r strucchange package: error numeric 'envir' arg not of length one - r

I want to carry out a structural change test on exchange rate data. I have a zoo series named m with several exchange rates. I first create a window m1.
m1 <- window(m, start = as.Date("1998-12-31"), end = as.Date("2010-12-31"))
The first column of m1 looks like the following.
1998-12-31 1999-01-31 1999-02-28 1999-03-31 1999-04-30 1999-05-31
1.2346 1.2278 1.2269 1.2259 1.2328 1.2357
mbel is the variable of interest currently. For mbel, I want to test parameter stability for a simple linear model, mbel ~ mbel(lag1).
I first combine the level and first lags of logs of mbel data.
cb <- cbind(log(m1$mbel),lag(log(m1$mbel),k = -1))
colnames(cb) <- c("rate","ratelag1")
cb <- window(cb, start = as.Date("1999-01-31"), end = as.Date("2010-12-31"))
rate ratelag1
1999-01-31 0.2052240 0.2107470
1999-02-28 0.2044907 0.2052240
1999-03-31 0.2036753 0.2044907
1999-04-30 0.2092880 0.2036753
1999-05-31 0.2116376 0.2092880
1999-06-30 0.2190552 0.2116376
Now with library strucchange, I use the following tests.
r <- Fstats(cb$rate~cb$ratelag1, data = cb )
re <- efp(cb$rate~cb$ratelag1,data = cb,type="RE")
The following error is showing up:
Error in eval(attr(terms(formula), "variables")[[2]], data, env) :
numeric 'envir' arg not of length one
What am I missing here? Please help.


Selecting features from a feature set using mRMRe package

I am a new user of R and trying to use mRMRe R package (mRMR is one of the good and well known feature selection approaches) to obtain feature subset from a feature set. Please excuse if my question is simple as I really want to know how I can fix an error. Below is the detail.
Suppose, I have a csv file (gene.csv) having feature set of 6 attributes ([G1.1.1.1], [G1.1.1.2], [G1.1.1.3], [G1.1.1.4], [G1.1.1.5], [G1.1.1.6]) and a target class variable [Output] ('1' indicates positive class and '-1' stands for negative class). Here's a sample gene.csv file:
[G1.1.1.1] [G1.1.1.2] [G1.1.1.3] [G1.1.1.4] [G1.1.1.5] [G1.1.1.6] [Output]
11.688312 0.974026 4.87013 7.142857 3.571429 10.064935 -1
12.538226 1.223242 3.669725 6.116208 3.363914 9.174312 1
10.791367 0.719424 6.115108 6.47482 3.597122 10.791367 -1
13.533835 0.37594 6.766917 7.142857 2.631579 10.902256 1
9.737828 2.247191 5.992509 5.992509 2.996255 8.614232 -1
11.864407 0.564972 7.344633 4.519774 3.389831 7.909605 -1
11.931818 0 7.386364 5.113636 3.409091 6.818182 1
16.666667 0.333333 7.333333 4.333333 2 8.333333 -1
I am trying to get best feature subset of 2 attributes (out of above 6 attributes) and wrote following R code.
file_n<-paste0("E:\\gene", ".csv")
df <- read.csv(file_n, header = TRUE)
f_data <- mRMR.data(data = data.frame(df))
mRMR.ensemble(data = f_data, target_indices = 7,
feature_count = 2, solution_count = 1)
When I run this code, I am getting following error for the statement f_data <- mRMR.data(data = data.frame(df)):
Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
data columns must be either of numeric, ordered factor or Surv type
However, data in each column of the csv file are real number.So, how can I change the R code to fix this problem? Also, I am not sure what should be the value of target_indices in the statement mRMR.ensemble(data = f_data, target_indices = 7,feature_count = 2, solution_count = 1) as my target class variable name is "[Output]" in the gene.csv file.
I will appreciate much if anyone can help me to obtain the best feature subset based on the gene.csv file using mRMRe R package.
I solved the problem by modifying my code as follows.
file_n<-paste0("E:\\gene", ".csv")
df <- read.csv(file_n, header = TRUE)
df[[7]] <- as.numeric(df[[7]])
f_data <- mRMR.data(data = data.frame(df))
results <- mRMR.classic("mRMRe.Filter", data = f_data, target_indices = 7,
feature_count = 2)
It worked fine. The output of the code gives the indices of the selected 2 features.
I think it has to do with your Output column which is probably of class integer. You can check that using class(df[[7]]).
To convert it to numeric as required by the warning, just type:
df[[7]] <- as.numeric(df[[7]])
That worked for me.
As for the other question, after reading the documentation, setting target_indices = 7 seems the right choice.

