R: creating a matrix with unknown number of rows - r

I have written the code below to generate a matrix containing what is, to me, a fairly complex pattern. In this case I determined that there are 136 rows in the finished matrix by trial and error.
I could write a function to calculate the number of matrix rows in advance, but the function would be a little complex. In this example the number of rows in the matrix = ((4 * 3 + 1) + (3 * 3 + 1) + (2 * 3 + 1) + (1 * 3 + 1)) * 4.
Is there an easy and efficient way to create matrices in R without hard-wiring the number of rows in the matrix statement? In other words, is there an easy way to let R simply add a row to a matrix as needed when using for-loops?
I have presented one solution that employs rbind at each pass through the loops, but that seems a little convoluted and I was wondering if there might be a much easier solution.
Sorry if this question is redundant with an earlier question. I could not locate a similar question using the search feature on this site or using an internet search engine today, although I think I have found a similar question somewhere in the past.
Below are 2 sets of example code, one using rbind and the other where I used trial and error to set nrow=136 in advance.
Thanks for any suggestions.
v1 <- 5
v2 <- 2
v3 <- 2
v4 <- (v1-1)
my.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=136, ncol=(v1+4) )
i = 1
for(a in 1:v2) {
for(b in 1:v3) {
for(c in 1:v4) {
for(d in (c+1):v1) {
if(d == (c+1)) l.s = 4
else l.s = 3
for(e in 1:l.s) {
my.matrix[i,c] = 1
if(d == (c+1)) my.matrix[i,d] = (e-1)
else my.matrix[i,d] = e
my.matrix[i,(v1+1)] = a
my.matrix[i,(v1+2)] = b
my.matrix[i,(v1+3)] = c
my.matrix[i,(v1+4)] = d
i <- i + 1
my.matrix2 <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=(v1+4) )
my.matrix3 <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=(v1+4) )
i = 1
for(a in 1:v2) {
for(b in 1:v3) {
for(c in 1:v4) {
for(d in (c+1):v1) {
if(d == (c+1)) l.s = 4
else l.s = 3
for(e in 1:l.s) {
my.matrix2[1,c] = 1
if(d == (c+1)) my.matrix2[1,d] = (e-1)
else my.matrix2[1,d] = e
my.matrix2[1,(v1+1)] = a
my.matrix2[1,(v1+2)] = b
my.matrix2[1,(v1+3)] = c
my.matrix2[1,(v1+4)] = d
i <- i+1
if(i == 2) my.matrix3 <- my.matrix2
else my.matrix3 <- rbind(my.matrix3, my.matrix2)
my.matrix2 <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=(v1+4) )
all.equal(my.matrix, my.matrix3)

If you have some upper bound on the size of the matrix,
you can create a matrix
large enough to hold all the data
my.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=v1*v2*v3*v4*4, ncol=(v1+4) )
and truncate it at the end.
my.matrix <- my.matrix[1:(i-1),]

This is the generic form to do it. You can adapt it to your problem
matrix <- NULL
matrix <- rbind(matriz,vector)
where vector contains the row elements

I stumbled upon this solution today: convert the matrix to a data.frame. As new rows are needed by the for-loop those rows are automatically added to the data.frame. Then you can convert the data.frame back to a matrix at the end if you want. I am not sure whether this constitutes something similar to iterative use of rbind. Perhaps it becomes very slow with large data.frames. I do not know.
my.data <- matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = 2)
my.data <- as.data.frame(my.data)
j <- 1
for(i1 in 0:2) {
for(i2 in 0:2) {
for(i3 in 0:2) {
my.data[j,1] <- i1
my.data[j,2] <- i2
my.data[j,3] <- i3
j <- j + 1
my.data <- as.matrix(my.data)
EDIT: July 27, 2015
You can also delete the first matrix statement, create an empty data.frame then convert the data.frame to a matrix at the end:
my.data <- data.frame(NULL,NULL,NULL)
j <- 1
for(i1 in 0:2) {
for(i2 in 0:2) {
for(i3 in 0:2) {
my.data[j,1] <- i1
my.data[j,2] <- i2
my.data[j,3] <- i3
j <- j + 1
my.data <- as.matrix(my.data)


