Deploy an Application on Cloud Foundry Server - sts-springsourcetoolsuite

One problem was occurred when I did deploy the applications
to Cloud Foundry with STS(SpringSource Tool Suite). My deployment procedure as flowing:
1:After the Cloud Foundry was completely installed, Clicked YES to restart STS.
Select Window > Show View > Servers
2:Right-click in the Servers panel and choose New > Server
Expand the VMware folder, select Cloud Foudry,and Click Next.
3:In this step, I choose VMware Cloud Foundry, and type in user account and password which
I was signed in the Cloud Foundry website.
4:Click finsh to establish the Cloud Foundry servers.
5:To deploy an application, drag it to the target Cloud Foundry Server. Right click the target Cloud Foundry Server, choose Add and Removeļ¼Œa problem was occurred at this moment. Therewas no available application to deploy on the Cloud Foundry Server,I had built some Java projects.
I tried server methods to solve the problem,unfortunately ,I was failed, if any help from you?

You can only deploy certain kinds of java projects to cloud foundry. Inside STS, only Grails, Spring, Roo, and web projects are recognized.
If you want to try something, then create a spring template project: File -> New -> Spring Template Project, then choose a template. Spring MVC is probably a good choice.

Cloud Foundry STS plugin is one way to push your apps to
You can also use the CLI tool called vmc.
For installation and how to use the tool, please visit:


Initializing Firebase Functions Emulator For Correct Project

I am developing a project with Firebase backend, utilising Firebase Functions. I actually two projects: myProject and myProject-test (used for deployment testing).
When submitting API calls, my (React) front-end is configured to call the myProject-test URL when running in local development, and only direct the calls to myProject when deployed on PROD.
The problem I am facing is that when I start my cloud functions emulator using firebase emulators:start, my cloud functions get started on the localhost:5001/myProject/... url instead of localhost:5001/myProject-test/..., and hence the API calls from my local development instance never arrive.
How can I control for which project the emulators start?
This is what the firebase use command is for. Read the documentation on managing aliases. You can run the command firebase use PROJECT_ID|ALIAS to set the current project or alias that is currently use use for the emulator or other commands.

How to prevent registration to Firebase project?

As per the Firebase documentation, the contents of google-services.json are considered public. These can be easily retrieved by decompiling the apk.
If so, is there a way to prevent apps from registering with my Firebase project?
I understand that the registration works on the basis of package name. While it's not possible to publish an app with a duplicate package name, for development it is very much possible.
I created a dummy app, and my dummy app successfully registered with my production project. So, looking for a way to prevent that from happening.
You should be connecting your app to Firebase Emulator for local development.
You can go to Firebase console -> Authentication tab -> Sign-in Method tab, and remove localhost from Authorized domain, that way your app will never connect to production DB.

How to deploy existing application to the Divio Cloud

I have django-cms application and I want to deploy it to the Divio cloud and really can't understand from the docs how to do it. I understand how to start new application using divio cli but not how to deploy existing.
The specifics of how to deploy an existing application to Divio Cloud vary widely based on the application structure itself. Basically Divio Cloud allows to deploy any web application which can be packaged in a Docker image.
There is some documentation about the process of migrating an existing Django application to Divio Cloud here:

How to deploy a solution with two projects to Azure App Service?

I am trying to minimize the cost of running my web app in Azure App Service. I have a Visual Studio 2017 solution with two Web Projects: Web and API (both .NET Core). The entire solution is part of a single GitHub Repo. Before adding the API project, the build and deployment to Azure App Service was automated. My goal is to deploy both projects under the same App Service (to minimize cost) with two subdomains (e.g. and and keep everything automated.
Is this something that can be done? Can somebody please help me understand how this can be done? Can those settings be commited?
An Azure App Service Plan can contain multiple web apps. Normally when you use the Azure portal to connect it to source control, Kudu (the tool behind App Service Plans), will create a deployment script for that site.
In case you want to deploy two projects of a single solution (and git repo) to different Web Apps you have to do the following:
Create two web apps under the same App Service Plan
Connect both of them to the same git repo for automated deployments
Modify the deployment parameters
I'm going to suppose you know how to do the first two steps.
To modify the deployment parameters, you could either modify the deployment script by downloading it through Kudu and adapting it or, much simpler, configure it through the portal:
Go the App1 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value
Go the App2 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value <path>\<path-to-app2>.csproj
Every time you push up a change, both web apps will receive an update, but they will deploy a different part to the web site.
More information can be found here (see last paragraph):

How to deploy Azure Web Apps using Azure Resource Manager-Based PowerShell?

I want to deploy my Azure web apps using PowerShell. Here is my expected workflow:
Create Package using MSBuild
Deploy the package to Azure
I tried with the approach described in the below link:
I modified the script to use an existing web app instead of creating. So I call something like Get-AzureWebsite -Name $
But it never finds the existing app service (web app) due to the subscription issue. I tried so many times to switch the subscription but it's not working. Get-AzureWebsite always keep searching on the old subscription which I don't use anymore.
If I call Get-AzureRmSubscription from powershell I get two subscriptions but if I call Get-AzureSubscription I get only one.
How can I deploy my application packages using powershell using resource manager based powershell?
The cmdlets used by the script you linked to are using the "old" service management interface. If Get-AzureSubscription doesn't return a subscription that means it's only available to use via AzureRM. The AzureRM web app cmdlets don't have a simple "publish" command as the old ones did... So if you wanted to replicate that in PowerShell you could do something like this:
$deploycmd = "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe"
$packageLocation = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\users\bjm\downloads\"
$webAppName = 'myazuresite'
$user = '$myazuresite'
$pass = 'jSjku1lWBdZNgGjyZWYfDhFn4DFfZlAqTq1RjPu5Fnv3yYe9l2Fl5xz5RK0x'
$setParam = "-setParam:name=""IIS Web Application Name"",value=$webAppName"
$dest = "-dest:auto,ComputerName='https://$$webAppName',UserName='$user',Password='$pass',AuthType=Basic"
& $deploycmd "-verb:sync", "-source:package=$packageLocation", $setParam, $dest
I actually prefer juvchan's approach but if you've already got the rest in place via PS this might be easier.
After you've created the web deploy package for your application, you need to create a Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template which allows you to deploy to a Azure web app using the web deploy package.
Then you can use the Azure PowerShell cmdlet below to deploy your ARM template above to achieve what you require.
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name <deployment-name> -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -TemplateUri <ArmTemplateJsonUri>
Useful references:
Deploy a web app with MSDeploy, custom hostname and SSL certificate
Deploy your app to Azure App Service
This topic shows how to use the Azure portal with Azure Resource Manager to deploy your Azure resources. To learn about managing your resources, see Manage Azure resources through portal. Currently, not every service supports the portal or Resource Manager. For those services, you need to use the classic portal. For the status of each service, see Azure portal availability chart.
1. To create an empty resource group, select New > Management > Resource Group.
2. Give it a name and location, and, if necessary, select a subscription. You need to provide a location for the