Error in if ((location <= 1) | (location >= length(x)) - R - Eventstudies

I am trying my best at a simple event study in R, with some data retrieved from the Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS). I am not completely new to R, but I would describe my expertise level as intermediate. So, here is the problem. I am using the eventstudies package and one of the steps is converting the physical dates to event time frame dates with the phys2eventtime(..) function. This function takes multiple arguments:
z : time series data for which event frame is to be generated. In the form of an xts object.
Events : it is a data frame with two columns: unit and when. unit has column name of which response is to measured on the event date, while when has the event date.
Width : width corresponds to the number of days on each side of the event date. For a given width, if there is any NA in the event window then the last observation is carried forward.
The authors of the package have provided an example for the xts object (StockPriceReturns) and for Events (SplitDates). This looks like the following:
> data(StockPriceReturns)
> data(SplitDates)
> head(SplitDates)
unit when
5 BHEL 2011-10-03
6 Bharti.Airtel 2009-07-24
8 Cipla 2004-05-11
9 Coal.India 2010-02-16
10 Dr.Reddy 2001-10-10
11 HDFC.Bank 2011-07-14
> head(StockPriceReturns)
2000-04-03 -8.3381609
2000-04-04 0.5923550
2000-04-05 6.8097616
2000-04-06 -0.9448889
2000-04-07 7.6843828
2000-04-10 4.1220462
2000-04-11 -1.9078480
2000-04-12 -8.3286900
2000-04-13 -3.8876847
2000-04-17 -8.2886060
So I have constructed my data in the same way, an xts object (DS_xts) and a data.frame (cDS) with the columns "unit" and "when". This is how it looks:
> head(DS_xts)
2011-01-03 0.024247
2011-01-04 0.039307
2011-01-05 0.010589
2011-01-06 -0.022172
2011-01-07 0.018057
2011-01-10 0.041488
> head(cDS)
unit when
1 11754 2012-01-05
2 10104 2012-01-24
3 61241 2012-01-31
4 13928 2012-02-07
5 14656 2012-02-08
6 60097 2012-02-14
These are similar in my opinion, but how it looks does not tell the whole story. I am quite certain that my problem is in how I have constructed these two objects. Below is my R code:
DS = read.csv("ReturnData.csv")
cDS = read.csv("EventData.csv")
#Calculate Abnormal Returns
#Clean up and let only necessary columns remain
DS = DS[, c("PERMNO", "DATE", "AR")]
cDS = cDS[, c("PERMNO", "DATE")]
#Generate correct date format according to R's as.Date
for (i in 1:nrow(DS)) {
DS$DATE[i] = format(as.Date(toString(DS$DATE[i]), format = "%Y %m %d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (i in 1:nrow(cDS)) {
cDS$DATE[i] = format(as.Date(toString(cDS$DATE[i]), format = "%Y %m %d"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
#Rename cDS columns according to phys2eventtime format
colnames(cDS)[1] = "unit"
colnames(cDS)[2] = "when"
#Create list of unique PERMNO's
for (i in 1:length(PERMNO)) {
#Subset based on PERMNO
DStmp <- DS[DS$PERMNO == PERMNO[i], ]
#Remove PERMNO column and rename AR to PERMNO
DStmp <- DStmp[, c("DATE", "AR")]
colnames(DStmp)[2] = as.character(PERMNO[i])
dates <- as.Date(DStmp$DATE)
DStmp <- DStmp[, -c(1)]
#Create a temporary XTS object
DStmp_xts <- xts(DStmp, order.by = dates)
#If first iteration, just create new variable, otherwise merge
if (i == 1) {
DS_xts <- DStmp_xts
} else {
DS_xts <- merge(DS_xts, DStmp_xts, all = TRUE)
#Renaming columns for matching
colnames(DS_xts) <- c(PERMNO)
#Making sure classes are the same
cDS$unit <- as.character(cDS$unit)
eventList <- phys2eventtime(z = DS_xts, events = cDS, width = 10)
So, if I run phys2eventtime(..) it returns:
> eventList <- phys2eventtime(z = DS_xts, events = cDS, width = 10)
Error in if ((location <= 1) | (location >= length(x))) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In findInterval(when, index(x)) : NAs introduced by coercion
I have looked at the original function (it is available at their GitHub, can't use more than two links yet) to figure out this error, but I ran out of ideas how to debug it. I hope someone can help me sort it out. As a final note, I have also looked at another (magnificent) answer related to this R package (question: "format a zoo object with “dimnames”=List of 2"), but it wasn't enough to help me solve it (or I couldn't yet comprehend it).
Here is the link for the two CSV files if you would like to reproduce my error (or solve it!).

