I am trying to implement a macro which expands a unlimited list of triplet-arguments into lambda-function to check an argument (object).
(where >= amount 5 equalp name "george")
#'(lambda (arg)
(>= (amount arg) 5)
(equalp (name arg) "george")))
I got quite close with this macrodefinition:
(defmacro where (&rest list-of-argument-triplets )
`#'(lambda (arg)
,(do ( (counter 0 (+ counter 3)) (liste (list)))
( (>= counter (list-length list.of-argument-triplets)) liste)
(push `( ,(nth counter list-of-argument-triplets)
( ,(nth (+ counter 1) list-of-argument-triplets) arg)
,(nth (+ counter 2) list-of-argument-triplets)
but this expands to
#'(lambda (arg)
(and ((>= (amount arg) 5)
(equalp (name arg) "george"))))
which is one parentheses after the "and" too much. As a conclusion I would have to use an # in front of the result-form, but then the "#list" is treated
as if it is an parameter-name, and therefore I get an no-value error, instead of an expanded list.
*** - RETURN-FROM: variable #LISTE has no value
How can I fix that?
Code smell: you use NTH to access elements of a list.
I would first define a helper function, which makes out of the flat list a list of three element lists:
(defun triplets (list)
(loop while list
collect (list (pop list)
(pop list)
(pop list))))
CL-USER 1 > (triplets '(a b c d e f g h i))
((A B C) (D E F) (G H I))
The macro is then slightly simpler to write:
(defmacro where (&rest flat-triplets)
`#'(lambda (arg)
,#(mapcar (lambda (triplet)
(destructuring-bind (fn accessor item)
`(,fn (,accessor arg) ,item)))
(triplets flat-triplets))))
CL-USER 2 > (macroexpand-1 '(where >= amount 5 equalp name "george"))
I'm trying to do a recursive version of the function position called positionRec. The objective is define the position of an element in a list, and if the element is not in the list return "nil". For exemple:
(positionRec 'a '(b c d a e)) => 4
(positionRec 'a '(b c d e)) => nil
I have written:
(defun positionRec (c l)
((atom l) (return nil))
((equal c (first l)) 1)
(t (+ 1 (positionRec c (rest l)))) ) )
I don't succeed to return nil. I have an error "*** - return-from: no block named nil is currently visible"
Anyone can teach me how to do it?
Lisp is an expression language: it has only expressions an no statemends. This means that the value of a call to a function is simply the value of the last form involved in that call This is different than many languages which have both statements and expressions and where you have to explicitly litter your code with explicit returns to say what the value of a function call is.
A cond form in turn is an expression. The value of an expression like
(<test1> <test1-form1> ... <test1-formn>)
(<test2> <test1-form1> ... <test1-formn>)
(<testn> <testn-form1> ... <testn-formnn>))
is the <testm-formn> of the first <testm> which is true, or nil if none of them are (and as a special case, if there are no forms after a test which is true the value is the value of that test).
So in your code you just need to make sure that the last form in the test which succeeds is the value you want:
(defun positionRec (c l)
((atom l) nil)
((equal c (first l)) 1)
(t (+ 1 (positionRec c (rest l))))))
So, what use is return? Well, sometimes you really do want to say 'OK, in the middle of some complicated loop or something, and I'm done now':
(defun complicated-search (...)
(dolist (...)
(dolist (...)
(dotimes (...)
(when <found-the-interesting-thing>
(return-from complicated-search ...))))))
return itself is simply equivalent to (return-from nil ...) and various constructs wrap blocks named nil around their bodies. Two such, in fact, are dotimes and dolist, so if you want to escape from a big loop early you can do that:
(defun complicated-search (...)
(dolist (...)
(when ...
(return 3)))) ;same as (return-from nil 3)
But in general because Lisp is an expression language you need to use return / return-from much less often than you do in some other languages.
In your case, the modified function is going to fail: if you get to the ((atom l) nil) case, then it will return nil to its parent which will ... try to add 1 to that. A better approach is to keep count of where you are:
(defun position-of (c l)
(position-of-loop c l 1))
(defun position-of-loop (c l p)
((atom l) nil)
((equal c (first l)) p)
(t (position-of-loop c (rest l) (1+ p)))))
Note that this (as your original) uses 1-based indexing: zero-based would be more compatible with the rest of CL.
