wordpress IE hack to have menu on line - css

I have a menu that looks fine in FF but in chrome and IE it is not sitting right on the line. Can anyone help. I have tried many CSS hacks but they have not worked in wordpress. I even tried external IE sheet and somewhere it was getting over written.
site remove for other purposes.
chrome and IE it is wrong.

Have the same problem as yours
IE version 6-8 have so many problem unlike 9 its better.
if you are using list on menu use this


css not working in Mozilla and IE

I tried with everything like proper style tags and all. but still site is not working in Firefox and IE
Link: http://webkurn.com/chrysler/index.html
Thanks a lot in advance
As per your CSS Statements they apply only on webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.). If you are pointing to a specific browser then you have to use webkit. Here you are making your queries to run on specific browser chrome or safari.
Try removing the webkit -webkit-min-device-pixel and check. Hope this help you
Most of the time, the problem is with the cache only if all the stylesheet tags are perfectly written. First try to remove your cache from your browsers of your website.Also, there are great tools like firebug(firefox) and inspect element tools(almost all browsers) which can be used to check the stylesheet file if it is updated or not.

Wordpress theme works very strange in IE

I'm working with WP website now and stuck with one problem.
The website is working fine in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE10, but in older IE versions (like IE9) it looks very strange. It seems that my custom CSS doesn't loaded properly. The interesting thing is that CSS styles partly applied to the website (icon font) but not styles which overrrides Foundation framework styles.
Maybe someone can explain me what I'm doing wrong and put me into right direction?
P.S. I'm not sure that it's important, but I based my WP theme on Foundation WP theme.
Thank you in advance!
have you tried adding this to the top of the head tag above the title tag to make sure IE uses the highest version in IE
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
also when viewing in IE are you checking the in the inspector (F12) making sure the Document Mode matches the Browser Mode so if your checking IE9.. you would
Browser Mode: IE9
Document Mode: IE9 Standards
The class .dl-menu is using the code:
opacity: 0;
Which is not very cross browser. You need to use a few versions for better support of opacity.
This is only the one point, and it looks like there may be others to me, but see if changing this helps you.
This page will explain the cross browser opacity properties well: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/cross-browser-opacity/
The problem appeared because the main CSS file was too large for IE8 and lower, and it just croped my CSS styles. I've broke it into 2 files and this fixed the problem :)
Thank you everyone who tried to help, and especially Spudley for pointing into right direction!

my entire CSS dies in ie7 mode

It's bizarre.
This site works perfectly in all browsers but IE7. In ie7 NOTHING works. Most of the css just doesn't even render. IE8? Fine. Ie9 Perfect. Firefox and Chrome, of course.
Want to hear something weirder? this is a template site i have worked with before. Other sites built on essentially the same template DO work in ie7.
This is why i think whatever it is is simple.
I don't want to paste the code here - it's massive. But i'll give you a link to the site and to the css
site: http://canadianrecovery.ca
css http://canadianrecovery.ca/css/screen.css
Thing is, i have document standard set to ie9 It works fine in ie7 mode with doc standards set to ie9
But i have noticed that most IE browsers don't display default doc standards... this is obviously some sort of issue with IE itself. But it's frustrating.. most end users have no clue how to fix this.
Thanks in advance.
I think I may have found the reason. In your body-style (line 13), you have the following:
font-family: "Times New Roman;
See that unclosed quote? Seems like Chrome, FF, IE9 etc can fix that error, whereas earlier versions of IE read the rest of the CSS as your font-family declaration.
Try Modernizr, it makes a lot of things possible in older/less compatible browsers without a lot of trouble. Try the development version to see if it can help you and compose your own production version targeting your specific needs to minimize the size (and speed) of the javascript library.
Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
Thanks everyone. I actually found a solution. Look for a js script called ie7.js and include it with conditional comments.. it solves a LOT of ie7 issues

Local testing WP theme in IE8 gives a strange layout?

Trying to test my theme on IE8 locally gives a bad result. But on the testing server it looks much better (not yet the same as FF or Chrome).
What do i need to do so my local IE8 behaves the same as IE8 on the server??
I am trying to get the full-screen background in IE8 to work with transparent div's
Bit clueless here.
oh i use xampp for windows
Without a link or code, all I can say is be sure your code is W3C valid. Missing and out of place tags are leading causes of bad IE display in Wordpress. Use the W3C Validator either live at http://validator.w3.org/ or as a local standalone http://habilis.net/validator-sac/

Having IE Troubles

I have recently built my own site www.poolspots.com. I am new to css and I have been developing in FF. When I checked it out in IE everything in the header and the footer is out of wack. I was wondering if anybody has any idea on how to fix this problem. If you look at it in FF it looks fine but when you look in IE it is way out of wack. I did manage to get the border off of the logo but it is still there for the Social Network Icons. Any help would be much appreciated.
P.S. I am not sure what version of IE I am using, I've looked everywhere but I can't find it.
add this to your CSS a img { border: 0 }