How to estimate static yield curve with 'termstrc' package in R?

I am trying to estimate the static yield curve for Brazil using termstrc package in R. I am using the function estim_nss.couponbonds and putting 0% coupon-rates and $0 cash-flows, except for the last one which is $1000 (the face-value at maturity) -- as far as I know this is the function to do this, because the estim_nss.zeroyields only calculates the dynamic curve. The problem is that I receive the following error message:
"Error in (pos_cf[i] + 1):pos_cf[i + 1] : NA/NaN argument In addition: Warning message: In max(n_of_cf) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf "
I've tried to trace the problem using trace(estim_nss.couponbons, edit=T) but I cannot find where pos_cf[i]+1 is calculated. Based on the name I figured it could come from the postpro_bondfunction and used trace(postpro_bond, edit=T), but I couldn't find the calculation again. I believe "cf" comes from cashflow, so there could be some problem in the calculation of the cashflows somehow. I used create_cashflows_matrix to test this theory, but it works well, so I am not sure the problem is in the cashflows.
The code is:
#Creating the 'couponbond' class
ISIN <- as.character(c('ltn_2017','ltn_2018', 'ltn_2019', 'ltn_2021','ltn_2023')) #Bond's identification
MATURITYDATE <- as.Date(c(42736, 43101, 43466, 44197, 44927), origin='1899-12-30') #Dates are in system's format
ISSUEDATE <- as.Date(c(41288,41666,42395, 42073, 42395), origin='1899-12-30') #Dates are in system's format
COUPONRATE <- rep(0,5) #Coupon rates are 0 because these are zero-coupon bonds
PRICE <- c(969.32, 867.77, 782.48, 628.43, 501.95) #Prices seen 'TODAY'
ACCRUED <- rep(0.1,5) #There is no accrued interest in the brazilian bond's market
#Creating the cashflows sublist
CFISIN <- as.character(c('ltn_2017','ltn_2018', 'ltn_2019', 'ltn_2021', 'ltn_2023')) #Bond's identification
CF <- c(1000,1000,1000,1000,1000)# The face-values
DATE <- as.Date(c(42736, 43101, 43466, 44197, 44927), origin='1899-12-30') #Dates are in system's format
names(CASHFLOWS) <- c("ISIN","CF","DATE")
TODAY <- as.Date(42646, origin='1899-12-30')
mybonds <- list(brasil)
class(mybonds) <- "couponbonds"
#Estimating the zero-yield curve
ns_res <-estim_nss.couponbonds(mybonds, 'brasil' ,method = "ns")
#Testing the hypothesis that the error comes from the cashflow matrix
cf_p <- create_cashflows_matrix(mybonds[[1]], include_price = T)
m_p <- create_maturities_matrix(mybonds[[1]], include_price = T)
b <- bond_yields(cf_p,m_p)
Note that I am aware of this question which reports the same problem. However, it is for the dynamic curve. Besides that, there is no useful answer.
Your code has two problems. (1) doesn't name the 1st list (this is the direct reason of the error. But if modifiy it, another error happens). (2) In the cashflows sublist, at least one level of ISIN needs more than 1 data.
# ...
CFISIN <- as.character(c('ltn_2017','ltn_2018', 'ltn_2019',
'ltn_2021', 'ltn_2023', 'ltn_2023')) # added a 6th element
CF <- c(1000,1000,1000,1000,1000, 1000) # added a 6th
DATE <- as.Date(c(42736,43101,43466,44197,44927, 44928), origin='1899-12-30') # added a 6th
names(CASHFLOWS) <- c("ISIN","CF","DATE")
TODAY <- as.Date(42646, origin='1899-12-30')
mybonds <- list(brasil = brasil) # named the list
class(mybonds) <- "couponbonds"
ns_res <-estim_nss.couponbonds(mybonds, 'brasil', method = "ns")
Note: the error came from these lines
bonddata <- bonddata[group] # prepro_bond()'s 1st line (the direct reason).
# cf <- lapply(bonddata, create_cashflows_matrix) # the additional error
create_cashflows_matrix(mybonds[[1]], include_price = F) # don't run

