. But when I look at them, they use attributes that are not mentioned in the CSS spec: opacity, filter:alpha, and rgba. When working in a complex language, I really prefer to have the complete language spec open in another window, or to have the equivalent dead-trees version (e.g., the O'Reilly salmon book Cascading Style Sheets, The Definitive Guide, which sits on a bookshelf next to my desk.
So I'm asking for recommendations. If the consensus is to use SVG, I'll post my code and see if people can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
The CSS "opacity" property is perfectly valid. It is part of CSS3, and is supported in all browsers (*).
Or you can use semi-transparent PNGs, as Alvaro demonstrated. They should work just fine. Not sure what happened with your attempts, but you must have done something wrong.
Note for versions of IE <= 8, you need to use the "filter" property instead.
I don't know what problem you have with PNG's. Imo the best and easiest option by far. And they look as they should in all browsers from my own experience.
check this out:
(and here a code I need to add)
If you have most users with the 'modern' browsers, I would say go with SVG. If you do, post here, and I'll be glad to help.
Many thanks for all the useful answers. I'm currently using a combination of CSS and PNGs (generated via PHP). I could have gotten along with just CSS, but I decided I wanted to change the opacity of the background when the user hovers over the button -- but keep the text opaque. It's easy to change the opacity of the whole thing, but (as far as I can tell) not of just the background.
I also experimented with SVG, and it also works fine, but it requires extra computation so I chose the simpler (for me) approach of CSS and PHP. I'm already comfortable with those two languages, just needed to be introduced to the newer stuff in CSS3 and the one extra function call needed to make alpha work in PNGs generated by the PHP GD package.

Clearing pixels of font path in HTML <canvas>

I would like to know how I can create a colored canvas but with transparent parts with the font. I want the font to create a hole in this canvas. Is this possible and how ? My goal is to create the impression that an image is embbed in a font...
Thank you :)
<canvas> offers something called composite operations for cut off and such effects. I believe the operation you want is called destination out:
And here is some more technical details in the spec:
I cannot provide you an actual working code (your use case is pretty rare), but you should be able find a globalComposite tutorials and with little playing with their code you can find out how to apply the operation for your case.

CSS form buttons

I'm looking for a good way to implement reusable buttons in CSS on my forms. The requirements:
- Separate image and text (text is in many languages)
- Rollover effects
- Plays nicely cross browser
- No javascript (if possible)
- Rounded corners
Whats the best way to do this? Years ago I was using the sliding doors technique, but this seems out of date now. Would you use CSS3 with a fallback for older browsers? Any particularly well thought of techniques out there?
Jquery UI buttons are AWESOME. They're fully tested, completely compliant, and really look great. With one line of code, you can have a fully styled button in no time flat. Here's the thing--they can be executed without Jquery (go figure)
First, the tut
So, the standard method is to build an element (a, button, input) with an id and set it as a button in Jquery like this:$('#element').button()
However, if you do it in the manner that the tutorial shows, you just have to add some classes to an element to get a similar effect. So, to make a button out of an a tag, it would just be
In this example, there's no need to set the button with the jQuery button're doing it by style only. With the flexibility to style so many different type of elements, it opens up a ton of doors.
You would have to have the Jquery UI css loaded, which offers the added benefit of ThemeRoller, which can style elements on the page with a simple change of a file. It's really a great way to "theme" a site that has to change branding in a hurry, which has made custom themed apps my company puts out extremely profitable.
I would use css sprites for this. You can find out about them here:
It is basically a way to make one large image that has all states of buttons(normal, hover, selected). The benefit is it is one http request and you don't see a flicker the first time a hover occurs. If you use this route, the css background property will be the image. You can then use text-align and line-height to center the text that you want to place over the image.
This library, Nifty Corners Cubed uses Javascript but is a fairly clean way to round div tags links, etc. It is tough to find a reusable solution without using a sliding doors derived technique. Otherwise you stuck making none-resuable buttons that have to fit to your size.
You can also take a look at PIE
A sprite is a great option and I do use them from time to time.
Personally I don't mind if my websites aren't identical in all browsers and I go the CSS class route. I keep in mind what is and isn't supported by various browsers and if there is an element that needs to be a certain way I will double check with W3Schools for compatibility.
The main benefit the keeps me using CSS/CSS3 classes is if something changes it is done quickly by text in a single file, if need be I can do a quick change from a 10 year old computer with a dial-up connection (if they still exist) and no imaging software.
Where the advantage of a sprite is they are supported across all browsers and they will look identical (more or less). SpriteMe is a bookmarklet that I have heard of to help with sprites if you decide to go down this path.
I see this as a what do you prefer matter... these questions are what I ask myself when making this type of decision:
How often will it change? Big or small changes? Will it be a complete redesign job if it changes? What do you already know? How much time are you willing to spend learning something that you may not know? What does your gut say for this project?
I hope this can help you.

CSS optimization

I noticed that Digg and Google are using a kind of CSS optimization in their GIF header image. For example digg uses this image:
Why are they using this technique and how to do it in my own site?
These are called CSS sprites. They are used to reduce the number of server requests.
Check out this nice article about them:
CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death:
A List Apart
Another article at Smashing
A hack to support IE6
The purpose of this technique is to reduce HTTP-requests by combining all images.
It's called a css sprite
I believe these are called splices (or is it sprites); basically they load up the whole image one time and tell CSS to display only part of it, that way they avoid having to (pre)load lots and lots of images.
They add more responsiveness to the page, since consecutive images are loaded immediately.
As weichsel mentioned, check the article # A List Apart.
They use that technique so one image is downloaded rather than the browser potentially making many different connections to download multiple images.
You can then "crop" the image as a CSS background-image using a combination of CSS properties like "background-position" and "width".
The the links the others are posting while I write this probably have good techniques to crop the images.
