GA tracking of 'add to cart's' on Opencart - google-analytics

I have an online chair store which is using the open source e-commerce solution opencart.
I have set up Google Analytics for this website to track visitors, sales, referrals etc etc. Im sure most of you are more than aware of the power of GA.
I don't want to track the amount of sales the website generates, that is already set up. I want to track the amount of times people added an item to their shopping cart and then maybe (not essential) how many of them went on to buy and how many didn't.
I have scoured and posted on/in the opencart forums, but so far no luck as to finding an answer to this.
Is anybody aware of how to do this? Or if not, any links or resources which could help me on my way.

Check out this section of the Google Analytics docs on Custom Variables. They use this exact example, tracking when a user places an item in the cart. This will take care of the part about the amount of times people added an item to their cart.
You could also use Events, but Custom Variables are better suited when using the correct session-level scope (2 for us, and in the example provided).
To find out those that didn't buy, you should be able to create a report for that Custom Variable and see which ones did not convert a transaction. This will probably be a custom report in the new interface, but I think the old GA interface showed ecommerce stuff by default with the Custom Variables.
Hope this helps!


Best way to setup cross domain tracking between blog and e-commerce site?

I run a blog that has an e-commerce site attached to it. I want to use a separate root domain for the e-commerce site to debloat the site but also want to continue being able to attribute what content leads to sales.
I hear that I need to implement both sites under the same Property View. Is this advisable or should I create a separate property view?
Also, my biggest concern is how do I identify traffic that is solely going to the e-commerce site without being referred to from the blog site? Is there a way of filtering this out?
Thank you.
For the first question, the answer is "yes", by tracking everything in a Property (with the necessary setup), if a user lands on the blog from google search then he moves to the shop and buys, the sale will be organic.
For the second question, the answer is "you can see it with a segment". By creating a segment that excludes sessions (or users) who have seen the blog domain, you will only get those who landed and remained exclusively in the shop.

How do I program a dimension that captures a logged-in user in WordPress with Google Analytics?

My problem is this: I'd like to differentiate Google Analytics between logged in WordPress users (people editing the site, editors) and people visiting the site (visitors).
I read through this article:
It provides a basic explanation of how to add a dimension to GA. What I don't get is how to make line of code to add to my WordPress templates that will tell Google which users are logged in and which ones aren't.
If you can help, thank you!
The easiest way to do this is to populate the datalayer of your website with a boolean value (true or false) that determines whether someone is logged in or not. You can ask one of your devs to do this, but since you're using Wordpress there are quite some plugins that are able to do this (make sure you check the safety of these plugins).
After you've done that, you can now actually target these datalayer values in Google Tag Manager and create a custom dimension that you can in turn use for your filters and/or segments in Google Analytics. This guy explains it quite well on how to do this step by step.

Google Tag Manager. Tracking link click through a funnel

I had a question about Google Tag Manager. (I also felt bad for having the IT guy fix my mistakes on my simple click tag)
I wanted to track when a user enters a specific url when they click a link button on the homepage.
This is what it looks like
This is my idea on what the Tag and Trigger should look like
But I'm worried about having the trigger be fired when there is another page in the funnel
Also if the only way to do this is in the goal feature of GA that is good to know also. (I currently don't have the permissions here)
Thanks for responses
While it is difficult to achieve exactly what you're describing (it would involve storing data in cookies and then using these cookies to conditionally fire tags), there is a better way to achieve what I assume is your ultimate objective: an analysis of the shopping funnel.
Specifically, the Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce module has a dedicated report (the Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Behavior report) that shows you exactly this. It shows you the number of sessions for each stage of your shopping experience (product view -> add to cart -> checkout -> purchase) along with drop-off rates and volumes between each of these steps.
It is a little bit more involved to implement enhanced ecommerce but the final result is definitely worth it for an ecommerce business. Instructions for implementation of enhanced ecommerce (using Google Tag Manager) can be found here.
GTM is hit based without any notion of persistence. So by default this will not work.
You would need a custom HTML tag with a javascript function that sets a cookie, or writes a value to localstorage, when the button is clicked.
Then on your destination page you can check if the cookie exists and fire the tag accordingly.
I don't think the goal feature in GA can do that, either. A goal is registered when you hit a destination URL or event, you cannot specify conditions other than the destination.

How to make an analytics for my website members page?

I have a website where members can create their own page. Current I have a script that tracks how many views the member page was viewed. But I would like to display more information like unique visits, return visits etc.
Is there any analytic software that could let me do that?
I am guessing you want to display on each member page some analytics information.
You didn't specify what language you used to build the site.
Here's a PHP API class to query a Google Analytics account.
Also, check this and this for documentation about the API. You can retrieve analytics data / metrics in many ways that the default Analytics reports don't show.
Now you need to think of a way to differentiate between member pages in Analytics (use custom variables in your tracking code, maybe).
Hope this helps.
If you don't want to deal with getting in to the Google Analytics API, I suggest you check out some of the solutions on the Google Analytics Application Gallery. I for one work with embeddedanalytics. While we don't have it very well published on our site, we have done a number of CMS type implementations, allowing a single implementation to be used by many different users of the site. The differentiation could be based on page path or some specific custom variable. Visit us and contact us directly if you are interested.
(disclosure - I work with embeddedanalytics)

Ecommerce Analytics goals - good candidates

Aside from the obvious checkout goal - what would be good candidates for Google Analytics goals on an e-commerce site.
I am struggling of think of any.
Of course it would depend a lot on your ecommerce site features. But here comes a couple that pop from my mind:
Newsletter subscriptions
New signups
Product review written
Product comment added
Contact Form Submitted
Product Rated
Product added to Shopping Cart
Using a sharing tool (tweetthis, sharethis, etc)
Using a Compare Tool
Arriving a certain step on the checkout process
This last one is intersting. Of course if you setup a goal on the checkout and have a nice funnel viz, you can get that for free. But assigning a goal to a particular step that you know a lot of users leave the funnel, can help you segment and analyze this guys. Just segment by users who completed that goal, and did not complete the checkout goal.