It would probably be idiomatic to make position-of-loop a local function:
(defun position-of (c l)
(labels ((position-of-loop (lt p)
((atom lt) nil)
((equal c (first lt)) p)
(t (position-of-loop (rest lt) (1+ p))))))
(position-of-loop l 1)))
And you could then use an iteration macro if you wanted to make it a bit more concise:
(defun position-of (c l)
(iterate position-of-loop ((lt l) (p 1))
((atom lt) nil)
((equal c (first lt)) p)
(t (position-of-loop (rest lt) (1+ p))))))
The main problem is that you're trying to deal with incommensurable values. On the one hand, you want to deak with numbers, on the other, you want to deal with the empty list. You cannot add a number to a list, but you will inherently try doing so (you have an unconditional (1+ ...) call in your default branch in your cond).
There are ways to work around that, one being to capture the value:
(t (let ((val (positionRec c (rest l))))
(when val ;; Here we "pun" on nil being both false and the "not found" value
(1+ val)))))
Another would be to use a method amenable to tail-recursion:
(defun positionrec (element list &optional (pos 1))
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql element (head list)) pos)
(t (positionrec element (rest list) (1+ pos)))))
The second function can (with a sufficently smart compiler) be turned into, basically, a loop. The way it works is by passing the return value as an optional parameter.
You could build a version using return, but you would probably need to make use of labels for that to be straight-forward (if you return nil directly from the function, it still ends up in the (1+ ...), where you then have numerical incompatibility) so I would go with either "explicitly capture the value and do the comparison against nil/false" or "the version amenable to tail-call elimination" and simply pick the one you find the most readable.
I am using a function from an external library returning a vector of four numbers and I want to access these values directly like it would be possible with destructuring-bind. See this pointless example:
(defun a-vector ()
(vector 1 2 3 4))
(defun a-list ()
(list 1 2 3 4))
(destructuring-bind (a b c d)
(format t "~D ~D ~D ~D~%" a b c d))
(destructuring-bind (a b c d)
(coerce (a-vector) 'list)
(format t "~D ~D ~D ~D~%" a b c d))
If I coerce the vector into a list it is possible and as performance isn't a problem here, it is maybe fine. But I was wondering if there is a more simple way?
You can bind variables to each cell as follows:
(defmacro with-aref ((&rest indices) array &body body)
(let ((a (gensym)))
`(let ((,a ,array))
for n from 0
for i in indices
collect (list i `(aref ,a ,n)))
You would use it as follows:
(with-aref (w x y z) vec
(setf w (+ x y z)))
With a bit more work, you can also support indices and different categories of accessors. Let's say each binding is a triple (i n k) where i is an identifier, n a number (or nil) that represents the numerical index and k is either :place, :value or nil; :place binds the symbol with symbol-macrolet, :value just binds it with let.
First, let's help the user by providing shortcut notations:
x stands for (x nil nil)
(x o) either stands for (x o nil) or (x nil o), depending on whether option o is a number or a symbol (at macroexpansion time).
Besides, we may want to automatically ignore the nil identifier, the empty symbol || or symbols starting with an underscore (e.g. _, _var).
