submit R script to grid in form of batch - r

I wanted to submit a R job to the grid. I have saved the main R code in MGSA_rand.r
In the file callmgsa.r I have written
And I use the file to call the job (with the -t parameter I send the value corrseponding to $SGE_TASK_ID)
R CMD BATCH --no-save callmgsa.r
I submit the job like this:
qsub -t 1 -cwd -b y -l vf=1000m /home/users/pegah/
I neither get an error nor any output. The job terminates just as I submit it, with out any output. Could you please help me?
thanks, Pegah

The variable $SGE_TASK_ID is a shelscript variable. Calling it in R with the same syntax is no going to work. What you could do is use Rscript in stead. From the shellscript you call:
Rscript callmgsa.r $SGE_TASK_ID
In the R script you can catch the command line arguments like:
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
This should work...


Running multiple R scripts sequentially from shell in the same R session

Is it possible to run multiple .R files from the shell or a bash script, in sequence, in the same R session (so without having to write intermediate results to disk)?
E.g. if file1.R contains a=1 and file2.R print(a+1)
then do something like
$ Rscript file1.R file2.R
[1] 2
(of course a workaround would be to stitch the scripts together or have a master script sourcing 1 and 2)
You could write a wrapper script that calls each script in turn:
Call this source_files.R and then run Rscript source_files.R. Of course, with something this simple you can also just pass the statements on the command line:
Rscript -e 'source("file1.R"); source("file2.R")'

Pass output of R script to bash script

I would like to pass the output of my R file to a bash script.
The output of the R script being the title of a video: "Title of Video"
And my bash script being simply:
youtube-dl title_of_video.avi
Ideally I would like the output of the video being "Title of Video".avi
I know I can use Rscript to launch an R script with a bash command but I don't think Rscript can help me here.
In bash you can call a command and use its output further via the $(my_command) syntax.
Make sure your script only outputs the title.
# in getTitle.R
cat('This is my title') # note, print would have resulted in an extra "[1]"
# in your bash script:
youtube-dl $(Rscript getTitle.R) http://blablabla
If you want to pass arguments to your R script as well, do so inside the $() syntax; if you want to pass those arguments to your bash script, and delegate them to the R script to handle them, you can use the special bash variables $1 (denote the 1st argument, etc), or $* to denote all arguments passed to the bash script, e.g.
youtube-dl $(Rscript getTitle.R $1) http://blablablabla
(this assumes that getTitle.R does something to those arguments internally via commandArgs etc to produce the wanted title output)
You can call Rscript in bash script and you might assign the output of the R script to a variable in bash script. Check this question. After that you can execute
youtube-dl $outputFromRScript

How To Run Different, Multiple Rscripts on SGE Cluster

I am trying to run different Rscripts on a SGE cluster, each Rscript only changes by one variable (e.g. cancer <- "UVM" or "ACC", etc.).
I have attempted two ways: either run a Single Rscript that gets command line arguments for the 30 different cancer names
run each Rscript (i.e. UVM.r, ACC.r, etc.)
Either way, I am having alot of difficulty figuring out how to submit these jobs so I can run either one Rscript 30 times with different argument each time OR run multiple Rscripts with no command line arguments.
You can use while loop in bash for this.
Setup input file of arguments, e.g. args.txt:
Run qsub in while loop to submit script for each argument:
while read arg
echo "Rscript script.R ${arg}" | qsub <options>
done <args.txt
Above uses echo to pass code to run to qsub.
A job script like this:
#$ -t 1-30
shift ${SGE_TASK_ID}
exec Rscript script.R $1
Submit like this qsub job_script dummy UVM ACC ...

Have an Rscript read or take input from stdin

I see how to have an Rscript perform the operations I want when given a filename as an argument, e.g. if my Rscript is called script and contains:
path <- commandArgs()[1]
Then I can run from the bash command line:
Rscript script filename.Rmd --args dev='svg'
and successfully get the contents of filename.Rmd echoed back out to me. If instead of passing the above argument a filename like filename.Rmd I want to pass it text from stdin, I try modifying my script to read from stdin:
but I do not know how to construct the commandline call for this case. I tried piping in the contents:
cat filename.Rmd | Rscript script --args dev='svg'
and also tried redirect:
Rscript script --args dev='svg' < filename.Rmd
and either way I get the error:
Error in writeLines(file("stdin")) : invalid 'text' argument
(I've also tried open(file("stdin"))). I'm not sure if I'm constructing the Rscript incorrectly, or the commandline argument incorrectly, or both.
You need to read text from the connection created by file("stdin") in order to pass anything useful to the text argument of writeLines(). This should work

Is there a package to process command line options in R?

Is there a package to process command-line options in R?
I know commandArgs, but it's too basic. Its result is basically the equivalent to argc and argv in C, but I'd need something on top of that, just like boost::program_options in C++, or GetOptions::Long in perl.
In particular, I'd like to specify in advance what options are allowed and give an error message if the user specifies something else.
The call would be like this (with user options --width=32 --file=foo.txt):
R --vanilla --args --width=32 --file=foo.txt < myscript.R
or, if Rscript is used:
myscript.R --width=32 --file=foo.txt
(Please don't say, "why don't you write it yourself, it's not that hard". In other languages you don't have to write it yourself either. :)
getopt for R
How about commandArgs with eval for a built in solution?
## 'trailingOnly=TRUE' means only parse args after '--args'
## Supply default arguments
print("No arguments supplied.")
##supply default values
a = 1
b = c(1,1,1)
for(i in 1:length(args)){
and to invoke it
R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args a=1 b=c(2,5,6)' test.R test.out
The usual caveats w.r.t using eval apply of course.
Shamelessly stolen from this blog post.
