What is an m-ary vector? - vector

I am watching a lecture on threading and they use the term m-ary vector as follows:
"Let [X] represent an m-ary vector of non-negative integers"
What is this? Is the arity the length? I presume a vector is merely a sequential data structure like an array? Why would the letter m be used - I have only ever seen n-ary previously.

Is the arity the length?
I presume a vector is merely a sequential data structure like an array?
Why would the letter m be used - I have only ever seen n-ary previously.
There are twenty-six latin letters that could be used. If -- later -- they are going to talk about two different length vectors, they're going to need to different letters.


What is the difference between permutations and derangements?

I have been given a program to write difference combinations of set of number entered by user and when I researched for the same I get examples with terms permutations and derangements.
I am unable to find the clarity between the them. Also adding to that one more term is combinations. Any one please provide a simple one liner for clarity on the question.
Thanks in advance.
The notion of permutation relates to the act of rearranging, or permuting, all the members of a set into some sequence or order (unlike combinations, which are selections of some members of the set where order is disregarded). For example, written as tuples, there are six permutations of the set {1,2,3}, namely: (1,2,3), (1,3,2), (2,1,3), (2,3,1), (3,1,2), and (3,2,1). As another example, an anagram of a word, all of whose letters are different, is a permutation of its letters.
In combinatorial mathematics, a derangement is a permutation of the elements of a set such that none of the elements appear in their original position.
The number of derangements of a set of size n, usually written Dn, dn, or !n, is called the "derangement number" or "de Montmort number". (These numbers are generalized to rencontres numbers.) The subfactorial function (not to be confused with the factorial n!) maps n to !n.1 No standard notation for subfactorials is agreed upon; n¡ is sometimes used instead of !n.2

Count negative numbers in list using list comprehension

Working through the first edition of "Introduction to Functional Programming", by Bird & Wadler, which uses a theoretical lazy language with Haskell-ish syntax.
Exercise 3.2.3 asks:
Using a list comprehension, define a function for counting the number
of negative numbers in a list
Now, at this point we're still scratching the surface of lists. I would assume the intention is that only concepts that have been introduced at that point should be used, and the following have not been introduced yet:
A function for computing list length
List indexing
Pattern matching i.e. f (x:xs) = ...
Infinite lists
All the functions and operators that act on lists - with one exception - e.g. ++, head, tail, map, filter, zip, foldr, etc
What tools are available?
A maximum function that returns the maximal element of a numeric list
List comprehensions, with possibly multiple generator expressions and predicates
The notion that the output of the comprehension need not depend on the generator expression, implying the generator expression can be used for controlling the size of the generated list
Finite arithmetic sequence lists i.e. [a..b] or [a, a + step..b]
I'll admit, I'm stumped. Obviously one can extract the negative numbers from the original list fairly easily with a comprehension, but how does one then count them, with no notion of length or indexing?
The availability of the maximum function would suggest the end game is to construct a list whose maximal element is the number of negative numbers, with the final result of the function being the application of maximum to said list.
I'm either missing something blindingly obvious, or a smart trick, with a horrible feeling it may be the former. Tell me SO, how do you solve this?
My old -- and very yellowed copy of the first edition has a note attached to Exercise 3.2.3: "This question needs # (length), which appears only later". The moral of the story is to be more careful when setting exercises. I am currently finishing a third edition, which contains answers to every question.
By the way, did you answer Exercise 1.2.1 which asks for you to write down all the ways that
square (square (3 + 7)) can be reduced to normal form. It turns out that there are 547 ways!
I think you may be assuming too many restrictions - taking the length of the filtered list seems like the blindingly obvious solution to me.
An couple of alternatives but both involve using some other function that you say wasn't introduced:
sum [1 | x <- xs, x < 0]
maximum (0:[index | (index, ()) <- zip [1..] [() | x <- xs, x < 0]])

