Obtaining Survival Estimates in R - r

I am trying to obtain survival estimates for different people at a specific time.
My code is as follows:
s = Surv(outcome.[,1], outcome.[,2])
survplot= (survfit(s ~ person.list[,1]))
plot(survplot, mark.time=FALSE)
summary(survplot[1], times=4)[1]
This code creates the survival object, creates a survival curve for each 11 of the people, plots each of the curves, and with the summary function I can obtain the survival estimate for person 1 at time = 4.
I am trying to create a list of the survival estimates for each person at a specified time (time = 4).
Any help would be appreciated.

If all that you say is true, then this is a typical way of generating a list using indices as arguments:
t4list <- lapply(1:11, function(x) summary(survplot[x], times=4)[1] )
If you really meant that you wanted a vector of survival estimates based at that time, then sapply would make an attempt to simply the result to an atomic form such as a numeric vector or a matrix in the case where the results were "multidimensional". I would have thought that you could have gotten a useful result with just:
summary(survplot, times=4)[1]
That should have succeeded in giving you a vector of predicted survival times (assuming such times exist.) If you get too greedy and push out the 'times' value past where there are estimates, then you will throw an error. Ironically that error will not be thrown if there is at least one time where all levels of the covariates have an estimate. Using the example in the help page as a starting point:
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
summary(fit, times=c(10, 20, 60) )[1]
#[1] 0.9090909 0.7159091 0.1840909 0.6666667 0.5833333
# not very informative about which times and covariates were estimated
# and which are missing
# this is more informative
as.data.frame( summary(fit, times=c(10, 20, 60) )[c("surv", "time", "strata")])
surv time strata
1 0.9090909 10 x=Maintained
2 0.7159091 20 x=Maintained
3 0.1840909 60 x=Maintained
4 0.6666667 10 x=Nonmaintained
5 0.5833333 20 x=Nonmaintained
Whereas if you just use 60 you get an error message:
> summary(fit, times=c( 60) )[1]
Error in factor(rep(1:nstrat, scount), labels = names(fit$strata)) :
invalid labels; length 2 should be 1 or 1


Clustering with Mclust results in an empty cluster

I am trying to cluster my empirical data using Mclust. When using the following, very simple code:
data <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
data_melt <- melt(data, value.name = "value", na.rm=TRUE)
fit <- Mclust(data$value, modelNames="E", G = 1:7)
summary(fit, parameters = TRUE)
R gives me the following result:
Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
Mclust E (univariate, equal variance) model with 4 components:
log-likelihood n df BIC ICL
-20504.71 3258 8 -41074.13 -44326.69
Clustering table:
1 2 3 4
0 2271 896 91
Mixing probabilities:
1 2 3 4
0.2807685 0.4342499 0.2544305 0.0305511
1 2 3 4
1381.391 1381.715 1574.335 1851.667
1 2 3 4
7466.189 7466.189 7466.189 7466.189
Edit: Here my data for download https://www.file-upload.net/download-14320392/example.csv.html
I do not readily understand why Mclust gives me an empty cluster (0), especially with nearly identical mean values to the second cluster. This only appears when specifically looking for an univariate, equal variance model. Using for example modelNames="V" or leaving it default, does not produce this problem.
This thread: Cluster contains no observations has a similary problem, but if I understand correctly, this appeared to be due to randomly generated data?
I am somewhat clueless as to where my problem is or if I am missing anything obvious.
Any help is appreciated!
As you noted the mean of cluster 1 and 2 are extremely similar, and it so happens that there's quite a lot of data there (see spike on histogram):
data <- read.csv("example.csv", header=TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
fit <- Mclust(data$value, modelNames="E", G = 1:7)
Briefly, mclust or gmm are probabilistic models, which estimates the mean / variance of clusters and also the probabilities of each point belonging to each cluster. This is unlike k-means provides a hard assignment. So the likelihood of the model is the sum of the probabilities of each data point belonging to each cluster, you can check it out also in mclust's publication
In this model, the means of cluster 1 and cluster 2 are near but their expected proportions are different:
[1] 0.28565736 0.42933294 0.25445342 0.03055627
This means if you have a data point that is around the means of 1 or 2, it will be consistently assigned to cluster 2, for example let's try to predict data points from 1350 to 1400:
1 2 3 4
[1,] 0.3947392 0.5923461 0.01291472 2.161694e-09
[2,] 0.3945941 0.5921579 0.01324800 2.301397e-09
[3,] 0.3944456 0.5919646 0.01358975 2.450108e-09
[4,] 0.3942937 0.5917661 0.01394020 2.608404e-09
[5,] 0.3941382 0.5915623 0.01429955 2.776902e-09
[6,] 0.3939790 0.5913529 0.01466803 2.956257e-09
The $classification is obtained by taking the column with the maximum probability. So, same example, everything is assigned to 2:
[1] 2 2 2 2 2 2
To answer your question, no you did not do anything wrong, it's a fallback at least with this implementation of GMM. I would say it's a bit of overfitting, but you can basically take only the clusters that have a membership.
If you use model="V", i see the solution is equally problematic:
fitv <- Mclust(Data$value, modelNames="V", G = 1:7)
Using scikit learn GMM I don't see a similar issue.. So if you need to use a gaussian mixture with spherical means, consider using a fuzzy kmeans:
If you don't need equal variance, you can use the GMM function in the ClusterR package too.

