Difference between session and caching - asp.net

Can anyone list the major differences between session and caching?
Because it seems to me as the same, like sessions are also stored on server and caching. Also, session is used to store the data to reuse, caching too, what exactly could be the major difference that Microsoft created these two components?
A real world scenario would be more helpful.

Sessions are per user session.
Cache is not - it is for everyone.

A session is data cached for one specific user session. When the user logs out or the session expires, that data is gone, and other uses won't tap into that data.
Cache is typically used across user sessions (IE something is cached for all user sessions, not just the current user session).

Session is essentially a special-case of a cache that tracks a 'session' of web requests/responses.
'Cache' is a heavily-used term that generally means 'store something in a faster media' than it normally would be stored in.
Starting on the server there are a variety of ways ASP.NET and IIS can cache for you. On the way to the client you have proxies and CDN's. Then at the browser you have caching rules for the content.
As Raymond Chen says, "A poor cache policy is indistinguishable from a memory leak."


What are the pros and cons of using session variables to manage a users session data?

Using ASP.NET I have always used session variables to maintain a users session data.
Typically: (Coded as simple bools/ints with around 12 total variables)
User information.
Page security permissions.
I have read increasing information regarding the negative effects of using session variables.
I am aware that session variables are stored in memory and the negative effects that using too many can have; this is not the desired scope of this question.
What I would like to know:
Using current development languages and features:
Do session variables pose a security risk?
(By security risk I mean is it possible to read / alter variables)
Is there better performance using querystrings, viewstate, caching, or making database request on every page load?
What is "considered" good practice for handling a users session data. (All topics relating to this subject are now very old and perhaps no longer relevant)?
A performance is always something subjective and may vary depending on different things. In your case you're trying to compare incomparable because
querystrings cannot be used to share sensitive user information or page security, because everyone can modify urls directly in the browser
viewstate is set and maintained on the page level. It cannot be carried across different page requests, only on postbacks of the current page.
caching is done on the application level, and all users can access it. It might work in case of page security permissions but not applicable to store individual user information.
Making database requests is the only comparable option and yes, it's slower than a session. This is where you can try to play with viewstate and caching and try improve performance and reduce a database workload.
Sessions are stored in a memory on the server but depend on cookies and in theory, it's possible to hijack the session by stealing the asp.net session cookie.
SessionID values are sent in clear text. A malicious user could get
access to the session of another user by obtaining the SessionID value
and including it in requests to the server. If you are storing
sensitive information in session state, it is recommended that you use
SSL to encrypt any communication between the browser and server that
includes the SessionID value.
Quote: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178581.aspx
Bottom line: using sessions is secure but to make it more secure use HTTPS
ASP.NET provides out of the box functionality for user authentication, role based authorization and user profiles which might make sense to use. Read more about profiles: How to use Profile in ASP.NET? and Regarding Profile and session in asp.net There is a lot of other topics and answers here on this site regarding authentication and authorization.
Do session variables pose a security risk? (By security risk I mean is it possible to read / alter variables)
Although, as smirnov quoted, a malicious user might get accrss to another user's session by hijacking the session itself, the session variables themselves are stored at server-side, and cannot be accessed directly.
Is there better performance using querystrings, viewstate, caching, or
making database request on every page load?
As smirnov wrote, the comparison isn't exactly valid. However, consider:
querystrings and viewstate are stored in the http request, therefore are both less secure and consume no memory. However, they will take some minor processing power to parse.
Caching (in the web-server RAM) the results of previous database request will lighten the load on the database and the network connections between your web-server and the DB server, and will also retrieve the data faster. However, they will obviously use more RAM on the web-server itself.
What is "considered" good practice for handling a users session data.
(All topics relating to this subject are now very old and perhaps no
longer relevant)?
Since the principles haven't changed much, the existing sources, IMHO should still be relevant.
Note: If you're using multiple servers, you'll need to synchronize the session data across them, by using a state-server, for example, or use "sticky sessions", in which each session is always served by the same server.
In my opinion you should avoid sessions as much as possible. Here are my reasons in no particular order.
Sessions doesn't scale automatically when you add more nodes (Sure you can use a dedicated session-server but that comes with some overhead)
When you have enabled sessions each user can only make a single request at the same time. Asp.net implements per user locking if the session is enabled to avoid any race conditions. This is mostly a problem in if you use a lot of ajax.
If you have to restart the webserver the user lose their session. This is really the main point for me. It really sucks to have a system where people risk to get kicked out, get a corrupted session or simply lose progress because you need to deploy a bugfix. Avoiding session as much as possible gives you much more freedom and a better experience for your user.
It's up to you but I always try to either store the data in a persistent store or use something that actually exist in the web (cookies, querystring, writing state to a hidden field etc etc). I bet there are situations where I would use sessions but my default choice is to avoid them.
These days there are more options:
Local Storage / Session Storage / Page Javascript Variable - are good for client-side storage situations. see https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webstorage.asp. But they wouldn't be suitable for most trust situations, not without server-side signing. A javascript variable will be lost upon page restart, but persist in browser Session Storage if it was written there. If that browser tab is closed, the Session Storage is lost, but persist in the Local Storage if it was written there.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) - are the emerging new standard for replacing Sessions. This is a standard for authentication, roles, data, and claims, which is signed by the server, and can also be encrypted to the client can't read any of the details. This is usually stored in Local Storage by the client, and only really works for Single Page Applications which can write to the Bearer header. Don't use this for MVC (MVC.Controller) with server-side generation of HTML. JWTs can be a pain to set up and customise - the API for OWIN is terribly sparse. JWTs can get big too, which means you're always "uploading" the JWT data upon each Request to the web-server. But JWTs enable your security to be handled by one server (even an externally trusted server).
ASP.Net Server-Side Sessions - Can be in-memory in-proc, in-memory external-proc, and database.
Answering your specific questions:
Security risk - Not really. The session uses a key that's long enough that it can't be guessed. It's typical to use HTTPS these days, so that value is securely transmitted. The variables are stored only on the server, with a set per user. If a user's device is compromised, it's possible to steal the session key, but if their device is compromised, there are bigger problems to deal with.
Performance is not better or worse for "query strings", "view state", or "caching" compared to In-Proc (Memory) sessions. They're all in the realms of speed of memory (RAM) - nanoseconds. Database (disk stored) is certainly slower, because the medium access time is slower - milliseconds
Sessions are good practice. Some would recommend having a dedicated class for reading and storing each variable (using Properties), so you don't get the session variable names (strings) confused.
I am a fan of a possible hybrid approach to Sessions. see How can I store Session information in a hybrid (Database + Memory) way?

