Flex ComboBox - Removing Borders - apache-flex

Does anyone know how to remove the small border around the combobox?
In a Flex3 Combobox (Halo Theme) there is this little gray border at the left, right, and bottom edges. I want to remove those borders so that the button part of the combobox doesn't have any border at all. Instead, I just want the top border.
Any ideas how it can be done?

I think you have to replace the Class that's used by default in the skin css property with one of your own. The docs say that is defined in ComboBase, so you'll need to look there to see what the Class is there and if you can extend or even do away with it (by setting skin to an empty ClassReference).


QT combobox's item border is see throgh QAbstractItemView's radius

I would like to have a rounded rectangle shape of the popup by combobox, which is easy to implement as I add a "border-radius: 20px" to QAbastractItemView.( the 20px is just for easy identification for demo)
However, I also need to have a separator line between combobox items. I use item's bottom-border style to let items look like they have separator. But as you could see in the snapshot, there will be a extra bottom border appear behind QAbastractItemView.
How can I hide this extra bottom-border ? I search Qt's documentation, QSS has no :last-child or nth-child equivalent as in CSS. And there is no sub-control like ::separator, so I cannot sytle the separator.
Could anyone has some clue ? Thank you.

Gtk inspector cant find part of widget

I'm working on a Gtk3 theme using css. I want to style a dialog so I used gtkinspector to check what widgets are inside there. Works well, the inspector recognizes the dialog. But it is apparently unable to identify a border sitting around the dialog. (See image below).
The border around the entire widget doesnt get hilighted by the inspector. .. so what does this consist of?
This is reflected in the css: if I put something like dialog * {green} in the css, everything colors green, except for the border. If I put .background {green} then the border also colors green....
I tried to find 'padding' 'margin' and 'border' entries that could be causing the border, but cant seem to find any....Any ideas?
Without code or a glade file one can't say for sure which properties are being used to add that border.
The border itself isn't a widget but a GtkContainer property. So you must look to the parent, GtkDialog, for the correct properties being used. Most probably its the empty border around the container child (see GtkContainer "border-width") but could be alignment or padding.
If your goal is to change the color of the background color then you should change it via GtkDialog.

In flex how can someone add both bold and border?

I am trying to make a text area in flex 4.5. The problem is i need some part of it as bold not all. Also i need border.
A simple code is
<s:TextArea text="Text here1 Text here2">
By default s:TextArea contain border but I cant bold only one part of text that is "text here1"
If I try to use mx:TextArea Then I cant add border to it.
Please if anyone can help over how to add border along with if i can make only a part of text as bold or of different color etc.
Why can't you add a border to mxTextArea? There are a couple of ways:
specify borderStyle css property;
write a skin class, which draws a border and background you need, and assign it to borderSkin css property;
draw a 3x3 graphic skin and assign it to borderSkin css property.
Place a border container around the control
Use the textFlow property instead of the text property and you will be able to use rich text (bold, italics and so on).

FLEX: popupManager: TitleWindow: how to make the background transparent

I'm using PopupManager to display (not modal) popups in Flex.
How can I make the background of my TitleWindow popup completely transparent?
Now it is semi-transparent.. see picture with semi-transparent background (i.e. I just want the label inside visible):
Maybe, instead of making it transparent I could try to reduce the padding, in order to make only the children visible ?
If you want to make it transparent, add
If you also want to remove the side and bottom borders completely, add
borderThicknessLeft="0" borderThicknessRight="0"
You can't remove the header, even thought there is borderThicknessTop option.
Also, the borderThickness="0" option doesn't work as far as I know.
Set the backgroundAlpha style of the TitleWindow to 0.
Edit, oops, my mistake, since it's a subclass of Panel, you'll also need to set the borderAlpha style to 0 as well. If you're using the default flex skins, the white arrow is the "background" and the blue area is the "border".

Flex scrollbar styling issue

I'm trying to style vscrollbar and hscrollbar inside a Vbox.But there's always a white square thing at the right bottom cornor which can not be styled.
My CSS is:
downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
upArrowOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
upArrowDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
thumbDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
thumbUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
thumbOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
Could anyone help me out?Much Thanks!
This is a weird one. The white box at the bottom right is actually a (raw) child of the container.
To get around this you need to subclass whatever container you want to add your styled scrollbars to and remove the child called "whitebox":
var whitebox:DisplayObject = rawChildren.getChildByName('whiteBox');
if (whitebox)
IIRC you need to do the above in two places: an override of createChildren and an override of validateDisplayList. In both cases remember to call the super class method first!
That area isn't controlled by the scroll bar(s), it's part of the original container. Does the VBox have it's background colour set to black?