predict.lm after regression with missing data in Y

I don't understand how to generate predicted values from a linear regression using the predict.lm command when some value of the dependent variable Y are missing, even though no independent X observation is missing. Algebraically, this isn't a problem, but I don't know an efficient method to do it in R. Take for example this fake dataframe and regression model. I attempt to assign predictions in the source dataframe but am unable to do so because of one missing Y value: I get an error.
# Create a fake dataframe
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
y <- c(100,200,300,400,NA,600,700,800,900,100)
df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y))
# Regress X and Y
# Attempt to generate predictions in source dataframe but am unable to.
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, y_ip, value = c(221.............
replacement has 9 rows, data has 10
I got around this problem by generating the predictions using algebra, df$y<-B0+ B1*df$x, or generating the predictions by calling the coefficients of the model df$y<-((summary(model)$coefficients[1, 1]) + (summary(model)$coefficients[2, 1]*(df$x)) ; however, I am now working with a big data model with hundreds of coefficients, and these methods are no longer practical. I'd like to know how to do it using the predict function.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
There is built-in functionality for this in R (but not necessarily obvious): it's the na.action argument/?na.exclude function. With this option set, predict() (and similar downstream processing functions) will automatically fill in NA values in the relevant spots.
Set up data:
df <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=100*(1:10))
df$y[5] <- NA
Fit model: default na.action is na.omit, which simply removes non-complete cases.
mod1 <- lm(y~x+1,data=df)
## 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
## 100 200 300 400 600 700 800 900 1000
na.exclude removes non-complete cases before fitting, but then restores them (filled with NA) in predicted vectors:
mod2 <- update(mod1,na.action=na.exclude)
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 100 200 300 400 NA 600 700 800 900 1000
Actually, you are not using correctly the predict.lm function.
Either way you have to input the model itself as its first argument, hereby model, with or without the new data. Without the new data, it will only predict on the training data, thus excluding your NA row and you need this workaround to fit the initial data.frame:
df$y_ip[!is.na(df$y)] <- predict.lm(model)
Or explicitly specifying some new data. Since the new x has one more row than the training x it will fill the missing row with a new prediction:
df$y_ip <- predict.lm(model, newdata = df)

Bug with VGAM? vglm family=posnegbinomial => "Error in if (take.half.step) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"

I have some actual data that I am afraid is somewhat nasty.
It's essentially a Positive Negative Binomial distribution (without any zero counts). However, there are some outliers that seem to cause some bad calculations to occur (maybe underflow or NaNs?) The first 8 or so entries are reasonable, but I'm guessing the last few are causing some problems with the fitting.
Here's the data:
> df
counts t
1 1968 1
2 217 2
3 55 3
4 26 4
5 11 5
6 5 6
7 8 7
8 3 8
9 1 10
10 1 11
11 1 12
12 1 13
13 1 15
14 1 18
15 1 26
16 1 59
This command runs for a while and then spits out the error message
> vglm(counts ~ t, data=df, family = posnegbinomial)
Error in if (take.half.step) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
BUT, if I rerun this cutting off the outliers, I get a solution for posnegbinomial
> vglm(counts ~ t, data=df[1:9,], family = posnegbinomial)
vglm(formula = counts ~ t, family = posnegbinomial, data = df[1:9,])
(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 t
7.7487404 0.7983811 -0.9427189
Degrees of Freedom: 18 Total; 15 Residual
Log-likelihood: -36.21064
If I try the family pospoisson (Positive Poisson: no zero values), I get a similar error "argument is not interpretable as logical".
I do notice that there are a number of similar questions in Stackoverflow about missing values where TRUE/FALSE is needed, but with other R packages. This indicates to me that perhaps the package writers need to better anticipate calculations might fail.
I think your proximal problem is that the predicted means for the negative binomial for your extreme values are so close to zero that they are underflowing to zero, in a way that was not anticipated/protected against by the package authors. (One thing to realize about nonlinear optimization/fitting is that it is always possible to break a fitting method by giving it extreme data ...)
I couldn't get this to work in VGAM, but I'll offer a couple of other suggestions.
And eyeballing the data to get an initial estimate of parameter values (at least for the mean model):
m0 <- lm(log(counts)~t,data=subset(dd,t<10))
I thought I might be able to get vglm() to work by setting starting values, but that didn't actually pan out, even when I have fairly good values from other platforms (see below).
The glmmADMB package can handle positive NB, via family="truncnbinom":
m1 <- glmmadmb(counts~t, data=dd, family="truncnbinom")
(there are some warning messages ...)
This requires a little bit more work: it failed with the standard model, but works if I set a floor on the predicted mean ...
library(VGAM) ## for dposnegbin
m2 <- mle2(counts~dposnegbin(size=exp(logk),
Again warning messages.
Compare glmmADMB, mle2, simple truncated lm fit ...
cc <- cbind(coef(m2),
dimnames(cc) <- list(c("log_k","log_int","slope"),
## mle2 glmmADMB lm
## log_k 0.8094678 0.8094625 NA
## log_int 7.7670604 7.7670637 7.1747551
## slope -0.9491796 -0.9491778 -0.8328487
This is in principle also possible with glmmTMB, but it runs into the same kinds of problems as vglm() ...