I am trying to create a script that runs consecutive prop.test( ) for consecutive values using a for Loop

a <- c(10, 20)
b <- c(100, 200)
c <- c(50 , 1000)
d <- c(3000, 4300)
for (i in c(a,b,c,d))
So essentially I want every 2 objects to be paired up. I hope I am somewhat clear.
You can put the vectors in a list and use a for loop as follows -
list_data <- list(a, b, c, d)
result <- vector('list', length(list_data)/2)
for(i in seq_along(result)) {
n <- (i -1) * 2 + 1
result[[i]] <- prop.test(list_data[[n]], list_data[[n+1]])

How to create matrix of all 2^n binary sequences of length n using recursion in R?

I know I can use expand.grid for this, but I am trying to learn actual programming. My goal is to take what I have below and use a recursion to get all 2^n binary sequences of length n.
I can do this for n = 1, but I don't understand how I would use the same function in a recursive way to get the answer for higher dimensions.
Here is for n = 1:
binseq <- function(n){
binmat <- matrix(nrow = 2^n, ncol = n)
r <- 0 #row counter
for (i in 0:1) {
r <- r + 1
binmat[r,] <- i
I know I have to use probably a cbind in the return statement. My intuition says the return statement should be something like cbind(binseq(n-1), binseq(n)). But, honestly, I'm completely lost at this point.
The desired output should basically recursively produce this for n = 3:
binmat <- matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 3)
r <- 0 # current row of binmat
for (i in 0:1) {
for (j in 0:1) {
for (k in 0:1) {
r <- r + 1
binmat[r,] <- c(i, j, k)}
It should just be a matrix as binmat is being filled recursively.
I quickly wrote this function to generate all N^K permutations of length K for given N characters. Hope it will be useful.
gen_perm <- function(str=c(""), lst=5, levels = c("0", "1", "2")){
if (nchar(str) == lst){
cat(str, "\n")
for (i in levels){
gen_perm(str = paste0(str,i), lst=lst, levels=levels)
# sample call
gen_perm(lst = 3, levels = c("x", "T", "a"))
I will return to your problem when I get more time.
I modified the code above to work for your problem. Note that the matrix being populated lives in the global environment. The function also uses the tmp variable to pass rows to the global environment. This was the easiest way for me to solve the problem. Perhaps, there are other ways.
levels <- c(0,1)
nc <- 3
m <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = nc)
gen_perm <- function(row=numeric(), lst=nc, levels = levels){
if (length(row) == lst){
assign("tmp", row, .GlobalEnv)
with(.GlobalEnv, {m <- rbind(m, tmp); rownames(m) <- NULL})
for (i in levels){
gen_perm(row=c(row,i), lst=lst, levels=levels)
gen_perm(lst=nc, levels=levels)
To get the expected output you provided, run
m <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = 3)
gen_perm(lst = 3, levels = c(0,1))
levels specifies a range of values to generate (binary in our case) to generate permutations, m is an empty matrix to fill up, gen_perm generates rows and adds them to the matrix m, lst is a length of the permutation (matches the number of columns in the matrix).