Here is the normalization function:
(defun normalize-index (index)
(flet ((ret (i n k)
(let ((ignored (or (null i)
(string= i "")
(char= #\_ (char (string i) 0)))))
(list (if ignored (gensym) i) n k ignored))))
(let ((index (alexandria:ensure-list index)))
(typecase index
(null (ret nil nil nil))
(cons (destructuring-bind (i &optional n (k nil kp)) index
(if kp
(ret i n k)
(etypecase n
(symbol (ret i nil n))
((integer 0) (ret i n nil))))))))))
We can apply this normalization to a list of indices, and keep track of ignored symbols:
(defun normalize (indices)
for i in indices
for norm = (normalize-index i)
for (index number kind ignore) = norm
collect norm into normalized
when ignore
collect index into ignored
finally (return (values normalized ignored))))
Then, we take care of nil numbers in normalized entries. We want the indices to increase from the last used index, or be given explicitly by the user:
(defun renumber (indices)
for (v n k) in indices
for next = nil then (1+ index)
for index = (or n next 0)
collect (list v index k)))
For example:
(renumber (normalize '(a b c)))
((A 0 NIL) (B 1 NIL) (C 2 NIL))
(renumber (normalize '((a 10) b c)))
((A 10 NIL) (B 11 NIL) (C 12 NIL))
(renumber (normalize '((a 10) (b 3) c)))
((A 10 NIL) (B 3 NIL) (C 4 NIL))
We do the same for the kind of variable we bind:
(defun rekind (indices)
for (v n k) in indices
for next = nil then kind
for kind = (or k next :place)
collect (list v n kind)))
For example:
(rekind (normalize '(a b c)))
(rekind (normalize '(a (b :value) c)))
Finally, all those steps are combined in parse-indices:
(defun parse-indices (indices)
(multiple-value-bind (normalized ignored) (normalize indices)
(values (rekind (renumber normalized))
Finally, the macro is as follows:
(defmacro with-aref ((&rest indices) array &body body)
(multiple-value-bind (normalized ignored) (parse-indices indices)
(labels ((ignored (b) (remove-if-not #'ignoredp (mapcar #'car b)))
(ignoredp (s) (member s ignored)))
with a = (gensym)
for (i n k) in normalized
for binding = `(,i (aref ,a ,n))
when (eq k :value) collect binding into values
when (eq k :place) collect binding into places
finally (return
`(let ((,a ,array))
(let ,values
(declare (ignore ,#(ignored values)))
(symbol-macrolet ,places
(declare (ignore ,#(ignored places)))
For example:
(let ((vec (vector 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
(prog1 vec
(with-aref ((a 2) (b :value) c _ _ d (e 0) (f 1)) vec
(setf a (list a b c d e f)))))
The above is macroexpanded as:
(LET ((VEC (VECTOR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
(LET ((#:G1898 VEC))
(LET ((#:G1901 VEC))
(LET ((B (AREF #:G1901 3))
(C (AREF #:G1901 4))
(#:G1899 (AREF #:G1901 5))
(#:G1900 (AREF #:G1901 6))
(D (AREF #:G1901 7))
(E (AREF #:G1901 0))
(F (AREF #:G1901 1)))
(DECLARE (IGNORE #:G1899 #:G1900))
(LET* ((#:G19011902 #:G1901)
(#:NEW1 (LIST (AREF #:G1901 2) B C D E F)))
(FUNCALL #'(SETF AREF) #:NEW1 #:G19011902 2)))))
It produces the following result
#(0 1 (2 3 4 7 0 1) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
coredump's answer is lovely. This is a variant of it which binds variables rather than accessors, and also lets you optionally specify indices. So
(with-vector-elements ((a 3) b) x
will bind a to the result of (aref x 3) and b to the result of (aref x 4), for instance.
This is really only useful over coredump's answer if you're intending to (a) not write back to the vector and (b) use the bindings a lot, so you want to avoid a lot of possible arefs (which I don't think compilers can generally optimize away without some fairly strong assumptions).
(defmacro with-vector-elements ((&rest indices) vector &body forms)
(let ((canonical-indices
(loop with i = 0
for index in indices
collect (etypecase index
`(,index ,i)
(incf i)))
(destructuring-bind (var idx) index
(assert (and (symbolp var)
(typep idx '(and fixnum (integer 0))))
(var idx) "Invalid index spec")
(setf i (1+ idx))))))))
(vname (gensym "V")))
`(let ((,vname ,vector))
(let ,(loop for (var index) in canonical-indices
collect `(,var (aref ,vname ,index)))
There is also a package called metabang-bind - with nickname bind - in which the function bind can handle much more destructuring situations:
(ql:quickload :metabang-bind)
(in-package :metabang-bind)
(bind ((#(a b c) #(1 2 3)))
(list a b c))
;; => (1 2 3)
If not using in-package, you can call the function as bind:bind.
The function bind you can think of roughly as a destructuring-let* (similar idea to clojure's let, however not so clean in syntax but understandable because it has also to handle structs and classes and also values).
All the other use cases it can handle are described here.
