CSS layout best practice - css

I am unsure what the best combination of CSS rules and HTML elemtents is to achieve this layout:
example layout
(Apologies for the image, it was the best way I could think of to express what I had in mind)
It is essentially a table with 2 rows and 4 columns, but I don't want to use tables.
I'm fairly confident I could hack something together that would do this but it wouldn't be elegant or optimal and I want to know the cleanest way of doing it.
Let me know if this is not clear. Thanks

Do you mean something like this?

Depending on what's your target audicence, consider using 1200px.com.
In case you already have your template, I made you this jsFiddle. You can start from there :)

For simple layout, float all the containers ("columns") left and make sure to clearfix the parent container of those columns:
<section class="clearfix">
<img src="img1.jpg">
<figcaption>Text here</figcaption>
<img src="img2.jpg">
<figcaption>Text here</figcaption>
<img src="img3.jpg">
<figcaption>Text here</figcaption>
<img src="img4.jpg">
<figcaption>Text here</figcaption>
Your CSS might be:
(clearfix as described on linked page)
figure {
float: left;
For more control and structure, try a grid system, like 960.gs.
This example is assuming that your images have captions, and the HTML5 figure tag and figcaption tags are well-suited for this purpose.

The most important thing is to keep your HTML semantic. So there's no "HTML best suited for this layout" but rather HTML best suited for that content. In this case it's what Matt suggests (figure and figcaption). I would probably use a list (ul with li) rather than section though.
Regarding the styling, there are numerous ways to achieve that layout. Depending on your specific needs (are the images equal height? equal width? what about the captions? one line? several lines? etc) you might get by using floats, you could also use display: inline-block and if you really want to replicate a table you can use display: table/table-row/table-cell.
Edit: I'd argue that using a grid system for this is like using an MVC framework to display an animated gif. All grid systems I've seen require the user to add quite a load of divs and classes that ruin your markup.


How to build a membership comparison overview?

I have a bit of an unusual question, but I'm stuck and thought someone here may know. I basically want to create a membership overview/comparison as included and was wondering how one would build it most efficiently/best, especialyl the part highlighted in red.
Would you tackle it with CSS and build each single element? Or would you rather do it in photoshop and include such pictures via code e.g. as background image?
Given that it's still code related (i.e. is it possible / efficient to build this with CSS), I hope the question is valid and someone could shed some light onto this! (I dont expect any code solution at all, just would like to understand if CSS/SVG coding is the most efficient way).
Thanks a lot for any help!!
You could create a single SVG element and just reuse it across the three different columns, changing the fill (orange/gray/blue).
The best you can do is to use bootstrap to reach this:
<div class="container">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column one, detail list -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column two, first membership option -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column third, second membership option -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column four, third membership option -->
you'll get a responsive well designed behaviour:
The part that you marked in red are only images.
You can find some for free googling a bit, or you can design yourself using photoshop, illustrator, or even gimp or microsoft paint if you want.
Then, in the example, you must add responsiveness to this images, check the next complete fiddle:
Then, you can add more bootstrap css or your main css to adapt it to whatever you want/need.
Hope it helps

Is there any supported way to not have a full liquid layout with clarity design?

I'm looking to do something where the layout caps out around 1000px (1080 / 1170 / whatever), and center the main content, sort of like the stackoverflow design (as an example, this is a super common thing). Is there a supported way to do this in clarity, or should I hack around with the menu / sidenav, etc to accomplish it?
This happens to be an open issue/request on our end that we will be looking to incorporate. In the meantime, the best thing is writing custom CSS to manage your needs for this case. You might want comment there about your specific needs so that they are heard.
Hope this helps.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-1"></div>
<div class="col-xs-10"></div>
<div class="col-xs-1"></div>
Use the rows, to mimic columns.

