Prevent multi-threaded website from consuming too many resources -

I have built a bulk email sending website for a client that is required to send out 80,000 emails in a single send. It basically creates a new thread for the send so that control can be handed back to the UI (so that a feedback page can load) and then a new thread is created for each company in order to send emails to their recipients. The emails are all queued up using this code:
// Loop through the companies and send their mail to the specified recipients
// while creating a new thread for each company
// A new thread is started so that the feedback page can load
SendingThread = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// This is a thread safe for loop
Parallel.ForEach<CompanyEntity>(companies, company =>
// Start a new thread for each company send
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// Get the recipients for this company
var companyRecipients = GetSubscribersForCompany(company.Id, recipients);
// Send the newsletter to the company recipients
var success = SendNewsletterForCompany(newsletter, company, companyRecipients, language,
version, company.AdvertCollectionViaNewsletterCompanyAdvertLink, newsletter.NewsletterType, email);
// Add the status update so the front end can view a list of updated conpany statuses
if (success)
AddStatusUpdate(company.CompanyTitle + " has completed processing.");
// Starts sending the emails if the engine hasn't already been started
SendEngine.Start(CurrentSmtpClient, this);
}).ContinueWith(antecendent => EndCompaniesSendUpdate(companiesToProcess, companiesProcessed), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
}, new CancellationToken(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
While the emails are queued, the send engine takes over and pulls emails from the queue and then sends them using the new Parallel class:
Action action = () =>
MailMessage message;
while (queue.TryDequeue(out message))
SendMessage(sendingServer, message, factory);
// Start 5 concurrent actions to send the messages in parallel.
Parallel.Invoke(action, action, action, action, action);
All of this works great and can send 40,000 newsletters out in about 10 minutes. The only problem is that the RAM and CPU on the server are 100% consumed for those 10 minutes. This affects other sites on the server as they can't be accessed.
Is there any way to restrict the resource usage of the sending application either in IIS 7.5 or by changing the code above?

You are generating a thread inside of a Parallel ForEach, The "Parallel" part means it's already spawning a thread for the body. You are nesting Parallel Invoke instead of an Action inside of a Parallel ForEach inside of another Action.
You are running a while loop inside of a thread with no rest for the CPU. That is being Parallel Invoked 5x.
For CPU usage, you need to give your processing a breather. In your While TryDequeue loop put a short Sleep.
MailMessage message;
while (queue.TryDequeue(out message))
SendMessage(sendingServer, message, factory);
For RAM and CPU usage, you need to process LESS at once.
SendingThread = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
foreach(var company in companies)
// Get the recipients for this company
var companyRecipients = GetSubscribersForCompany(company.Id, recipients);
// Send the newsletter to the company recipients
var success = SendNewsletterForCompany(newsletter, company, companyRecipients, language,
version, company.AdvertCollectionViaNewsletterCompanyAdvertLink, newsletter.NewsletterType, email);
// Add the status update so the front end can view a list of updated conpany statuses
if (success)
AddStatusUpdate(company.CompanyTitle + " has completed processing.");
// Starts sending the emails if the engine hasn't already been started
SendEngine.Start(CurrentSmtpClient, this);
}, new CancellationToken(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);


Always return Ok HttpResponse then do work in actix-web handler

I have a handler to initiate a password reset. It always returns a successful 200 status code, so that an attacker cannot use it to find out which email addresses are stored in the database. The problem is, if an email is in the database, it'll take a while for the request to be fulfilled (blocking user lookup and sending the actual email with a reset token). If the user is not in the db, the request returns very quickly, so an attacked would know the email is not there.
How would I go about returning the HTTP response right away while processing the request in the background?
pub async fn forgot_password_handler(
email_from_path: web::Path<String>,
pool: web::Data<Pool>,
redis_client: web::Data<redis::Client>,
) -> HttpResponse {
let conn: &PgConnection = &pool.get().unwrap();
let email_address = &email_from_path.into_inner();
// search for user with email address in users table
match users.filter(email.eq(email_address)).first::<User>(conn) {
Ok(user) => {
// some stuff omitted.. this is what happens:
// create random token for user and store a hash of it in redis (it'll expire after some time)
// send email with password reset link and token (not hashed) to client
// then return with
_ => HttpResponse::Ok().finish(),
You can use an Actix Arbiter to schedule an asynchronous task:
use actix::Arbiter;
async fn do_the_database_stuff(
email: String,
pool: web::Data<Pool>,
redis_client: web::Data<redis::Client>)
// async database code here
pub async fn forgot_password_handler(
email_from_path: web::Path<String>,
pool: web::Data<Pool>,
redis_client: web::Data<redis::Client>,
) -> HttpResponse {
let email = email_from_path.clone();
Arbiter::spawn(async {
If your database code is blocking, to prevent hogging the long-lived Actix worker threads, you could instead create a new Arbiter, with its own thread:
fn do_the_database_stuff(email: String) {
// blocking database code here
pub async fn forgot_password_handler(email_from_path: String) -> HttpResponse {
let email = email_from_path.clone();
Arbiter::new().exec_fn(move || {
async move {
This may be a bit more work because Pool and redis::Client are unlikely to be safe to share between threads, so you will have to solve that too. That's why I didn't include them in the example code.
It's better to use Arbiters than be tempted to spawn a new native thread with std::thread. If you mix the two, you can end up accidentally including code that messes up the worker. For example using std::thread::sleep in an async context would pause unrelated tasks that just happen to be scheduled on the same worker, and may not even have any effect on the task you intended.
Finally, you might also consider an architectural change. If you factor database-heavy tasks into their own microservices, you would solve this problem automatically. The web handler can then just send a message (Kafka, RabbitMQ, ZMQ, HTTP, or whatever you choose) and immediately return. This will let you scale the microservices independently of the webserver - 10x web server instances doesn't have to mean 10x database connections, if you only need one instance for the password reset service.