The complexity of Scheme vectors

The 6.3.6 Vectors section in the Scheme R5RS standard states the following about vectors:
Vectors are heterogenous structures whose elements are indexed by integers. A vector typically occupies less space than a list of the same length, and the average time required to access a randomly chosen element is typically less for the vector than for the list.
This description of vectors is a bit diffuse.
I'd like to know what this actually means in terms of the vector-ref and list-ref operations and their complexity. Both procedures returns the k-th element of a vector and a list. Is the vector operation O(1) and is the list operation O(n)? How are vectors different than lists? Where can I find more information about this?
Right now I'm using association lists as a data structure for storing key/value pairs for easy lookup. If the keys are integers it would perhaps be better to use vectors to store the values.
The very specific details of vector-ref and list-ref are implementation-dependent, meaning: each Scheme interpreter can implement the specification as it sees fit, so an answer for your question can not be generalized to all interpreters conforming to R5RS, it depends on the actual interpreter you're using.
But yes, in any decent implementation is a safe bet to assume that the vector-ref operation is O(1), and that the list-ref operation is probably O(n). Why? because a vector, under the hood, should be implemented using a data structure native to the implementation language, that allows O(1) access to an element given its index (say, a primitive array) - therefore making the implementation of vector-ref straightforward. Whereas lists in Lisp are created by linking cons cells, and finding an element at any given index entails traversing all the elements before it in the list - hence O(n) complexity.
As a side note - yes, using vectors would be a faster alternative than using association lists of key/value pairs, as long as the keys are integers and the number of elements to be indexed is known beforehand (a Scheme vector can not grow its size after its creation). For the general case (keys other than integers, variable size) check if your interpreter supports hash tables, or use an external library that provides them (say, SRFI 69).
A list is constructed from cons cells. From the R5RS list section:
The objects in the car fields of successive pairs of a list are the elements of the list. For example, a two-element list is a pair whose car is the first element and whose cdr is a pair whose car is the second element and whose cdr is the empty list. The length of a list is the number of elements, which is the same as the number of pairs.
For example, the list (a b c) is equivalent to the following series of pairs: (a . (b . (c . ())))
And could be represented in memory by the following "nodes":
[p] --> [p] --> [p] --> null
| | |
|==> a |==> b |==> c
With each node [] containing a pointer p to the value (it's car), and another pointer to the next element (it's cdr).
This allows the list to grow to an unlimited length, but requires a ref operation to start at the front of the list and traverse k elements in order to find the requested one. As you stated, this is O(n).
By contrast, a vector is basically an array of values which could be internally represented as an array of pointers. For example, the vector #(a b c) might be represented as:
[p p p]
| | |
| | |==> c
| |
| |==> b
|==> a
Where the array [] contains a series of three pointers, and each pointer is assigned to a value in the vector. So internally you could reference the third element of the vector v using the notation v[3]. Since you do not need to traverse the previous elements, vector-ref is an O(1) operation.
The main disadvantage is that vectors are of fixed size, so if you need to add more elements than the vector can hold, you have to allocate a new vector and copy the old elements to this new vector. This can potentially be an expensive operation if your application does this on a regular basis.
There are many resources online - this article on Scheme Data Structures goes into more detail and provides some examples, although it is much more focused on lists.
All that said, if your keys are (or can become) integers and you either have a fixed number of elements or can manage with a reasonable amount of vector reallocations - for example, you load the vector at startup and then perform mostly reads - a vector may be an attractive alternative to an association list.

Transition Graph per alphabet?

How do you determine how many different Transition Graphs are over a particular alphabet? For example How many TG's are over the alphabet {x, y}. I am taking a class with a similar question from Daniel I. A. Cohen's book, "Introduction to computer theory." There are plenty of examples of how to create a TG but nothing to determine how many can be created per language. I'm assuming I'm looking for finite amount of TG's? Thank You very much!
There are countably infinitely many such transition graphs. One way to think about this is that you can easily construct a family of infinitely many transition graphs as follows. Suppose that I want to accept the language an for some fixed n (that is, n copies of the letter a). Then I could construct a transition graph that accepts that language as follows. Begin with a start state, then chain n new states onto the end of that state, each with a transition on 'a' to the next state. Make the last state accepting.
To see that there are only countably infinitely many of these, we can think of how we would describe these automata. We could do so by writing out the number of states in unary, then the transisions between those states as a list of tuples (start, end, character) (all encoded in binary), then the accepting states as a list of the numbers of the states in unary. Concatenated together, this is a binary string, and there are only countably many finite binary strings.

