I recently built a custom theme for my WordPress site and it works perfectly on my localhost. However, when I uploaded it to my hosting server and activated it, I received an error message saying 'Template is missing. Standalone themes need to have a templates/index.html or index.php template file. Child themes need to have a Template header in the style.css stylesheet.' I've double checked and all of my theme files are properly uploaded and organized on the server. I've also checked the file and directory permissions and they seem to be set correctly. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Any ideas on what I should try to fix this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.
screen short
I tried the following steps to fix the issue with my theme:
I backed up my site using a WordPress plugin to ensure that I had a copy of my site's files and data in case something went wrong.
I checked the file and directory permissions on my hosting server to make sure that all of the theme files were set to the correct permissions.
I reviewed the style.css and index.php files to see if there were any issues or mistakes that might be causing the problem.
I made sure that my theme was properly activated in the WordPress dashboard.
Despite these efforts, the issue persisted and my theme was still not displaying correctly on the live site. I was expecting the theme to display correctly and for all of its features to work as intended after activating it on the hosting server
I have problem with running javascript codes in may pages.
I tried testing my code in xampp and it was working.
but I can not see them when I add them to my pages or my posts in my host and I installed wordpress again and it wasn't working.
Please help me
There are a few ways you can include JavaScript files in WordPress, I will give you one example using your child theme.
First you need to validate whether or not you actually have a child theme. Use FTP to login to you server and go to the wp-contents/themes directory. There you will see all your installed themes (in your case betheme). If you do not have a child theme follow these steps:
Create a new directory in your themes folder (betheme-child).
Upload your JavaScript file in this directory (for example script.js)
Create a new file called functions.php and add the following code to it: (surrounded by php opening and closing tags):
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_child_scripts');
function enqueue_child_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script('child-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/script.js');
Login to your wp-admin and navigate to your themes
Enable your child theme instead of your normal theme.
Go to the front-page of your website, look at the page source and check if your JavaScript file is being loaded.
If you are using cloudflare, turn off minify JS.
I am helping out creating a few wordpress templates. I've been sent over the basic content (wp-admin/wp-content/wp-includes folders and other wp-* files).
They've already created a new theme, and one front-page.php file. This file includes "parts" such as get_header and get_footer.
Essentially now they'd like me to create new templates using this theme, and php variables to make updating easier. My question is - how can I view this so I can see what i'm making?
I downloaded MAMP and set up a local server, and if I create a sample .php file in the htdocs folder, that page appears correctly. However when I paste the Wordpress folder that I was sent, nothing loads. Is there a special way to get a front-page.php including partials to load within a theme? Am I missing something obvious here?
You will have to Install WordPress completely in order to make it work. Then you will be able to add your folder in the "Themes" folder of WordPress..
You can Google "How to Install WordPress on Mamp" for more info... you will find plenty of websites helping you.
I also suggest you read a few blog post on how to create WordPress Themes... :)
Good luck
I have installed a fresh copy of wordpress on a windows XAMPP server. I configured the wp-config file and ran the install script. All is ok, and I am able to view my new wordpress site and login to admin area.
However - when I go to Appearance->themes - the current theme is set to TwentyTwelve and in the lower section the "Available Themes" does not show ANY themes.
After this I copied a new theme to the themes folder (which was working on a WP install on my test server at work) and that doesn't show up either.
Can anyone tell me how to make the other default theme (TwentyEleven) and more importantly my own built themes, appear as being available?
Thanks :)
Try to change the theme folder permissions to 777
style.css is very important for a theme.
You should check either style.css exists or not.
If No, try install wordpress again.
If Yes, then there might be the issue of File Permissions.
Set file permissions from below.
Having a really baffling issue with permissions, WordPress and theme files.
I have a fresh install of WordPress and tried uploading the theme I made for my client. It uploaded fine but it doesn't show up in the Manage Themes menu. I checked everything was uploaded and it was. Checked permissions (even set them to 777 at one point) and they were fine. But the theme doesn't show up.
Here are the different scenarios I've tried:
Using the Install Themes menu and uploading a .zip (failed)
Duplicate twentyten folder and contents (worked)
Duplicate twentyten folder and used my theme files (failed)
Duplicate twentyten folder and used my theme files and their style.css (failed)
Uploaded my theme WITHOUT style.css (gave missing style.css error)
Uploaded my theme WITHOUT style.css and put in twentyten/created one from scratch (both failed)
I'm on my clients MediaTemple hosting and I've never encountered this error. Their support has yet to get back to us.
Does anyone have a similar problem? Solution? It's possible I can give you FTP access if needed.
CSS Head (changed values but format and everything is still the same):
Theme Name: Example Theme
Theme URI: http://example.com/
Description: WordPress theme
Author: Company
Version: 1.0
Edit: Trying to access the folder through my browser results in a 403 error (works fine on twentyten). style.css can be viewed from the browser.
If you are using a MULTI-SITE installation of Wordpress, you have to first go into Network Admin, select Themes from the left menu and enable the themes you like to use before they can appear on the "Manage Themes" page in the Site Admin section.
Perhaps you are missing a required template file?
At the very minimum, a WordPress Theme
consists of two files:
On Ubuntu 14.04 you can install the wordpress package simply using sudo apt install wordpress but then you have to set a link to the themes directory.
E.g. for your "newTheme":
ln -s /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/themes/newTheme /var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/themes
I bet you have some special characters in your templates. This once drove me nuts to find.
Check your Template files and/or rename them until the theme shows up. I used a german "ö" in a templates name.
I had a very similar problem. Spent a few hours before I found that somehow when I moved my local site (probably using All-in-one Wp Migration plugin), a .htaccess file was created in the /wp-content folder. I don't remember what was inside this file but I think it didn't matter.
After removing this file everything was ok.
Is the theme folder name different than everything else? Is the Theme Name in style.css different than everything else?
I am guessing BOMs are the problem. They messed up my validation of a page once, as I tried to remove the BOM. Try using an editor and remove the BOMs. For Notepad++, the text editor I use, I just set the encoding to UTF-8 without BOM and saved. That solved my problem. Of course, your text editor may be different.
As I discovered at the end of tortuous troubleshooting, an old wp-config.php may cause newly installed themes to be undetected and invisible in /wp-admin/themes.php - I am not sure that you have the exact same problem but it looks very similar to mine and you might want to try your configuration with a wp-config.php newly generated by Wordpress.
Make a backup of your styles.css
Copy the styles.css file from twentyforteen to your theme folder.
Only change the template name at the top of the file
Re-load the themes page in WordPress admin; once you've seen it working,
Further-modify the new styles.css file as needed.
The problem could have been, that you uploaded it in .zip
Your php setting might disable the scandir. It may cause the wordpress cannot scan the theme folder
find php.ini. You may run php --ini to get the php.ini file location.
Open php.ini,Search for disable_functions, then you may removescandir parameter.
Save and restart your php services.