Async server does not process requests while a request is stuck

I am new to GRPC so please let me know if I am doing something wrong here. I am looking at the example code. This seems to work fine for normal requests but I wanted to simulate a request getting stuck on the server so I added a sleep in the processing loop. I added this right before Finish is called on the responder so that it was in the actual processing logic of the request. While the server thread is sleeping it will not accept any new requests until the thread is free. I attempted to create another client request while the original request on the server is sleeping but the grpc server would not process the request. The client seemed to be stuck until the server came out of the sleep.
I also broke this process into debugger as well but the only request I saw was the one that was sleeping. The other threads were waiting on the completion queue.
I am new to grpc so if I am doing this wrong please let me know what I need to do to handle request while another request is stuck.
void Proceed() {
if (status_ == CREATE) {
// Make this instance progress to the PROCESS state.
status_ = PROCESS;
// As part of the initial CREATE state, we *request* that the system
// start processing SayHello requests. In this request, "this" acts are
// the tag uniquely identifying the request (so that different CallData
// instances can serve different requests concurrently), in this case
// the memory address of this CallData instance.
service_->RequestSayHello(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,
} else if (status_ == PROCESS) {
// Spawn a new CallData instance to serve new clients while we process
// the one for this CallData. The instance will deallocate itself as
// part of its FINISH state.
new CallData(service_, cq_);
// The actual processing.
std::string prefix("Hello ");
reply_.set_message(prefix +;
// And we are done! Let the gRPC runtime know we've finished, using the
// memory address of this instance as the uniquely identifying tag for
// the event.
status_ = FINISH;
responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this);
} else {
GPR_ASSERT(status_ == FINISH);
// Once in the FINISH state, deallocate ourselves (CallData).
delete this;

How to make asynchronous calls from external services to actions on google?

I'm trying to connect Google Home to an external chatbot with actionssdk. I have an API that take user inputs and send them to my chatbot with webhook, but my chatbot make a response calling another endpoint of my API in an async way, and I can't show the response in actions on Google or Google Home.
I create an actionssdkApp.
const {
} = require('actions-on-google');
var app = actionssdk();
var express_app = express();
My API has 2 endpoints. One of them is for actions on google to send user inputs to my chatbot:
app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', conv => {
console.log('entra en main');
conv.ask('Hi, how is it going?');
app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', (conv, input) => {
var userId = conv.body.user.userId;
if(userId && input){
textFound(conv, input, userId);
TextFound function send user inputs to my chatbot with webhook, but the request doesn't receive the response. My chatbot call another endpoint with the text answer:'/webhook', bodyParser.json(), (req, res)=>{
const userId = req.body.userId;
if (!userId) {
return res.status(400).send('Missing User ID');
And here is where I want to send the answer to Google Home. But I need the conv object to show the answer in google Home, or actions on google, or any other device.
My textFound function:
webhook.messageToBot(metadata.channelUrl, metadata.channelSecretKey, userId, input, function(err){
console.log('Error in sending message');
conv.ask("Error in sending message");
conv.ask("some text");
From here my api send user inputs to my bot through messageToBot function:{
uri: channelUrl,
headers: headers,
body: body,
timeout: 60000,
followAllRedirects: true,
followOriginalHttpMethod: true,
callback: function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
console.log('err: '+err);
} else {
console.log('Message sent');
From now on, my bot doesn't send a response but makes a call to /webhook endpoint of my api with the answer. But in this function I haven't de conv object and I can't send the answer to google. I don't know how to access to this object. Maybe there is an uri to connect with my project in actions on google from my api.
Typically, Actions on Google works in a request-response way. The user says something to the Action, and the Action replies with a response. That reply needs to come within about 5 seconds. If you think the call to /webhook can come that quickly, and you will only deliver a message to the user after they say something, you can have /webhook save the response in a queue for the user, and have your Intent handler be in a loop that checks this queue for any messages to reply with - if there is a message within 5 seconds, you reply with it, if not, you need to reply before the 5 seconds are up.
If you can't guarantee it will be done within 5 seconds, however, there are a couple of workarounds that might be useful depending on your needs.
The first is that you might be able to use notifications. In this scenario, you would send the message from the user and then close the conversation. When your /webhook endpiont is triggered, you would locate the user and send the notification to their Assistant. Unfortunately, this is a bit bulky, doesn't lead to a very interactive chat system, and notifications also aren't supported on smart speakers.
You can also look into using a Media Response to set up a way for you to poll for new messages periodically. Under this scheme, your user would send their message. In your reply to them, you would include a Media Response for some audio that plays for, say, 15 seconds. When the audio finishes, your Action will be called again and you can check to see if any messages have been queued up to be delivered to the user. If so, you relay those messages, followed by a Media Response gain. Otherwise, just send a Media Response. Your call to /webhook would have to put messages in a queue to be delivered to the user. This is more complex, especially to scale, but can be made more interactive. It is also a more general case of trying to handle it in a loop inside 5 seconds.