Difference between a vector in maths and programming

Maybe this question is better suited in the math section of the site but I guess stackoverflow is suited too. In mathematics, a vector has a position and a direction, but in programming, a vector is usually defined as:
Vector v (3, 1, 5);
Where is the direction and magnitude? For me, this is a point, not a vector... So what gives? Probably I am not getting something so if anybody can explain this to me it would be very appreciated.
If we are working in cartesian coordinates, and assume (0,0,0) to be the origin, then a point p=(3,1,5) can be written as
where i, j and k are the unit vectors in the x, y and z directions. For convenience sake, the unit vectors are dropped from programming constructs.
The magnitude of the vector is
and its direction cosines are
respectively, both of which can be done programmatically. You can also take dot products and cross-products, which I'm sure you know about. So the usage is consistent between programming and mathematics. The difference in notations is mostly because of convenience.
However as Tomas pointed out, in programming, it is also common to define a vector of strings or objects, which really have no mathematical meaning. You can consider such vectors to be a one dimensional array or a list of items that can be accessed or manipulated easily by indexing.
In mathematics, it is easy to represent a vector by a point - just say that the "base" of the vector is implied to be the origin. Thus, a mathematical point for all practical purposes is also a representation of a mathematical vector, and the vector in your example has the magnitude sqrt(3^2 + 1^2 + 5^2) = 6 and the direction (1/2, 1/6, 5/6) (a normalized vector from the origin).
However, a vector in programming usually has no geometrical use, which means you really aren't interested in things like magnitude or direction. A vector in programming is rather just an ordered list of items. Important here is that the items need not be numbers - it can be anything handled by the language in question! Thus, ("Hello", "little", "world") is also a vector in programming, although it (obviously) has no vector interpretation in the mathematical sense.
Practically speaking (!):
A vector in mathematics is only a direction without a position (actually something more general, but to stay in your terminology). In programming you often use vectors for points. You can think of your vector as the vector pointing from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (3,1,5), called the location vector of the point. Consult texts on analytical and affine geometry for more insight.
A Vector in computer science is an "one dimensional" data structure (array) (can be thought as direction) with an usually dynamic size (length/magnitude). For that reason it is called as vector. But it's an array at least.
A vector also means a set of coordinates. This is how it is used in programming. Just as a set of numbers. You might want to represent position vectors, velocity vectors, momentum vectors, force vectors with a vector object, or you may wish to represent it any way that suits you.
Many times vector quantities may be represented by 4 coordinates instead of 3 (see homogeneous coordinates in computer graphics) so a physical vector is represented by a computer vector with 4 elements. Alternatively you can store direction and magnitude separately, or encode them with 3, 4 or more coordinates.
I guess what I am getting to, is that computer languages are designed to represent physical models, but abstract data containers that the programmer use as tools for his/hers modeling.
Vector in math is an element of n-dimensional space over some field(e.g. real/complex number, functions, string). It may have infinite dimension, e.g. functional space L^2. I don't remember infite-dimensional vectors were used in programming (infinite vectors are not vectors with non-limited length, but vector with infite number of elements)
The most rigorous statement is that a mathematical vector is a first-order tensor that transforms from one coordinate system to another according to tensor transformation rules. The physical idea to keep in mind is that vectors have both magnitude and direction.
Programming vectors are data structures that need not transform according to any rules and may or may not have a notion of a coordinate system as reference. If you happen to use a vector data structure to hold numbers, they may conform to the mathematical definition. But if you have a vector of objects, it's unlikely that they have anything to do with coordinate transformations.
