disable QT highgui output - qt

I have compiled OpenCV with QT.
I'm now facing an error which I'm almost certain is related to QT and I would like to output it using the old-fashioned highgui, without the QT interface.
Is this possible?

cvNamedWindow( ``myWindow'', ``CV_WINDOW_NORMAL`` );
will display the windows without any Qt decorations, if you don't want any Qt to be used at all you need to rebuild openCV without Qt

As of 2021 and OpenCV versions 4x (and maybe less), you can disable Qt Decorations associating flags like below:
cv2.namedWindow("main1", cv2.WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL | cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
You can check all flags here.


How to create a custom module in Qt and use it like Qt += mymodule?

I have created some custom widgets which I can use in my projects by directly using source files or by compiling them to libraries and then using them in my project but I am wondering if I can make a module MyWidgets and use it like Qt += mywidgets, is it even possible? if yes how can I make one?
I have searched the internet for a full day but I did not find any step by step guide showing how to make a custom module.
I have found this article but it doesn't show how to actually make a sample module and build it.

draw chart in Qwidget

I want to draw a simple line chart in my QWidget application. I found this link, but when I add `
#QT += charts
to my .pro file, an error appear that :
Unknown module(s) in QT: charts
You may use QCustomPlot. It's free (GPL), simple (just 2 files), fast and well-documented.
You may use Qt Charts (it is free, qt blog), but you need cloning git repository and building the project manually. Git repository you can find here.

where is the source code of qt designer default widgets

I want to create a qt designer plugin that behaves like the builtin QTreeWidget but i cant find the source code used to create any of the built in widgets. Help will be appreciated.
In my Qt installation (4.7.1), the designer plugin source code can be found in

Connect opencv to qtcreator

I have VC++ & opencv code and I want to design GUI to it using qtcreator.
First of all, I included the libraries to the project and it ran without any errors.
Now, what should I do after this?
How can I add the code into main.cpp file in the project?
should I change every opencv code to Q... like IpImage to QImage?
Install the VS-addin it will hook the.pro file to a gui editor automatically
About connecting OpenCV to Qt GUI classes , here is an example code QtOpenCV 1 . It takes content ipmage ,IIRC converts into rgb32 and paints it over a QWidget in paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);

Qt stylesheet used in Qt Creator, AutoCAD,

Is there a stylesheet available for use in Qt applications (through Qt Creator) that makes your GUI use the stylesheet you see in Qt Creator itself, as well as in AutoCAD and some other applications?
What is the name of that stylesheet or where can I get it? It looks much like the Vista stylesheet though...
And whenever you set a custom stylesheet to your Qt application, will it display the same style on all platforms, or will it still display native GUI parts?
To the people that may want to find out more: The style seems to be called manhattanstyle and extends QWindowsStyle. It is not a css-stylesheet and therefore not just copy and paste to set up. It seems to have some other dependencies in the source code, so I don't know how much it will take to adapt it.
The source is found in the [qt-creator source code]/src/plugins/coreplugin/manhattanstyle.cpp
And btw: if you are running debian/ubuntu: type apt-get source qt-creator to get the source ;)
I can't say as to how you would get style sheets that match Qt Creator or AutoCAD but to answer your other question: When you apply a style sheet, it applies to the object you applied it to, and the child hierarchy of that object. Any widget not addressed by the style sheet in some way will maintain the native look and feel that matches the Style (not style sheet) chosen by Qt as most appropriate for you application based on the user's platform and desktop environment.
yes, somebody has separated it out.
see this Manhattan style