Manually conduct leave-one-out cross validation for a GLMM using a for() loop in R

I am trying to build a for() loop to manually conduct leave-one-out cross validations for a GLMM fit using the lmer() function from the lme4 pkg. I need to remove an individual, fit the model and use the beta coefficients to predict a response for the individual that was withheld, and repeat the process for all individuals.
I have created some test data to tackle the first step of simply leaving an individual out, fitting the model and repeating for all individuals in a for() loop.
The data have a binary (0,1) Response, an IndID that classifies 4 individuals, a Time variable, and a Binary variable. There are N=100 observations. The IndID is fit as a random effect.
#Make data
Response <- round(runif(100, 0, 1))
IndID <- as.character(rep(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD"),25))
Time <- round(runif(100, 2,50))
Binary <- round(runif(100, 0, 1))
#Make data.frame
Data <- data.frame(Response, IndID, Time, Binary)
Data <- Data[with(Data, order(IndID)), ] #**Edit**: Added code to sort by IndID
#Look at head()
Response IndID Time Binary
1 0 AAA 31 1
2 1 BBB 34 1
3 1 CCC 6 1
4 0 DDD 48 1
5 1 AAA 36 1
6 0 BBB 46 1
#Build model with all IndID's
fit <- lmer(Response ~ Time + Binary + (1|IndID ), data = Data,
As stated above, my hope is to get four model fits – one with each IndID left out in a for() loop. This is a new type of application of the for() command for me and I quickly reached my coding abilities. My attempt is below.
fit <- list()
for (i in Data$IndID){
fit[[i]] <- lmer(Response ~ Time + Binary + (1|IndID), data = Data[-i],
I am not sure storing the model fits as a list is the best option, but I had seen it on a few other help pages. The above attempt results in the error:
Error in -i : invalid argument to unary operator
If I remove the [-i] conditional to the data=Data argument the code runs four fits, but data for each individual is not removed.
Just as an FYI, I will need to further expand the loop to:
1) extract the beta coefs, 2) apply them to the X matrix of the individual that was withheld and lastly, 3) compare the predicted values (after a logit transformation) to the observed values. As all steps are needed for each IndID, I hope to build them into the loop. I am providing the extra details in case my planned future steps inform the more intimidate question of leave-one-out model fits.
Thanks as always!
The problem you are having is because Data[-i] is expecting i to be an integer index. Instead, i is either AAA, BBB, CCC or DDD. To fix the loop, set
data = Data[Data$IndID != i, ]
in you model fit.

Initialise covariance structure in lme

How can I initialise a unstructured covariance matrix for the following model?
I tried some variants but I get every time I get the error:
Error in lme.formula(response ~ -1 + treatment, y, random = ~1 | :
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
message = function evaluation limit reached without convergence (9)
It's practically difficult to fit an unstructured correlation matrix with 6 parameters in addition to a treatment mean effect (4 parameters), a random-effects variance (1), and a residual variance (1) to a data set with only 16 points. If I try with a larger, randomized version of your data set, it works fine.
nSubj <- 20
respVec <- c(10,19,27,28,9,13,25,29,4,10,20,18,5,6,12,17)
Now we can experiment and see how small a data set we can get away with. Package the stuff above into a test function that simulates data and tries a fit, returning TRUE if the fit fails:
testFun <- function(nSubj) {
fit <- try(lme(response~-1+treatment,y,random=~1|subject,
Try the test function N times and report the proportion of failures:
testFun2 <- function(nSubj,N) {
Try it out for a range of numbers of subjects (slow):
testRes <- sapply(4:20,testFun2,N=50)
## [1] 0.64 0.04 0.00 0.00 ... 0.00
Somewhat to my surprise, this will work a third of the time with 4 subjects; 96% of the time with 5 subjects: and always with >5 subjects.
