Drop Down menu Display using css - css

In the below image my drop down menu is not displaying over the content.It is very transparent know.Can anyone help me what I have to add to make this drop down menu un-transparent.

Your dropdown is probably a div in the html dom. You could find the name of that `div' and then apply a background to it using css:
.dropdown_div_name { background-color: white; }
Re looking at the image you posted it is most probably a problem with the z-index as others also suggested, since for example if you look at the 'Technology/Connected TV' header, that shows over the menu contents. That could be fixed by changing the z-index of the dropdown menu
.dropdown_div_name { z-index:100; }
where 100 should be a number bigger than the z-index of the rest items that you want it to overlap

A background-color. Without one, the default colour is transparent, hence you see everything behind it.


Bootstrap hamburger menu z-index and styling issues

I'm trying to design my first responsive site and am having issues with the navigation. I've got everything somewhat working up to point where the hamburger kicks in. At that point, the drop down menu goes behind the form elements and I don't understand enough at this point to change the styling without affecting the normal navigation.
It seems that most of the things I've looked at are using the standard BootStrap elements with little more than color changes. I need to change the height of the nav bar (along with the hamburger), center the nav but when the site goes mobile, the nav dropdown would need to change font and background colors and text alignment.
I've got a bootply running and will continue to research as I go. I know I have a long way to go but would appreciate a helping hand getting me over this hurdle.
The bootply is at http://www.bootply.com/xtOWUEP1bw. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need z-index and background color.
Put z-index in .navbar and put background color in .navbar-collapse.in like below;
.navbar {
z-index: 10;

How can i bring this element to the front? (not z-index)

The logo element on the website:
was originally at the front. I didnt even update anything and one day i check the site and now the top 3rd is hidden behind the nav bar.
Ive tried z - index and have kinda worked out why this isnt working, but also havnt actually found the solution.
Is there a way to bring this to the front or anyway to show the full image via css?
A simple solution is to remove the solid background of the uppermost navigation bar...
.top_nav_out {
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
The problem is that class name .top_nav_out in your top navigation block applies a high z-index which causes the top-most nav block to overlap the lower navigation block (.top_nav) which hides your logo partially.
remove property:
from class:
and your logo will be displayed in full.
From what I have seen, the z-index property is redundant anyway in that class (layout stayed in good shape after removing it)
Hope it helps a bit!

Bootstrap default navbar dropdown has transparent background in collapse mode?

I am using the default bootstrap navbar, and I am having issues when the navbar is in collapse mode. When I click the dropdown button the navbar drops down, but the background of the drop down is transparent (or less likely, the same color as the body). What is going on here? I've tried two different navbars, and the same thing happens. The last one I used was from here: http://getbootstrap.com/examples/navbar/
And even if you don't the answer to the above, how could I select the navbar dropdown with CSS? so I could try a few more things to get it right.
You can view the problem's source at mainevillefamilyphysicians.com . Excuse the poor positioning of all the other elements on the page at small page sizes that has been fixed but not pushed to to the host.
Add navbar-default to the class on the ul of the menu. That will give you the default color for your menu background. You could also use navbar-inverse or define your own class in your css and use that.
Because you're assigning the height for the .navbar in your style.css file to 100px , so it'll show the 100px of it colored, and the remaining space will be transparent.
Try making it like that in your style.css:

Set multiple background images for navigation link dividers

I am trying to set a divider image between links in the navigation bar. I currently have it set up as a background image, positioned to the right. This works fine, except I also want the divider to appear to the left of the first link. I have tried adding background-position:right,left; to the first link class, but this doesn't work. Any ideas on how I would do this?
Assuming you don't need to support old school browsers, the easiest way is probably with multiple background images like this: http://jsfiddle.net/P25TC/1/
#nav li.first{
background:url(http://i.imgur.com/CED9fuN.png) no-repeat left, url(http://i.imgur.com/CED9fuN.png) no-repeat right;

How to fix the Wordpress (Twenty Eleven) CSS Menu Alignment?

I am having hard time tweaking a CSS part of the menu.
I have a website here at http://aaron.wordpresstiger.com where the last title "CONTACT" of the menu comes up with a line ahead and doesn't fits the menu. though i was successful in getting the "HOME" first menu item correctly fitting the menu but not the last one.
Can you please tell me what CSS i should add to fix this MENU problem. Also, please have a look i need the last item of the menu to be showing as same css as the first one (HOME).
I need the menu's items to look similar to the one here:
http://officialfacebooklikes.com/index.html (have a look at the last "CONTACT" which fits the menu correctly).
I look forward to hearing back for HELP :)
Muzammil Rafiq
in your css you will want to add two styles
#access li {
width: 25%;
#access li:last-of-type, li#menu-item-31{
border-right: none !important;
width:24% !important;
the first will make each menu element 1 quarter of the width... the second removes the right border on the last element and re-sizes it to fit properly on one line of the navigation bar.
the !important tags may not be necessary but they will ensure this works on the first go.
Well, if you want to create a horizontal menu you should float the list items. But as I can see from your example website you want the list items to be even in width, so you need to put those list item into containers, determing the width for each list container and float those. Also text-align center your a tags.
Good Luck!
