Web browser not loading full stylesheet after CSS changes on first refresh? Caching? - css

In both chrome and Firefox, the browser doesn't load the full stylesheet after a change is made. I have to refresh the browser twice. The styles are all in one stylesheet, so this makes no sense to me.
The main culprit is that ul elements set to display:none are over-ridden by the user agent styles of ul,menu display block. However, if I refresh again, then my entire stylesheet loads. All my files and folders are stored on the work server. Is it a caching problem?

To prevent caching of css files you can append a querystring. I do this when we update our main website.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://mysite.com/all.css?v=1.3">
I increment this whenever we do a release. If you are just testing your web server you can put in some dynamic code that generates the current time.

In Chrome, you can disable the cache when you're developing. Open the developer tools (F12, or Ctrl-Shift-J), click on the Gear at the very bottom right, and check "Disable cache".


CSS in browser sources tab different to css in link

I have an application that loads some CSS from a url. The css is loaded from the HTML page using a link tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" data-ng-href="{{dynamicCss}}">
The dynamicCss variable is set in angular and it is a link of the type 'serverUrl/file.css?v=timeStamp'. The timestamp is generated by using timeStamp = new Date() * 1;
I am adding the timestamp to stop the css from being cached, as we allow css customisation and the css file needs to be recompiled by the server when the user customises the style.
There are other pages in the same application that load different css files, some of them without the timestamp, so they are cached. If I come from one of those pages, I can see the css that belongs to those pages in the source tab of my new page, even if those also have a timestamp to avoid caching.
My problem is: every time I deploy the code, if I look on the sources tab of Chrome and look for the css file, there is missing css when I compare it with the css file that the url 'serverUrl/file.css?v=timeStamp' loads. If I clear the cache the css in the sources tab of the browser matches the css in the link.
Any ideas of what is happening? Is there any problem with telling the browser to cache some css files and not others?
The problem was on the server side, some caching had been added.

Chrome created unknown css style snippet by itself?

I've created a micro page with absolutely no external references, even without any favicon.ico.
Instead I'm using base64 inline images.
The only CSS I'm using is inline of a <div> element.
The following code is not part of my source, so I don't know where it becomes generated.
Where and how does the following code come from?
What is it's meaning? What consequences does it have?
Fulltext for copy&paste:
<style type="text/css" style="display: none !important;">object:not([type]),object[classid$=":D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"],object[classid$=":d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"],object[codebase*="swflash.cab"],object[data*=".swf"],embed[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],embed[src*=".swf"],object[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],object[src*=".swf"],object[codetype="application/x-shockwave-flash"],iframe[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"],object[classid$=":166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"],object[codebase*="sw.cab"],object[data*=".dcr"],embed[type="application/x-director"],embed[src*=".dcr"],object[type="application/x-director"],object[src*=".dcr"],object[classid$=":15B782AF-55D8-11D1-B477-006097098764"],object[codebase*="awswaxf.cab"],object[data*=".aam"],embed[type="application/x-authorware-map"],embed[src*=".aam"],object[type="application/x-authorware-map"],object[src*=".aam"],object[classid*="32C73088-76AE-40F7-AC40-81F62CB2C1DA"],object[type="application/ag-plugin"],object[type="application/x-silverlight"],object[type="application/x-silverlight-2"],object[source*=".xaml"],object[sourceelement*="xaml"],embed[type="application/ag-plugin"],embed[source*=".xaml"]{display: none !important;}</style>
I can think of two possibilities:
1) Added by a browser plugin or extension.
Try running in Incognito mode with all extensions disabled, and if it's due to a plugin or extension the additional content will go away.
2) Added by the web server that is serving the web page
To see if it's #2, load the HTML file in your browser using a local file:// URL and check if it's still there.
Most likely it's related to an Ad-Blocking type of browser plugin that is setting { display: none !important } CSS attribute for all Flash, Shockwave, Silverlight, etc. content on the page.

Won't apply style until refresh HTML

I have index.html and guide.html, I link to the guide.html in the index page. however when i go to the guide one through the link the page won't have the design until I refresh. What am I doint wrong? Each page has its own css.
Here's an image right after I click:
And here's another one right after I refresh:
Could be cached css/html. If it looks right after pressing ctrl+F5 on the page in question, it is working correctly.
Web browsers cache CSS files. I see you're using Chrome for Windows - CTRL + F5 will fully refresh the page, CSS and all.
If this problem appears on a live site for some reason, you could re-name your CSS file to avoid the browser using a cached version. For instance custom.css would become custom-2.css.

VS2012 Master page not rendering changes to the stylesheet declaration

I'm trying to make a web application using asp.net 4.0 and VS 2012 and for some reason my style sheet declarations are stock to the first version of the site were they weren't inside a folder. now that they are inside a folder, the declarations are still rendering and pushing to the browser as:
<link href="global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Whereas they should be (and are inside VS):
<link href="style/global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
I really don't know whats going on, am I doing something wrong? I have built, rebuilt, and clean the solution as well as pressing the refresh button (the button, f5, control f5 in IE9, Firefox, and chrome) fifty times.
I had a similar issue. It was a browser caching issue. In IE go to Tools | Internet Options | General Tab. Click on Browsing history "Settings". Set it to "Check for new version of stored pages" to "Every time I visit the page".
This may be due to caching in the browser. What I do when developing web sites is disable the browser cache. Then every time it will load the modified files.
In Google chrome you can use Incognito Window when testing your changes.
Just before I thought I would restart, I tried renaming the style sheet. This solved it for me. Appears to be some caching problem indeed.

How to Prevent Browsers from Caching CSS Files?

When I make a page, link it to a CSS file, and open it in a browser, it works fine.
But if a make a change and refresh the page again between very short time periods, the change is not reflected. But after sometime, when i refresh the page again, the changes appear.
So, somehow the browser keeps the CSS file cached and expires it after sometime. How to make the browser cache no CSS or HTML file.
It would be better if i can block it on a particular domain.
I'm on Ubuntu, using Chrome and Firefox, trying to prevent browsers from caching CSS files on 'localhost'... How to do it...
Something as simple as this should work:
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen.css?v={CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}">
Just replace {CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} with the actual timestamp in your server side code. This makes the browser think it's a new file because of the query string and it will be downloaded again. You could also use the actual modification time of the file (filemtime('/path/to/css/screen.css') if you're using PHP) which should prevent unnecessary downloads.
You can open Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J and then you'll find a cog icon in bottom right. When you click on it you should see an option to disable caching.
It would help to know how the website is hosted, as you can configure this in most web servers.
Also, it's a good idea to introduce a cache busting mechanism which would modify the links to the CSS files in question when you change the CSS files' contents. Browsers would then reload the CSS file because the HTML refers to a different URL.
A good example of a cache busting mechanism is the ruby on rails 3.1 asset pipeline which also minifies files and gzips them if the browser supports them:
Rails 3 - Asset Pipeline -- What does it mean to me?
The seemingly-inelegant but rock solid approach is to give the asset a new name, when the content changes. This solves the problem for all your users, not just you:
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_034.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_035.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen_036.css">
Or maybe (but it's more of a pain to change in an IDE, and sometimes causes unrelated problems with caching):
<link rel="stylesheet" src="/css/screen.css?pretend_version_number=034">
Nothing else works quite as well in large scale production environments, where millions of copies of an older css file may be sitting in various intermediate or browser caches. Some clients ignore cache control headers, and you don't really want caching subverted anyway, at least not in production.
In development you can press Ctrl+Shift+J (Chrome) and turn off caching.
