Apply a Filter to a Camera video stream publishing to Media Server - apache-flex

I am Trying to Apply some information Like text and An Image as an overlay to create a overlay effect as lice a security camera with time and date on the video along with a png based Logo.
I can record VIDEO Using Flex and FMS or any other Media Server. But I want to save a modified version of the stream being uploaded.

Use camTwist (mac) or webcammax (pc) as your video can use that program to use the webcam and then add whatever over it (text, date). Use Flash Media Live Encoder and select camTwist as your video source. Stream and save your recordings using that FMLE.

Sorenson Squeeze is pretty awesome for this and is cross platform. Camtwist is cool but it's not really a 'pro' app, that makes me sound way snobbish. It's actually pretty fun and a good suggestion for a simple result but I haven't found anything better than Sorenson Squeeze for the features and control it gives you.


How to get image from preview panel, DirectShow.Net

i am writing an app that preview then capture video from a Video Device (ex:Cam), i didn't found a solution to take a snapshot during capturing with a ASF format.
so i thought i could take a picture from the preview panel but the background-image didn't contain it, and the image property of is null if i use a Picturebox .
do anyone knew how Directshow use the panel or Picturebox to preview video?
Typical solution for capture with preview is to add a tee (smart tee) and then do writing and presentation on the outputs of that tee respectively. PlayCap DirectShow.NET sample shows how to visualize video feed. Video renderer provides methods to read back last presented video frame, so that you could make a snapshot out of it.
Separate parts of this task have been discussed many times, including here:
Preview a camera in DirectShow and capture a still image - in
VB.Net Directshow Webcam Snapshot
Capturing pictures from webcam at high resolution while previewing at a lower one using DirectShow.Net
DirectShow - Capture Webcam While Viewing It?

Suggestion on CSS Image Sprite

I work on an application similar to Google event calendar.
Name of the application is My Team Event Calendar .
Developed this using jQuery Full calendar plugin.
In a calendar ,for each day ,i would display which teammember of mine is outofoffice(is an employee workfromhome/sick/vacation).
For each of this outofoffice status,i have an icon,displaying the purpose of it.
I have 72 around outofoffice statuses ,which would get icons source from database\
I have all 72 stauts with their associate image icon source in db as "images/pill.png"
Every time ,i get the information from server about a team .for each day i would get team member name,out of office status and image associated with the status.
Consider if my calendar is full for whole 31 days ,and for each day i would have about 10 employees. For each of this out of office status ,i would get a image (this means many http requests for image icons for out of office status).
Can you please suggest is it good to maintain css image sprite.But i have a disadvantage at any point of time a new leave type can be added with new image icon ,which imposes an immediate change in the image sprite.(maintaining/modifying an image sprite is not that easy)
If not image sprite can you please suggest what would be a better solution here
If I'm understanding your scenario correctly this would be an excellent place to use a sprite. A large set of small images is an ideal use case and using a single sprit will reduce HTTP traffic significantly. Sprites may seem like a little overhead initially but it's not bad once you get used to it and the performance is well worth the few extra minutes to compose the sprite.
Keep a PSD (or some other original source) for the sprite handy. When you need to make edits, add a new icon, etc. then update the PSD and export your new sprite PNG.
Another option to consider is icon fonts. You might look at something like Font Awesome, Bootstrap's Glyphicons or a tool like IcoMoon. Icon fonts have a lot of advantages, chiefly scalability and colorization. If you don't need that, though, sprites work just fine.

How to resize Video capture in DirectShow?

I've look around in the documentation but can't find a good way to do this.
I capture video from my webcam and connect it to a ISampleGrabber filter to take screenshots. Which works fine but I would like to be able to scale the resolution on the video.
Thanks for any guidance!
Resizing in software is a relatively expensive operation, for which you also don't have an out of the box working component in DirectShow. You are typically more interested in setting proper capture resolution in first place, so that you don't need to resize.
Can't change video capture resolution using c#
Video Capture output always in 320x240 despite changing resolution
To resize video on runtime, you need either third party filter, or a custom filter, or instead copy a video from DriectShow pipeline and resize it there e.g. using StretchBlt API.
You can do the re-sizing job by manipulating the bitmaps you captured from directshow and then push them to new video file. However I generally do not recommend that .
FFmpeg already have this function integrated.
ffmpeg -i input.avi -s [width]x[height] output.avi

Flex video/audio chat for a site

Looking for a component which can be embedded inside my site (PHP, ASP.NET...whatever) and give a support for video chat.
I'm not a flex developer and would like to use a component. There are some/many video chats available, like flashcoms, red5chat...but all of those are heavy(monolit) components.
What I would like to have on my site is just a small video showing output from my camera (me) and another video showing the other party...but those videos should be split, not in the same flash component, but separate (two different EMBED tags on my page).
Are there any components available to do that (of course with support from appropriate media server)? Are there any good guides on how to develop such a component?
Thank you very much!
You will have to program in flash, there is no stright direct components just waiting to be implemented, you can use flash CS3 instead of flex!!
Which let you built an small video object to display the camera, publish it, and then capturing on another swf with an small video object but there you play a NetStream Object and add it to an Video Object and voila!!!

How to edit images using javascript in real time and save the edited image on the server?

Is it possible to edit images using a javascript library and then send the edited image to the server for saving.
Edits will be in real time, means the user can see the edit result in the same time he is editing without the need to refresh the page.
I want a javascript library to do some edits on an image on a webpage 'such as crop, resize, rotate,...' and send send the edited result to the server.
How this can be done or if there any smart work around to something like this.
The libraries mentioned don't seem to be fully cross browser. As far as I know there is no fully cross browser compliant way to edit pixel data on the client.
The current best approach would be to do these manipulations on the server. You can still do this real time using a web service.
As an example see the image editor in TinyMCE which supports crop, rotate, resize, flip, all from the client without a page refresh.
Pixastic is an image manipulation library; once you've modified the image, some sort of post back / upload call from the script will be able to upload the image provided you've implemented the needed functionality to do so.
An incomplete list to be sure, but these are two that come to mind which allow you do a wide variety of editing on the client side and push back to the server.
And there are numerous less complete image editing tools for simply cropping or adjusting contrast as well.
jcrop is what you are looking for .