In order to understand functional programing, please help me to write a function that output nth element of a list,
Allowed command:
define lambda cond else empty empty? first rest cons list
list? = equal? and or not + - * / < <= > >=
Sample output:
(fourth-element '(a b c d e)) => d
(fourth-element '(x (y z) w h j)) => h
(fourth-element '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h) (i j))) => (list 'g 'h)
or ‘(g h)
(fourth-element '(a b c)) => empty
I could write this in python, but I am not family with racket syntax,
def element(lst, x=0):
counter = x;
if (counter >= 3):
return lst[0]
return element(lst[1:],x+1)
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
The Output is 4
Comparing with code above in python. What is equivalent behavior in function that create local variable counter. What is "keyword" for return
It looks like you came up with an answer of your own. Nice work! I would recommend a more generic nth procedure that takes a counter as an argument. This allows you to get any element in the input list
(define (nth lst counter)
(cond ((null? lst) (error 'nth "index out of bounds"))
((= counter 0) (first lst))
(else (nth (rest lst) (- counter 1)))))
Now if you want a procedure that only returns the 4th element, we create a new procedure which specializes the generic nth
(define (fourth-element lst)
(nth lst 3))
That's it. Now we test them out with your inputs
(define a `(1 2 3 (4 5) 7))
(define b `(1 2 3))
(define c `((a b)(c d)(e f)(g h)(i j)))
(define d `(a b c))
(fourth-element a) ; '(4 5)
(fourth-element b) ; nth: index out of bounds
(fourth-element c) ; '(g h)
(fourth-element d) ; nth: index out of bounds
Note, when the counter goes out of bounds, I chose to raise an error instead of returning a value ("empty") like your program does. Returning a value makes it impossible to know whether you actually found a value in the list, or if the default was returned. In the example below, notice how your procedure cannot differentiate the two inputs
(define d `(a b c))
(define e `(a b c ,"empty"))
; your implementation
(fourth-element e) ; "empty"
(fourth-element d) ; "empty"
; my implementation
(fourth-element e) ; "empty"
(fourth-element d) ; error: nth: index out of bounds
If you don't want to throw an error, there's another way we can encode nth. Instead of returning nth element, we can return the nth pair whose head contains the element in question.
Below, nth always returns a list. If the list is empty, no element was found. Otherwise, the nth element is the first element in the result.
(define (nth lst counter)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((= counter 0) lst)
(else (nth (rest lst) (- counter 1)))))
(define (fourth-element lst)
(nth lst 3))
(define a `(1 2 3 (4 5) 7))
(define b `(1 2 3))
(define c `((a b)(c d)(e f)(g h)(i j)))
(define d `(a b c))
(define e `(a b c ,"empty"))
(fourth-element a) ; '((4 5) 7)
(fourth-element b) ; '()
(fourth-element c) ; '((g h) (i j))
(fourth-element d) ; '()
(fourth-element e) ; '("empty")
Hopefully this gets you to start thinking about domain (procedure input type) and codomain (procedure output type).
In general, you want to design procedures that have natural descriptions like:
" nth takes a list and a number and always returns a list" (best)
" nth takes a list and a number and returns an element of the list or raises an exception if the element is not found" (good, but now you must handle errors)
Avoid procedures like
" nth takes a list and a number and returns an element of the list or a string literal "empty" if the element is not found" (unclear codomain)
By thinking about your procedure's domain and codomain, you have awareness of how your function will work as it's inserted in various parts of your program. Using many procedures with poorly-defined domains lead to disastrous spaghetti code. Conversely, well-defined procedures can be assembled like building blocks with little (or no) glue code necessary.
Here is how to write it in Python:
def nth(lst, idx=0):
if (len(lst) == 0):
return "empty"
elif (idx == 0):
return lst[0]
return nth(lst[1:], idx - 1)
nth([1,2,3], 1)
# ==> 2
def fourth-element(lst):
return nth(lst, 4)
Same in Scheme/Racket:
(define (nth lst idx)
(cond ((empty? lst) empty) ; more effiecent than (= (length lst) 0)
((= idx 0) (first lst))
(else (nth (rest lst) (- idx 1))))
(nth '(1 2 3) 1)
; ==> 2
(define (fourth-element lst)
(nth lst 4))
There is no keyword for return. Every form returns the last evaluated code:
(if (< 4 x)
(bar x)
(display "print this")
(foo x)))
This if returns either the result of (bar x) or it prints "print this" then returns the result of (foo x). The reason is that for the two outcomes of the if they are the tail expressions.
