Prolog Recursion - Satisfying Both Directions (Simple) - recursion

I am very new to Prolog and I was given this assignment.
My code is as follows:
Simple enough. This shows that if:
?- isRelated(cindy,mike).
Prolog will return true. Now, I'm stuck on how to make it return true if:
?- isRelated(mike,cindy).
I've been trying to come up with ideas like if isRelated(Z,Y) returns false, then switch X and Y, and run isRelated again. But I'm not sure if Prolog even allows such an idea. Any hints or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So I added:
That will satisfy "direct" relationships, but simply enough I found out that it doesn't satisfy indirect relationships.
I really want to do something like, if the initial query:
fails, then try and see if the reverse is true by switching X and Y:
That will definitely return true. I just don't know how to do this syntactically in Prolog.

Further hint to those in the comments, as I can't leave comments yet: With your original set of rules and facts,
isRelated(cindy,tanya) is true, but isRelated(tanya,cindy) is not, so you need to make isRelated(X,Y) symmetric; what simple addition to isRelated would achieve that?
Also, you could try drawing a graph of the relation relatives(X,Y), with an arrow from X to Y for all your base facts, and see if that helps you think about how the Prolog interpreter is going to attempt to satisfy a query.

So to answer your last question, you don't switch the values of X and Y in Prolog, like you would call swap(x,y) in C, say. The value held by a logic variable can not be changed explicitly, only back-tracked over. But you can easily use Y where you would use X, and vice versa:
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y).
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(Y,X).
This defines somePred predicate as a logical disjunction, an "OR". It can be written explicitly too, like
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y) ; is_it(Y,X).
Note the semicolon there. A comma , between predicates OTOH defines a conjunction, an "AND" (a comma inside a compound term just serves to delimit the term's "arguments").

YOu're almost there, you're just trying, I think, to cram too much stuff into one predicate.
Write the problem statement in English and work from that:
A relationship exists between two people, X and Y
if X and Y are directly related, or
if any direct relative of X, P, is related to Y.
Then it gets easy. I'd approach it like this:
First, you have your set of facts about relatives.
related( cindy, tanya ).
related( james, alan ).
Then, a predicate describing a direct relationship is terms of those facts:
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(X,Y) % if X is related to Y
. % ... OR ...
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(Y,X) % if Y is related to X
. %
Finally, a predicate describing any relationship:
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,Y) % if a direct relationship exists between them
. % ... OR ...
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,P) , % if a direct relationship exists between X and some other person P
is_related(P,Y) % and [recursively] a relationship exists between P and Y.
. %
The solution is actually more complicated than this:
The facts about relationships describe one or more graphs. More on graphs at What you're doing is finding a path from node X to Node Y in the graph.
If the graphs described by the facts about relationships have one or more paths between X and Y, the above solution can (and will) succeed multiple times (on backtracking), once for every such path. The solution needs to be deterministic. Normallly, having established that two people are related, we're done: just because I have two cousins doesn't mean I'm related to my aunt twice.
If the graph of relationships contains cycles (almost certainly true) such that a "circular" path exists: A → B → C → A …, the solution is susceptible to unlimited recursion. That means the solution needs to detect and deal with cycles. How might that be accomplished?


