What can i use Session or Cache - asp.net

I am using master page in which menu is generating dynamically according to user role in code. The same menu is used for all application to a particular user up to log out. So instead of recreating it, i need the same menu for all of the application. The Menu is in StringBuilder which is very large size. Is Session or Data cache is better and less memory consuming in my situation and why. Please suggest?
I want to improve performance of master page.

I think Cache will be better as you will have only one instance created for one role, but Session will make it create multiple instance as many as user is accessing, and you will have to wait session timeout sometimes to free the memory

If every user will get the same menu:
You should consider putting it in the Application "Cache" - Application["MyMenu"] or a static field on one of your objects.
The main reason for this is lifetime. If you put it in an application level object, then it will last for the lifetime of the application. Putting it in a session level object will cause it to be lost when that session ends - as a session is started per user, then you will soon find yourself recaching the data.
On the other hand... if it's unique per user:
The session provides a handy place to put this data, as it is unique to that user, and will not live long beyond that user leaving the site.
Also think about:
If you really think memory is going to be an issue or you want to define exactly how long you keep it for
Put it in the Cache. You can determine the amount of time it lives in the cache, and, additionally, the cache will start to dump objects when it gets short on memory - so it is more sensitive to load than the other options.
There is a good discussion of Session vs Cache on SO already
Are you sure your menu is that big? If it is, you might want to consider alternatives - just how big are you talking?


Should I avoid the session with a complex object in asp.net?

Here's my issue, we have a large patient object that is used on multiple screens throughout the admin. Each screen contains different information about the same patient. It can't all be on one screen.
The only time I want to persist the patient is when the user clicks save. I need to have an in memory patient somewhere. A user may be in the admin, change patient information on various screens, run validation and decide to not save that patient. This is typical use.
Is it ok to store this patient in the session? Or, is there a better approach to do this? At most this admin would have 20 users with access.
Opinions may vary on this. Session is tricky, especially if you use something other than in-memory session. Distributed session will break a non-serializable object. If this object is a simple POCO or object you control, try your best to make it play with serialization. If it does you're set. For an admin tool without much load I'd say you'd be fine.
Hey I found this - know nothing about the site, but illustrates my point:
I had a similar situation with similar amount of users. I did it and it worked great.
My situation was about scheduling events.
Someone would create an event and through multiple web pages would modify and configure this event. When they were all done it would save all the details to SQL. In the end, I was surprised just how well it worked.
Session should be fine here. You have what appears to be a light user load... but you might want to check exactly how much memory the object takes up, multiply that by the maximum number of users, and see where you are.
If you want to avoid the session altogether, you could use System.Web.Caching to store the object instead, and key the stored object using the users identifier plus some constant string.
In either case, you'll want to be aware of how many web servers are running the application. If it's just one web server, no worries. If you have multiple web servers, you'll want to make sure they are "sticky" - then the user is guaranteed to have all requests processed by the same server. How this is done is entirely dependent on your flavor of load balancing... normally the "IT folks" handle this for you.

Navigate Page to Page in Web Application Keeping user inputs

Is it possible in an ASP.NET application to keep what the user has entered from one page to another, similar to a Windows Application? so when the user navigates back to the main page, all the info entered still remains.
I can think of a couple of options (there are probably more):
Individual Session objects for the data you want to persist
Single Dictionary object stored in session that holds the question/answer pairs.
Round trip to the database each time and retrieve/store the answers based on some key.
I would personally choose option 3 (combined with saving to the DB when appropriate). The dictionary object is easy to work with and you limit the amount of useless crap floating around in Session and cluttering things up.
It really depends on your specific application, though. Some more details would be helpful.
I think sessions are ideal here...

