File not found in EAR packaging - ejb

Inside my .ear
-com/ejb/... (classes)
-fileXml.xml (file I'm trying to access)
Some description:
"ejbshared" contains some ejbs and JPA entities
"ejb" contains some ejbs and JPA entities and uses "ejb-shared" project
The problem is that I can't access fileXml.xml. Inside an EJB bean (of ejb.jar) I've done:
File f = new File("fileXml.xml");
System.out.println(f.exists()); // returns false!
I don't know why, but it seems that fileXml.xml is not in the classpath, althougth it's present in the .ear, or maybe I'm doing things in the wrong way!

Using new File("fileXml.xml") will reference a file in the current working directory of the application server JVM, not relative to your specific application. Try using:
URL url = getClass().getResource("/fileXml.xml");
boolean exists = url != null;
InputStream input = url.openStream();
// ... read and close input stream


lookup to EJBHome from Outside the container via Standalone applicatiion failed

I have an EJB application which is Deployed in WebSphere 8
I am trying to connect it from Standalone java program following way
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "");
props.put(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop//localhost:2809");
Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
Object o = ctx.lookup("MyAppHome");
But this is leading to below exception
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name "MyAppHome" not found in context
Further looking into it I found following supporting link
Here the answerer suggested using fully qualified bean name
java:global/ProjectName/ModuleName/BeanName!FullyQualif‌​iedNameOfRemoteInterface or BeanName#FullyQualif‌​iedNameOfRemoteInterface.
If it's a correct fix. Where can I find the Project name, Module Name and Bean Name? I do have xmi files in the project. Thanks!
The easiest way to determine the JNDI name for an EJB in WebSphere is to look for the binding information in the server logs. The JNDI names associated with each EJB interface are logged using the message ID CNTR0167I. Fore example:
CNTR0167I: The server is binding the com.example.DatabaseBean interface of the DatabaseBean enterprise bean in the TestProject.war module of the TestProject application. The binding location is: java:global/TestProject/DatabaseBean!com.example.DatabaseBean
Notice in this example that there does not appear to be both a project name (i.e. application name) and module name, because this test project was a standalone WAR module with an EJB packaged in it. Project/Application name is only used for EAR files.
Also note that a CNTR0167I is logged for JNDI names in both the java:global and SERVERROOT name contexts. So, in the error scenario above, it could be that the EJB was bound to ejb/MyAppHome and not just MyAppHome, so you can also determine the correct SERVERROOT JNDI name from the CNTR0167I messages as well. Either JNDI name may be used to lookup an EJB.

How to integrate console app with the existing mvc 3 app in one solution?

I have a mvc 3 project and I need to populate sql database with data from xml file. So I added the console app project to the solution and wrote the code that will display all needed data on the screen. Now I want to write data into the database. Here is the chunk of code: (fom the console app)
public static void Main()
IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
var itemsRepository = ninjectKernel.Get<IItemsRepository>(); // redirection to datacontext file
var productRepository = ninjectKernel.Get<IProductRepository>();
var shippingRepository = ninjectKernel.Get<IShippingRepository>();
var doc = XDocument.Load(#"C:\div_kid.xml");
var offers = doc.Descendants("offer");
foreach (var offer in offers)
{ // here I use Linq to XML to get all needed data from xml file:
// name, description, price, category, shippingCost, shippingDetails
Product product = productRepository.CreateProduct(name, description, price, category, "Not Specified", "Not Specified");
Shipping shipping = shippingRepository.CreateShipping(shippingCost, shippingDetails);
// here I think I will just create "admin" user and assign its "UserId" to "userId"
Guid? userId = null;
Item item = itemsRepository.CreateItem(product.ProductId, shipping.ShippingId, (Guid) userId, DateTime.Now);
// Resharper highlights this line like unreachable. Why?
Console.WriteLine("name: {0}", offer.Element("name").Value);
First of all when I run the console app the NullReferenceException occures in MvcProjectName.Designer.cs file in the following line:
public WebStoreDataContext() :
base(global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WebStoreConnectionString"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)
NullReferenceException: The reference to the object is not pointing to the object instance.
So, I have lots of questions:
1) How to integrate console app code with mvc 3 app code in one solution?
2) I've also found this post on stackoverflow.
But can't I just add reference to MvcProject in references of ConsoleProject? And this way get access to the "mvc repositories" code?
3) Should I use ninject container in console app?
4) Is there any better implementation of loading data from xml file into slq database? I've never had two projects in one solution before, so mabby there are other ways to beautifully handle this situation?
Thanks for Your help in advance!
I added app.config file with the connection string:
name="WebStoreConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;
AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\WebStore.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30"
Now when I run console app I get the following SqlException when the Linq to SQL ".submitChanges()" method is called:
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Users\Aleksey\repos\working_copy\WebStore\LoadDataTool\bin\Debug\WebStore.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
Also in the directory LoadDataTool\bin\Debug "WebStore" file with extension "Program Debug Database" appeared.
It's hard to make an accurate assumption on your solution architecture, but from what I'm reading, it doesn't sound like you've separated your Data Access Layer (DAL) from the presentation layer (MVC) - which seems to be why you're trying to referencing it in a console application.
With that assumption, here's how I would answer your questions.
I wouldn't... But if I was going to I was 1) make sure that I have all the required references, 2) validate that the app.config file is setup correctly pointing to the correct database and server.
I would separate your repositories in a different project and use a dependency resolver to inject them into your MVC Application. With that, the console application will only need to reference the DAL assembly - thus not needed all the references in your console app.
If your think that you're going to be pulling out the DAL in the future, then yes. (**See #2 suggestion).
Unless you can't run your solution without the XML file and database created, a better solution is to simply make an administration Controller and Action that allows you to upload your XML file and complete the tasks.
I hope that helps.
For your issue
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file
Change your connection string so that it looks something like;
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\WebStore.mdf;
A good source for connection strings is:
I guess that you need to define a connection string in the App.config file that is used by your console application (the same way you have it in your web.config):