Prolog arithmetic in foreach

So I'm learning Prolog. One of the things I've found to be really obnoxious is demonstrated in the following example:
This does not work. I am well aware that X+Y is not evaluated, here, and instead I'd have to do:
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result)
Except, that doesn't work, either. As near as I can tell, the scope of XPlusY extends outside of foreach - i.e., XPlusY is 1 + Y, XPlusY is 2 + Y, etc. must all be true AT ONCE, and there is no XPlusY for which that is the case. So I have to do the following:
innerCode(X, Result) :-
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result).
innerCode(X, Result)
This, finally, works. (At least, I think so. I haven't tried this exact code, but this was the path I took earlier from "not working" to "working".) That's fine and all, except that it's exceptionally obnoxious. If I had a way of evaluating arithmetic operations in-line, I could halve the lines of code, make it more readable, and NOT create a one-use clutter predicate.
Question: Is there a way to evaluate arithmetic operations in-line, without declaring a new variable?
Failing that, it would be acceptable (and, in some cases, still useful for other things) if there were a way to restrict the scope of new variables. Suppose, for instance, you could define a block within the foreach, where the variables visible from the outside were marked, and any other variables in the block were considered new for that execution of the block. (I realize my terminology may be incorrect, but hopefully it gets the point across.) For example, something resembling:
(X, Result){
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result)
A possible solution might be if we can declare a lambda in-line, and immediately call it. Summed up:
Alternate question: Is there a way to limit the scope of new variables within a predicate, while retaining the ability to perform lasting unifications on one or more existing variables?
(The second half I added as clarification in response to an answer about forall.)
A solution to both questions is preferred, but a solution to either will suffice.
library(yall) allows you to define lambda expressions. For instance
?- foreach(between(1,3,X),call([Y]>>(Z is Y+1,writeln(Z)),X)).
Alternatively, library(lambda) provides the construct:
?- [library(lambda)].
?- foreach(between(1,3,X),call(\Y^(Z is Y+1,writeln(Z)),X)).
In SWI-Prolog, library(yall) is autoloaded, while to get library(lambda) you should install the related pack:
?- pack_install(lambda).
Use in alternative the forall/2 de facto standard predicate:
While the foreach/2 predicate is usually implemented in the way you describe, the forall/2 predicate is defined as:
% forall(#callable, #callable)
forall(Generate, Test) :-
\+ (Generate, \+ Test).
Note that the use of negation implies that no bindings will be returned when a call to the predicate succeeds.
Lambda libraries allow the specification of both lambda global (aka lambda free) and lambda local variables (aka lambda parameters). Using Logtalk lambdas syntax (available also in SWI-Prolog in library(yall), you can write (reusing Carlo's example) e.g.
?- G = 2, foreach(between(1,3,X),call({G}/[Y]>>(Z is Y+G,writeln(Z)),X)).
G = 2.
?- G = 4, foreach(between(1,3,X),call({G}/[Y]>>(Z is Y+G,writeln(Z)),X)).
G = 4.
Thus, it's possible to use lambdas to limit the scope of some variables within a goal without also limiting the scope of every unification in the goal.

