Can R create a barplot image with clickable bars to insert on a webpage? - r

I know how to create a barplot, and how to stick it on a webpage; e.g, using hwriteImage in the hwriter package.
What I'd like is for each bar to be a region which highlights on mouseover, and where each bar has a different link when clicked. Similar to this map of the U.S. using the jQuery maphilight plugin, but for a barplot rather than a map. I imagine R could calculate the coordinates of the regions around each bar, generate the HTML AREA tag etc and pass this to maphilight quite easily. Has it been done already? I searched but no luck so far.

Have a look here, which summarises a couple of methods: rggobi and iplots. rggobi looks pretty promising, though maybe the installation looks a bit involved. iplots is only good for scatter plots.
Some other options (I think these are strongest ones at the moment):
The googleVis package interfaces with the google charts API: try demo(googleVis) and the third & fourth one are bar chart (there could be more). It has the advantage of being pretty simple to get started with, although these are not R graphics:
df=data.frame(country=c("US", "GB", "BR"), val1=c(10,13,14), val2=c(23,12,32))
Column <- gvisColumnChart(df)
The gridSVG exports the current grid graphics to an .svg file that can be included into a webpage. Unlike googleVis, it's R graphics (so you can use grid/ggplot2 which are more familiar). It looks like you may have to know some Javascript to further embellish your plots though (e.g. to animate on mouse over, you use grid.garnish(...,onmouseover=...)).
There's some example code you can try here (The really awesome ones are here - usually clicking on the "SVG file" link will have the full interactivity/animation.) (This one is a scatterplot where the points highlight when you move your mouse over them).
As I said - have a look at the package pages, demos, examples, etc to see which suits you.


How to implement interactive graph from plotly in overleaf?

I want to implement interactive graph from plotly in overleaf. However, overleaf removed the communication with plotly in the V2 version. Is it still possible somehow to implement interactive graph in overleaf and therefore in pdf?
I want to hide/unhide line, zoom in and see value of different points when clicking on it.
I saw this question a couple times before, but the answere was only to zoom in or use javascript and implementing different picture on top of eachother.
However, this is not what i am looking for. I am looking for a really interactive in PDF. Does somebody know how this is possible?

I need a special type of charts and don't know which chart plotting program support it

I would need create a chart like the one on the picture. I don't want to draw it by hand, since I need more of them. I prefer R CRAN for drawing charts, but would do also any other programming or plotting program. If possible pdf or eps outputs are preferable. Does anybody have an idea, what type of chart, or which R (or other SW) package would support something like that?
I have found the solution. Orange software package makes the charts.

How to draw pie of pie or bar of bar charts in R (using ggplot2)? [duplicate]

I know it is possible to create such double pie charts in excel like this:
but can SPSS or R do this also?
In relation to R:
The answer to the title question is "yes" ... see ?pie
As for the second question, the one in the body - it would be possible but would involve some coding. You'd have to draw two pie charts side by side (which could be managed with two calls to pie) and use segments or arrows (and text if necessary) to do the additional components of the plot.
Here's a rough example:
That required the fig argument of par to get them side-by-side.
(That example required a little fiddling to get right, but it would be possible to write a function to automate the details.)
The main issue I can see would be 'why on earth would you do it?' -- pie charts are a poor way of conveying information of this form. There are alternatives that result in much better ability to distinguish values, and less bias (such as what you get when comparing nearly horizontal vs nearly vertical slices).

Is it possible to create a pie in pie chart in SPSS or R?

I know it is possible to create such double pie charts in excel like this:
but can SPSS or R do this also?
In relation to R:
The answer to the title question is "yes" ... see ?pie
As for the second question, the one in the body - it would be possible but would involve some coding. You'd have to draw two pie charts side by side (which could be managed with two calls to pie) and use segments or arrows (and text if necessary) to do the additional components of the plot.
Here's a rough example:
That required the fig argument of par to get them side-by-side.
(That example required a little fiddling to get right, but it would be possible to write a function to automate the details.)
The main issue I can see would be 'why on earth would you do it?' -- pie charts are a poor way of conveying information of this form. There are alternatives that result in much better ability to distinguish values, and less bias (such as what you get when comparing nearly horizontal vs nearly vertical slices).

SVGAnnotation to create tool tips for each value in R heatmaps

I'd like to create a heat map in R that I want to use on a website. I stumbled upon the SVGAnnotation package which seems to be very nice to process SVG graphics in R to make them more interactive. First, I was planning to add tool tips for each cell in the heatmap - if the user hovers over the cell, the value of this cell should pop up. However, I am fighting with SVGAnnotation for more than 3 hours now, reading and trying things, and I can't get it to work.
I would appreciate any help on the SVGAnnotation tool tip function. But I would also very much appreciate alternatives to SVGAnnotation to add some activity to my R SVG heatmap.
So, what I have got so far looks like this:
cars <- as.matrix(mtcars)
map <- svgPlot(heatmap(cars))
addToolTips(map, ...) # problem
saveXML(map, "cars.svg")
My problem is the addToolTips function itself, I guess. Intuitively, I would simply insert the data matrix, i.e., cars, but this does not work and R gets stuck (it's calculating, but doesn't return anything, I waited 50 minutes)
After some more online research, I found a good example of what I want to achieve:
This heat map looks really great, and the interactive features (tool tips) work very well. I am wondering how they did that. To me, it looks like the graphic was done in R using the ggplot package.
I wrote a command line tool that can do exactly that if you are still interested to add tool tips to your heat map. It runs in Windows/Linux/MacOS terminals. All you need as input is the heat map as svg file and the data table/matrix that you used as input to create your heat map as csv or other text file.