Issue with CompileAssemblyFromSource when called from a WCF app

I have a WCF service that exposes a method. When a client calls this method, the following occurs:
the method does some processing
it tries to load an assembly if its already there
if the above dll isn't there, it generates C# code, compiles it using CSharpCodeProvider's CompileAssemblyFromSource api
It then loads the just generated assembly
Now the problem. The first time the method it called, it generates the assembly at point 3), and when it tries to return the assembly reference via CompilerResults.CompiledAssembly it throws a file not found exception. However, I can clearly see that the assembly has been generated at the specified location and I can open it with other applications.
If I call the method again via a client, it is able to load the assembly (it was successfully generated as a result of the previous call) and goes ahead to do the remaining set of tasks. Only when the assembly isnt there and it generates it and goes ahead to load it immediately, I get that exception. Any ideas? I have tried playing around with the web.config, changing impersonation to true/false. I have a seperate app pool to run this web application and I tried changing the identity of the app pool from local service to local system, even gave my windows logon credentials which has admin rights but no luck.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Are you sure it's generating the assembly? I have the same problem, except I can't find the generated .dll. I first suspected it was unable to write to the folder, so it now calls CreateDirectory and drops a text file to demonstrate that the folder is writeable.
Anyway, same problem, no success. Is it really the case that nobody else has had this issue??
I'm going to remote debug the server & see if I can step through Microsoft's PDBs...
-- EDIT --
No need to step through Microsoft's code. I had a look at the Errors collection of the CompilerResults and there was 1 item in there: "Metadata file 'c:\Windows\System32\aaclient.dll' could not be opened -- 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. '"
When I get Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() to pick up the other DLLs it's usign the Windows System32 directory...
-- EDIT --
Resolved this by adding references from the executing assembly's folder:
CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters
OutputAssembly = Path.Combine(GeneratedAssembliesFolder, string.Format("{0}.Generated.dll", typeName))
string executingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string[] dllFiles = Directory.GetFiles(executingDirectory, "*.dll");
compilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange(dllFiles.Select(f => Path.Combine(executingDirectory, f)).ToArray());
IEnumerable<string> exeFiles =Directory.GetFiles(executingDirectory, "*.exe").Where(f => !f.Contains(".vshost."));
compilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange(exeFiles.Select(f => Path.Combine(executingDirectory, f)).ToArray());
For greater robustness one aught to add checks for the binaries being valid managed code assemblies. This code could also be shortened by using a Linq .Union between the two GetFiles calls.
To find a suitable folder to write to:
private static string generatedAssembliesFolder;
private static string GeneratedAssembliesFolder
if (generatedAssembliesFolder == null)
string[] candidateFolders = new[]
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine),
foreach (string candidateFolder in candidateFolders)
if (!Directory.Exists(candidateFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(candidateFolder);
string testFileName = Path.Combine(candidateFolder, Path.GetRandomFileName());
File.WriteAllBytes(testFileName, new byte[0]);
catch (Exception ex)
generatedAssembliesFolder = candidateFolder;
return generatedAssembliesFolder;
Thanks user1796307 for your input. I had resolved this issue, but forgot to update it. Sharing it for everyone's benefit. It was the .NET Fusion at play. It caches assembly load path and won't even try to load an assembly if a previous attempt to load from same location had failed. In other words:
if (Assembly.Load("C:\xyz.dll") == null)
Compile("C:\xyz.dll"); // Now the dll exists
Assembly.Load("C:\xyz.dll"); // this will still fail
The solution is to change it as:
if (!File.Exists("C:\xyz.dll")
Compile("C:\xyz.dll"); // Now the dll exists
Assembly.Load("C:\xyz.dll"); // this will now work