Correct way of writing recursive functions in CLP(R) with Prolog

I am very confused in how CLP works in Prolog. Not only do I find it hard to see the benefits (I do see it in specific cases but find it hard to generalise those) but more importantly, I can hardly make up how to correctly write a recursive predicate. Which of the following would be the correct form in a CLP(R) way?
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(N, F):- {
N > 0,
PrevN = N - 1,
factorial(PrevN, NewF),
F = N * NewF}.
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(N, F):- {
N > 0,
PrevN = N - 1,
F = N * NewF},
factorial(PrevN, NewF).
In other words, I am not sure when I should write code outside the constraints. To me, the first case would seem more logical, because PrevN and NewF belong to the constraints. But if that's true, I am curious to see in which cases it is useful to use predicates outside the constraints in a recursive function.
There are several overlapping questions and issues in your post, probably too many to coherently address to your complete satisfaction in a single post.
Therefore, I would like to state a few general principles first, and then—based on that—make a few specific comments about the code you posted.
First, I would like to address what I think is most important in your case:
This means simply that CLP can be regarded as a superset of logic programming (LP). Whether it is to be considered a proper superset or if, in fact, it makes even more sense to regard them as denoting the same concept is somewhat debatable. In my personal view, logic programming without constraints is much harder to understand and much less usable than with constraints. Given that also even the very first Prolog systems had a constraint like dif/2 and also that essential built-in predicates like (=)/2 perfectly fit the notion of "constraint", the boundaries, if they exist at all, seem at least somewhat artificial to me, suggesting that:
Be that as it may, the key concept when working with CLP (of any kind) is that the constraints are available as predicates, and used in Prolog programs like all other predicates.
Therefore, whether you have the goal factorial(N, F) or { N > 0 } is, at least in principle, the same concept: Both mean that something holds.
Note the syntax: The CLP(ℛ) constraints have the form { C }, which is {}(C) in prefix notation.
Note that the goal factorial(N, F) is not a CLP(ℛ) constraint! Neither is the following:
?- { factorial(N, F) }.
ERROR: Unhandled exception: type_error({factorial(_3958,_3960)},...)
Thus, { factorial(N, F) } is not a CLP(ℛ) constraint either!
Your first example therefore cannot work for this reason alone already. (In addition, you have a syntax error in the clause head: factorial (, so it also does not compile at all.)
When you learn working with a constraint solver, check out the predicates it provides. For example, CLP(ℛ) provides {}/1 and a few other predicates, and has a dedicated syntax for stating relations that hold about floating point numbers (in this case).
Other constraint solver provide their own predicates for describing the entities of their respective domains. For example, CLP(FD) provides (#=)/2 and a few other predicates to reason about integers. dif/2 lets you reason about any Prolog term. And so on.
From the programmer's perspective, this is exactly the same as using any other predicate of your Prolog system, whether it is built-in or stems from a library. In principle, it's all the same:
A goal like list_length(Ls, L) can be read as: "The length of the list Ls is L."
A goal like { X = A + B } can be read as: The number X is equal to the sum of A and B. For example, if you are using CLP(Q), it is clear that we are talking about rational numbers in this case.
In your second example, the body of the clause is a conjunction of the form (A, B), where A is a CLP(ℛ) constraint, and B is a goal of the form factorial(PrevN, NewF).
The point is: The CLP(ℛ) constraint is also a goal! Check it out:
?- write_canonical({a,b,c}).
So, you are simply using {}/1 from library(clpr), which is one of the predicates it exports.
You are right that PrevN and NewF belong to the constraints. However, factorial(PrevN, NewF) is not part of the mini-language that CLP(ℛ) implements for reasoning over floating point numbers. Therefore, you cannot pull this goal into the CLP(ℛ)-specific part.
From a programmer's perspective, a major attraction of CLP is that it blends in completely seamlessly into "normal" logic programming, to the point that it can in fact hardly be distinguished at all from it: The constraints are simply predicates, and written down like all other goals.
Whether you label a library predicate a "constraint" or not hardly makes any difference: All predicates can be regarded as constraints, since they can only constrain answers, never relax them.
Note that both examples you post are recursive! That's perfectly OK. In fact, recursive predicates will likely be the majority of situations in which you use constraints in the future.
However, for the concrete case of factorial, your Prolog system's CLP(FD) constraints are likely a better fit, since they are completely dedicated to reasoning about integers.

