I have added the translator service for my Symfony2 project. I use it both in controllers and in twig templates. It's configured fine and all the {% trans %} tags work as they mean to. But in some cases I need to use the {% transchoice %} tag, and it's not getting the translation. Here is an example from my code.
{% transchoice post['comments']['count'] %}
{0} Comments| {1} Comment| ]1,Inf] Comments
{% endtranschoice %}
Also have tried writing this in one line.
I get the correct choice for the comment count, but the word itself is not beeng translated. Like the translator is not able to find the corresponding translation. In the messages.de.yml I have
Comment: "Kommentar"
Comments: "Kommentare"
Is it something wrong with my transchoice syntax? Maybe I need to place spaces somewhere, or anything like that?
In your translation file, you should write this:
{0} Comments| {1} Comment| ]1,Inf] Comments: "{0} Kommentare| {1} Kommentar| ]1,Inf] Kommentare"
An xliff example that works for me :
<trans-unit id="search.results.summary">
<target>{0}Pas d'annotations trouvée pour "%search_text%"|{1}Une annotation trouvée pour "%search_text%"|]1,Inf]%search_count% annotations trouvées pour "%search_text%"</target>
How I use it:
<h2>{{ 'search.results.summary' | transchoice(search_count, {
'%search_text%': search_text,
'%search_count%': search_count}) }}</h2>
As you see, I don't use the complicated notation as the source for my translation, since it is pretty useless and would make the template less readable. Instead, I put a dot-separated string representing the semantical value of my string.
In your case, I guess the correct thing to use would be something like this:
comment.summary: "{0} Kommentare|{1} Kommentar|]1,Inf] Kommentare"
{% transchoice post['comments']['count'] %}
{% endtranschoice %}
Good luck.
Is it possible to translate the value of twig variables in a template with the 'trans' tag?
Say for instance I am passing a product to my template. This product has a definition with a trans tag e.g {{ product.definition|trans }}. This definition could either be in EN or DE or some other language. How could I translate the definition.
What are you trying to do is not a good way, It would look like this:
some_value1: Some value 1
some_value2: Some value 2
and in template, you would do something like this:
{% set definition_value = product.definition %}
{% set trans_definition = 'product.definition.' ~ definition_value %}
{{ trans_definition|trans }}
it'll work, if it finds the key. What if it cant find it?
That's why you should use DoctrineBehaviors from KnpLabs, which handles all the dynamic translations for you..
If {{ product.definition }} equals 'cellphone' the following should work.
'cellphone': This will work!
However if you want to map it with the 'product' key in your message file like this:
'cellphone': This also works
add the key to the twig template like so:
{{('product.'~product.definition)|trans }}
I would like to know if it was possible to cast a String to an Int in twig. I try to see if a user has enough credit or not to buy a cours. For that, I calculate the amount of credit with a render in the template (because I need the value in the template, and I didn't found a better way to do it...) like this :
{% set creditUser %}
{% endset %}
But when I try to compare creditUser :
{% if creditUser < c.idCompetenceCours.prix %}disabled="false"{% endif %}
Symfony return me a beautiful error : An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Notice: Object of class Twig_Markup could not be converted to int") in L3L2UserBundle:Profile:modal_prendre_rdv.html.twig at line 21.
Any idea ? Thank you in advance for my first question on Stackoverflow and sorry for my english.
This is not string but Twig_Markup
{% if creditUser.__toString < c.idCompetenceCours.prix %}
but this is not good approach you should get this value from object/variable not from rendered template
on my site i have lists using two different kinds of styles for list items. Their occurance is uneven.
For now i edit these lists manually in html. I would like to put them inside an array in the YAML front matter and let jekyll generate the appropriate lists.
My idea is to put all list items in an array in the YAML front matter and tag those, which should be italic, with a string like 'ITALIC_':
list: [ITALIC_Main, 300g tomatoes, 1 mozzarella ball, ITALIC_Dressing, olive oil, vinegar, ...]
Is it possible to check not only the array for a certain string but
the array items too?
How can i filter the tagged array items and apply a certain css class via Jekyll?
Thanks for your help!
I think you have a modeling problem ;-) You're mixing datas and style : No Goood !
I propose a more dissociated solution, with organized datas on one place and presentation in an other.
It can be something like this :
title: recipe
layout: default
- ingredient1
- ingredient2
- ingredient3
- ingredient4
- ingredient5
.... To be continued ...
{% for part in page.recipe.ingredients %}
<h3>{{ part[0] }}</h3>
{% for ingredient in part[1] %}
<li>{{ ingredient }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for part in page.recipe.operations %}
To be continued ...
(Not tested) You can write it as: ITALIC_Main_ and in the template loop just remove the ITALIC with
{{ site.list.item | remove_first: "ITALIC" }} - this will leave you with _Main_ which is converted to italic style in markdown.
there is situation like this:
<P>{%trans%}Example Message 1{%endtrans%}</P>
<P>{%trans%}Example Message 2{%endtrans%}</P>
<P>{%trans%}Example Message 3{%endtrans%}</P>
This is not template to show by visitor via web browser, but to send on mail
by Swift_Message.
I want to force change default laguage to Trollish, but I do not want to use this:
{%trans into 'trollish' %}...{% endtrans %}
every time. It works perfectly, but it is ugly like a troll after washing in swamp.
In controller i tried something like this before render('example.twig.html'):
$this->get('session')->set('_locale', 'trollish');
{{ app.request.locale }}
returns "trollish"
but used language in {% trans %}...{ %trans% } still is not trollish :(
How i can fix that?
In your controller, add:
I'm displaying some variable retrieved in my database using Twig :
<p>{{ my_variable }}</p>
The thing is this variable may contain html tags, such as "<br />".
Twig seems to automatically call some htmlentities-like function when displaying variables.
Is there any way to disable it so that when I display a variable containing "Hello<br />world !" I get :
world !
rather than :
Hello<br />world !
Use {{ my_variable|raw }} to prevent my_variable from being automatically escaped.
See Twig documentation: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/filters/raw.html
Try using this
{% autoescape false %}{{ my_variable}}{% endautoescape %}
even better: {{ '<br />|raw('html') }} to avoid unescaping other sensible stuff.
If you just want to use linebreaks in the text stored in your database but don't care to use html , you can also use the nl2br filter as in {{ var|nl2br }}. Allows you to use string linebreak character \n in your text. Filter converts it to <br/>