Is a Session-Less Design feasible?

Just brainstorming some ideas for a Web App I'm building soon.
One of the cornerstones of the Web is Session Handling: Have the user log in, send a cookie with magic binary encoded pixie dust, trust the user blindly afterwards.
I just wonder if it's feasible to completely eliminate 'traditional' sessions for a web app that would normally use it, e.g. an online store.
The idea would be to have a 'server side session' that doesn't use the SessionID or anything, but the username instead. So there is exactly 1 session per user, not more. That would allow stuff like a persistent shopping cart to work.
Authentication would be handled similar to how Web Services work: Expect HTTP Digest authentication on every single page view.
Ignoring the fact that anonymous visitors would have to be handled differently, do you think this approach would be feasible? Or would the additional traffic/load for constant authentication be a deal-breaker in the long run?
First off, we don't use sessions at all.
We found that utilizing session complicated the code without any benefit. There are only two reasons to even consider using session state. The first is to reduce the amount of traffic to your sql server.. However, with load balanced web servers etc, session has to be stored in a sql server... Which kind of eliminates it's first point. But it's worse than that as the session has to be retrieved, deserialized, serialized, and stored on every single page load.
The second reason is to keep from having the browser pass the user id back to the application on each request. However, "session hijacking" is a fairly easy trick to pull off and is rarely taken into account.
So, instead, we use a highly encrypted cookie with non-guessable values that indicate exactly who the user is. We've coupled this with a changing, non-guessable, request id and have eliminated both session state (and it's unnecessary overhead) while at the same time improving security all around.
Can the cookie be stolen? Sure, but it has a very limited life that is the amount of time between two postbacks. Which means it will be found to have been compromised rather quickly.
So, I wouldn't say sessions are a "corner stone" of the web. Rather I'd say they are crutches that are often used improperly and should be avoided for both security and performance reasons.
All of that said, the only way you are going to tie this to a user id is if you force your users to login/create account prior to shopping.. Which no one is going to do unless they have no other choice but to be on your site.
Oh, and don't take my word for it:
4GuysFromRolla.com -> Session variables are evil.
aps.net -> Are session variables still evil?
Scott Hansleman -> Moving Viewstate to Session Pay attention to the part in bold covering memory consumption and it's ability to stay around for way too long.
Coding Horror -> Your Session has timed out This details just some of the problems associated with even using session
Wikipedia -> Session Hijacking What list would be complete without a link to wikipedia?
REST-like implementations such ASP.NET MVC do not require session state at all.
You should just use sessions. Even if its your own session implementation: eg. cookie contains random key used to store information the server. A cookie must be used or you will have to encode all links on the site with a query parameter that specifies the key -- bad idea!
I would then store the "session key", or what every you want to call it, with the persons username in the database.
When a user logs in to your site simply restore their previous "session".
Other then the query parameter option, which is a bad idea, you can track users by IP address. But this again is a horrible idea! Eg. many buildings have a limited number of Internet IPs and many times more internal computers.
There is no good way to track a user without using cookies.
Yes maybe you can use HTTP authentication but why bother? You are just going to introduce new issues and put limitations on your UI.
That actually is pretty much what a traditional session does -- provide a unique identifier to distinguish a browser "session", all you are doing is tying it to username rather then a random variable.
I would say just be very careful of how you generate your token, if it is reproducible you could easily accomplishes the goal of a session fixation attack by generating someone elses session and jamming it into a cookie. That is the reason that sessions are usually a random unique value.
The idea would be to have a 'server side session' that doesn't use the SessionID or anything, but the username instead. So there is exactly 1 session per user, not more. That would allow stuff like a persistent shopping cart to work.
That's just a session, but using the username as the session identifier - which is going to cause all sorts of problems - its open to replay attacks even if you encrypt it. You can't change the encrpytion per-request because that will break when the user opens a second window or presses the back button.
You can't rely on the client address - multiple users may share a NAT address, the same user may access your site from behind a cluster of load-balanced proxies.
like a persistent shopping cart
...implies that you have server-side data for the customer - since the size of this data will vary, you can't store it in the URL nor in a cookie.
Expect HTTP Digest authentication on every single page view.
That presupposes that you create accounts for every user, and that you're not concerned about the impact of the same user id being used by different clients. I don't think that this would require significantly more processing than a conventional session - but its still web-based session management with a different set of problems and vulnerabilities compared to the conventional approach.