How is a table like a mathematical relation? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been recently been reviewing Codd's relational algebra and relational databases. I recall that a relation is a set of ordered tuples and that a function is a relation that satisfies the additional property that each point in the domain must map to a single point in the codomain. In this sense, each table defines a finite-point function from the primary key onto the space of the codomain, defined by all the other columns. Is this the sense in which it is a relation? If so, why is relational algebra not functional algebra and why not call it a functional database instead?
BTW, sorry if this is not quite a normal form for stackoverflow (hah, a DB joke!) but I looked at all the forums and this seemed the best.
Well, there is C.J. Date's "An Introduction to Database Systems", and H. Darwen's "An Introduction to Relational Database Theory". Both are excellent books and I highly recommmend to read them both.
Now to the actual question. In mathematics, if you have n sets A1, A2, ..., An, you can form their Cartesian product A1 x A2 x ... x An, which is a set of all possible n-tuples (a1, a2, ..., an), where ai is an element from Ai. A n-ary relation R is, by definition, a subset of the Cartesian product of n sets.
Functions are binary relations — they're are subsets of Dom x Cod. But there're relations with higher arity. For example, if we take set Humans x Humans x Humans, we can define, say, a relation R, by taking all tuples (x, y, z) where x and y are parents of z.
Now there is a one important notion from logic: predicate. A predicate is a map from a Cartesian set A1 x A2 x ... x An to set of statements. Let's look at the predicate P(x,y,z) = "x and y are parents of z". For each tuple (x,y,z) from Humans x Humans x Humans we obtain a statement from it, true or false. And the set of all tuples which give us true statements, the predicate's truth set, is... a relation!
And notice, that having a truth set is all we actually need to work with a predicate. So, when we model our enterprise, we invent a bunch of predicates which describe it, and store their truth sets in the relational database.
And so, each operation with relations has a corresponding operation with predicates, so when we take relations, join and project and filter them, we end up with a new relation — and we know what predicate's its truth set is: we just take the corresponding predicates, and AND them, and bound with existential quantifiers, and we get a new predicate, whose truth set we know.
Edit: Now, I have to note that since relation is a set, its tuples are not ordered. So a table is just a model for a relation: you can take to different tables which will represent the same relation. Also, it is customary in relational theory to work with more generally defined tuples and Cartesian products. I defined higher the tuple as (a1, a2, ..., an) — basically, a function from {1,2,...,n} to A1 U A2 U ... U An (where i's image must be in Ai). In relational theory, we take a tuple to be a function from { name, name', ..., name } to A1 U A2 U ... U An — so, it becomes a record, a tuple with named components. And of course, it means that record's components are not ordered: (x: 1, y: 2), a function from { "x", "y" } to N which maps x to 1 and y to 2, is the same tuple/record as (y:2, x: 1).
So, if you take a table, swap rows, swap columns (with their headers!), you end up with a new table, which represent the same relation.
This Wikipedia page goes into detail about the rationale behind the model. Conceptually, the key is just a means of accessing a given tuple, not part of the tuple itself--see also Codd's 12 rules, #2.

Prolog counting knowledge base

I have something like this in my knowledge base:
Now, I need a predicate that evaluates how many numbers there are in the knowledge base, example:
X = 6.
How can I do this? please, I'm new with prolog and I can't figure this out
Use findall/3 to get all facts from your database, and then get the length of the list:
countnumbers(X) :-
findall(N, number(N), Ns),
length(Ns, X).
Take care: number/1 may be a built-in predicate.
If you need to know how many X satisfied some predicate you don't need to know all of them. Using of findall/3 is really redundant in tasks like that. When you have 6 or 606 these X - it's not a big deal of course. But when you have really large and heavy generator - you don't need to keeping all values in list and then counting it length.
Aggregate solves this problem well:
countNumbers( Numbers ) :-
aggregate( count, X^numberr( X ), Numbers ).
X^ means "there exists X", so the whole formula means something like "count the number X that numberr(X) and call that number Numbers.
?- countNumbers(X).
X = 6.

GNU Prolog - Recursion issue (easy?)

