Show only VIEWS in SQLite - sqlite

How can i see only VIEWS in SQLite.
.tables command list both views as well as tables. I want to see only VIEWS and not tables.

You can do:
SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'view';
In order to fine-tune it:
.headers on
select * from sqlite_master;
you will know what columns are available there.


Netsuite suiteQL get fields of tables and fields of views

How can I get a list of fields for tables or views from NetSuite using a SuiteQL connection?
I tried select * from oa_columns where table_name = 'account'; but that did not work.
I'm using the CDATA ODBC Connector
SELECT ColumnName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Account' does the trick

List all tables in a DB using SQLite

I can't seem to find documentation (that I understand) on how to list all tables in a database. I've tried the following:
SELECT * FROM .table;
SELECT * FROM world.db;
None of them worked. I'm just learning SQL, so forgive my ignorance. :0)
Try this:
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'
If you are in interactive mode, you can use this:
Another method with extra information:

Oracle - Getting the fields of all tables in a database

I know that to find all the fields of a table I should use something like
sqlplus > desc testtable;
This lists all the fields of a table (here testtable)
But now, I have a list of tables in my database.
What is the way through which I can get the fields of all tables
in a given database using sqlplus?
I tried
sqlplus > desc <Databasename>; which didnot work.
Someone told me to use
sqlplus > select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ; //gives error.
(At the bottom line, I am trying to get the database schema.)
I don't believe that the information_schema tables you can find in other dbs (SQL Server, PostGres, MySQL, etc) is in Oracle. I use to use the ALL_TAB_COLUMNS table to get at that type of information....maybe another alternative.

SQLite3: Command to view created table in SQLite shell?

I'm new to SQLite3 and would like to verify that the table and columns I have created were actually created. Is there a shell command that will display the table and columns? I tried Googling it but all I get is information on creating views. The .help doesn't appear to have anything that would help me. I would appreciate any information on this matter. Thank you in advance.
pragma table_info(YourTable);
lists all the columns of your table
To see the create table statement:
select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and tbl_name = 'YourTable';
From SQLite shell:
.schema <TABLE_NAME>
will show schema of TABLE_NAME. Remember not to place ';' after it.

Query to get all table names

Can any one tell me that how to get names of all tables of a database using
A newer method on SQL Server is to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views to get the information:
This particular view also includes Views in its list of tables, which is why you need the where clause.
You didn't mention which database engine you are using. On SQL Server, you can query the sysobjects table and filter for objects with type U:
SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U'
In case you are interested in the MySQL way to achieve this, you can use
DESCRIBE tableName;