User defined function input to loop every row of data frame

Im trying to create my very own first project in R but have hit a roadblock.
I have a data frame such as below where every row represents dataset of a financial option.
type <- c("C", "C")
marketV <- c(1.1166, 1.911)
S <- c(20, 60)
K <- c(20, 56)
T <- c(0.333, 0.5)
df <- data.frame(type, marketV, S, K, T)
I made a user defined function to take this data frame as an input and works great when the data frame is one row long. However, I'm not sure how to have my function iterate through all the data frame rows and produce a result for all of them.
I'm new to R so I'm unsure whether I should be running a 'for' loop around or playing around with lapply, or if theres a simple syntax answer. I simply want the function to take the df as input, but repeat its calculation for n row, and produce n results. Thank you for the help in advance.
My current function code for a df with 1 row below as reference:
This is a corrected version of your program:
df <- data.frame(type=c("C", "C"), marketV=c(1.1166, 1.911), S=c(20, 60), K=c(20, 56), T=c(0.333, 0.5))
IV <- function(df) {
# check if df has more then 1 row:
if (nrow(df)>1) { message("!! nrow(df)>1 !!"); return(NA) }
# Initializing of variables
r <- 0
sigma <- 0.3
sigma_down <- 0.001
sigma_up <- 1
count <- 0
type <- df$type; marketV <- df$marketV; S <- df$S; K <- df$K; T <- df$T
d1 <- (log(S/K) + (sigma^2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T))
d2 <- (log(S/K) - (sigma^2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T))
if(type=="C") {
V <- exp(-r*T)*(S*pnorm(d1) - K*pnorm(d2))
} else {
V <- exp(-r*T)*(K*pnorm(-d2) - S*pnorm(-d1)) }
difference <- V - marketV
# Root finding of sigma by Bisection method
while(abs(difference)>0.001 && count<1000) {
if(difference < 0) {
sigma_down <- sigma
sigma <- (sigma_up + sigma)/2
} else {
sigma_up <- sigma
sigma <- (sigma_down + sigma)/2
d1 <- (log(S/K) + (sigma^2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T))
d2 <- d1 - sigma*sqrt(T)
if(type=="C") {
V <- exp(-r*T)*(S*pnorm(d1) - K*pnorm(d2))
} else {
V <- exp(-r*T)*(K*pnorm(-d2) - S*pnorm(-d1)) }
difference <- V - marketV
count <- count + 1
if(count == 1000){
return(NA) # If sigma to satisfy Black76 price cannot be found
} else{
sapply(split(df, seq(nrow(df))), IV)
The main thing is to run row by row through the dataframe. This is done by
sapply(split(df, seq(nrow(df))), IV)
In your original function are many errors: the biggest is accessing to S, K and so on. You might thinking taking the values from the dataframe df. But in fact you were taking the values from the workspace! I corrected this by redefining:
type <- df$type; marketV <- df$marketV; S <- df$S; K <- df$K; T <- df$T
I inserted a test for the number of rows in df, so you will get:
> IV(df)
!! nrow(df)>1 !!
[1] NA
Here is a cleaned up version of your program:
df <- data.frame(type=c("C", "C"), marketV=c(1.1166, 1.911), S=c(20, 60), K=c(20, 56), T=c(0.333, 0.5))
IV2 <- function(type, marketV, S, K, T) {
r <- 0; sigma <- 0.3
sigma_down <- 0.001; sigma_up <- 1
count <- 0
if(type=="C") {
f.sig <- function(sigma) {
d1 <- (log(S/K) + (sigma^2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T))
d2 <- d1 - sigma*sqrt(T)
exp(-r*T)*(S*pnorm(d1) - K*pnorm(d2)) - marketV
} else {
f.sig <- function(sigma) {
d1 <- (log(S/K) + (sigma^2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T))
d2 <- d1 - sigma*sqrt(T)
exp(-r*T)*(K*pnorm(-d2) - S*pnorm(-d1)) - marketV
ifelse(f.sig(sigma_down)*f.sig(sigma_up) < 0, uniroot(f.sig, c(sigma_down,sigma_up))$root, NA) # sigma
sapply(split(df, seq(nrow(df))), do.call, what="IV2")

