How to overlap 2 transparent divs? - css

I have a navigation bar set to "fixed" positioning at the top of my web page with a transparency of 75%. I have another div that holds all of my text/content that also has a transparency of 75%. However, when the "content" div overlaps with the navigation bar, I want the overlapped area of the "content" div to not be there, so to speak. I also want there to be a tiny gap between where the "content" div and the navigation bar would overlap.
When it's scrolled up:
When it's overlapping:
In the 2nd screenshot, I want the part of the "content" div that is overlapping to go away.

to overlap.
1st div
2nd div to over lap the 1st div
z-index will make elements overlap but it must have the position
you can use fixed or relative also.

I think you could put the "content" div in a transparent "container" div that was fixed just below the navigation and 100% wide/tall. Then put overflow:auto on the "container" and overflow:hidden on the body.
The "container" div will effectively become the body of your page and all scrolling will happen within it, instead of the body. So it should then look like the "content" div disappears before it reaches the navigation while you're scrolling down.
This may or may not be practical depending on the rest of your page, but i think it might work, give or take a few other css tweaks u may need.


overflow:hidden in a position:fixed div

I have two divs on different z-layers. The sidebar div (in red) on the left and the main div on the right. Both have a 2 divs embedded.
The (red-background-colored) sidebar div stops as intended at 50% of the page. However, I fail to hide the overflow [SHOULD NOT BE SEEN. BUT IS VISIBLE.] of this div. Thus it overlays the main div's second inner div [BLOCK RIGHT].
Here is the dilemma, seen in the right hand side with the white background.
Motivation for this layout: With Javascript the user will be able to display either the full content of the sidebar or the main content by dragging the right-hand-side edge of the sidebar div to the left or right.
I can handle the javascript, only the correct overflow is missing.
Thanks for any hints in JsFiddle.
Elements with position: fixed do not relate to its parent container, but to the viewport, so it is not affected by the overflow setting. You should use absolute positioning for that, or, if you need to fix it (consider that, in the case of the sidebar, it is already fixed by its parent) use an alternative solution like display: none

Div goes under Div

I have a layout with two divs on the same line. I need one div floated left and the other floated right so that the divs will stay on their respective sides no matter the browser size and the div on the right won't fall below the left floated div when the browser size is smaller than the two divs.
I need the browser to cut off the 2nd div after the 2 divs touch each other when the browser shrinks.
I had a picture to illustrate my question but I don't have enough reputation points to post it.
Do you really need to float the divs? If not you can always create a wrapper for the divs with a minimum width set to allow the divs and a position of relative or absolute to stay next to each other,
#wrapper {
min-width: 250px;
position: relative
then set the inner divs display property to "inline-block".
.blocks {
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
All together, this will create a "safety bubble" in which your divs can rest side by side without jumping to the next line, even after window resizing.
Check it out here.
After a couple of trial and errors I believe we have an answer.
So in interest of time, I will post the code on jsFiddle here. Breifly, what I added to the previous code was a script that ( on window.onload) you get the id's of both inner divs. You then create two objects to hold the position of their facing borders which are then compared to see if the second div ( one on the right ) has crossed into the first. The numbers in the div are there as a place marker to show that the div does not slide onto/under the other.
*PS the 200px is just a demo number, they can be changed)
I'm assuming that what you mean by "cut off" is that you want the left div to appear "in front of" the right div. To do this, you want to give the left div the css
and the right div
and to their shared parent div add the css "position:relative;".
Alternately, giving both divs "position:fixed;" might work, that makes them relative to the browser winder instead of the parent div, though that will give you very different outcomes when people try to scroll. You'll also need to give the left div a background that isn't transparent, or they'll just overlap. Also note that "position:absolute;" puts the divs 'outside the flow' as it were, in the sense that they will also overlap anything else you put in, and your design has to account for this.
Working example
If by "the browser needs to cut off the second div" you mean you want the second div to just disappear when the window gets too small, just float the two divs and put them in a container div with set height and with "overflow:hidden;"

CSS only technique to make dynamic div height, expandable to contend outside of it

I am building a web site for home made jewelry. I'd like it nice and centered ( for all those ppl with low resolution ) so all of the titles, navigation and content are in a single div, that I positioned in the center. On the left ( inside the div, everything is inside the div ) I have my vertical navigation sidebar div. On the right I have the title and the content. So far so good. Now to the problem:
I would like my sidebar to have a right border all the way from the top of the page to the bottom ( with 1em margins if possible ). The trick is that my content to the right variate from text to pictures and forms and is quite different on every page - when the content is larger then the screen the screen scrolls and in which case I'd like my sidebar border to scroll down with it - I've not been able to do that.
I think I have done quite a reading - my closest solution was to set the border's position to static but this quite obviously isn't working when the site is centered. So to the question - is there any CSS only way to make the sidebar div's height dynamic or something and define it to expand with the content to the right? This way the border will always reach the bottom.
Wrap your navigation in another div. Give this new div a height of 100% and assign it a border-right CSS property. You can also set padding too. Hope this helps.
How about giving left border to the content section Div, instead of Nav menu. so that way the border could change height according to the content area height

Make div with top margin ignore div above it

I have two divs, one above the other, i would like the bottom div to ignore the one above it. The bottom div has the top margin property. By ignore i mean i dont want the top div to be counted when it is using top margin (but rather to push against the wrapper which contains both divs.)
Just use absolute positioning for the top div.
If I understand correctly you could change the top div to position:absolute; which will take if out of the flow of the document.

Sidemenu overlaps when browser window is restored

Check my website, and see the Divisions left menu. When you have maximized your broswer there is no problem, but when you restore it to half of screen, the left menu overlaps to the right.
Here is the CSS code. Can someone help me?
It's because your "divisions" div is absolutely positioned.
You can remove "position: absolute" and increase the width of the "divisions" div to 300px.
Your left menu is absolutely positioned that's why it overlaps other content when window size is too narrow. But the solution for this problem is quite tricky and actually depends on what you want to achieve.
One possible solutions would be to set width on "divisions" and "content" div in percentage. This way they'll never overlap. But it depends if you can afford to have dynamic width for your "content" div.
If your content must be fixed width... You'll first have to decide how would you like your content/menu to appear when window is too narrow (maybe even narrower than content width)... And work from there.
Body element width
Set minimum window content (as in <body>) width. Either by using:
transparent image at the beginning of your document <img src="t.gif" width="1250">
set body's minimum width css as min-width: 1250px; has to be 1250px wide, because content is centrally positioned, so it must have equal space on the left and on the right (right one being useless empty space just allowing non overlapping space on the left of content)
The last one is actually the simplest and works. It only makes it a bit wide for smaller screen sizes, but your content width (including menu on the left) already exceeds 1030px anyway...
A very straight-forward and simple
and quick-fix solution would be with CSS :
#content {style.css (line 17)
margin:0 auto;
padding:30px 10px 0 550px;
I tried this in my Firebug and it worked fine. hope it'll suit you're needs :)
next time just use css floats:
put the side menu and the content div in a wrapper,
float:left for the menu, and give the wrapper a fixed width, and center align it.
you can also make the navigation menu go "out" from the left with negative left positioning it.