Role Caching Strategies in ASP.NET MVC

We have an ASP.NET MVC application for which we have developed our own custom RoleProvider class. Without caching it will access the datastore for every request - bad. The only caching option we can find is (in web.config) via cookies stored on the clients' machines. My two questions are:
Is this secure (even with encryption enabled)?
Will the cookie information be transmitted with every web request - thus, potentially, slowing the application more than accessing the datastore every time?
Does anyone have an alternative route? I understand that caching this information in the Session is also bad?
If you have developed your own custom RoleProvider class, you can do your own data caching, e.g. using the ASP.NET cache. This is more flexible than using Session as a cache, since it will work even on pages that don't have session state enabled.
I don't agree with Wyatt Barnett's comment that:
The downside for using the Session
... the fact that Session storage is
very violate and not particularly
It's OK for a cache (whether Session, the ASP.NET Cache or something else) to be volatile - you just need to repopulate it when required.
To answer your questions:
It's as secure as the encryption used to encrypt the cookie. If you're relying on FormsAuthentication, it need be no less secure than the Forms Authentication ticket.
The cookie will be transmitted with every request. So there is a potential performance hit if users can have a very large number of roles, and the potential to exceed the maximum cookie size supported by the browser.
While the idea that querying the DB each request is inefficient is true, but remember that SELECT performance on properly indexed tables in modern DBs is blazingly fast, so I would first take some measurements to be sure that this scenario actually negatively effects performance versus theoretically could negatively effect performance at a later date.
The downside for using the Session isn't so much the overhead (minimal) as the fact that Session storage is very violate and not particularly reliable. You can easily lose the session and still have a logged in user, for example.
That said, a good way to settle in the middle here would be to cache the user's roles per request using the HttpContext.Items collection. This will limit to one SELECT per request, which is probably reasonably efficient (cf measurement above) while avoiding the other storage issues--such as a fat, insecure cookie or some rather violate Session-based solution.
The cookie information will in fact be sent from the browser to your web server with every request, that's just how cookies work, but as long as the size of the cookie is reasonable it shouldn't have too much of an impact on performance. If you are using forms authentication I would recommend storing the roles in the forms authentication cookie as described in this blog post. In that case, you are just adding data to a cookie that already exists. You should be aware that there is an upper limit to the amount of data you can store in that cookie however, as described here.

Cache VS Session VS cookies?