Using Freemarker with Restlet 2.0 in a Java EE server

I'm a bit confused with what is written in the documentation(s) for Freemarker and Restlet's freemarker extension.
Here's the situation: The restlet engine serves an HTML representation of a resource (e.g.{user}/updates). The resource returned for this URI is an HTML page containing all the updates, that is created with a freemarker template. This application is hosted on a Glassfish v3 server
The freemarker configuration should only be loaded once as per the freemarker documentation:
/* You should do this ONLY ONCE in the whole application life-cycle:Create and adjust the configuration */
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
new File("/where/you/store/templates"));
cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());
What is the best place to do this in a Java EE app? I am thinking of having it as context-param in web.xml and using a ServletContextListener - but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
As per freemarker's documentation we could also add a freemarkerservlet and map .ftl url-patterns to it. But this is already mapped by a Restlet servlet (i.e., the url-pattern of "/"). So having another one for *.ftl doesn't make sense (or does it?)
So the question is basically about how best to integrate with the 'configuration' of Freemarker so that it happens only once and what is the 'entry-point' for that piece of code (who calls it). Has anyone successfully used Freemarker + restlet in a Java EE environment? Any ideas?
This was a tricky question - indeed. Required me to go through the implementation of the source files in org.restlet.ext.Freemarker package - Phew!
Here's how you can do it
If you need to create your OWN Configuration Object, set the 'templateLoader' to use and then have TemplateRepresentation 'work' on it for rendering:
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
ContextTemplateLoader loader = new ContextTemplateLoader(getContext(),"war:///WEB-INF");
TemplateRepresentation rep = null;
Mail mail = new Mail(); //The data object you wish to populate - example from Restlet itself
mail.setSubject("Message to self");
mail.setAccountRef(new Reference(getReference(), "..").getTargetRef()
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
data.put("status", mail.getStatus());
data.put("subject", mail.getSubject());
data.put("content", mail.getContent());
data.put("accountRef", mail.getAccountRef());
rep = new TemplateRepresentation("Mail.ftl", cfg, data, MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
return rep;
If you are happy with the default and wish to use a class loader based way of loading the templates
//Load the FreeMarker template
Representation mailFtl = new ClientResource(
+ "/Mail.ftl").get();
//Wraps the bean with a FreeMarker representation
return new TemplateRepresentation(mailFtl, mail, MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
If you want to initialize the Configuration Object once and set the template by calling the setServletContextForTemplateLoading(...) method on the configuration object. You could always do this in a ServletContextListener
public class Config implements ServletContextListener {
private static Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
ServletContext sc = sce.getServletContext();
cfg.setServletContextForTemplateLoading(sc, "/WEB-INF");
public static Configuration getFMConfig()
return cfg;
And then call the static getFMConfig() and pass it to TemplateRepresentation as in 1
Things to note:
If you do get a protocol not supported Exception it'll be in case 2. Implies that the ServerResource doesn't know what protocol to use to access the file - It'll be the CLAP protocol of Restlet. You may have to set up the init-params for RestletServlet in the web.xml file and have CLAP as one of the param-values
The TemplateRepresentation has quite a few constructors - if you DON'T pass in a configuration object during instantiation (using another overloaded constructor), it will create a new Configuration() for you. So you don't have to do any configuration set up as in 2 (This may strike you as obvious but I assumed that you WOULD still need to set a configuration or it would 'pick it up from somewhere')
If you DO wish to have your OWN configuration setup you MUST pass it to one of the constructors
Have a look at the "war:///" string in the constructor of ContextTemplateLoader in 1. this is important No where is it mentioned what this baseUri reference should be, not even in the docs. I tried for quite a while before figuring it out that it should be "war:///" followed by the folder name where the templates are stored.
For case 2 you'll probably have to store the templates in the same package as the class file from where this code is accessed. If you see carefully you'll notice a LocalReference parameter as an argument to ClientResource saying that the resource is supposed to be locally present and thus you need to use the custom CLAP protocol (classLoader Access Protocol)
Personal Frustration point - why isn't all this even clarified in the documentation or ANYWHERE :)
Hope it helps someone who stumbles upon this post! Phew!

Get application path without using httpcontext. (

How to do it?
I don't want to use this:
Is there a similar function that I can call without requiring a httpcontext?
For example if a start a thread doing some stuff i cant use the httpcontext, but i still need to get the path of the app. And no i can't pass the context as an argument or read it from a shared var.
Use the HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath property.
There are several options:
WebApplication -> Web root folder
UnitTest -> ArgumentNullException
ConsoleApplication -> ArgumentNullException
WebApplication -> Web root folder
UnitTest -> ...\AppDir\bin\Debug
ConsoleApplication -> ...\AppDir\bin\Debug
WebApplication -> Web root folder
UnitTest -> null
ConsoleApplication -> null
I would recommend to use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, because it can be used in any type of project and it can be set up.
You can for example set UnitTest BaseDirectory to point your web root folder the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory by command:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("APPBASE", "path to your web root");
I have run across this question when looking for way to compute an URL (permalinks in the Web application) to provide in some e-mail notifications.
These were generated on another thread, so HttpContext was not available and I wanted to avoid putting URL related information in the queue table used to generate the e-mails.
The code:
public static String GetCurrentAppDomainBasePath(String prefix = "http://")
return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
The function returns the full virtual path like: http://full-host-name/AppName. Of course, there are some limitations: hardcoded protocol (http, https etc.) and using hostname instead of domain name (fails if multiple domains are defined on a single machine).