Ok, so i have this
I need to write a function to tell if something is less than the other. The predicate is
So if i put edu_le(hs,phd). it should return yes.
I came up with this.
edu_le(A,B) :- A = B.
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,B).
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,C), edu_le(C,B).
I really don't want it to go through everything and return multiple answers.
Is it possible to only return yes or no if it finds that it is in fact less than or equal to the 2nd argument?
So basically if i use the example edu_le(hs,phd) again, then because hs is less than college, and college is than masters, and masters is less than phd, then hs must be less than phd and it would say yes.
Sorry, really new to prolog, still trying to get the hang of this.
In the predicate definition
edu_le(A,B) :- A = B.
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,B).
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,C), edu_le(C,B).
the second clause is superfluous and causes repeated generation of answers. Use
edu_le(A,B) :- A = B.
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,C), edu_le(C,B).
This gives you one true answer, then no more answers (false) on backtracking. You can use a cut in the first clause, but then generating won't work anymore.
?- edu_le(hs,X).
X = hs ;
X = college ;
X = masters ;
X = phd ;
becomes incomplete:
?- edu_le(hs,X).
X = hs.
As mat suggested, use once/1 instead. In a good Prolog implementation, this predicate works as if your program had cuts in strategic places, speeding up your program without disturbing its logical semantics.
The most practical way to write predicates like that is to use the cut (!). The cut causes further clauses not to be considered when backtracking. You would write your predicate as following:
edu_le(A,B) :- A = B, !.
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,B), !.
edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,C), edu_le(C,B).
The last clause does not need a cut because there are no further clauses to consider anyway. The cut is placed after any tests to determine whether the clause should succeed.
Logic programming purists disapprove of the cut, because it makes the meaning of a predicate depend on the ordering of the clauses, which is unlike logic in mathematics.
!/0 also makes this program incomplete, consider for example the most general query with both versions:
?- edu_le(X, Y).
It is often better to use once/1 if you only want a single proof of a particular goal:
?- once(edu_le(hs, phd)).
I would suggest you NOT to follow the path proposed by Juho Östman and keep purity - otherwise, why should you use Prolog in first instance? If you are too lenient with sticking to the logical paradigm you obtain some unpleasing results. In this case, Juho's predicate is definitely different from yours, and I'll show you why.
First, just drop the useless edu_le(A,B) :- edu_less(A,B). rule, as larsmans suggests. You will obtain a less redundant version of your original predicate:
edu_le1(A, A).
edu_le1(A, B) :- edu_less(A, C), edu_le1(C, B).
It just behaves as edu_le, meaning: given an arbitrary query, it produces exactly the same answer, except for duplicates (edu_le1 has less). You may just be happy with it, but it still has some redundant answers that you may not like; e.g, under SWI:
?- edu_le1(hs, hs)
true ;
Now you may say you do not like it because it still has the redundant false, but if you use Juho's predicate instead (without the useless rule):
edu_le2(A, A) :- !.
edu_le2(A, B) :- edu_less(A, C), edu_le2(C, B).
it's true that you eliminate the useless final false:
?- edu_le2(hs, hs)
but you lose more than that: You lose, as mat remarks, the possibility of generating all the solutions when one variable is not instantiated:
?- edu_le1(hs, B) %same, with more copies, for edu_le
B = hs ;
B = college ;
B = masters ;
B = phd ;
?- edu_le2(hs, B)
B = hs. %bad!
In other words, the latter predicate is NOT equivalent to the former: edu_le and edu_le1 have type edu_le(?A, ?B), while instead edu_le2 has type edu_le2(+A, +B) (see [1] for the meaning). Be sure: edu_le2 is less useful because it does less things, and thus can be reused in less contexts. This because the cut in edu_le2 is a red cut, i.e., a cut that changes the meaning of the predicate where it is introduced. You may nevertheless be content with it, given that you understand the difference between the two. It all depends on what you want to do with it.
If you want to get the best of the two worlds, you need to introduce in edu_le1 a proper green cut that lowers the redundancy when A and B are completely instantiated to terms. At the purpose, you must check that A and B are instantiated to the same term before cutting. You cannot do it with =, because = does not check, but unifies. The right operator is ==:
edu_le3(A, B) :- (A == B -> ! ; true), A = B.
edu_le3(A, B) :- edu_less(A, C), edu_le3(C, B).
Note that the additional cut in the first rule is active only when A and B happen to be the same term. Now that the cut is a proper green cut, the predicate works also in the most general cases as your original one:
?- edu_le3(A, A).
?- edu_le3(A, B). %note that A and B are not the same term
A = B ;
A = hs,
B = college ;
A = hs,
B = masters ;
A = hs,
B = phd ;
A = college,
B = masters ;
A = college,
B = phd ;
A = masters,
B = phd ;
with Prolog backtracking through all the solutions.
I don't think there is some way to eliminate the last false without introducing too strong dependency on edu_lt. This because we must keep open the possibility that there is another edu_lt to explore, in the case you decide later to enrich it with more ground facts. So, in my opinion, this is the best you can have.
[1] SWI Prolog reference manual, section 4.1.