What are the do's and don'ts about Cache VS Session VS Cookies?
For example:
I'm using Session variables a lot and sometimes have problems in a booking-application when users start to order products and then go to lunch and come back some hours later and continue the booking. I store the booking in the session until the user confirms or aborts the booking so I don't need to talk to the database and handle halfway bookings in the database when users just click the X in the browser and never comes back.
Should I instead use cache or cookies or some combination for this?
(Also when there is some error in the app, the session-object resets itself and I get more problems because of that)
I'm mostly doing desktop-programming and feel I lack lots of knowledge here so anyone who can expand on where to use Cache, Session, Cookies (or db) would be appreciated
Edit: From the answers it seems that a combination of DB and cookies is what I want.
I have to store the booking in the database connected to a session-id
Store the session-id in a cookie (encrypted).
Every page load checking the cookie and fetch the booking from the database
I have a clean-up procedure that runs once a week that clears unfinished bookings.
I can't store the booking as a cookie because then the user can change prices and other sensitive data and I had to validate everything (can't trust the data).
Have I got it right?
And thanks for great explanations to all of you!
State management is a critical thing to master when coming to Web world from a desktop application perspective.
Session is used to store per-user information for the current Web session on the server. It supports using a database server as the back-end store.
Cookie should be used to store per-user information for the current Web session or persistent information on the client, therefore client has control over the contents of a cookie.
Cache object is shared between users in a single application. Its primary purpose is to cache data from a data store and should not be used as a primary storage. It supports automatic invalidation features.
Application object is shared between users to store application-wide state and should be used accordingly.
If your application is used by a number of unauthenticated users, I suggest you store the data in a cookie. If it requires authentication, you can either store the data in the DB manually or use ASP.NET profile management features.
Web is by nature disconnected model and none of the options mentioned (Session, Application, Cache, ...) are reliable enough. Session will timeout, worker process recycles, etc.
If you really need to store the users progress, reliably and through extended periods, the database is your only solution. If you have users profile (if the user must log in), then it's straightforward. If not, generate a unique Id, store it in the cookie (or URL) and track the user based on that identification.
Just make sure the Id is encrypted and then base64 encoded string and not just a numeric value.
After your additional explanation in the original question and comment from Mehrdad Afshari, good solution for you would be to use Session but set the storage to Sql Server instead of InProc.
Here's more details and instructions how to set it up: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178586.aspx
Have in mind that you will STILL have the session timeouts, but they will survive application pool recycles, even server restarts.
If you truly need a permanent storage, custom solution with the database, as I originally outlined is the only solution.
Session is stored on the server will time out by default in 20 minutes (This is adjustable). I would store this in a cookie, or in viewstate(if available) to prevent the timeout.
If your state is stored InProc(the default setup), then having more than one server in a farm is going to cause you issues also unless you have implemented some sort of "sticky session" that will keep the user on the same server in the farm for subsequent calls.
I try to avoid session when possible(puts extra load and memory usage on the server), and keep viewstate turned off when possible to keep the page size low. Cookies are often the most lightweight option, but your users might have this turned off and you will need a fallback mode that still allows them to use the site.
Edit (adding clarification based on response from asker):
Viewstate is stored in a hidden field, and is a serialized representation of all objects in Viewstate storage. Viewstate is automatically used to store the page's state, but you can explicitly add and retrieve your own objects to and from Viewstate programatically if you choose to.
So yes, datasets can be stored in Viewstate.
First thing you must know! cookies are used by session! The server knows who is your user thanks to the cookie which is exchanged between the client and server every request (this works with HTTP headers set-cookie and cookie).
The real question is:
If you want to store user information during the navigation, then you should use session.
If your client doesn't support cookies, then you can decide to store a cookie inside each request, encoded in the URL (the server will use the URL instead of the cookie to find the right session for the request).
Then consider where you want to store your session:If your site must have high disponibility and high performance, then you must not store session inside the process but inside a database. This way you will be able to share the work among several web server.
But you will loose in simplicity (because objects you store in your session must be serializable), and you have one more round trip between your webserver and your database server.
I was always confused between LocalStorage, SessionStorage and Cookie, but not anymore.
Just link the words are self explainable what they suppose to do.
LocalStorage: Local Storage, what does that mean, just thing you don't know anything about technology, but by the itself you can guess.
It is some storage which stores data locally.
that what it is.
IT stores data in Browser without any expiration until user clear it through JavaScript code or Clear browser cache.
Session Storage: It seems like it also stores data but related to a session then how different it is from localStorage?
The main difference is your session storage data will be deleted once the session is finish or browser tab is closed or the browser is closed.
You can just try in browser console by setting
localStorage.setItem('name' , 'alex')
sessionStorage.setItem('session','seesion value')
and then close tab and open again, you can still find localStorage data but not sessionStorage data.
Cookie: So this is totally different from the above two.
A cookie generally used for the server-side purpose.
Stores data that has to be sent back to the server with subsequent
Its expiration varies based on the type and the expiration
duration can be set from either server-side or client-side (normally
from server-side).
Cookies are primarily for server-side reading (can
also be read on client-side), localStorage and sessionStorage can
only be read on client-side.
Size must be less than 4KB.
Cookies can
be made secure by setting the httpOnly flag as true for that cookie.
This prevents client-side access to that cookie
You should not use the Cache-object to cache session data, for the cache is shared between all users. Instead you could use Asp.Net Profile properties to store your data or you could add an event handler to the Session_End event and store the data if the user leaves the computer for too long.
Cookie is a piece of information shared between co-operating pieces of software, by storing client-specific information on the client's machine and later retrieved to obtain the state information.
chose the term "cookie" as "a cookie is a well-known computer science term that is used when describing an opaque piece of data held by an intermediary". The term opaque here implies that the content is of interest and relevance only to the server and not the client. The browser will automatically include the cookie in all its subsequent requests to the originating host of the cookie. A cookie has a name and a value, and other attribute such as domain and path, expiration date, version number, and comments. for more
Cookie Version:
Cookie: cookie-name=cookie-value; Comment=text; Domain=domain-name; Path=path-name; Max-Age=seconds; Version=1; Secure
Server-side session data can store large data and a client-side cookie data are limited in size sent from a website to server, cookies usually contains reference code by this saving data transfer size. Session closes as soon as browser closed, but cookies are exist longer. Browser sends a session ID to the server as a URL param, cookie, or even HTTP headers.
Cache is a hardware or software component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation, or the duplicate of data stored elsewhere.
Cookies are stored in browser as a text file format.It is stored limit amount of data.It is only allowing 4kb[4096bytes].It is not holding the multiple variable in cookies.
we can accessing the cookies values in easily.So it is less secure.The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the tag.
Sessions are stored in server side.It is stored unlimit amount of data.It is holding the multiple variable in sessions. we cannot accessing the cookies values in easily.So it is more secure.