Realm: Notification after initial sync

According to the docs Realm can notify you when certain actions are taking place like "every time a write transaction is committed". I am using the Realm Object Server and the first time a user opens my app a large set of data is synched from the server down to the app. I would like to show a loading screen and not present the main UI of my app until Realm has completed its initial sync. Is there a way to be notified / determine when this process is complete?
The website just posted documentation on how to do this.
Asynchronously Opening Realms
If opening a Realm might require a time-consuming operation, such as applying migrations or downloading the remote contents of a synchronized Realm, you should use the openAsync API to perform all work needed to get the Realm to a usable state on a background thread before dispatching to the given queue. You should also use openAsync with Realms that are set read-only.
For example:
schema: [PersonSchema],
schemaVersion: 42,
migration: function(oldRealm, newRealm) {
// perform migration (see "Migrations" in docs)
}, (error, realm) => {
if (error) {
// do things with the realm object returned by openAsync to the callback
The openAsync command takes a configuration object as its first parameter and a callback as its second; the callback function receives a boolean error flag and the opened Realm.
Initial Downloads
In some cases, you might not want to open a Realm until it has all remote data available. In such a case, use openAsync. When used with a synchronized Realm, this will download all of the Realm’s contents before the callback is invoked.
var carRealm;
schema: [CarSchema],
sync: {
user: user,
url: 'realm://object-server-url:9080/~/cars'
}, (error, realm) => {
if (error) {
// Realm is now downloaded and ready for use
carRealm = realm;

Adding a vocal "Ajax Spinner" to a long-running Alexa Response

I'm working on an Alexa skill that sometimes takes a while to respond. Sometimes it is running scripts in the background, turning on a TV, connecting a bluetooth device, etc. etc. A successful response can take up to 20+ seconds once all the automation is completed.
On the web, when there is a long-running request, we are used to seeing a progress bar, or at least an animated spinner with a message telling to please wait, or that the processes is underway. I need something similar for Alexa.
I'd like Alexa to respond TWICE to a SINGLE intent, once before the HTTP request is fired, and one once the response has been received. A sample conversation would be:
[User] : Alexa, tell [app name] to switch to theater mode.
[Alexa] : (Immediately) I'm on it! Hang tight.
(...20 seconds later...)
[Alexa] : Done! Theater mode was successfully activated. Enjoy!
I've got some code running on lambda here:
// ================
// [TODO] RESPONSE HERE: Alexa says: "I'm on it" or "hang on one second..." before getting the response from the http request
// ================
// this request may take many seconds!!!! Ain't nobody got time for staring at Echo for a response!!!
var req = http.request(options, (res) => {
console.log(`STATUS: ${res.statusCode}`);
console.log(`HEADERS: ${JSON.stringify(res.headers)}`);
var rawData = '';
res.on('data', (chunk) => rawData += chunk);
res.on('end', () => {
try {
var parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);
context.succeed(generateResponse(buildSpeechletResponse(parsedData.message, true), {}));
} catch (e) {
context.succeed(generateResponse(buildSpeechletResponse("Error Parsing", true), {}));
Basically, I want to have Alexa respond upfront without closing the session, and again once the function is complete.
To the best of my knowledge, you can only have one speech output and I don't think you can inject any sort of wait up one sec logic into it. You could work around it by breaking the task up into smaller pieces, chaining them together and having Alexa notify the user at each stage?
Maybe you could play some music with the audioplayer interface while your task is working and/or you can inform the user about the long running task with a speech output.