linear disriminant function error - arguments must be same length

My example dataset:
year <- c("2002","2002","2002","2004","2005","2005","2005","2006", "2006")
FA1 <- c(0.7975030, 1.5032768, 0.8805000, 1.0505961, 1.1379715, 1.1334510, 1.1359434, 0.9614926, 1.2631387)
FA2 <- c(0.7930153, 1.2862355, 0.5633592, 1.0396431, 0.9446277, 1.1944455, 1.086171, 0.767955, 1.2385361)
FA3 <- c(-0.7825210, 0.56415672, -0.9294417, 0.21485071, -0.447953,0.037978, 0.038363, -0.495383, 0.509704)
FA4 <- c(0.38829957,0.34638035,-0.06783007, 0.505020, 0.3158221,0.55505411, 0.42822783, 0.36399347, 0.51352115)
df <- data.frame(year,FA1,FA2,FA3,FA4)
I then select the data I want to use and run a DFA
yeardf <- df[df$year %in% c(2002, 2005, 2006),]
yeardfd <- linDA(yeardf[,2:4],yeardf$year, validation = "crossval")
But now i get an error telling me the arguments are different lengths.
"Error in table(original = y[test], predicted = pred_class) :
all arguments must have the same length"
I looked at
And it looks like they are the same.
I also checked for spelling mistakes as that seems to cause this error sometimes.
following up on answer.
The suggested answer works on my example data (which does give me the same error), but I can't quite make it work on my real code.
I first apply the transformation to selected columns in my data.frame. And then I combine the transformed columns with the variables I want to use as groups in my DFA
tFA19 <- cenLR(fadata.PIZ[names(FA19)])[1]
tFA19 <- cbind(fadata.PIZ[1:16],tFA19)
So I think creating my data.frame this way must be leading to my error. I tried to insert stringsAsFactors into my cbind statement, but no luck.
You need ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE in data.frame:
year <- c("2002","2002","2002","2004","2005","2005","2005","2006", "2006")
FA1 <- c(0.7975030, 1.5032768, 0.8805000, 1.0505961, 1.1379715, 1.1334510, 1.1359434, 0.9614926, 1.2631387)
FA2 <- c(0.7930153, 1.2862355, 0.5633592, 1.0396431, 0.9446277, 1.1944455, 1.086171, 0.767955, 1.2385361)
FA3 <- c(-0.7825210, 0.56415672, -0.9294417, 0.21485071, -0.447953,0.037978, 0.038363, -0.495383, 0.509704)
FA4 <- c(0.38829957,0.34638035,-0.06783007, 0.505020, 0.3158221,0.55505411, 0.42822783, 0.36399347, 0.51352115)
df <- data.frame(year,FA1,FA2,FA3,FA4,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
yeardf <- df[df$year %in% c(2002, 2005, 2006),]
yeardfd <- linDA(yeardf[,2:4],yeardf$year, validation = "crossval")
Linear Discriminant Analysis
$functions discrimination functions
$confusion confusion matrix
$scores discriminant scores
$classification assigned class
$error_rate error rate
2002 2005 2006
constant -345 -371 -305
FA1 228 231 213

Cannot coerce class ....to a data.frame error

R subject
I have an "cannot coerce class "c("summary.turnpoints", "turnpoints")" to a data.frame" error when trying to save the summary in a file. I have tried to fix that with as.data.frame with no success.
code :
data <- read.table("C:\\Users\\Ron\\Desktop\\dataset.txt", header=F, col.name="A")
Turning points for: data$A
nbr observations : 5990
nbr ex-aequos : 51
nbr turning points: 413 (first point is a pit)
E(p) = 3992 Var(p) = 1064.567 (theoretical)
Turning points for: data$A
nbr observations : 5990
nbr ex-aequos : 51
nbr turning points: 413 (first point is a pit)
E(p) = 3992 Var(p) = 1064.567 (theoretical)
point type proba info
1 11 pit 7.232437e-15 46.97444
2 21 peak 7.594058e-14 43.58212
3 30 pit 3.479857e-27 87.89303
4 51 peak 5.200612e-29 93.95723
5 62 pit 7.594058e-14 43.58212
6 70 peak 6.213321e-14 43.87163
7 81 pit 6.276081e-16 50.50099
8 91 peak 5.534016e-23 73.93602
write.table(data.sum, file = "C:\\Users\\Ron\\Desktop\\datasetTurnP.txt")
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class "c("summary.turnpoints", "turnpoints")" to a data.frame
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘plyr’ was built under R version 3.0.1
2: package ‘pastecs’ was built under R version 3.0.1
How can I save these summary results to a text file?
Thank you.
Look at the Value section of:
It should be clear that this will not be a set of lists all of which have the same length. Hence the error message. So rather than asking for the impossible, ... tell us what you wanted to save.
It's actually not impossible, just not possible with write.table, since it's not a dataframe. The dump function would allow you to construct an ASCII representation of the structure(...) representation of that summary-object.
dump(data.sum, file="dump_data_sum.asc")
This could then be source()-ed