(define (test x)
(+ x 5)
(- x 3))
This function has two expressions. The first is dead code since it has no side effect and since it's not a tail expression, but the (- x 3) is what this function returns.
(define (test x y)
(define xs (square x))
(define ys (square y))
(sqrt (+ xs ys)))
This has 3 expressions. The first two has side effects that it binds two local variables while the third uses this to compute the returned value.
(define a `(1 2 3 (4 5) 7))
(define b `(1 2 3))
(define c `((a b)(c d)(e f)(g h)(i j)))
(define d `(a b c))
(define (my-lst-ref lst counter)
(cond[(>= counter 3) (first lst)]
[else (my-lst-ref (rest lst)(+ counter 1))]
(define (fourth-element lst)
(cond[(>= (list-length lst) 4) (my-lst-ref lst 0)]
[else "empty"]))
(fourth-element a)
(fourth-element c)
(fourth-element d)
(list 4 5)
(list 'g 'h)
I am by most standards a novice lisp programmer, however, I don't feel what I am trying to do is particularly complex and I do not understand why it is not working.
I am trying to create a database of events that occur throughout time and are connected based on how they appear in relation to one another. This concept is highly experimental and not what I'm looking for feedback on.
The idea is to generate a random name for the event (which are referred to as symbols in the program, bad style, I know), generate a random number of appearances for the event (which have a start time, a duration, and a period of time that elapses until the event occurs again). Then once I have created a random number of event types, and a random number of appearances for each, I'd like to organize them in a list in chronological order, but I am not getting very far because the name I am creating is generating a type error in sym-aprs-h, in the sym-appearances accessor function. It is trying to tell me that it is not of expected type sym, but when I run tests such as calling type-of on ran-sym-name it returns symbol. So I really have no idea what is going on.
(defun initialize ()
(defvar *alphabet* '#(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
(defvar *symbol-names* nil)
(defvar *moment-chain* nil))
(defun ran-let ()
(Coerce (aref *alphabet* (random 26)) 'character))
(defun ran-sym-name ()
(intern (coerce (list (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let)) 'string)))
(defstruct sym
(name nil)
(appearances nil)
(connections nil))
(defun ran-sym-gen ()
(let ((x (ran-sym-name)))
(cond ((member x *Symbol-names*) (ran-sym-gen))
(t (push x *Symbol-names*)(make-sym :name x)(sym-aprs x)))))
(defun sym-aprs-h (s tm n)
(let ((dr (+ 1 (random 7200))))
(cond ((= n 0) nil)
(t (push (list tm dr nil) (sym-appearances s)) (push (list tm dr s nil) *moment-chain*) (sym-aprs-h s (+ tm dr (random 14400)) (- n 1))))))
(defun sym-aprs (s)
(sym-aprs-h s (get-universal-time) (+ 1 (random 101))))
(defun mchain-org ()
(sort *moment-chain* #'< :key #'car))
(defun mchain-con (n)
(cond ((= 0 n) nil)
(t (ran-sym-gen) (mchain-con (- n 1)))))
As I said I'm new to the language and teaching myself by taking on a smidge more than I can handle. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated, however, I'm primarily interested in getting sym-appearances to not generate a type error.
(defun initialize ()
(defvar *alphabet* '#(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
(defvar *symbol-names* nil)
(defvar *moment-chain* nil))
DEFVAR does not belong inside a DEFUN. DEFVAR is a toplevel macro.
(defun ran-let ()
(Coerce (aref *alphabet* (random 26)) 'character))
Coerce over and over.
(defun ran-sym-name ()
(intern (coerce (list (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let) (ran-let))
Just pick characters from a string and append them.
