How can I force sbt 0.11 to fail when doing package or publish unless all the tests pass?
In build.sbt, add:
publish <<= publish dependsOn (test in Test)
(or the equivalent for package)
In the following project,
we recently upgraded from 0.13.12 to 1.1.6.
In 0.13.12 we used to do sbt "testOnly *JobServerSpec" and tests cases for the specific class used to run but with 1.1.6, it is not the case anymore.
To reproduce the issue,
NOTE: If you get a Not in Gzip format exception, then in the project root, execute rm -rf **/target
clone the project, currently it is using 1.1.6.
git checkout d7e231ea4ee9981e49b411d09f132e396c901b98 will switch to a point before 1.1.6 was introduce
Execute sbt "testOnly *JobServerSpec", tests should be running
git checkout master to switch back to version with sbt 1.1.6
Execute sbt "testOnly *JobServerSpec"
It should not run any tests.
I am migrating from activator from 0.13.x to sbt 1.x.
I used to compile my modules like this $ activator clean compile publish-local -Dversion=1
Now, I am trying to do it with sbt since activator has been deprecated, but I can not find how I should migrate to something similar like $ sbt clean compile publish-local -Dversion=1?
Activator (the CLI part) was just a wrapper around sbt with some custom commands. So what you wrote should work the same, expect that the snake-case was deprecated in favor of the camelCase:
sbt clean compile publishLocal
If you need to pass a var to the Java runtime with -D you have to place it before any commands: sbt -Dversion=1 ....
Notice that you use batch mode to run the commands:
Running in batch mode requires JVM spinup and JIT each time, so your build will run much slower. For day-to-day coding, we recommend using the sbt shell or Continuous build and test feature described below.
To follow this recommendation, just run sbt and then enter those commands one by one. Or to run them all sequentially, enter ; clean; compile; publishLocal.
I don't wanna create any deployable without running tests. Is there anyway in sbt-native-packager / sbt where I could run sbt test in inside sbt dist, which would fail when any test fails?
There are multiple ways to achieve this.
Create a command alias
This is my recommended approach as it is very explicit, easy to understand and extend. In your build.sbt add
addCommandAlias("buildDist", "; compile ; test ; dist")
Now you can call sbt buildDist
Depend on test
You can add dependencies between tasks. In your build.sbt
dist := (dist dependsOn test).value
This will add the test task as a dependency
My project uses sbt-native-packager's Docker plugin to generate Docker containers. I'd like containerization to occur before running unit tests. (The command to do this is 'sbt docker:publishLocal')
How can I wire in my Build.scala file so that the test task in sbt will run docker:publishLocal first, before its normal test activities?
(Keys.test in Test) <<= (Keys.test in Test) dependsOn (publishLocal in Docker)
I have a multi-module build, and would like to run tests for different sub-projects independently.
Is there a way to do this in sbt, e.g. if my multi-project build has a core and commons projects, I'd like to only run test in the commons project.
Run sbt commons/test. See detailed explanation in Scopes.
You may also use the combination of two commands from sbt - changing the current project using project and executing test afterwards.
sbt "project commons" test
You can also use
sbt "; project commons; test"
It you are running sbt in interactive mode:
> project commons
> test
You can switch back to core with:
> project core
Never mind, I came across this:
How to execute package for one submodule only on Jenkins?
sbt "project core" test
Another way to do this.
Get into SBT interactive mode
> sbt
sbt:core> commons / test
No need to switch between projects.
to run sbt test only for ONLY the submodules having added, modified on deleted files, if you use git:
while read -r proj ; do sbt "project $proj" test ; \
done < <(git status --porcelain | cut -c 3- | cut -d/ -f1
There is another way to have sbt open for a particular module.
Go to the location of the module directory and type in the "sbt" command.
sbt will then open in interactive mode for that module only