Bootstrap: Class reference

This may seem like a dumb question, but is there an official bootstrap class reference? I looked on the website and was unable to find one.
I'm looking though some of the examples and I'll see stuff like:
<div class="container-fluid">
How am I supposed to figure out what all the contain-fluid tag does? Am I expected to dig through the css for every class to look at the rules and then divine how it will affect my page? That seems like a quick way to make assumptions and run into problems later.
Is there an official reference somewhere that I'm missing? I've seen some class lists compiled by third parties, but it seems like those are always going to lag behind new changes and may contain assumptions of intensions.
Not official but current as of 2/2016 https://bootstrapcreative.com/resources/bootstrap-3-css-classes-index/
Printable pdf and a sortable table with descriptions to help sort through the list of classes.
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_quick_guide.htm contains a very good reference for many of the bootstrap layout and css components.
Bootstrap 3 moved to a "mobile first" approach. .container is really only there in instances where you need/want a boxy layout. but, if you exempt the div.container-fluid entirely, you're left with a fluid layout by default.
for example, to have a two-column fluid layout, simply use:
<div style="padding:0 15px;"><!-- offset row negative padding -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">50%</div>
<div class="col-md-6">50%</div>
The 2.x .container-fluid was replaced by .container in Bootstrap 3.x (http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#migration), so the .container is fluid, but it's not full width.
You can use the row as a fluid container, but you must tweak it a little to avoid a horizontal scroll bar. Excerpt from the docs (http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid)..
"Folks looking to create fully fluid layouts (meaning your site stretches the entire width of the viewport) must wrap their grid content in a containing element with padding: 0 15px; to offset the margin: 0 -15px; used on .rows."
More on changes in 3.x: http://bootply.com/bootstrap-3-migration-guide
Demo: http://bootply.com/91948
UPDATE for Bootstrap 3.1
container-fluid has returned again in Bootstrap 3.1. Now container-fluid can be used to create a full width layout: http://www.bootply.com/116382

do you keep class/id on the same div or break them up?

Since I couldn't find anything on yui3 documentation, I kindly ask your opinion on below. What is the best practice and why?
<div class="yui3-u-1-3" id="logo">
... content
<div class="yui3-u-1-3">
<div id="logo">
..... content
I consider best practice to use ID's on the purely layout specific HTML.
Having said that if there is any chance, even a remote one that you may have multiple instances of these in your page, then play safe and use classes.
There are some performance benefits (although it's almost negligible now, with faster browser rendering engines and speeds):
ID selectors are slightly faster in your CSS
ID selectors are more efficient as hooks using JS
Read this great section from Jonathan Snook's SMACSS e-book: https://smacss.com/book/type-layout
I would rather use CLASS over ID until something explicit, have been using yui3 grid since last 2 years for now. so far going great..
<div class="yui3-u-1-3 logo">
<div class="yui3-u-1-3">
<h5 class="logo">logo goes here</h5>

Two Paragraphs/Divs inline

Hi there I am not sure how to go about a particular problem so here it is.
Without using a Table I would like to display a paragraph with multiply lines of text then have an image on the right.
So far I have tried this:
<div id="container">
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
<img src="image.jpg"/>
I use a separate stylesheet
and have tried such things as display inline with no luck.
I will be grateful for any suggestions although I do not want to use a table as I am not a fan of using tables for layout.
Thank you.
You need another set of containers indie your container:
<div style="float:left;width:50%">
<div style="float:left;width:50%">
If you may consider using flexbox (which is fairly well supported now : https://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox )
You just need to make your container a display : flex; (example : https://codepen.io/anon/pen/GvZYwj)
#container {
display: flex;
For more infos about flexbox you can start out by reading MDN : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Flexible_Box_Layout/Using_CSS_flexible_boxes.
And if you want to get more about flexbox, there is this amazing tutorial : http://flexboxzombies.com/p/flexbox-zombies
If I understand what you're wanting to do. You could give the tag a class/style and do float:right in the CSS. Which would look like this:
<p style="float:right;"><img src="image.jpg" /></p>
Do yo want text flow around image? If yes then it is something like this:
If you want separate column for image, then it is something like this:
