Rewriting url in IIS7 -

i have setup a website and using IIS7, now what i want to do is when user hits the domain, it should take the user to another page, for example say user hits, url should be rewrited to, however /section/news should not be displayed in the addressbar, but the page should be news, in short i want url rewrite directly on root

There are basically two ways for doing url rewriting:
Using IIS add-in:
Using url wriritng with http handlers:

IIS has an add-in that you can install just for this purpose


Httphandler for ASP Classic?

Is there any way in ASP Classic to catch HTTP request before it comes to that page? Like in ASP.Net we can catch request at Application_BeginRequest.
Actually what I'm trying to do is to redirect requests to some other pages if asking files from a certain directory. My application is hosted on IIS6. And I suppose IIS6 by default doesn't support for url rewrite. Directory browsing is already disabled.
It would be nice if it could be done just putting a web.config in that certain directory to redirect to other pages.
Original Requests:
Https:// etc
and I'd like to redirect to
I googled but so far no luck, any clue would highly be appreciated.
My application runs for different companies (countries in actual fact) that use the same application.
I use include file called default.asp that runs as standard include for all the scripts I serve. I catch domain requests in URL, detect which company this and then redirect to a URL that I build that includes company code and a "URL prefix" which is added to the URL throughout the session.
To do this, I read URL using request.servervariables, set Session variables, work out my URL prefix and based on this, create revised URL which I then response.redirect.
I hope this may give you an idea for your situation.
For IIS6 I have used Ionic's Isapi Rewrite Filter
It supports URL re-writes and re-direction and should do exactly what you need.
On the examples and help pages there are examples for you to re-direct.

shortening url to cms

We have a CMS application that lets people create websites under our domain.
The system was built a few years ago and it used a method that transfers parameters such as website id, folder code and more using the url. this method created a giant url for every item in the website
For example:
My domain is
A users website on my domain is
and every time that a user enters his website he gets a link like this and more.
We are trying to reduce the string size in the url.
What are our options? can we show the user one url like a virtual one and still work the same with the old url?
We are trying to locate a solution that wont make us rewrite our entire application.
the application is built in c# and the web server is iis 6.
You are searching for URL rewriting.
For IIS7 this functionality is build-in via the URL Rewrite Module.
For IIS6 you should read this MSDN article to follow the details on how to do it:
URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
Or you could go with one of the numerous third-party tools to do it:
Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter

Redirect site from to in mvc

We have mvc 2 site which allows www and without any subdomain. For consistency we want to redirect any www request to without any subdomain.
Just like stackoverflow does.
Where and how it should be done? using Requestrouting?
Also i want it for all request to the site not just for home
It would be simplest to configure the redirect in IIS. It can preserve the path and querystring when redirecting to the new domain.
I use URL Rewrite for this. You can download/install here: IIS Url Rewrite
After installing that to to IIS, select the website you want to create the rule for and then click the URL Rewrite module icon.
Click the "Add Rule" link in the top right corner.
Select "Canonical Domain Name" from the premade rules in the dialog box that pops up.
From there select the non-www option.
This tool adds a rule to your web.config file. URL Rewrite must be installed on the webserver you deploy your app to in order for the rules to work.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what the tool can do. I find myself using it all the time. Here is a brief tutorial about using it:
(just add http:// before that link above)
(I'm new so I only get one hyperlink...aboo)
I don't know ASP However in a ASP Page you can add Location Header to redirect.
I am not sure about the exact function name in asp. However it might be something like
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location",""
and put this file on www as index.aspx

Redirecting to a page using IIS6

I have a site .net 2.0 and I redirected users to a
login page when the hit the site. (I think the default.aspx page)
But i cant remember how i did it.
I am now wanting upgrade to mvc app
but the redirect is still there to a nonexistent page.
Any ideas how to find the redirect?
Use WireShark Network Analyzer or Fiddler to find out what type of Redirect you have and the location that's redirecting.
You can then use IIS management console to see if there are any redirects in the site or virtual directory properties.
And finally check the source of the script that handles the request for Response.Redirect() or Server.Transfer().

How to do 301 redirects in from old Apache mod_rewrite style urls when moving a site from php to

I have an existing site in php running on Apache using the mod_rewrite plug-in. In other words, I currently have urls like which Google and others have indexed.
However, the site needs a major upgrade, and I would like to move it to I only have the option of using a shared hosting solution (iis 6, 3.5, full trust). So my question: How do I make do a 301 redirect from my old urls like to their equivalent ones on the new site?
I obviously needs this to not loose the current rankings in the search engines.
Thanks, Egil.
If you use the ASP.NET MVC framework it has a URL rewriting system built into it.
You can manually add 301 redirects into IIS using IIS Manager if you want to set up "moved" locations.
If you want to do URL re-writing then you will need to implement IHttpModule, hook up the BeginRequest event, and add that new class to the httpModules section in Web.config. this may be overkill and could possibly be done another way in two lines..BUT...
If you are keeping the same domain name then what I've done in the past is keep a table of old urls and how they map to new urls. On the application's request, I'll scan the table, if an old url is found then I'll add a header that does a 301 redirect to the new URL.
According to Steve Sanderson’s blog post Deploying ASP.NET MVC to IIS 6 it do not look like there is an option to do url rewriting/redirection with IIS6 in a shared hosting set up, where you cant manually configure IIS. Gah...