Web authentication state - Session vs Cookie?

What's the best way to authenticate and track user authentication state from page to page? Some say session state, some say cookies?
Could I just use a session variable that has the ID of the user and upon authentication, instatiate a custom User class that has the User's information. Then, on every page, verify the session variable is still active and access basic user data from the User object?
Any thoughts? Any good examples?
The problem with favoring sessions over cookies for 'security' is that sessions USE cookies to identify the user, so any issue with cookies is present with sessions.
One thing to keep in mind with the use of Sessions is data locality. If you plan to scale to more than one webserver at any point, you need to be very careful storing large amounts of data in the session objects.
Since you are using .NET, you will basically have to write your own session store provider to handle this, as InProc won't scale past 1 server, the DB provider is just a bad idea entirely (The whole point is to AVOID DB reads here while scaling, not add more), and the StateServer has a lot of capacity issues. (In the past, I have used a memcached session store provider with some success to combat this issue).
I would google for signed cookies and look into using that instead of either regular cookies or sessions. It solves a lot of the security concerns, and removes the locality issues with sessions. Keep in mind they come back and forth on every request, so store data sparingly.
There's no perfect way to do it. If you store it in a cookie you'll take flak that cookies can be stolen. If you store it in the session you'll take flak because sessions can be hijacked.
Personally, I tend to think a session is a little more reliable because the only thing stored on the client is a session key. The actual data remains on the server. It plays the cards a little closer to the chest, if you will. However, that's just my preference, and a good hacker would be able to get past shoddy security regardless.
No matter what you do, don't try to implement this yourself. You'll get it wrong. Use the authentication system provided by your specific platform. You also need to make sure you have adequate security precautions protecting the authentication token.
I dont know if its THE BEST way to do it, but we are comfortable with the way we do it.
we have a custom user object that we instantiate when the user authenticates, we then use Session to maintain this object across the application.
In some application we combine it with the use of cookies to extend the session continuously.
Cookies and Sessions by themselves are not truly sufficient. They are tools to use to track the user and what they do, but you really need to think about using a database to persist information about the user that can also be used to secure the application.
Sessions are Cookies...