replacing nested for loop with sapply in R

So I have 10 parameters, with 7 fixed and 3 varying using seq. Each varying parameter has 10 possibilities. Right now I create an empty data frame and fill it after going through a bunch of functions and generating an output for each combination of parameters. So there is 1000 (10*10*10) possibilities. Right now I use nested for loops. Lets say m,g, and x are my varying parameters. Here is an example.
m.c <- seq(1,10, by=1)
m.i <- seq(1,10, by=1) * 0.5
a <- .5
b <- 1
c <- .5
gg <- seq(.02,.2, by=.02)
n <- 7
r <- .25
alpha <- 2
dt <- 1
X <- seq(.01,.1, by=.01)
intervention.data <- data.frame(intervention = numeric())
parameter.data <- data.frame(m=numeric(), g=numeric(), X=numeric())
A.c = function(m = m.c,a,b,c,g,n,r,alpha,dt,X) {
1 - exp(-dt*(1/(alpha*dt)*log(1+(alpha*b*dt*m*a^2*c*X*exp(-g*n))/(a*c*X+g))))
A.i = function(m = m.i,a,b,c,g,n,r,alpha,dt,X) {
1 - exp(-dt*(1/(alpha*dt)*log(1+(alpha*b*dt*m*a^2*c*X*exp(-g*n))/(a*c*X+g))))
for (i in 1:length(mm)) {
m = mm[i]
for (ii in 1:length(gg)) {
g = gg[ii]
for (iii in 1:length(XX)) {
X = XX[iii]
parameter.data = rbind(parameter.data, data.frame(m=m, g=g, X=X))
a.c = A.c(m = m.c,a,b,c,g,n,r,alpha,dt,X)
a.i = A.i(m = m.i,a,b,c,g,n,r,alpha,dt,X)
intervention.effect= a.i/a.c
intervention.data = rbind(intervention.data, data.frame( intervention = intervention.effect))
all.intervention.data = cbind(parameter.data, intervention.data)
What I have works but seems pretty inefficient so I have been trying to find how to use sapply or lapply but have not been successful in understanding to use them so all the combos. are made. Any help is appreciated.
You seem to have lost mm in your data, so I can not follow perfectly, but a better way to do this would be to vectorize:
all.data <- expand.grid(m.c = m.c,gg = gg,X = X)
all.data$m.i <- all.data$m.c * 0.5
all.data$a.c <- A.c(m = all.data$m.c,a,b,c,all.data$gg,n,r,alpha,dt,all.data$X)
all.data$a.i <- A.i(m = all.data$m.i,a,b,c,all.data$gg,n,r,alpha,dt,all.data$X)

looping through a matrix with a function

I'd like to perform this function on a matrix 100 times. How can I do this?
v = 1
m <- matrix(0,10,10)
rad <- function(x) {
idx <- sample(length(x), size=1)
flip = sample(0:1,1,rep=T)
if(flip == 1) {
x[idx] <- x[idx] + v
} else if(flip == 0) {
x[idx] <- x[idx] - v
This is what I have so far but doesn't work.
for (i in 1:100) {
I also tried this, which seemed to work, but gave me an output of like 5226 rows for some reason. The output should just be a 10X10 matrix with changed values depending on the conditions of the function.
reps <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(100), function(x) rad(m)))
Ok I think I got it.
The return statement in your function is only inside a branch of an if statement, so it returns a matrix with a probability of ~50% while in the other cases it does not return anything; you should change the code function into this:
rad <- function(x) {
idx <- sample(length(x), size=1)
flip = sample(0:1,1,rep=T)
if(flip == 1) {
x[idx] <- x[idx] + v
} else if(flip == 0) {
x[idx] <- x[idx] - v
Then you can do:
for (i in 1:n) {
m <- rad(m)
Note that this is semantically equal to:
for (i in 1:n) {
tmp <- rad(m) # return a modified verion of m (m is not changed yet)
# and put it into tmp
m <- tmp # set m equal to tmp, then in the next iteration we will
# start from a modified m
When you run rad(m) is not do changes on m.
It do a local copy of m matrix and work on it in the function. When function end it disappear.
Then you need to save what function return.
As #digEmAll write the right code is:
for (i in 1:100) {
m <- rad(m)
You don't need a loop here. The whole operation can be vectorized.
v <- 1
m <- matrix(0,10,10)
n <- 100 # number of random replacements
idx <- sample(length(m), n, replace = TRUE) # indices
flip <- sample(c(-1, 1), n, replace = TRUE) # subtract or add
newVal <- aggregate(v * flip ~ idx, FUN = sum) # calculate new values for indices
m[newVal[[1]]] <- m[newVal[[1]]] + newVal[[2]] # add new values