(defstruct sym
(name nil)
(appearances nil)
(connections nil))
(defun ran-sym-gen ()
(let ((x (ran-sym-name)))
(cond ((member x *Symbol-names*) (ran-sym-gen))
(t (push x *Symbol-names*)
(make-sym :name x)
(sym-aprs x)))))
The result of (make-sym :name x) disappears in the Lisp nirvana. You pass the symbol to sym-aprs is that really what you want?
(defun sym-aprs-h (s tm n)
(let ((dr (+ 1 (random 7200))))
(cond ((= n 0) nil)
(t (push (list tm dr nil) (sym-appearances s))
(push (list tm dr s nil) *moment-chain*)
(sym-aprs-h s (+ tm dr (random 14400)) (- n 1))))))
(defun sym-aprs (s)
(sym-aprs-h s (get-universal-time) (+ 1 (random 101))))
(defun mchain-org ()
(sort *moment-chain* #'< :key #'car))
(defun mchain-con (n)
(cond ((= 0 n) nil)
(t (ran-sym-gen) (mchain-con (- n 1)))))
Why not use DOTIMES or LOOP?
Style: you might want to check the types of s and other variables. It might also be useful to use speaking names and/or documentation.
If you look at the code in a week you won't be able to tell what it is supposed to do...
You also want to format the code differently. See my version.
Define the function 'occ' that takes a list L and a symbol A and counts the occurance of symbol A in L.
(occ '(((s) o ) d) 'f) --> 0
What i have gotten so far:
(defun occ(list a)
(setq counter 0)
;Checks if the given list is has an nested list
(if (consp list)
; Breaking the list down atom by atom and recursing
(or (occ a (car list))
(occ a (cdr list)))
; checks if symbols are the same
(if(eq a list)
(setq counter(1+ counter)))))
However My output keep saying Nil instead of displaying the counter value.
I cannot use any higher-functions of LISP.
First of all, don't use setq for variable initialization inside yout function, use let. Second, let's look why you doing it wrong, your code:
(defun occ(list a)
(setq counter 0) ;; You always setting counter to 0 on new
;; level of recursion
(if (consp list)
(or (occ a (car list)) ;; You reversed arguments order?
(occ a (cdr list))) ;; according to your definition it must be
;; (occ (car list) a)
(if(eq a list)
(setq counter(1+ counter)))))
Anyway, you don't need any counter variables to do what you want.
Right function may look like this (i changed arguments order becaus it looks better for me to find SYMBOL in LIST):
(defun occ (sym nested-list)
((consp nested-list)
(+ (occ sym (car nested-list)) (occ sym (cdr nested-list))))
((eq sym nested-list) 1)
(t 0)))
CL-USER> (occ 'x '(((s) o ((f ()) f)) d))
CL-USER> (occ 'f '(((s) o ((f (x (((f))))) f)) d f))
If you feed your definition to SBCL:
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: COUNTER
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined variable:
; caught 1 WARNING condition
So you are modifying a global undefined variable counter. When do the function return? Well, or will return the very first non nil return from recursion with car or cdr. What returns values? Well when it's not a cons it will evaluate to the intermediate value of a incf of counter when the symbol matches or nil when it doesn't.
Try doing it like this:
(defun occ (list a &optional (counter 0))
(cond ((equal list a) (1+ counter))
((atom list) counter)
(t (occ (cdr list)
(occ (car list)
counter is an optional accumulator that you use to hold the values. Since it's passed it isn't shared between the recursive calls but replaced with the updated value at each call making it functional and easy to follow. When you need to search both car and cdr you recurse car with the counter of this stage and the returning value will be used as the counter in the cdr. For lists of atom this will be tail recursive if the implementation supports it. This supports finding symbols as tails of lists. eg. (occ '((x . x) . x) 'x) ; ==> 3 If you are sure you have no dotted list (every list is nil terminated) you can use the loop macro:
(defun occ (list a)
(loop :for e :in list
:counting (equal e a) :into count
:if (consp e)
:summing (occ e a) :into sum
:finally (return (+ count sum))))
;; tests
(occ '(x (x x (x (x ) x)) y z) 'y) ; ==> 1
(occ '(x (x x (x (x ) x)) y z) 'x) ; ==> 6
(occ '((x . x) . x) 'x) ; ERROR like "A proper list must not end with X".