very large viewstate breaking web app

I have a web app, that consumes a web service. The main page runs a search - by passing parameters to a particular web service method, and I bind the results to a gridview.
I have implemented sorting and paging on the grid. By putting the datatable that the grid is bound to in the viewstate and then reading / sorting / filtering it as necessary - and rebinding to the grid.
As the amount of data coming back from the web service has increased dramatically, when I try to page/sort etc I receive the following errors.
The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
I have searched around a bit, and it seems that a very large viewstate is to blame for this.
But surely the only other option is to
Limit the results
Stick the datatable in the session rather than the viewstate
Something else I am unaware of
Previously I did have the datatable in the session, as some of this data needed to persist from page to page - (not being posted however so viewstate was not an option). As the amount of data rose and the necessity to persist it was removed, I used the viewstate instead. Thinking this was a better option than the session because of the amount of data the session would have to hold and the number of users using the app.
It appears maybe not.
I thought that when the viewstate got very big, that .net split it over more than one hidden viewstate field, but it seems all I'm getting is one mammoth viewstate that I have trouble viewing in the source.
Can anyone enlighten me as to how to avoid the error I'm getting? If it is indeed to do with the amount of data in the viewstate?
It sounds like your caching the whole dataset for all pages even though you are only presenting one page of that data. I would change your pagination to only require the data for the current page the user is on.
If the query is heavy and you don't want to have to be constantly calling it over and over because there is a lot of paging back and forth (you should test typical useage pattern) then I would implement some type of caching on the web service end to cache page by page (by specific user if the data is specific to a user) and have it expire rather quick (eg a few minuites).
I think you need to limit the total amount of data your dealing with. Change your code to not pass back extra data that might never be needed is a good place to start.
EDIT: Based on your comments:
You can't change the web service
The user can manipulate the query by filtering or sorting
There is a large amount of data returned by the web service
The data is user specific
Well I think you have a perfect case for using the Session then. This can be taxing the the server with large amounts of users and data so you might want to implement some logic to clear the data from the Session and not wait for it to expire (like on certain landing pages you know the user will go when they are done, clear the session data).
You really want to get it out of the ViewState beacuse it is a huge bandwidth hog. Just look at your physical page size and that data is being passed back and forth with every action. Moving it to the Session would eliminate that bandwidth useage and allow for you to do everything you need.
You could also look at the data the web service is bringing back and store it in a custom object that you make as 'thin' as possible. If your storing a DataSet or a DataTable in your Session, those objects have some extra overhead you probably don't need so store the data as an array of some custom thin object and just bind to that. You would need to map the result from the WS to your custom object but this is a good option you cut down on memory useage.
Let me know if there is something else I am missing.
I wouldn't put the data in either the view state or the session. Instead store the bare minimum information to re-request the dataset from the web service and store that (in either view state or session, or even on the URL). Then call the web service using that data and reaction the data on each request. If necessary, look to use some form of caching (memCache) to improve performance.

Best way to keep track of current online users

I have a requirement that my site always display the number of users currently online. For example, "35741 Users Currently Online". This is not based on a log in, simply how many users are currently on my site. I have tried using Session Start/Session End for this, however session end is not reliable. Therefore I get inflated numbers, as my session start adds numbers but session end doesn't remove them because it doesn't fire.
There is no additional information to be gathered from this (reporting, etc), it's simply requested that the number show up. Very simple request that's turning into a huge deal. Any help is appreciated.
I should specify that I have also tried using a database for this. Simple table that contains a session ID and a last activity column. With each page hit, I check to see if the session is in my database. If not, insert. If so, update with activity time. Then I run a procedure that sweeps the database looking for sessions with no activity in the last 20 minutes. This approach seemed to kill my SQL server and/or IIS. Had to restart the site.
Best way is like you do, but time it out via activity. If a given session doesn't access a page within 5 minutes or so, you may consider them no longer active.
If you're using ASP.Net membership, take a look at GetNumberOfUsersOnline.
For every user action that you can record, you need to consider them "online" for a certain window of time. Depending on the site, you may set that to 5 minutes. The actual web request should take less than a second. You have to make some assumption about how long they might stay on that page and do nothing but be considered online.
This approach requires that you keep track of the time of each users last activity.
Use Performance Counters:
State Server Sessions Active: The
number of active user sessions.
Expanding what silky said in his answer - since really http is stateless to determine if the user is currently 'online' you can really only track how long since the user last accessed your site and make a determination on how long between requests your consider to still be active.
Since you stated that this isn't based upon users logging in may it's a simple of how many different IP addresses you received requests from in the past 5 minutes (or however long you consider the 'online' timeout to be).
Don't use sessions for this unless you also need sessions for something else; it's overkill otherwise.
Assuming a single-server installation, do something like this:
For each user, issue a cookie that contains a unique ID
Maintain a static table of unique IDs and their last access time
In an HttpModule (or Global.asax), enter new users into the table and update their access times (use appropriate locking to prevent race conditions)
Periodically, either from a background thread or in-line with a user request, remove entries from the table that haven't made a request within the last N minutes. You might also want to support an explicit "log out" feature.
Report the number of people online as the size of the table
If you do use sessions, you can use the Session ID as the unique identifier. However, keep in mind that Session IDs aren't issued until you store something in the Session dictionary, unless you have a Session_Start() event configured.
In a load balanced or web garden scenario, it gets a little more complicated, but you can use the same basic idea, just persisting the info in a database instead of in memory.
When the user logs in write his user name into the HttpContext.Current.Cache with a sliding expiration (say 20 minutes).
Then in the Global.asax.cs in the Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute "touch" the cache entry for the current users so it resets the sliding expiration.
When a user explicitly logs out, remove his username from HttpContext.Current.Cache.
If you do this, at any given time HttpContext.Current.Cache.Count will give you the # of current users.
Note: this is assuming you aren't using the Cache for other purposes.

storing state across postback

What is the best way to store string data across postback. I need to store an ID and name for multiple entities. I was thinking of using a datatable in viewstate, but would that make viewstate grow too large? I can't use a database yet because I'll be inserting a record that those other records need to be related to. So I'll just be storing them temporarily until the user submits the form.
You actually have a lot of options - the one you choose will entirely depend on the requirements of your own application.
ViewState - you can add the data to the page's viewstate. The advantages of this is that the data will live only for the lifetime of the user being on the page and posting it back to the server. Another advantage of it over hidden fields is that it is harder for users to hack into it and alter your values (I believe, in fact, that you can encrypt your viewstate). The disadvantage, of course, lies in page sizes - everything you add to the view state is one more thing that gets dropped on a user's page and then gets posted back to the server. This makes it non-optimal for storing large amounts of data.
Cookies - You can toss the information back to the user in the form of cookies. In this case, you can declare how long the information will last - for the scope of the user having their browser open, or for a specific calendar time. The information will be available to any page of your application each time the user hits that page. The bad news is that you are limited in the amount of information you can store, and that users can very readily alter their own cookies.
Session - You're storing the user's information on your own server's memory (I'll leave aside the discussion of various types of session storage). In this case the information will live as long as your user's session lives, and will be available to all pages of your application. There is no risk of user's modifying those values directly, though session hijacking is a risk you may want to explore. The disadvantage, though, is that you are using precious server resources in this case - if your application has a large load, it may affect your scalability in the future.
As I said - what you choose to do will entirely depend on the needs and requirements of your application.
several ways (though not an exhaustive list):
ViewStatehidden fieldssessionquery stringcookies
ViewState is fine. If you are storing it across postbacks, a client-side solution is best. So, you'd be adding size somewhere--either in ViewState or hidden fields.
If you want to do this server-side, you can use the Session, but remember to clean it up when you can.
you could just store them to a cookie, this would allow you to access them from Javascript too. Alternatively you could store a simple string array to the view state. A lot depends on what and how much information you wish to store.
When I have this scenario I create a structure for my fields that I stuff into Viewstate. I'm okay with having a small structure added into the page size and lifecycle considering the entire page's controls set is there already :)
Furthermore it cleans up after itself after you're done with the page, so there's no worrying about filling your Session with crap.
I concur with the accepted answer but I would also add that if you only want to keep track of a simple key/value collection you would be better putting a generic Dictionary into either ViewState or Session:
Dictionary<int, string> myValues = new Dictionary<int, string>();
myValues.Add(1, "Apple");
maValues.Add(2, "Pear");
